Defense Still An Outright Disgrace!
November 1st, 2015
The way Atlanta WR Julio Jones and RB Devonta Freeman ran through the Bucs defense without breaking a sweat is a slap in the face to any sober NFL fan.
Yes, the win was thrilling. But let’s not let the lipstick hide the pig.
Or for that matter, the hog shat that is the Bucs’ defense.
Strong words? Well, they are warranted ,and Joe can’t find much stronger to use on a PG-rated site.
The defense was an embarrassment, a disgrace. Shameful, putrid, whatever you want to call it. To think this is a professional defense is simply mindblowing.
If the Dixie Chicks hadn’t played Santa Claus in the first half, then this game would have been an absolute blowout in their favor. Let’s be real here: That may have been the worst defensive effort Joe has ever seen, specifically the second half.
Sure, Gerald McCoy (!) rose up and (finally) made a big-time play when it was neededmost, a game-clinching near-sack that forced Matty Ice to toss an incomplete pass on fourth down in overtime.
But let’s not let the giddy win hide this horrid fact: At one point, Matty Ice threw 16 straight complete passes. SIXTEEN FREAKING STRAIGHT! Honest to God, Joe hasn’t seen that in a high school seven-on-seven league. Seriously.
And these guys the Bucs trot out on defense are alleged professionals? Unreal!
The Dixie Chicks racked up 496 yards of offense. Just a hair under 500 yards! That is beyond inexcusable.
If Lovie is to return for the 2016 season — and Joe strongly believes three more wins in the next nine games and Lovie is a lock to return — then either he needs to go out and get a decent defensive coordinator and give him complete and total control, much like Lovie has done with Dirk Koetter, or there needs to be a total overhaul of personnel on defense.
It is beyond clear that either Lovie’s defense is inept, his defensive players are inept, or they simply are not comprehending what Lovie is coaching, which goes back to player ineptitude.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:01 pm
Defense sucks but I love that they won. Scrappy Lil bastards.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:02 pm
Jameis, the offense, which Lovie has nothing to do with is great. The Defense, which is all Lovie does, is pure garbage. It’s simple folks, and you all know it’s true:
Jameis Christ = Hope
Judas Lovie = Dope
November 1st, 2015 at 7:04 pm
Ok, almost 500 yards for the Falcons, and also one INT, one ball taken in Julio Jones hand, 2 fumbles recovers !
This Defense is not as bad as your are saying Joe;
yes there is still work to do and Yes we need the secondary to come to play in a game before the end of the season, but there is some energy, some will, some talent in this defense.
There is room for improvment clearly.
Like last week, the defense did a really good job in first half and was more in difficulty in second half.
But I’m still believing in this defense.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:06 pm
Jameis, the offense, WHO LOVIE DRAFTED is GREAT! The Defense, which consists of a bunch of scrubs, is pure garbage. It’s simple folks and you all know its true:
Jameis Christ = DOPE
Lovie Smith = Genius
“It’s as simple as that” – Lovie Smith “I’m a head coach in the NFL and you’re just a B!TCH posting in a blog!!”
November 1st, 2015 at 7:06 pm
It’s just simply A lack of talent . We still need a good defensive draft
November 1st, 2015 at 7:08 pm
Actually option three. He took over such a sucky team from rock star that he has only been able to draft one defensive player.
When you got fifty leaks hard to plug them all in a year and a third.
But he dang sure has got the offense way better, starting with 3.
And, all I heard before Lovie was hired is that defense doesn’t matter it’s a out score your opponent league. Then he puts almost all his resources in fixing the offense and still the bitching.
Sad. Good young talent on this team thanks to Lovie. Simple as that. Give him a defensive draft and it will get scary good. Look at Kwon!
November 1st, 2015 at 7:10 pm
These 2 step drop backs and quick slants are killing us every week….
CAN’T WE JAM THE RECIEVERS AT THE LINE….ESPECIALLY THEIR TEs?…..It can’t be any worse….at least jam them and slow them down….
November 1st, 2015 at 7:10 pm
How many posts are you going to make that same joke on, give me a list so I can avoid the comment section on those.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:11 pm
No business winning today, but that makes up for last week anyway. For what its worth Verner i thought played well.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:11 pm
Onelovie- you are forgetting these are loser Lovie’s hand picked vets!!! Also this same defense everyone said Frazier had playing good to end 2014 loser Lovie has them looking like garbage
November 1st, 2015 at 7:13 pm
You know, there’s a lot of talk about building teams through the draft. And Lovie has spent 2 drafts mostly on shaping up the offense and it’s worked. How about we stop fussing about Lovie, and recognize that we know the defense is crap. But let’s let the guy use a draft or two on the offense? I wouldn’t be opposed to Team Glazer forcing Lovie to restructure his contract so he doesn’t have as much power as he does now. Also, it wouldn’t be bad to force a change in Defensive Coordinator. If Lovie is going to run the defense, then why have a DC? Make him get a real DC and give them the power to run it so he can actually just focus on head coaching duties. But let’s give him more time to build the defense. The players we have are the players we have and we know it’s not pretty.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:16 pm
I would like to know how many yards the Dixie Chikins would have if you take all the yards gained against Mike Jenkins off the board?? Charles Barkley calls him Turrabul, just Turrabul. I crack myself up!
November 1st, 2015 at 7:20 pm
First is to give Licht total control of player decisions . Then hire a d coordinator that can improve that side of ball cause it has not gotten better at all.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:24 pm
OneLove…you are a misguided individual and your affection for Lovie Smith is borderline homo. Yes I can say that, because political correctness in this country is about to go out the window when Trump becomes our next president.
The Falcons won the game for the Bucs. It’s as a clear as a bell. BUT there you are once again defending this a**-clown of defensive coach. There’s was so many things Lovie did wrong in this game it was blatantly obvious. I could list many things, but why bother. He WON’T be here next season anyways.
Can anyone tell me why Lovie wasn’t calling any T.O.’s on Atlanta’s final drive to tie it up with a minute and 30 seconds left on the clock? I’ll tell you why, because he’s an idiot that’s why. Atlanta’s coach was calling T.O. when we had the ball left before he 1/2 with 42 seconds on the clock just hoping that they could get the ball back to possibly score before the half. FORTY TWO SECONDS LEFT. Does that sink in to fans like OneLove and Bonzai? Lovie had 2 T.O.’s and ONE MINUTE 30 SECONDS LEFT and he doesn’t use any of them??????????????? He was happy to take it to overtime. Answer me that OneLove. Is that a genius?
AND YOU HAVE THE FREAKING GALL TO CALL OUR ROOKIE QB A DOPE AND LOVIE A GENIUS. It’s fans like YOU that make me not want to even come to this site anymore you’re so ignorant!
November 1st, 2015 at 7:25 pm
OneLove…you are a misguided individual and your affection for Lovie Smith is borderline g*y. Yes I can say that, because political correctness in this country is about to go out the window when Trump becomes our next president.
The Falcons won the game for the Bucs. It’s as a clear as a bell. BUT there you are once again defending this a**-clown of defensive coach. There’s was so many things Lovie did wrong in this game it was blatantly obvious. I could list many things, but why bother. He WON’T be here next season anyways.
Can anyone tell me why Lovie wasn’t calling any T.O.’s on Atlanta’s final drive to tie it up with a minute and 30 seconds left on the clock? I’ll tell you why, because he’s an idiot that’s why. Atlanta’s coach was calling T.O. when we had the ball left before the 1/2 with 42 seconds on the clock just hoping that they could get the ball back to possibly score before the half. FORTY TWO SECONDS LEFT. Does that sink in to fans like OneLove and Bonzai? Lovie had 2 T.O.’s and ONE MINUTE 30 SECONDS LEFT and he doesn’t use any of them??????????????? He was happy to take it to overtime. Answer me that OneLove. Is that a genius?
AND YOU HAVE THE FREAKING GALL TO CALL OUR ROOKIE QB A DOPE AND LOVIE A GENIUS. It’s fans like YOU that make me not want to even come to this site anymore you’re so ignorant!
November 1st, 2015 at 7:29 pm
Bonzai sorry I lumped you together with this moron.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:30 pm
Well said Joe. I understand trying to find a silver lining, like McCoy’s grab or Kwon’s play, but pretending this is a competent defense is just asinine. Major room for improvement.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:30 pm
You literally HAVE to be family or have the brain of a 5 year old…
November 1st, 2015 at 7:30 pm
I would like to know what lead is safe with this defense? Seriously… what number is SAFE with this defense.
It’s gotta be in the high-30s, am I right?
November 1st, 2015 at 7:33 pm
^^^^^87 dropping it like it’s hot right there.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:33 pm
A minute and thirty seconds left, to timeouts and Atlanta is driving for the evntyual tie that EVERY Buc fan on the planet knew was coming and Lovie doesn’t use any of them.
Jameis Winston HAD to be on the sideline thinking WTF is my coach doing? JW has 10 times the brains of this idiot we have for a head caoch.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:36 pm
Damn, OneLove, you made 87 break his oath of silence. Not sure if you should be honored or embarrassed.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:39 pm
87 it’s so true. Jameis is gonna be like Peyton in that he’s the real coach of the team while he carries substandard coaching to winning. Jameis can succeed in spite of Lovie, but its amazing to image what he’ll do when he gets a real NFL coach. Let’s hope it’s soon.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:41 pm
Dude I’m dropping a nuclear bomb on his head.
Calling our rookie QB a dope and Lovie a genius???????
What kind of idiot watches that game and comes out with that kind of take?
Lovie’s a genius and Winston’s a dope.
There’s not a coach in the NFL that would not have been using those timeouts. I take that back there’s ONELOVIE that would because we all just witnessed it today.
WalkDaPlank….in my rant last week about not wanting to even talk about this team on this site anymore, the single reason why was because of fans like OneLovie.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:41 pm
Worst fans in the league.
A team chuck full of young talent drafted by Lovie Smith. We’re playing with a rookie QB and two rookies on our Oline. An eyelash from 4-3. Two road wins in the division.
Rather than recognize were up and coming and get behind the team “fans” still trash Lovie.
The disgrace is this fan base. Not Lovie Smith. Absolutely pathetic and sad.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:44 pm
Eric we won in spite of Lovie. As we’ll continue to do as long as he’s coach. Stop defending atrocious coaching, we’re pretty much 1 or 2 plays from blow 41 points worth of leads in 2 straight losses. Jameis is our hope, Lovie is the dope. Jameis can take us a long way, but he’ll always be held back by Lovie being his head coach.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:46 pm
Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:
Having a black QB is one thing, but having a black head coach as well is too much for you?
November 1st, 2015 at 7:52 pm
Buc1987 Says:
November 1st, 2015 at 7:25 pm
OneLove…you are a misguided individual and your affection for Lovie Smith is borderline g*y. Yes I can say that, because political correctness in this country is about to go out the window when Trump becomes our next president.
The Falcons won the game for the Bucs. It’s as a clear as a bell. BUT there you are once again defending this a**-clown of defensive coach. There’s was so many things Lovie did wrong in this game it was blatantly obvious. I could list many things, but why bother. He WON’T be here next season anyways.
Can anyone tell me why Lovie wasn’t calling any T.O.’s on Atlanta’s final drive to tie it up with a minute and 30 seconds left on the clock? I’ll tell you why, because he’s an idiot that’s why. Atlanta’s coach was calling T.O. when we had the ball left before the 1/2 with 42 seconds on the clock just hoping that they could get the ball back to possibly score before the half. FORTY TWO SECONDS LEFT. Does that sink in to fans like OneLove and Bonzai? Lovie had 2 T.O.’s and ONE MINUTE 30 SECONDS LEFT and he doesn’t use any of them??????????????? He was happy to take it to overtime. Answer me that OneLove. Is that a genius?
AND YOU HAVE THE FREAKING GALL TO CALL OUR ROOKIE QB A DOPE AND LOVIE A GENIUS. It’s fans like YOU that make me not want to even come to this site anymore you’re so ignorant!
You are stupid!
November 1st, 2015 at 7:52 pm
Eric can YOU answer the question as to why Lovie didn’t use his timeouts before the Falcons tied it up?
Can any of you answer that question that I stated about 20 times in my above rants?
November 1st, 2015 at 7:54 pm
Gotta give credit where it is deserved. The defense handed us the ball with short fields that led to scores early in the game. They are the reason we got the lead in the first half. Sure they “gave” us 2 easy fumbles, but the defense was opportunistic in jumping on those gifts. We have seen the ball bounce the other way numerous times. Sure in the middle there they let matt ryan get back in the game. But when the offense failed to score a TD in overtime, the defense was the hero with a gutsy stop to end the game. Yeah it wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine, but what did you expect from this defense? Tbh they performed better than i would have expected. I figured the falcons would put up 30 or 40 on our defense.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:54 pm
loggedontosay…can you answer the question why we didn’t use those timeouts?
BTW the that Lovie is dog poo guy LOVES Jameis and so do I. I’m also a bigger fan of Tony Dungy than any Buc fan on the planet. So drop your foolish race card crap in the trash where it belongs.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:58 pm
Someone pleeeeease answer that question for me if they have so much faith in Lovie Freaking Smith. Because I was losing my skull on that entire drive for the tie as Lovie wouldn’t stop the clock just ONCE to give the D a rest and also give his offense time on the clock to set up for a FG for the win.
I guess none of you Lovie’s Lovers had any problem with that at all during that drive. If not then answer the question.
November 1st, 2015 at 7:59 pm
87… whoooa calm down there brother.. Allow me to educate you…
I called Jameis DOPE as in “DOPE – adj. meaning very good, ex.
“that suit is dope!” Now I understand you may not have understood that because your a b!tch, but hopefully now you do.
I either must be family or have the brain of a 5 year old??? DISCULPAME!?!?! I’m not the one that is acting like B!TCH saying “Oh you know what guys, i’m going to stop watching bucs games until Lovie gets fired!”. “You know what guys, im going to stop posting, but temporarily come back when I want to because i’m a b!tch!” Do you realize how PATHETIC that looks/sounds!?!?! Sounds like something a 5 year old would do…
I’m just pointing out the obvious. The BUCS won the game! Stop day dreaming and creating WHAT IF scenarios in your mind!! That’s probably the reason why you think you’re SMART in the first place!! It’s not HEALTHY BRO! The Bucs went ON THE ROAD AND WON A DIVISION GAME AGAINST A TEAM THAT WAS 6-1!!! NOW GO CRY YOURSELF TO SLEEP B!TCH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
“It’s as simple as that” – Lovie Smith aka “I’m STILL a Head Football Coach in the NFL and YOU’RE STILL A B!TCH posting on a blog”
November 1st, 2015 at 7:59 pm
Also the bucs held freeman to under 100 yards rushing and 0 touchdowns. Not bad considering he is the rushing and scoring leader among running backs. Get used to the fact this defense is not very good. It’s reality. Giving a ton of yards looks ugly, but the fact is we kept the potent Falcons offense to just 20 points over 4+ quarters. We kept them below their season average of 28 ppg before this week. There are obvious negatives that this defense has, but after a win, why not look at the positives?
November 1st, 2015 at 8:03 pm
OneLove…can answer the question? If Lovie’s a “genuis” then why did he not call timeout not once during the Falcons final drive for the tie?
There’s was plenty of time left on the clock, but Lovie was content to take it to OT and not use even ONE of his T.O.’s.
That’s a genuis? A high school coach would have used BOTH of those timeouts to save time on the clock for his O in case Atlanta tied the game.
But to you that makes him a genius???????
November 1st, 2015 at 8:08 pm
If you can’t figure this out then i’m afraid I can’t help you…. Now do us all a favor and write another post that says “Guys, I won’t be posting again until Lovie Smith gets fired” and be gone…
“It’s as simple as that” – Lovie Smith
November 1st, 2015 at 8:08 pm
87. I originally thought lovie was stupid for not using timeouts, but if he did, it would have opened up the falcons the option to run the ball. Also if there would have been enough time on the clock we would have timeouts for our offense to use to get us in fg range. (Obviously lovie blew that opportunity by taking a knee.) also timeouts usually are in favor of the offense. They can make an adjustment or call up something special. In the end it was a horse a piece for me. So i won’t criticize this one. Either way it would have ended the same. Falcons touchdown, and the bucs taking a knee to end regulation. Doesn’t matter if there were 40 seconds left, lovie always takes a knee in those situations.
November 1st, 2015 at 8:09 pm
If not for Atlanta fumbling the ball so much the Bucs would have gotten bitch slapped. Yes Joe you’re correct in your statement. Atlanta WON the game for the Bucs, because Lovie’s D and the players HE brought in to run it are hot garbage. Thank God for Kwon, because that’s all they really have right now on D as far as I’m concerned. You can throw in Banks too, but he’s not a Lovie guy so really you can’t throw him in.
Hurray, I’m thrilled the Bucs won. I ran around my mother’s front yard during a BBQ when they won. I was excited as every Buc fan, BUT Lovie Smith has got to go!
November 1st, 2015 at 8:10 pm
And im not defending lovie as a whole, he still needs to be fired.
November 1st, 2015 at 8:10 pm
Wow. OneLove. A real keyboard badass. All your little girl comments and love for WANG show your just a PUNK that does not get enough WANG!!!!
November 1st, 2015 at 8:12 pm
Ignore OneJAB83Love 87, he’s kin with Lovie, he has to be with the over the top defences.
November 1st, 2015 at 8:12 pm
Trubucfan22…really dude? You didn’t expect Atlanta to tie it up on that drive? EVERY coach in the NFL would be calling those timeouts. EVERY…SINGLE..ONE.
OneLove….YOU can’t answer the question can you? Typical.
November 1st, 2015 at 8:53 pm
How do you play all these zone coverages with no pass rush? The run defense is ok but every qb lights us up. Any good qb with time will pick apart this secondary. They gotta get a pass rusher in draft early. I’d say a good safety too. Conte and mcdougle look barely serviceable to me.
November 1st, 2015 at 9:02 pm
87. I already gave you 3 reasons why he could justify not calling the timeouts. You wanted reasons why he shouldn’t and i delivered. Your trolling and negativity after a WIN is hypocritical to what you usually stand for. Enjoy the win. No matter how ugly it was.
November 1st, 2015 at 9:05 pm
87 you should be the biggest Lovie Smith fan in this town. He is responsible for bringing in Jameis!!!!!
He even defended him against Bobby Bowden!
And stuck with the kid after the tough start.
I don’t get it man. We finally got the franchise guy and you want to jerk the coach and ruin him. Jameis loves Lovie!
November 1st, 2015 at 9:24 pm
Eric…I’ve seen too many stupid in-game decisions to make my decisions to make my call on Lovie. I’m the guy that said they started tanking last season to get Jameis. Lovie has proven me wrong. I’ve seen enough to change my mind.
I’ve addressed this thing about Lovie being the one to draft Jameis thingy before with tickrdr. He asked me if I think Lovie gets too many FA signings wrong, then how come I think Lovie got it right with Jameis.
Well that’s a 2 part answer. 1. The Glazers made Lovie draft Jameis and 2. Drafting Jameis was a no-brainer which is what Lovie has… an empty skull.
Look I was giving this guy the benefit of the doubt. I’m probably the last one on the fire Lovie train. I dismissed Realist, DallasBuc, and Tmaxcon’s claim’s that Lovie was incompetent. Either that or I was rooting for them to be wrong, but they’re not. They simply are noy wrong about Lovie and neither am I. All of you will soon join this wagon at some point this season, no matter how well the O plays, the D will always suck. That my friends falls upon Lovie Smith himself. Like I said I’m slow to join this wagon, but it’s only a matter of time before the rest of you sane Buc fans jump on board.
November 1st, 2015 at 9:26 pm
Typo’s galore and I haven’t even had a drink in over 2 months…no that has nothing to do with my ranting either.
November 1st, 2015 at 9:43 pm
I’ll say one thing… There are a lot of keyboard tough guys tonight.
November 1st, 2015 at 10:00 pm
87… you are fanning the flames of the dump Lovie train that has stopped at the station right after a win. Yeah the Bucs defense is any opposing QB’s dream matchup, but this time the Bucs came out victorious. Not many times have Buc fans enjoyed a win lately, a semi rare event. Any win is a special outcome.
November 1st, 2015 at 10:18 pm
87 I very much disagree about the timeout situation. Not every coach would call their TOs in that scenario, maybe not any would. Key being 1) Atlanta had no TOs themselves and was in scramble mode, and 2) the best they can do is tie the game. Where you see the D using timeouts is when the offense is driving for a potential go-ahead score, not a tying score. Costs outweigh the benefits IMO … getting a score after Atlanta tied it would be a luxury, not a necessity.
November 2nd, 2015 at 1:12 am
Why should we stop the clock for the Falcons who have 0 timeouts left and less than a minute to go. Using your timeouts there would be just as idiotic as not using them. It’s no win. On 1 hand you want your defense to get the stop and win the game. On the other you expect your defense to lose and you are trying to get time back for your offense. Using your timeouts with the defense on the field sends a very bad message to your defense. You are basically telling them they are going to lose. Not something a coach wants to do.
November 2nd, 2015 at 1:52 am
They need 3-4 players on defense.
1 CB
1 Safety
1-2 DEs
On offense they need another WR and OL.
In today’s NFL you always need to stockpile OL and WR’s.
They do that in the offseason they are a perennial playoff team.
November 2nd, 2015 at 3:13 am
Yes, Mike Jenkins still sucks. Yes, our DE still need to do much better. Before the game everyone thought there was no way we could stop Matt Ryan and Julio Jones (12 receptions for 182 and 2 TD). Yes, Julio was supposed to light us up for 300 yards and four TD. Poor Matty Ice fumbled twice and Kwon Alexander played like a man possessed (11 tackles, 1 forced fumble and 1 INT). Defense went 6 for 12 on 3rd down (50%). They kept Dontee Freeman under 100 yards. 2 for 6 (40%) in red zone efficiency. Best of all they only gave up 20 points. Gerold McCoy was far from spectacular but his presence alone helped against the run game. Akeem Spence looked real good at times and at others disappeared. Lavonte David? Only five tackles. Chris Conte had nine tackles. Four more than LVD? I liked what Howard Jones did. He had another game with a forced fumble and was pressuring the QB. All in all the defense did what they came here to do. Great win from a not so great defense. Really?
November 2nd, 2015 at 3:51 am
The Bucs are a better football team overall than last year. That’s all that really matters in the end. The team will be even better next year once Lovie and Licht draft the necessary pieces on defense.
November 2nd, 2015 at 3:52 am
What are you talking about??!
They held the high powered Falcon offense to 20 points!!
You win by scoring the most points, right?
I dont give a damn about how much yardage they amassed.
I remember Hugh Culverhouse’s “Bend but dont break” strategy on defense.
Teams would move up and diwn the field,almost effortlessly.
Until you looked clisely, at the Abuse we were dishing out.
And when they would get to the redzone- turnover, stalled, or worse case- fieldgoal.
And after us Teeing off on them every drive, they would soon become disheartened. Saw it many times. The first ever Philly playoff game was a good example. Sorry Jaws- but by the end of that game, the Wr’s were short arming everything. Rbs looking to go to ground.
We dont have that defense. I dont think that type of Defense would work in he Modern NFL
But I’m saying this. Holding the Falcons, a GREAT offensive team, to 20 points is a job well done
I bet you Matt Ryan thinks we played great defense!!!
Great enough to beat him.
November 2nd, 2015 at 7:10 am
Geez, was sleepy! NOT Hugh CulverHouse. My opinions of him will remain unspoken.
JohN McKay’s strech defense
November 2nd, 2015 at 8:20 am
This defense will need to create many more turnovers in order for us to win. I just do not think we can get enough stops against anyone to secure a victory, defensively speaking. Also, I like that Lovie showed some nuts going for it on 4th and 1, but I do not think that was the right time. On your own 40 and the Falcons had no TO’s… I think you punt that, and I think that it is realistic to believe our defense could have won us the game there, because the clock was the 12th man. The clock would have saved us.
November 2nd, 2015 at 8:57 am
Turnovers were the only reason the Bucs won in New orleans and the ATL; still it is encouraging to see that the Bucs can play decent in a hostile environment; at least on offense. This win was set up by numerous ATL miscues….. Anyone who did not think that the ATL was gonna tie up the game after they got the ball back for a 2 minute drill are simply high on Dope and not the kind that “Lovie is Dog Poo” thinks that Lovie is….. Bucs very fortunate that the ATL did not go for the win with a 2 point conversion or we’d be talking about 2 back to back one point losses after leading by 17 points deep into the 3rd quarter; that is how ****ing bad the Buc D is gentlemen! It can not stop anything when it is clutch time and I am just waiting for the excuses from lovie to start; you damned well know that one will be along these lines: “Tampa has devoted the last 2 drafts exclusively on offense” and then he will clai he needs to address some holes on D in the 2016 draft all the while not mentioning all the ****ing busts that Lovie handpicked via free agency….. Look I am glad the Bucs won: beating the ATL and shutting up the trolls is great but to paraphrase Winston Wolf from Pulp Fiction when he was giving Tarantino, Vincent Vega and Jewels a peptalk about gangster disposal; “lets just not get carried away with talk about playoffs yet…..” That DC loss really stands out now, doesn’t it Lovie?????
November 2nd, 2015 at 10:26 am
We need two corners, two safeties, and at least one good defensive end. We are set at tackle, and two of the three linebackers are very good the other average.