Battle Of Invisible Pass Rushes
November 5th, 2015
Tom Coughlin is angry for reasons other than attacks on kneel-down plays.
Joe’s very entertained by the brutal carving delivered by most New York media types on the teams they cover. It’s just part of the sports culture there.
Joe found good one today, an educational assassination of the Giants’ defense, which the Bucs face Sunday. The best part? It’s on the Giants’ official website.
Joe would be stunned to ever see such rant appear on, say, the daisy-tossing Pewter Panel hosted on
Giants beat writer Carl Schwartz passionately broke down the troubles of the Giants defense, which doesn’t allow a lot of big plays, just big yardage.
“It’s almost like [defensive coordinator] Steve Spagnuolo is a like a pitching coach with a broken down rotation,” Schwartz said. “He’s just trying to get ground balls. He’s not looking for strikeouts.
“Look, Spags would like to be more aggressive. He can’t be. If he’s more aggressive, they can’t get home on the blitz anyway. They cannot get pressure with four guys. He wants to be killed slowly rather than killed quickly, I think.
“The problem is they’re getting killed. They’re not getting a lot of big plays [on them], but they’re not getting anybody off the field. They’re really bad on third down.”
Schwarz went to clobber the Giants’ third and fourth cornerbacks, Jayron Hosely and Trevin Wade, for “not making one play.” He also said finger-challenged defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul is better than any rusher the Giants have, even if he’s not in shape to play a whole game.
Fun stuff. And yes, the Giants’ defense is bad. The Bucs’ offensive line should be preparing to maul.
The Bucs’ pass rush? Well, it sort of looks like it’s looked for years: anemic.
November 5th, 2015 at 5:11 pm
Not worried about their defense…..worried about ours!!!
How about 6 Barth field goals and a pick 6……Bucs 25 Giants 21
November 5th, 2015 at 5:29 pm
Giants will win by 3 scores and won’t punt once.
November 5th, 2015 at 5:35 pm
I wish we had actually recovered the ball on that blown up kneel down. Fact is it’s a smart move if you are down by one score like we were…..and if it worked it would have been considered a genius move. Which it is if down by one score.
November 5th, 2015 at 5:49 pm
Great game for the piranhas to make a reappearance.
November 5th, 2015 at 5:49 pm
“The problem is they’re getting killed. They’re not getting a lot of big plays [on them], but they’re not getting anybody off the field. They’re really bad on third down.”
Sounds familiar.
November 5th, 2015 at 6:12 pm
I don’t know how many Bucs fans looked at the stats from the Giants-Saints game, but 52-49 is a wild score. Drew Brees put up 505 yds passing (39-for-50), 7 TDs and 2 INTs. Saints were a ridiculous 7-for-11 on 3rd down conversions and kept the ball for 35 mins. Eli Manning wasn’t far behind, passing for 350 yds (30-for-41), 6 TDs and 0 INTs. But the Giants were only 1-for-8 on 3rd down and only had the ball for 25 mins. Scary to put up 49 pts in 25 mins.
Led me to believe that Sunday would be a high scoring game. But then when you look at the Giants other 7 games, they only allowed 22 pts/game average (and scored 24 pts/game average). So I’m thinking now that Tampabaybucfan has it right … Bucs 25 Giants 21 IF the Bucs can control the ball and TOP like the Saints did, and keep Eli off the field as much as possible.
November 5th, 2015 at 6:49 pm
November 5th, 2015 at 7:09 pm
Don’t know if anyone remembers us beating the Saints…. BUT WE DID…. We got turnovers and sacks…. Managed to hurt Brez enough to take him off his game….
I say a five plus sack game from a D. Playing SUPER INSPIRED after seeing what its been lacking from THE ONLY DRAFTED player by L&L on that side of the ball will make a HUGE DIFFERENCE… A SHOCKING SHUT OUT COULD TAKE PLACE…. A few timely turn over and a rushing attack the runs the clock would be awesome….
31-17 IF The Giants are LUCKY 😉 😛
November 5th, 2015 at 7:34 pm
November 5th, 2015 at 7:49 pm
@Onelove @Jab83…say WORD!!!
@Tampa Tony…really. that right there, that kind of feeling, sh!/. K!ll yourself! Nothing at all this week to b down about. Stop using your mom’s computer. Get a job, move out, grow up.
I’m not a fan of this constant Fan Of Depression side of some of u Bucs fans. Had no place really on this site…Cmon Joe! Objective criticism is always welcome, we all want better. But “moderate” these trolls of this holiest of sites.
November 5th, 2015 at 8:06 pm
😉 It only take a few inspirational people to change to momentum of depression in peoples lives… Once hope kicks in then they start to believe… Once you start to believe…. Anything truly becomes possible…
As the 12th man this is what we can offer to our team… A persons character is tested not in the best of time but in the worst of it… Our team has lacked true character from a coaching/management perspective… Its understandable why people are Fans of Depression…. But they can have hope again if they want it… It might just be a tiny sliver… But L&L is providing it…. We owe it to ourselves to get on board…. We know what bad really is…. Wins and loses is just a part of it… A formality IMO…
But yeah… We the people the Fan of Inspiration (or Depression if we let you),have the power to make a difference…. Don’t think so???? Stop supporting the team and watch and see if they don’t move out of town for real… Just a thought…
November 5th, 2015 at 8:09 pm
Ah, rushing the kneel down, that was some funny sh!t right there. The best part was we actually knocked Eli Manning on his ass. People like to dog Schiano for that, but he had done it SUCCESSFULLY at Rutgers. Not that it mattered because he wasn’t a good coach.
Man we should’ve won that game.
November 5th, 2015 at 8:20 pm
If the Giants were anything special they would be more than a 2.5 point favorite in this situation. Close game turnovers are crucial. You don’t let the Giants beat you in your home stadium. This starts now, defend your base port.
November 5th, 2015 at 8:53 pm
Seems to me it comes down to stopping Beckham. Not worried about the Giants run game. But, for pity sakes, get off the field on 3rd down once in a while.
Oh yeah, and score more touch downs and stuff on offense. Just throw it to the big guy. No, not Evans, throw it to Brate.
November 5th, 2015 at 9:49 pm
Some fans are sickening. I come here and read absurd goody two-shoes comments from Lovie Smith die-hard lovers. I go elsewhere and read even more absurd comments about how Mariota is “faking an injury to get coaches fired, otherwise he’d be 10x better than Winston.”
November 5th, 2015 at 9:54 pm
Elle…it’s mostly the same person using a different screen name to back the other one up. A numbskull just the same.
November 5th, 2015 at 9:59 pm
Jab and every other Lovie’s lovers need to listen to the Joes on the radio or actually READ the freaking articles they write. They write negative stuff all the time about Lovie and say certain negative words on the air all the time about Lovie.
Yet it’s US and only us. The same people they want to rid this site of that are negative. CLUELESS the whole lot of them. The freaking writers of this iste are negative from time to time about Lovie. Not a peep from these morons though about it. Which makes you think they never even read the articles.
So tell me again. Who’s the troll?
November 5th, 2015 at 10:33 pm
I want the Bucs to beat the Giants just as much as any Buc fan on the planet. But if we’re going to lose the game. That which I have NO control over. Pleeeeeeease let it them beat the HELL out of us. Just to make these idiots just a tad bit rah rah Go Lovie go away for awhile. It’s nauseating. They think if they keep it up, well just go away. Which is why I’m more than justified to call them the names that I do.
November 5th, 2015 at 11:00 pm
“Pleeeeeeease let it them beat the HELL out of us.”
How do you call yourself a BUC FAN!? You want us to win, but want us to get BLOWN OUT if we lose just so Lovie can get fired!? Ths is the kind of “non-sensical radical” propoganda that i’m talking about. Are you going to the game?? Where are you sitting because I’m going to walk up to you and GIVE YOU A HUG! Have you been saved???!!
November 5th, 2015 at 11:13 pm
OneLove…can you address a question for me?
Why is it that you and your clown posse can’t understand that the owners of this site are every bit as negative about Lovie as me?
How come you never address the Joes when they call out Lovely Smith?
Yes I’m going to the game and no you can’t save me.
I’m just as big a fan of the Bucs as you are. Since 1987 back when NOBODY admitted they were a Bucs fan until they were actually good in the late 90’s. If Lovie actually does something good with the defense, I’ll point it out for you. Until then allowing 24 point and 17 point leads slip away in back to back games coupled by not ONE but TWO utter beatdowns last season. I really don’t think the day will come when I can give him praise for anything.
So of course I want the Bucs to win and win big this Sunday. It’s what I pay money to see, but if they are going to lose, then yes lose BIG. Just so fans like you will get off my back with your delirious notions that Lovie Smith will accomplish anything with this team.
Now can you answer the question as to why, when Joe goes negative about the Lovie Smith-led defense in multiple articles, you never say a peep to them?
Where do you think this negativity comes from in the first place? Answer the team and the writers of JBF.
November 5th, 2015 at 11:14 pm
87 where were these jockriders when the Titans beat the brakes off our Bucs on opening day after their god Lovie Smith had several months to prepare for them and even scouted their starting QB heavily? How about when Lovie’s Lovely defense blew a 24 point lead to a crappy offense and QB, the first defense to do so in DECADES?
I hope the Bucs destroy the Giants. But if they don’t, I’ll still be here.
November 5th, 2015 at 11:17 pm
I’ll give Lovie Smith praise right now for ya.
Thank you Lovie Smith god of everything football, for sucking soooo bad last season you got us Jameis Winston.
Amen, now don’t the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!
Lovie didn’t tank nothing last year….the Skins game told me so.
November 5th, 2015 at 11:24 pm
Exactly WalkDaPlank….my Lord these people are nauseating to me. So nauseating that I have to make comments such as if the Bucs lose let it be an utter beatdown so they will shut up for the week.
Is that the Buc1987 everyone knows? Hell no. I would never say such things like that but like I said in this article earlier these squirrels keep throwing acorns at the lion and eventually the lion’s going to bite.
The article :
November 5th, 2015 at 11:32 pm
Forrest Gump: I’m going to heaven, Lieutenant Dan.
Lieutenant Dan : Yeah? Well… before you go, why don’t you get your ass down to the corner and get us another bottle of ripple?
Good night JBFer’s!
November 6th, 2015 at 12:53 am
November 5th, 2015 at 11:13 pm
OneLove…can you address a question for me?
Why is it that you and your clown posse can’t understand that the owners of this site are every bit as negative about Lovie as me?
First of all, the Joseph’s are NOT as dumb as you. Second, I have VOICED my opinion on a lot of things I have disagreed on! What you won’t see me EVER do is try to brag about how I’m 20 times a better buc fan than EVERYONE ELSE and then post about how you hope the BUCS get blown out! Do you realize that you are actually making other people DUMBER!? WalkDaPlank is a perfect example of this!! You are ruining this country….
You really think that the Bucs getting blown out is going to somehow justify your hate for Lovie Smith!? THINK AGAIN AND READ THIS ARTICLE AGAIN!! IN THIS ARTICLE, Carl Schwartz is CLOBBERING the PLAYERS! It’s the PLAYERS who have to EXECUTE and WIN!
November 6th, 2015 at 3:34 am
That is the game where GMC told the Giants players we are coming at you on this play. That was the true sign of his non-nasty ways. I wonder if suh was in his shoes that day ( had we picked him ) would he smashed the center and Manning into yesterday… maybe even a foot stomp to the player on his back. Whats you opinion I’de like to know.
November 6th, 2015 at 3:37 am
Got your back 87!!
Get this you new posters who dont understand us old timers here. You can save all of your life preaching skills for some other sad commentary, or whatever moment causing your drama queen inspired conquests lately. This is grown MAN territory! If you cant handle our legitimate opinions based on FACTS without going into some kind of diatribe spewing from your tiny offended brains, then STFU and GTFO!!
Or otherwise deal with it MATURELY and respond with some sense of MATURITY!! Stop acting like some punk kid who cant handle a disagreement!!
November 6th, 2015 at 9:07 am
I am with you 87, its hard to want your team to be blown out. but hey, I wanted us to lose to the saints so we could get Jameis Winston. Sorry not Sorry, intelligent bucs fans know that sometimes your root for the future bucs.
IF lovie is not fired this team will be atrocious for years and it will set us back even further while wasting away Jameis’ youth.
Sorry but a true fan doesnt want just one win so he can sacrifice the future of the franchise. no. I want us to win on Sunday, but yes, if we lose, and while it would be sickening for me to watch, I would want us to be blown out and Lovie to go. Lovie might be the worst coach I have witnessed in my life coaching on ANY team.
I dont want the bucs to lose to prove I am right, or to justify my points. But every win sets us back even further, EVERY DAY that lovie is head coach of this team we are digging a hole that goes deeper and deeper.
Lovie, and his garbage Tampa 2 must go now.
November 6th, 2015 at 11:04 am
This is a passing league and the T-2 is not garbage, it is just we do not have the pressure of the secondary to use it correctly. Don’t believe me, ask Derrick Brooks and he will tell you. Unless you think you know more about football than him.