November 3rd, 2015
Part of a cool Buccaneers.com video is a sideline exchange between Logan Mankins and America’s Quarterback. (Photo courtesy of Tampa Bay Buccaneers)
Wanna know why Bucs officials are privately doing cartwheels behind closed office doors about America’s Quarterback, Bucs signal-caller Jameis Winston?
On Buccaneers.com, there is a behind-the-scenes video of pregame, in-game and, of course, postgame activities. The video is cool as hell.
The video can be viewed here. Just watch how Jameis has teammates eating out his hand as he fires up the Bucs to do battle against the Dixie Chicks.
The video also shows Kwon Alexander breaking down in tears in the arms of linebackers coach Hardy Nickerson after stripping Julio Jones of the ball in the first half.
Also, a cool exchange between Logan Mankins and Jameis on the bench after Jameis scored a rushing touchdown.
“Great job,” Jameis told Mankins.
“Hey, great job by you,” Mankins responded. “What happened to the shovel pass?”
“I just took it down,” Jameis said, explaining how he improvised by reading the defense.
November 3rd, 2015 at 6:22 am
Awesome video! Doubt that any of us can even begin to imagine the emotions that Kwon Alexander was experiencing that whole game. Not only did Kwon have an incredible game, but it was great to see how all of his teammates rallied around him throughout that whole game.
November 3rd, 2015 at 6:30 am
Great video! Great “behind the scenes” look at the game and the Kwon Alexander situation. Prayers go out to Kwon and his entire family. (This 4th round pick was a home run by Licht & Lovie and the drafting staff).
November 3rd, 2015 at 6:45 am
Some people have that special “IT” and Jaboo is one of those people,so thankfully we have “IT” now .
November 3rd, 2015 at 7:23 am
Jameis getting respect the old fashioned way………..he’s EARNING it!!!
November 3rd, 2015 at 7:27 am
That shovel wasn’t there. I thought he’d hit the rb on the swing but he’d have to make one guy miss. I for sure didn’t think he’d rumble in like a beast. Great split second decision making!
November 3rd, 2015 at 7:43 am
That game was pretty important after the meltdown in the skins game. Jameis impact is begining, his infectious enthusiasm does not quit, stop, or waiver. Watching the video above and the one with Kwon getting the game ball, you can see a change coming for these guys. We complain about the defense blowing big leads, but we have two weeks in a row that we had big leads! Its a little early but Winston is bringing the same energy, attitude, and leadership that Sap and Brooks brought to turn the yuks into winners. Now if we can do what Lovie said and start “streaking”! Hope maybe on the horizon!
November 3rd, 2015 at 7:50 am
Same way he scored is the way we get the ONE fourth down plays for now on…. “Jamies up the gjt” BUCS win buces win oh yeah BUCS win…
They will sack ELI 10 times next game and SHUT OUT the Giants
November 3rd, 2015 at 7:53 am
I guess the “college rah rah spit that just doesn’t work in the NFL” (to quote a favorite area radio personality) just might be working after all. First time in years I’m proud to be a bucs fan.
November 3rd, 2015 at 7:55 am
My humble request to Bucs Organization. Pls figure out the pass defense. After which Bucs will certainly contend.
November 3rd, 2015 at 8:01 am
I mean, Pls Stop allowing these guys to put up All pro numbers, Okay I get it, Bortles, Cousins and MattyIce in a row. Now Back home against Eli, Pls find a way to stomp their arse.
November 3rd, 2015 at 8:28 am
The “IT” factor is starting to make itself known. “IT” is why Jason Licht was so enamored with Jameis before he was ever even hired as Bucs GM – and is why the Bucs tanked multiple games in 2014 to get him.
I tried to explain the importance of Winston obviously having “IT” prior to the draft when all the idiots were on here talking so much negative smack about Jameis. Now, 7 games into his career, all those idiots are either gone or have been converted – and its becoming obvious to all what that entails and how important “IT” is to the future success of this franchise.
L&L deserve a lot of credit for ignoring all the negative rhetoric and fearful pleas of people like Dungy who was begging Lovie to draft Mariota – and for securing this franchise its 1st ever legit franchise QB.
To quote Chucky – “the future is so bright we all need shades”.
Go Jaboo! Didn’t take long for the rookie to establish himself as the true leader of this team.
November 3rd, 2015 at 8:35 am
Unfortunate circumstances, but I love it when this team can play with emotion and passion, much prayers for Kwon and family.
November 3rd, 2015 at 8:36 am
Jameis is the new leader in Tampa Bay.. I don’t care how much money McCoy makes or LVD those guys are lead by example guys. Jameis brings something to this team that many of us fans have been waiting on for years. Some MF’ing attitude!!! As a die hard buc fan it is great to know that we finally have a FRANCHISE QB and a guy who is willing to go to war out there with his teammates and not just cash a check every week not caring if we win or lose. Those are the type of players we need on this team so we can get out of the dweller of the NFC south. Licht is doing a hell of a job bringing in talent now we just have to get more guys with that fire burning inside of them and get the ones who don’t care out! Tired of all these losing seasons but i have a feeling those seasons are going to be few and far between now that #3 is in Tampa Bay!! lets faaacking go!!!!
November 3rd, 2015 at 8:49 am
But wait a minute this guy was supposed to be an embarrassment, cancer in the locker room, a turnover machine, stupid, etc.
I guess those folks are following another team…….
November 3rd, 2015 at 9:23 am
Remember the whole, “Aloha Bitches” meme that popped up in Tennessee after the first couple of games?
Who’should laughing now?
November 3rd, 2015 at 11:00 am
If you can get through that video with dry eyes, then I don’t want to know you
I’ve gone from viewing this team as just another Bucs team having just another Bucs season to absolutely LOVING these guys. My heart is breaking for Kwon and what he must be going through
And to see a guy like Logan Mankins — a guy that went from a Super Bowl team in the Patriots and clearly didn’t want to be here last year, to a guy showing that kind of respect for a 21 year old rookie….to see EDS coming around on our young players despite being sat down
You can see this group of men becoming a team of brothers before your eyes. A group of men that LOVE each other and are going to battle for each other. I don’t give a damn what the record is the rest of the year, or how bad the D plays from here on out….this is one of my favorite Bucs teams ever
November 3rd, 2015 at 11:30 am
Amazing video, very excited for what is to come. That is genuine leadership, the type that cant be taught.
November 3rd, 2015 at 12:19 pm
That was a tear jerker of a video, man.
btw…if that was where Mankins interrupted Lovie…Joe REALLY blew that out of perspective.
November 3rd, 2015 at 12:20 pm
Winston was impressive too.
November 3rd, 2015 at 12:38 pm
Us FSU fans have seen this for a few years now – but I have to admit that his leadership abilities took hold quicker than I thought. This is the passion and drive and love of family and a brotherhood that we FSU fans were thrilled to have coming to TPA. This Band of Brothers might just start to fight for each other and dominate. As a poster here said, the Bucs have blown our almost blown big leads. BIG LEADS – our Bucs have big leads??? Dominate Boys!!! Dominate!! A Band of Brothers is created!
November 3rd, 2015 at 12:39 pm
Hey Joe – FYI – you forgot to set your clock back on the post times.
November 3rd, 2015 at 5:59 pm
These rookies are special.
November 3rd, 2015 at 9:53 pm
He should change his Twitter handle to @Jabooleads because he can’t win games by himself anymore. Our team really just needs to let him take over, maybe he should be head coach and QB like Payton was last year.
November 3rd, 2015 at 10:00 pm
That video was GREAT! How can you not root even harder for these guys after watching that?
November 4th, 2015 at 12:16 am
awesome!!! love this team even more