Conditions Ripe For Glennon-To-Texans Deal

October 27th, 2015
"Your time is coming, my son."

“Your time is coming, my son.”

Let’s go, Trader Jason! Let’s make a deal.

Bucs general manager Jason Licht was very active at the trade deadline last year, and with Tampa Bay out of the running for the Super Bowl, it’s time to move the team’s valuable, rarely-used commodity: Mike Glennon.

After cutting sleepy-statue quarterback Ryan Mallett today, the Texans have just one healthy quarterback. That’s journeyman 30-year-old Brian Hoyer.

First, Texans head coach and QB guru Bill O’Brien is a friend of Licht from their days with the Patriots. O’Brien even helped the Bucs draft Donovan Smith. Second, O’Brien liked the super-tall, big-armed Mallett, so maybe he’ll take theĀ 6-7 Glennon and his cannon off the Bucs’ hands.

It’s a match made in heaven. Perhaps the Texans have a quarterback familiar with something called a slant pass, or fourth- and seventh-round picks would be a savory feast.

Glennon is not going to sign up to be Jameis Winston’s career backup. And he’s only got one more year on his contract, and the Bucs like their No. 3 QB, Ryan Griffin.

The trade deadline is Tuesday, Nov. 3.

57 Responses to “Conditions Ripe For Glennon-To-Texans Deal”

  1. The Buc Realist Says:

    I don’t think that we could get a 6th round pick for Lovie Smith right now!!!!!

  2. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Make a deal and give our next head coach some more draft picks!!

  3. DB55 Says:

    No! But maybe we can interest the Texans in Casper the friendly ghost for two 1st round picks ala Revis.

  4. 911bucs Says:

    Better becareful Realist your going to piss off Jab and a few others with a comment like that.

  5. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    Should trade vincent jackson to the eagles for a 2nd rounder while you are at it

  6. ga. buc fan 39 years Says:

    Don’t .

  7. BucFan20 Says:

    Took longer than I thought for Joe to jump on this!

  8. BigMacAttack Says:

    Glennon and GMC for JJ Watt

  9. James Walker Says:

    Get AJ Boyle for him.

  10. DefenseRules Says:

    I’d be very surprised if Mike Glennon goes anywhere for less than a 1st or 2nd round pick. Heck, we drafted him in the 3rd round, and we’ve invested 3 years of ‘training’ in him. We can keep him on the roster for another year at minimal cost. Dumb to move him and help someone else unless we’re getting something significant in return. Bucs need to stop giving away good players for peanuts.

  11. James Walker Says:

    Then again, Glennon is QUALITY backup. If we can fix the defense Glennon might be useful in a playoff run next year.

  12. Clodhopper Says:

    As late as three weeks ago I would have disagreed with this article. But Jameis has fully won me over. We don’t have a need for Glennon any more. Don’t just give him away though!

  13. lightningbuc Says:

    The Bucs are another alleged away from needing Glennon!

  14. DB55 Says:


    Smh. Not cool.

  15. FanOfBucs Says:

    Glennon for Watt, straight up

  16. Seminole Bill Says:

    Despite Joe’s opinion, there seems to be an NFL consensus that Glennon is a quality QB. Not sure why myself, he is slow footed, has a body that seems to me not to be able to withstand the hits he would take, all somewhat offset by a gun for an arm.

    Keep him.

  17. Buccfan37 Says:

    Still trying to push Glennon as trade bait. Maybe it will happen, maybe not. I’m for trading the only real Bucs fan JAB for a real Bucs fan that’s real.

  18. StPeteBucsFan Says:

    I agree with Defense Rules. It would be foolish to simply give MG8 away for a 3rd round draft pick. He’s worth more than a 3rd rounder to us whether he is another team or not.

    For us he means the rest of this year and all of next year with a very competent NFL backup who also happens to be familiar with our team and offense and all for less than $700,000 next year. Why would we give up such an advantageous position for a mere 3rd round pick?

  19. John Mason Says:

    How Foolish…..One bad hit on Winston and then we got nothing.

  20. This Guy Right Here Says:

    I’m all for it… Trading Glennon, to whoever the fcuk.. But not for draft picks..

    Lets trade Glennon in exchange for a set of Brass Balls..

    A.B.C. Lovie……. A.B.C.

    Always Be Closing…

  21. BucGator Says:

    Seriously what could we get? A third rounder and a DB would be nice

  22. Fsuking Says:

    I’ll trade MG8 and all of our cornerbacks not named Banks for a 1st round pick? Any takers? Oh wait, none of those guys are good enough to start in the NFL anymore? Darn.

  23. This Guy Right Here Says:

    Apologize Joes, for the links… But this is too relevant for me to pass up…

    For the fellas on PCs, who couldnt pull up the last link…

    Always Be Closing, Lovie….. Even up 24-7 before the half with 3 timeouts and over a minute… A.B.C. Lovie.

  24. BucsFan85 Says:

    Texans just signed TJ Yates. Trade not happening

  25. NCBuc Says:

    Never understood the Joes so ready to trade Glennon….. Very good backup QB and on the cheap.

  26. BuccaneEric75 Says:

    I don’t understand why anyone would be upset with trading a backup QB, Mike Glennon? If Jameis goes down to injury, is Glennon going to save us??? The answer is NO!!!! Backup QBs have won, what, one Super Bowl? If we could get a 3rd, I’d be happy. Sign a veteran backup or draft one in the later rounds. If Jameis goes down, we are screwed.. Glennon is not going to sigh long term anyway. Get something for him now!!

  27. Bucs Fan Since '76 Says:

    If Glennon was worth anything, would we not have received a trade offer for him some time ago? Also, with only one year left on his contract, it’s hard to imagine another team trading anything of value for him during the season since you might only have him for a year. Doubtful you could negotiate a long term deal mid-season. Finally, if we are close to being a playoff team (next year?) then we would not want to trade him away. As the Cowboys can attest, a playoff team is one serious QB injury away from a high draft pick.

  28. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:

    You guys are absolute lunatics to even suggest a first, second or third round pick for Mike freaking Glennon

    Earlier this year the cowboys got Matt Cassell and a 7th round pick for a 5th round pick. Thus very offseason Brandon Marshall, something like the #50 player in the nfl according to the NFLNs top 100, was traded for a 6th rounder. And we’re going to get a first for Mike Glennon?!?!? Please tell me you’re joking

  29. BuccaneEric75 Says:

    76, what would you suggest we do with him? You seem to think if he was worth anything we would have received a trade offer. How do you know we have not?? If he’s not worth anything, why would you care?? 2-14 teams don’t need a backup anything. He is a commodity. Glennon isn’t garbage. I think teams would want him if they had an injury. If you want him as a backup in the future, then you have to resign him. Why would he??

  30. BuccaneEric75 Says:

    Creamsickle, I never said a first.

  31. BuccaneEric75 Says:

    That’s what I thought, no comment.

  32. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:

    BuccanEric I never said you did

  33. BuccaneEric75 Says:

    Only Buccaneer fans would argue about trading backup players.

  34. BuccaneEric75 Says:

    Trade Glennon for something. When his contract is up he is going to leave anyway.

  35. Nate S Says:

    Trade the whole team for jj watt

  36. Jason Says:

    Does it really matter who we trade Lovie wouldn’t know how to coach them but they will have a good week of practice like every week

  37. Couch Fan Says:

    Only Buccaneer fans would argue about trading backup players.


    Right because depth is never an issue for this team….

  38. passthebuc Says:


  39. Oahubuc Says:

    Who didn’t see this coming? If they send Glennon away for anything less than J>J> Frigging Watt, I’ll be more disappointed than I was Sunday. Quality backup whom we pay peanuts in NFL terms.

  40. Trubucfan22 Says:

    I find it hilarious that everyone here loves jj watt. He’s another great DT/DE on terrible team/defense. But they complain when McCoy can’t win games all by himself. Watt can’t win games and turn a terrible defense great. But they expect McCoy to.

    Remember just a few weeks ago, the bucs o line stopped jj watt from getting a sack? How is he worth more than McCoy if he can’t get a sack against the bucs? He must be totally over rated.

  41. Trubucfan22 Says:

    Trading Glennon would awesome. Unfortunately no one else in the league wants him. Well, at least they aren’t willing to trade anything for him. Bucs were stupid for ever wasting a 3rd round pick on him.

  42. MadMax Says:

    Well, I’d say we need a backup in case JW goes down, but this seasons already going down and will end badly again. So whats the use in preserving a pretty decent backup? If Jw goes down, throw in whoever, it wont matter anyway.

    So yeah, Im alright with it. Especially if it involves a pretty good quality DB. As far as draft picks, I wouldnt take anything less than what we paid, a 3rd.

  43. Matt Says:

    TB needs a secondary and Houston needs a QB , TJ Yates haha please stop with that non sense . We have all seen him before he ain’t special . Where glennon could be ! Mike glennon for Quentin demps or Rahim Moore . A new safety would really help this team out . Btw where is swearinger ? Idk why he’s not on the field. If not that trade glennon for recent bust clowney . He could come here and play the 4-3 scheme like he was suppose too in the NFL anyways . SC ran the 4-3 not a 3-4 smh

  44. Matt Says:

    Honestly I would take Kareem Jackson CB as well or TE Garrett Graham

  45. Alstott40 Says:

    At the start of the season it was also a great idea for us to trade Martin for a 3rd if we were “lucky enough” to be able to get one.

  46. FortMyersDave Says:

    How about asking for a day 2 draft pick Joe? Why just settle for an early 4th rounder for a guy that could probably pass for 400+ yards versus a Lovie defense????? Yes the Texans will probably be picking in the top 5 just behind Tampa and Tennessee but why not ask for a 3rd, could it hurt to ask??? But you know what will happen as soon as MG gets traded: injury to Winston…. Not that it matters for the record; with Lovie in charge this team will finish no better than 4-12 if the DC debacle is indicative of how he and O’Dea run the defense and special teams…. MG is a decent commodity; do not sell him for a couple of players that will not make the roster anyhow; make sure it is for something that will have an impact…. BTW LHTG (Lovie has to go)!

  47. Bucs Fan Since '76 Says:

    BuccaneEric – I suggest we keep Glennon.

  48. Red86 Says:

    Glennon for Clowney please. The Texans D was good before Clowney plus he’s out of position in the 3-4.

  49. Johnny "America's Commenter" Dejay Says:

    Glennon is worth more than Cassell because he’s a better player right now, he’s 8 or 9 years younger, he still has significant upside, and he has another inexpensive contract year.

    Glennon is worth more than Brandon Marshall because of the same reasons and he’s not a head case.

    Anyone who trades for Glennon could also theoretically use their franchise tag to keep him around longer or as leverage to get him to sign a long term extension. Glennon would almost certainly have more of an impact next season than any 2nd or 3rd round prospect in the draft. I would hope Licht would ask for a 2nd rounder and settle for a 3rd or early 4th round pick.

  50. ToesOnTheLine! Says:

    Doubtful that MG8 gets traded to the Texans. That team’s HC wants to be reunited with Hackenberg, so it’s highly unlikely they are giving up any draft picks this year that they may need to move up and get their preferred franchise QB in the 2016 draft.

  51. celly Says:

    The only way I see the Texans doing Glennon for Clowney would be us throwing in a draft pick as well.

    There’s not good value for the team that is giving a way a starting OLB (who is playing out of position, as someone mentioned) for a backup QB.

  52. Sapp, STFU Says:

    Glennon for either a 1st round pick OR 2nd rounder and a decent edge rusher. They’re not trading JJ, so some of you need to stop.

  53. BuccaneEric75 Says:

    I can see both sides of the great Glennon debate. I’d rather trade him.

  54. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:

    oh my god, now teams are going to use the franchise tag on Mike freaking Glennon?!?!?! They’re going to pay a career backup $20M a year?

    Get a clue. This is seriously pathetic.

    The ABSOLUTE BEST we could get for Glennon would be a 5th rounder, and even that is wishful thinking. Would you give up Glennon for a 5th? I wouldn’t

  55. godzilla13 Says:

    Trading Mike Glennon for a draft pick is insane. I think a 4th or 5th rounder at best. Jason Licht should be testing the waters on every avenue on this team. No one is safe. No one will touch Gerold McCoy for his contract. Vincent Jackson eiither. The problem with all these players is there contracts are either to big or they have one year or less on them. Teams need back-up QB and OL. N

  56. godzilla13 Says:

    Trading Mike Glennon for a draft pick is insane. I think a 4th or 5th rounder at best. Jason Licht should be testing the waters on every avenue on this team. No one is safe. No one will touch Gerold McCoy for his contract. Vincent Jackson or Lavonte David eiither. The problem with all these players is there contracts are either to big or they have one year or less on them. Teams need back-up QB and OL. Now that is something we have. How about a Mike Glennon – Evan Smith – Demar Dotson package? The players teams would really want are Austin Seferian-Jenkins – Charles Sims – Mike Glennon package? Better yet a Mike Evans – Mike Glennon – Kevin Pamphile package? This team desperately needs a CB, Safety or a WR. Problem is that none of these will happen. The tradeline will come and go and we will have the same problems. Why? Because Lovie will need to approve any trades.

  57. Red86 Says:


    Maybe throw in Bruce Carter.

    @ all
    Glennon isn’t a guarantee to re sign and be a back up for us. Especially, the way his brother reacted last year.