Assistant Coach Mankins
October 7th, 2015
More than just a barbecue master and left guard. Offensive line coach George Warhop weighs in on Logan Mankins.
Bucs fans can rightfully celebrate their offensive line. It’s not going to win awards, but it might be average by NFL standards, which is a huge improvement and provides lots of promise.
Its ring leader and de facto assistant coach is Logan Mankins.
This week, Bucs offensive line coach George Warhop raved on the Buccaneers Radio Network about how Mankins has amazing practice habits and drive, and then he went on to explain the 11-year veteran coaches and serves as translator-in-chief.
“He’s always talking to guys in the room about how you do this, how you do that, why we’re doing it a certain way,” Warhop said. “‘Think about this with your feet. You know, [Warhop] is telling you to do this because this is going to happen and this is where you need to be.'”
“He does a great job of taking stuff that I’m explaining, and maybe explaining it to them in a different way so they get it, they understand it a little better. Kind of like a different language. …”
“Really where he’s really been beneficial to the young guys is how to study tape. You know, we spend a lot of time watching tape, but I can’t be there with them when they’re watching tape on their own. He’s done a tremendous job showing them how to study tape and how to study an opponent.”
Warhop went on to say the NFL is a “players’ league” and players must teach other players at any position.
“If there’s a dominant position [group on a team], there’s a dominant player within the position that understands how to play that position, and he translates that to the other players,” Warhop said. “They tend to follow him.”
Joe can’t fully buy that final take from Warhop, but it’s interesting regardless.
Whatever Mankins is doing, it appears to be working, especially with the two starting rookies.
October 7th, 2015 at 11:44 am
“He does a great job of taking stuff that I’m explaining, and maybe explaining it to them in a different way so they get it”
Oh so that’s what it takes.
The coaches can’t teach.
Really? It hasn’t showed on the field the last 2 seasons. (sarcasm)
October 7th, 2015 at 12:10 pm
Kind of dis-heartening actually. Coaches are supposed to be good communicators… What’s the disconnect that Mankins needs to translate?
October 7th, 2015 at 12:11 pm
October 7th, 2015 at 12:13 pm
“Really where he’s really been beneficial to the young guys is how to study tape…. …He’s done a tremendous job showing them how to study tape and how study an opponent.”
Joe- Please, please, please find out who is doing this with Jameis. I love that he works so hard but if he doesn’t know what he’s looking at then what’s the point?
October 7th, 2015 at 12:20 pm
warflop is turrible
October 7th, 2015 at 12:28 pm
it’s a sound bite guys, no need to make it more than it is….
media: “what do you think about [player]?
coach: “[player] is a great veteran and his experience is helpful to his teammates”
i mean, the team and coaching staff deserve the pinata treatment, but there not really anything telling in this quote
October 7th, 2015 at 12:36 pm
So basically if we never traded for Mankins last year this offensive line would be clueless like last year.
Why in the hell does this guy I have job as a coach?
High School Math teacher : Here’s the problems on the board. I’ll kind of explain how to do it, but if you don’t know how to do it after I explain it. Go see Johhny Rotten over there in the corner he’s a math whiz.
October 7th, 2015 at 12:36 pm
My takeaway from this is that Warhop is a poor communicator.
October 7th, 2015 at 12:37 pm
Dusty Rhodes is Charles Barkley?
October 7th, 2015 at 12:38 pm
I am not new to this site, but over the past 1 year have been reading other die hard fans like myself talk and some with vaild points, most. Though through one quarter of the season a lot of fans have set the heights for a run at the playoffs. We were 2-14 last year with out a offensive Coordinator, Dirk Coetter is already set the tone for our offense. Doug Martin looks good and Simms seems to be coming along. We have a 4th round defensive Mike in Alexander who could possibly win rookie of the year. A Rookie QB and 2 Rooks on the line. They have surpassed what I thought there were going to do. Last year was rough, missing so many pieces to the puzzle. I think this year we can disguise enough to win 6 to 7 games. We have seen what this team is capable of without Mike Evans, Jacques Smith is proving to be a excellent waiver pic. How about Ryan Delaire that we cut drop Winston twice. Scratching my head at that one. I believe we have the talent, I believe we are missing leadership! Lovie is the most calm person I have ever seen at this level losing without some fire in you. Would love to be a fly on the wall. Bring Jon Gruden Back, seems like our offense is coming around. If we don’t start looking better as a team in the 2nd Quater of the season then I’m rooting for us to get Bosa and a offensive minded Coach. Trying to stay optimistic about this 2nd half of the season. We have 4 Rookie Starters, but need ASJ back, but is it me, or does he seem like he doesn’t care if he plays or not. ASJ can be dominant. I realized that early this year so far and I believe Simms is starting to look good. Are offense line is getting better every week it seems. The brightest light so far this year. LVD will get his S$$$ together and Melton, Ghostlan is playing well, I’m sure McDonald will be getting a sack soon, he is due for one. It’s all in leadership. I really like Lovie, I think he got lucky in Chicago with the Erlacker draft and some other things fell in place for Lovie as well. If we has McCarthy and Ted Tompson how would we shake out, I don’t have a crystal ball. I do think it would be different though? Something to think about, every one saying every week now NEW TREND
October 7th, 2015 at 12:57 pm
The line is playing decent. Thats good, considering we are starting two rookies.
Well done Logan and Warhop!
October 7th, 2015 at 1:49 pm
So I guess we wont be trading Mankins either. This is bull Joe. Its all bull joe. Warhop is doing his job but Mankins isn’t and Warhop is the wrong scapegoat. We should use Frazier for that or just stop making excuses to kerp guys around like Mankins. Joe you should encourage this team to trade him.
October 7th, 2015 at 3:58 pm
Jason McLaurin
Hey, Whistlehead- did you even bother to read the article?
Why would we trade a talented vet- who is improving everyone else on the line??
Gotta be drugs . . .
October 7th, 2015 at 5:37 pm
I think this article pretty much cements Warhop’s inability to teach and coach the offensive line. Maybe Logan Mankins should be the next OL coach for the Bucs?
October 7th, 2015 at 11:47 pm
It is unbelievable how people try to read into what George Warhop is saying. Which is that Logan Mankins has more experience than all the other linemen and that he is a vocal leader who communicates to his teammates about his expertise. BTW Mankins has not given up a single sack or QB hit this year. Give Warhop a break. There is going to come a time when the OL plays much better and Ali Marpet goes to the Pro Bowl. Then what will you say about Warhop?