Report: Mike James Waived

September 29th, 2015
Waived per

Waived per

If Rand Getlin of the NFL Network and is to be believed — and let’s face it, would the organ of the NFL put out false info? — the era of Mike James playing running back for the Bucs has come to a close.

Right now, the Bucs would kill for a 4.9 yards per average running back.

James had a fine game against the eventual Super Bowl champs, Seattle, two years ago when the Bucs choked away what could have been a career-saving upset by then-Bucs commander Greg Schiano.

But James was often hurt before this season. That is never a good sign. If you can’t stay out of the hot tub, you can’t help the team. Lovie had him inactive on game days this year.
And teams generally don’t offer special teams players — which is what James was — that sort of rope.

James is a Polk County native and a really, really good dude. Joe sure hopes he finds his way on another roster somewhere.

38 Responses to “Report: Mike James Waived”

  1. scott fitzgerald Says:

    damn. maybe a trade for forte in the works?

  2. bucrightoff Says:

    I think we all know how this movie ends. He gets picked up by most likely New England, and looks like a good RB and everyone wonders why we let him go,

  3. Tomcin Says:

    Go get James Wilder jr off the Bengals PS

  4. DallasBuc Says:

    Damn, another lousy decision by this outfit.

  5. Kevin Schmidt Says:

    Yet another player that will go to another team and make this organization look like fools. I see Martin and Rainey as being very similar backs. I would have much rather had James stick around over Rainey.

    On a good note though….I think Charles Simms is a star back in the making. I love that dudes footwork. Lightning fast feet. Next year Simms will be our workhorse. Maybe even before then.

  6. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s back on the team within a week or so. This seems like one of those roster shuffling moves that we seem to love to do.

  7. D-Rome Says:

    But James was often hurt. That is never a good sign. If you can’t stay out of the hot tub, you can’t help the team.

    He was a good player but this is true. You can’t stay with the club in the tub.

  8. THETRUTH Says:

    Another bone head move this guy proved when giving the work load he got over 100 each time. He can catch block and run. He will blow up on another team and we will say thanks lovie!!!

    Constant screw ups on personal.

  9. THETRUTH Says:

    Wilder see stinks !!! He is not NFL starter he barely started for FSU.

  10. pelbuc Says:

    Another confirmation that L&L are using TB as a country club for veteran stiffs as opposed to developing promising talent. All the kid did was play hard and productive, two characteristics that will get you waived. He will shine with good coaching somewhere else.

  11. Vincente Says:

    That’s just sad. This guy ran hard. I get that he had injury problems but they will regret this.

  12. Buc1987 Says:

    Just so long as Brindza’s not cut…because we can’t have that.

  13. ndog Says:

    Simply put this is a mistake.

  14. BucFan20 Says:

    So does that mean ASJ goes too? He is in the TUB AGAIN!

  15. Pick6 Says:

    might be making room for Dye off the practice squad? our lack of speed was painfully obvious on sunday, and we just aren’t running enough to justify dressing 4 HBs

  16. DallasBuc Says:

    The only thing that is “simple as that” are the neural pathways in Incompetent Lovie Smith’s mr potato head.
    Glazers, stop making your fan base feel so terrible. Make a quality decision for once and get some real football people in here. This is now the worst run, by far pro football team. No longer debatable.

  17. Buccfan37 Says:

    Another hole on the starter roster for lovable lingering Lovie to fill. It’s getting better all the time.

  18. Buccfan37 Says:

    87… Brindza is going to break the Bucs 62 yard FG record. He can miss a few more on the way. That’s Lovie loyalty. Reality is if something can go wrong it will.

  19. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    As stated ad nauseum these knuckleheads running this team couldn’t see an iceberg until after the titatnic sunk….these 2 licht and lovie have to be THE worst talent evaluators in teh history of the NFL….please glazers can these clowns today….give sabin some jack to be the GM…hire a competent coacha nd staf and let sabin build the team if he does not want to coach….i think sabin, a belichek disciple would have this team humming as coach or GM and is itching to get back……in the NFL

  20. Bucs Fan #7423 Says:

    We need to trade everyone we can for better defensive ends. If lovie is only going to rush four all game, they better be great. Lovie’s whole defensive scheme depends on 4 defensive line man getting to the quarterback in 3 seconds

  21. BucsQcCity Says:

    Can someone explain me why Doug Martin and Sims are ahead of Rainey in the depth chart?

  22. Bucco Brice Says:

    OK, I’m not defending any of Licht anymore, if he made this call. IDIOTS! The only power back we had. Guy has a future…elsewhere, obviously. Dropping ol fumble fingers Rainey would have been better…

  23. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    I like James to, but I’m really confused by some of you. Did I miss the part where Mike James was a superstar in the making? Do any of you ACTUALLY believe that he is the best RB on this team? If so, what would be your basis – one good game? I’m all for criticizing Lovie, but let’s seriously calm down just a bit on this one. SMH

    And for those saying why isn’t ASJ cut, I think you need a lesson in economics. You see, a second round pick makes more money than a 7th. A second round pick is picked to be a starter, while a 7th rounder is picked to compete for a backup spot. Here’s a little analogy to help you out: If you bought a camera for $5000 and it was damaged, chances are you would take it to the shop to get it fixed. If you bought a $100 camera and it broke, chances are you’ll just get rid of it and get another $100 camera. The NFL is no different, even though many fans like to pretend it is. No matter how much you hate ASJ, he’s going to get every opportunity to prove himself. Cry all you want about it and claim it isn’t fair, to which I would tell you life isn’t fair. Get over it. We are far from the only team that is run that way. In fact, they pretty much all are. Now if he continues to be hurt and we re-sign him in a couple years, that’s a different story. But let’s just settle down a bit now.

  24. Buc1987 Says:

    Hawaiian Buc…..say CHEESE!

  25. Goodell Must Go Says:

    What are the odds another team, particularly a Bucs opponent signs him and he has 100+ yds and 2+ TDs against the Bucs?

  26. Destinjohnny Says:


  27. Mo_Downs Says:

    * Sims should be transitioned to WR3, NOW. Instead of looking for the next “Wes Welker”, we already have him on our roster.

    * Bucs should go after the REAL Matt Forte ($9M and change for 1yr – FA next season) AND Willie Young (Bus Tokens and meals) since the Bears are dumping salary.

    Sims, can beat Press coverage and runs sharp routes and can certainly catch the ball in tough coverage down the field. He just might be the answer at WR3 because he’s quick AND fast AND stronger than any current WR3 on the roster.

    Did I mention his 1-cut and zoom ability for added YAC ability. He ran a pre-draft 4.48/40 and put that Cut N’ Zoom on display in the Houston game.

    He’s not afraid of getting hit over the middle like a certain starting WR3 already on the roster. I think he’d trade getting hit by 300lb DL vs 200lb DB’s in a NY minute.

  28. Bucco Brice Says:

    Sims is a dancing poodle powder puff, mo_downs…don’t understand his usage in the run game…Martin ONLY, please…

  29. Getaclue Says:

    We are either making a trade or we are carrying an extra kicker “just in case” for Sunday cause points will be at a premium again vs Carolina

  30. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I liked Mike James….but 4 RBs & a FB is a luxury…….we had to sit him out the first 3 games……we simply didn’t need him…..didn’t need him last year either.

    This has much more to do with needing depth at other positions….like ASJ’s injury forcing us to bring back Brate etc.

    I do think he will be picked up and play well elsewhere…..

    Try looking on the bright side…..when we are forced to waive good players….we are doing that because our players are getting better….

  31. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Nick O’Leary!


    Connor Barth!


    A Better DT to fill in for McCoy!


    (I don’t know)

  32. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Personally, I didn’t think he would make the 53 to start the season. Out of all the backs, he was the most expendable.

    Probably would have released the 3rd string QB, but I think they have to keep him another 3 weeks by rule?

  33. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    People shouldn’t give up on ASJ either.

    Reminds me of the fans wanting Gerald McCoy cut because he was injured his first two years. Imagine of you guys got your way then.

  34. Casual Observer Says:

    I liked the guy. Not sure he got a decent chance; with the Sims signing. Wish him well with another team.

  35. Pick6 Says:

    let’s check the outrage, just a little, gang. he was the last-choice HB on the roster across 2 GMs and 2 Head Coaches. none of those 4 are going to the talent evaluator hall of fame, but behind the scenes people are seeing something that keeps him the 4th best guy in a a group without standouts. heck, he was never more than a committee guy for an okay-to-bad Miami Hurricanes team for 3 years also.

  36. Addison Says:

    Uhh duh the guy averaged 4.9 yards a carry and always got positive yards,I believe that is the best of any Buc rb Ever……. I think it was over a yard more than Martin with same line , if that’s not enough for someone to give him 20 carries a game for a few games then you haven’t a flockin clue.Not all players are practice players some guys perform in games and also perform better in a pro system( one cut and go ) than a college cut back or dance system. For all you Clowns that sniff the Juice; T Davis was not good at all at Georgia and Freeman for the Falcons was not very good at all at FSU , please check his stats last week………… Lovie has James tape and is too much Of a complete idiot and I mean a complete idiot to not give the guy another shot ,it really is mind boggling. Lovie go back and search every Tape in the bucs library and since 1976 you will not find a stretch that was more impressive than MJames for avg and down and distance ( no 2nd and 10s) ………. Not Wilder, Belll,Eckwood,Dunn, Alstott, Williams,Martin not one of them !!! Maybe not as Flashy as some of them but as far as true effectiveness not one of them was better than James ,another example of a Coach not altering his system.Stats don’t lie people !!! And coaches that coach for themselves usually have stats that don’t lie and they are called Wins and Losses………. Who in the heck is going to get 3 rd and 1 or go in from the 1 ……. Lovie You Are Hurt !! Early Stages are Evident !!

  37. Travis Says:

    James Wilder is a good idea

  38. BRYCE ARTZE Says:

    Mike is one of the classiest guys on and off the field. Best of luck to him. I hope he gets his shot. He deserves it!