Ronde Carrying Lovie’s Water?
August 16th, 2015
Johnthan Banks’ defense of a would-be Vikings touchdown apparently wasn’t good enough for Lovie Smith, eeerr, Ronde Barber.
Joe is freaking fed up with this Mike Jenkins nonsense. For anyone — even the head coach — to suggest to Joe or to Bucs fandom that Jenkins, a first-round bust thrown overboard by both the Cowboys and the rotten Raiders, should be starting over Johnthan Banks is an absolute insult.
What Jenkins has done to deserve Lovie Smith’s undying affection is lost on Joe. Something isn’t right.
Then last night during the Bucs’ broadcast, it sure seemed like preseason TV analyst Ronde Barber — who should someday have his bust in Canton — was given marching orders by Lovie on what to say concerning Banks and Jenkins.
On the Vikings’ first drive, Banks broke up what looked to have been a touchdown. Nice play, but apparently, not nice enough for Barber. Initially, Barber praised Banks saying, “One thing we do know about these Bucs corners, especially Johnthan Banks who has the size, they can play these deep balls.”
Barber went on to note that Banks led the team in picks last year and, as if Lovie himself was tapping him on the shoulder, immediately added, “He’s being challenged for that starting right corner position — he has to make that play; I thought he had a chance to intercept that thing. He just didn’t make that play on it.”
Who is challenging Banks for the starter role? Ronde didn’t leave viewers guessing long. When Jenkins came into the game, time and again Ronde made sure viewers knew that Jenkins began 2014 as a starter. Barber would later go on to excuse the play of Jenkins when he was burned for a touchdown.
This was right out of Lovie’s script, as if Lovie himself was producing the telecast.
In training camp, without fail, if Lovie is asked about Banks he quickly invokes Jenkins’ name and begins prattling about Jenkins like he’s Mel Blount, even though no one asked Lovie about Jenkins.
Lovie sure does have some sort of bromance with Jenkins.
If one is to take Barber’s implication a few steps further, that Banks, despite leading the team in picks last year, needs to come up with more or he will be benched, what does that tell you?
Joe knows Lovie covets turnovers like Joe does cold beers on a hot Friday afternoon. So Lovie is willing to sacrifice decent to good defensive play all for the sake of flukes, which is basically what turnovers are: flukes? That’s banking a whole lot on hope, and we all know what one of the greatest coaches in all of sports said about hope.
Joe understands how a guy paid to work a broadcast for a team has to walk a fine line. That’s understandable. But no one, and Joe means no one, having watched Banks’ play last year would ever suggest he should be benched in favor of Jenkins. (Hell, Joe thought Banks was s darkhorse to eat pineapple.)
No one that is, except Lovie, for some twisted reason, and whoever Lovie directs to speak on his behalf.
August 16th, 2015 at 8:05 am
Ronde has always been the company man, the “yes man” for management. Remember Keyshawn calling him an Uncle Tom? He’s not even employed by the Bucs anymore, and he’s still doing it. Got credibility, Ronde?
August 16th, 2015 at 8:22 am
The prosecution rests. Ouch Ronde. And seriously. I’m no Banks fan, but he is so superior to Jenkins I have trouble telling they pla the same position.
August 16th, 2015 at 8:26 am
If you look at that play closely….I think you’ll see that Banks was interfered with.
August 16th, 2015 at 8:30 am
Yeah the viking player grabbed in from behind.
August 16th, 2015 at 8:36 am
Also….on the Winston interception…..ME13 was interfered with and held up slowing his route….if that hadn’t happened there may not have been an interception.
August 16th, 2015 at 8:38 am
of hearing the interference excuse. Already preseason game 1. Do you know how big and strong mike evans is? Are you telling me that if he tried for the catch instead of the flag wouldnt have gotten his hand on that ball? Same with the second catch. Ive seen him throw dbs like ragdolls.
Banks made a great play on the ball last night, but yes it was an opportunity for a pick. I dont know how catchable it was.
August 16th, 2015 at 8:38 am
*im sick and tired of….
August 16th, 2015 at 8:40 am
Mike evans throwing his hands in the air looking for a flag before the play is over really bothers me.
August 16th, 2015 at 8:44 am
The Bucs are the last place team, no referee is going to give the bucs anything or any benefit of doubt. Expect most call will go against the Bucs they have a bad/sloppy play label!!!!
But on the good side the Bucs have 1st choice of the waiver wire!!! ( that is for all the optimist out there)
August 16th, 2015 at 8:46 am
My sources are reporting that the Vikings DBs did return #13’s wallet and watch after the mugging on the interception play.
August 16th, 2015 at 9:03 am
At least Banks was making plays on the ball. Twice I saw Jenkins get beat, bad. There is no competition. Maybe between S. Moore and Jenkins. For now I think Banks is our best CB. Hopefully AV will be back to probowl form after a year in the system. I’ve seen L. Johnson get some pick 6’s, but last year he was constantly burned. How is he still our top choice for nickel back ? Even if he covers well the issue with him is speed and he constantly got beat. That scares me.
August 16th, 2015 at 9:18 am
Joe: For those of us out of state, we are only able to watch the game on NFL Network. I thought they are supposed to have the home broadcast team the first half and then switch to the visiting broadcast team for the second half. We got the Vikings broadcast the entire game. Naturally it was Minn. biased and based, but not as bad as some in the past. But, we still never heard who made tackles, even catches by the Bucs. Am I wrong on the home/visitor broadcast switch?
I understand your frustration with Jenkins and I would add Gilkey too. How in the world can the coaching staff not see what every Bucs fan sees clearly. We need to add offensive line help immediately. Bring in 4-6 experienced bodies and sort though them to see who can stick. Don’t wait until the start of the regular season to address this.
August 16th, 2015 at 9:25 am
Jenkins was not burned on the TD. He expected help over the top and the safety #35 was baited towards the middle. You even saw him give Jenkins the “my bad” chest pat after the play. It looked like Jenkins role was to play a zone coverage between the goaline and the 5 yardline. The safety blew his coverage and was supposed to provide help over the top. I don’t think Jenkins is a starting corner, but he is a viable Nickel corner. When healthy he has played well.
August 16th, 2015 at 9:27 am
Our pass defense last night was woeful, BUT the starters looked good on the first couple drives. I think we’re seeing the very beginning of something special.
August 16th, 2015 at 9:28 am
Barber had to muffle his laughter.
August 16th, 2015 at 9:30 am
Jenkins sucks. Leonard Johnson sucks.
Verner and Banks were both fantastic last night. Let’s play Moore inside instead of Johnson, and we’ll finally have 3 solid corners at both outside positions and the nickel.
August 16th, 2015 at 9:33 am
Licht and Lovie have had 2 years to get an OL they have not done that at all and add to that a terrible OL coach…. it just leaves you scratching and wondering and pissed about the 5-11 2015 squad
August 16th, 2015 at 9:35 am
@ Realist
You are right….we won’t get the benefit of the doubt and Minn was the home team…..nevertheless….the calls can affect plays…..I think Evans was interfered with more than once….and Winston was absolutely hit in the head during a slide… wasn’t called.
I’m not making excuses for poor play or bad passes….just pointing out how things can change very quickly depending on calls.
August 16th, 2015 at 10:05 am
Winston was definitely hit in the head after he went down after a scramble. The problem was that he dives head first instead of sliding feet first. When he goes down like that he is fair game. That’s something that he has to change.
August 16th, 2015 at 10:20 am
You all need to just face reality, We may win 4 games this season Tops. The only award the Bucs can win is for talking us fans out of our $$ with their ridiculous marketing schemes. Problem is we all still buy into it……all these years later.
Lovie’s gone after this season with possibly Licht. If Winston doesn’t pan out we’re screwed for at least 5 or 6 more seasons.
There comes a time when all the excuses, all the positive outlook in the world won’t change just how incredibly BAD this team is, and how poorly they’re coached. We were told having Dirk Koetter as OC was gonna make a difference. Did anyone else think we looked better than last season last night? We looked much worse.
August 16th, 2015 at 10:25 am
On the TD that Jenkins was trailing on, he was supposed to have help over the top. That being said Banks is still our best corner. And he is still starting so what’s the problem. I’m not gonna complain about something that hasn’t happened.
August 16th, 2015 at 10:26 am
I actually thought the OL looked much better than I thought they would. Perhaps it was because the ball comes out much quicker in Koetter’s offense. The defense looked like crap. Same stuff as last pass rush combined with leaving guys wide open. Winston started slow which is a concern because that is what he does in practice and what he did in college. He looked terrific on his touchdown drive and you could see it started to click for him. It looks like ASJ is way overrated. He should have made the tough catch for Winston near the goal line. Same can be said for VJ. He needs to shield himself between the ball and defender.
August 16th, 2015 at 10:29 am
jb, you’re putting way too much stock into the first preseason game.
August 16th, 2015 at 10:31 am
jb…. u are spot on my prediction of 6-10 was too high… this looks like a 3-13 team….
August 16th, 2015 at 10:36 am
Wait did you just say …
“turnovers are: flukes”
You can always tell when a dude has never played on the DEFENSE side of the ball. So are you saying there’s nothing Instinctual about, jumping a perfectly thrown pass?
So a defensive back or linebacker can’t BAIT a QB? Are you saying it’s a complete FLUKE to appear out of position in order to induce a throw?
C’mon bruh-U know better than that.
August 16th, 2015 at 10:39 am
i just rewatched frame by frame both mike evans catches, the first one, before its even gone over his head, he has both his hands up pleading for the flag.
the second one, as soon as he realizes its underthrown and turns around, the moment he gets in contact throws his arms out wide pleading for the flag, meanwhile the ball sails to the ground within reach.
he could have gotten his hand on the ball both times, had he just stopped playing the victim and went for the ball. there was pass interference on Odell Beckhams monster catch last year. you didnt see him quit on the play.
August 16th, 2015 at 10:49 am
Can someone tell me what it is that incompetent Lovie Smith is good at? Decision-making?
Talent evaluation?
Making teams competetive?
Hiring coaches?
Game time coaching?
Making excuses?
Blaming predecessors for his failures?
Speaking without saying anything?
Covering for his sacred cows?
Earning first overall picks?
Losing football games?
Eating pie?
August 16th, 2015 at 10:49 am
Just goes to show again our coach is a dumbass. Plain and simple. He is average at best. And that’s being nice. The sooner he is replaced the better it’ll be for the long term future of our team. Banks is our future and Jenks is a nickel db at best. Lovie gets stuck on certain players just like he did for the Bears. Just because Jenks played in Dallas he must be our savior since he knows our D. Hate to tell you Banks knows it as well and even had a season sponging off Revis for a year. Ignorance is bliss in Tampa right now. Another losing season looks inevitable this year
August 16th, 2015 at 10:51 am
Wasn’t it Jenkins who got roasted by Patterson on the TD after Winston’s INT? Did Ronde have anything to say about THAT? (We got the Vikings Homer Broadcast here… Simply awful. They routinely ignored Bucs drives to conduct sideline interviews with Vikings players. I’m sure that what every home team broadcast does, but it’s aggravating when I want to hear about the Bucs)
August 16th, 2015 at 10:54 am
@Dallas Buc
He is the best in the League. At excuses!!! If he could only shift defensive pressure like he shifts blame, the bucs would have a top 5 defense!!!!
Its as simple as that!!!!
August 16th, 2015 at 10:57 am
jb Says:
“Did anyone else think we looked better than last season last night? We looked much worse.”
I think they look about the same.
August 16th, 2015 at 11:03 am
Refs missed alot of calls. Even the Int,Evans was wearing a cape (Viks db)
August 16th, 2015 at 11:03 am
BucFanInArkansas Says:
August 16th, 2015 at 10:51 am
Wasn’t it Jenkins who got roasted by Patterson on the TD after Winston’s INT? Did Ronde have anything to say about THAT? (We got the Vikings Homer Broadcast here… Simply awful. They routinely ignored Bucs drives to conduct sideline interviews with Vikings players. I’m sure that what every home team broadcast does, but it’s aggravating when I want to hear about the Bucs)
he did point out that there was supposed to be a safety over top and that jenkins was supposed to be playing the ‘under’ ya know in case of a curl or corner route. ya know… the play that was called. you can see jenkins coaching up the safety right after the play, and ronde points it out.
C’mon joe, i am no fan of Jenkins either, but on that touchdown play he wasnt burned so much as playing cover two, where he is supposed to protect against the under routes with a safety over top.
August 16th, 2015 at 11:03 am
The most concerning part about last night to me was punting and the coverage of punts.
August 16th, 2015 at 11:29 am
“I think they look about the same.”
Smh, lol
Sad but true-But of course its one game – And typically most teams don’t game plan for the opposition – Until the 2nd or 3rd preseason game.
I wonder how the coaching staff, and players respond this week.
August 16th, 2015 at 11:36 am
just wish defensively be more aggresive they onviously cant play the tampa 2 defense not one unit….jenkins mighr stink but where was conte? or major wright or whoever had deep half… blitz more…. just sucks wastinf this year
August 16th, 2015 at 11:53 am
jb, I’m with you. JW is just not that accurate and has a slow delivery. This is going to be painful. I’m not predicting record but I will say that Koetter gets us a few more. Not sure we have improved at QB position.
August 16th, 2015 at 11:56 am
i cannot get the taste of mike evans and jameis winston begging for penalties out of my mouth.
August 16th, 2015 at 1:35 pm
If they look like this in the third pre season game I’m selling my season tickets
August 16th, 2015 at 1:46 pm
Sometimes you lose a game and sometimes you get beat!!!
I hate to lose! I don’t like getting beat but I understand the other team is getting paid as well and wants to win just as much.
Minnesota is a young team on the rise. We are where they were last year, with a rookie QB who shows promise. The Vikings on the other hand already had a win under their belt beating the Steelers and Bridgewater is playing lights out right now. Add AP back into the mix and the Vikings will be the greatest threat to the Packers in that division.
Boys we just got whipped last night. Teddy Bridgewater with a year’s experience is clearly better than Fameis “at the moment”. We’ll see how long it take Fameis to pick it up. Bridgewater actually had a solid rookie year and so we shouldn’t be surprised by his stellar play to start this season.
August 16th, 2015 at 2:06 pm
always fun to read the comments after a preseason game. The preseason is for one thing and one thing only, to see who is going to make the final cut. I absolutely give Jameis a pass. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be the #1 draft pick and start your first NFL game. It was a wake up for Mariota and it was a wake up for Winston too. I expect that he’s got that experience under his belt and we’ll see a different Jameis next week. We’ll see more and more of the offense and defense with each successive week. If it looks like this on week 4 of the preseason then it’s time to question the progress of the program but to call the regular season lost after the first preseason is hysterical. It’s also pretty pathetic. This was always a 6-8 win season. Rookie QB, 2 rookies on O-line, new OC, etc. Anything more than that is a bonus and anything less than that is really unacceptable. There’s no way to determine how good or how bad we will be after 1 preseason game but realistically, did anyone expect us to win our division this year?? If so, I have some property I’d like to sell you in Nevada….
August 16th, 2015 at 2:43 pm
Rodney Dangerfield on the Bucs, hey they just don’t get no respect. At least the Bucs have something the Vikings don’t have, a Super Bowl winners trophy.
August 16th, 2015 at 2:56 pm
Rondo Barber is correct, Mike Jenkins is challenge Johnthan Banks for the starting CB opposite Alterraun Verner. But Jenkins is losing the battle, he should be behind Brandon Dixon. Jenkins should be battling for the first cuts, I can’t see the Bucs keeping Jenkins. Brandon Dixon should be our backup Cornerback and Sterling Moore should be our Nickel. I see Banks, Verner, Moore, Dixon, Frey and LJ as our 6 Corners. But we have 3 more preseason games left, let’s just wait and see who step up to the plate.
August 16th, 2015 at 8:34 pm
Bad calls last night. Mike Evans was grabbed….Vjax was held and banks was interfered with. I swear to God if Lovie plays Jenkins or lets Warhop play Gilkey during the season….I am done until Koetter is promoted. Sick of all the stupid sh!te that revolves around this team
August 17th, 2015 at 5:37 pm
Jenkins should be serving me french fries at the golden arch drive through. He needs to be on the bench at best. Banks is going to be ankther one of our good draft picks that never gets an extention. “BANK” on it!!!!! He will go play for a contender and help bring home a championship and we will get “peanut”s for him if that!!!!!!
Lovie I am disliking you more and more every day. Stop pissing your fan base off and put a good team together!!!!!!!!!!