Expect Practice (Somewhere) Sunday
August 1st, 2015
Bucs coach Lovie Smith expects the team to practice somewhere, sometime Sunday. Photo courtesy of Buccaneers.com.
For the paranoid crowd that believes if the Bucs miss one practice in the first week of training camp due to inclement weather, it will cost them a Super Bowl, Joe has calming words — spoken by the leader of the Bucs, coach Lovie Smith.
Saturday, the open practice was canceled at One Buc Palace and based on Twitter feedback, Bucs fans howled as if they were having their wisdom teeth removed without Novocaine. Oh, the franchise is doomed because the team can’t practice under a roof.
(Someone must explain to Joe how the Bucs won a Super Bowl with a facility that was nothing more than a glorified trailer park.)
Given the fact animals are being gathered by twos in the Tampa Bay area of late, there is a good chance that rain could play games with practice scheduling.
Not to fear, says Lovie. “We’ll keep all options open [for Sunday]. The odds are we will get our practice in some kind of way.”
Those options? Lovie didn’t specify, but using USF’s turf fields under the lights is one option. Another is the Fruitdome in St. Petersburg, which the Bucs have used many times in recent years.
August 1st, 2015 at 11:26 pm
Why the hell not use the Trop?
This is not rain we are talking about. It’s called BUCKETS of rain and how often will the Bucs have to play in such conditions during the regular season?
Even if they do have to play in such conditions the other team is at just as much of a disadvantage as they will be.
Move the practices indoors and stop effing around before GMC, Evans or some other player of great value to the team goes down with an injury.
But NO you’re right Joe they don’t need an indoor facility. Tell me that again after someone gets needlessly hurt.
August 1st, 2015 at 11:28 pm
You can’t wrap players in giant condoms 24/7.
August 1st, 2015 at 11:38 pm
It WAS the FIRST day of TC in a downpour.
Never mind I give up!
August 1st, 2015 at 11:54 pm
Truthfully in a real game situation. The game would’ve been delayed. It’s rare that the game is played in that type of down pour in the NFL.
August 2nd, 2015 at 12:05 am
Red86…I don’t know. I think they keep playing unless there is thunder. The again I remember the home opener in 2013 against the Aints where they had a rain delay like 5 minutes into the game. I don’t remember hearing any thunder at all when that happened. So I’m really not sure. I know it was coming down in buckets though.
August 2nd, 2015 at 9:47 am
Do the Bucs need a indoor practice facility? Hell yea!!! It’s not necessary to be a good team but it can helps prevent injury and protect the players. This attitude by the Joes that it’s not needed is amusing.
August 2nd, 2015 at 11:17 am
Once again:
1) How did the Bucs win a Super Bowl without one?
2) How has an indoor facility helped the Browns or the Bills or the Rams the past decade?
It is players — quality players — the Bucs need, not a roof.
August 2nd, 2015 at 2:35 pm
Yet the Patriots, Broncos, Colts and Seahawks all have a indoor facilities. So that’s a weak argument saying the indoor facilities are not helpful and can help young rookies get valuable reps and prevent practice injuries.
Bucs need both a indoor facility as well as better players and coaches.
August 2nd, 2015 at 2:45 pm
Heck even the Dolphins have pre cautions for inclement weather. With a portion of the field have a cover. Glazers just need to man up and pay for it.