Edwards Likes His First-Time, First-Team Work

August 16th, 2015

It was a very new day for Kadeem Edwards

Before fans go completely nuts because of the Bucs’ offensive line issues last night, Joe wants to remind everyone that Logan Mankins played exactly one series.

And he played pretty well, much better than last year.

So who came in for Mankins at left guard. That would be second-year man Kadeem Edwards, who didn’t take a regular season snap last year.

Joe was in Minnesota and talked to the 2014 fifth-round pick after the game.

Edwards was pumped up. You see, it was the first time he had every played against a first-team, NFL defense in a game. All of last preseason, per Edwards, he was matched up against fellow backups.

Last night, he walked out of the game confident his film would show he handled his A-team duties well.

“I got a chance to play against their starters. I got a feel for real competition. It was all great, a great feeling,” Edwards said. “I think I held my own overall, and it was great to get under the lights. Some stuff I have to improve in practice, like everybody, of course, but I think it’ll show up that I did pretty well against top-notch competition. I’m humbled and excited to get this experience.”

Edwards lost weight and overall body fatĀ entering this season. He missed most of 2014 on injured reserve. Most players, if they’re any good, improve a lot from Year 1 to Year 2. Edwards could be one of those guys. Joe’s anxious to go back and look at the film.

14 Responses to “Edwards Likes His First-Time, First-Team Work”

  1. Strider Says:

    I know D. Smith gave up an all to easy sack but I watched and re watched replays overall I thought he had some good plays same with Marpet really excited to see our team clean up some of these mistakes and show se big improvement for next Monday nights game

  2. Harry Says:

    Having Edwards for depth would give me some warm fuzzies. Unlike the shivers I get thinking of friggin Gilkey and Lovie’s D.

  3. The Buc Realist Says:

    Is Lovie coaching a football team or running a Jenny Craig clinic??? I am tired to hear how everyone has lost weight! They were manhandled out there!!! Thank goodness that Adrian Peterson sat out and did not dance all over this team!!!

    By the way, I wonder what Nole on Sat, Buc on Sun changed his name to??????

  4. Harry Says:

    I soooo agree with you. Lovie’s D looked friggin awful. It was the Bucs first game action, and the Vikings second. But still… It was like they picked up where they left off in the middle of the ATL game last season.

  5. Walter Says:

    Guess I better just chalk up 0-16 guys, it’s over, the first half of the first preseason game is all I need to see. Number one pick, here we come! (Again!)

  6. Stanglassman Says:

    When will we here the report on Dodson’s MRI? The sprained MCL (not sure the grade) is confirmed but they ACL tear or not will be known today. I really feel for the guy. He was being ask to play the entire half while other OL vets were only in one series. This maybe not as big of a deal if it weren’t for that lousy turf & his contract status.

  7. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    Buc Realist good stuff!! If your going to take sides with an opinion be strong enough to get back here and acknowledge the brutal facts… lovie is not a hc nor personnel man and this team is a bottom feeder in the garbage NFC South…i liked what i saw out of marpet and jameis will be good… this team needs a leader as a head coach….its time to bring chucky back…its tough being a bucs fan and they look like they are taking square pegs in round holes…schiano had a more aggressive attacking defense and a decent offense… poor personnel moves doomed him… but he made LVD an all pro

  8. Walter Says:

    Really? Bring Gruden back? Come on now, at least be realistic. Gruden’s done, for good. Will never coach again, I don’t even think he wants to.

  9. Buccfan37 Says:

    Maybe they could talk Dungy out of his alien looking talking head gig where he waits to schmooze himself into the Hall of Fame. He knows defense like Lovie does. No offense intended.

  10. Lakeland Buc Says:

    I would give all of our O-Linemen a passing grade last night, except for Garret Gilkey and Donovan Smith. Gilkey has no business playing center, this fall on George Warhop. Donovan Smith was beat bad by Everson Griffen, but we’re talking about a player with 12 sacks last season.

  11. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    Gruden wants to coach he said so the other day on SEC Network w Paul Finebaum… and was close to going to University of Tennessee…just want bucs to win and doesnt look good for 2015

  12. Poorlittlepinkus Says:

    Not to beat a dead horse here, but weren’t we in the EXACT same position last year: below average line play (O and D) and porous secondary?
    Just saying…

  13. OB Says:

    From what I saw, Smith was beaten bad on only one play on a spinning move. He did pretty good after that for a rookie.

  14. Bucamania Says:

    Donovan looked good after the first play. He was engulfing DEs. Marpet looked really quick and strong. They’ll both be fine. More than fine.