Bruce Carter: Jameis, Smith Clashed
August 9th, 2015
Seems Bucs C Evan Smith and “America’s Quarterback” were at odds a fair amount of time in OTAs.
Joe always wondered what the hair was up Bucs center Evan Smith’s tailpipe about “America’s Quarterback,” Bucs signal-caller Jameis Winston.
For the longest time, the marginal center acted in public as if Jameis had farted in his dinner plate.
Smith once noted how there are other rookies on the team (never mind Jameis was the No. 1 overall pick and a quarterback, and a guy that can save Smith’s near-future with the team) and the Bucs already had leaders (the same leaders who led the team to a 2-14 record).
Only recently did Smith stop the juvenile tough guy schtick and finally called Jameis by his name, instead of “he,” and actually was complimentary of Jameis last week.
It seems, per linebacker Bruce Carter, there was rancor between both Jameis and Smith that dated back to OTAs. This news came after practice yesterday, when Carter was asked to assess Jameis’ progress in his first handful of months with the Bucs.
“He’s doing good,” Carter said of Jameis. “I remember in OTAs, when I was in, him and the center were getting into it about who is the Mike and stuff like that. Now, I feel like they have their communication down and he is out there calling the Mike, identifying guys, his keys are on point, he’s talking throughout the whole line and guys are responding to him well. I think he has been doing a great job so far.”
Yeah, like Smith is the most fundamentally sound center walking the face of the earth.
Why does Joe get the impression it was Smith who was being the horse’s rear end here and not so much Jameis? Remember how offensive coordinator Dirk Koetter said he wanted Jameis to tell Smith to shut up?
Good thing Smith finally grew up (speaking of rookies) and knocked off the silent treatment he was giving his quarterback. Or perhaps someone on the coaching staff told Smith to drop the Harry High School routine?
Perhaps the angst Smith had towards Jameis was because Smith thought turnover-prone Josh McClown was the second-coming of Roger Staubach?
August 9th, 2015 at 8:16 am
That just goes to show this guy’s mentality….it wouldn’t matter to me if sum 1 was a rookie or 15 yr vet, if they can help us win I’m all in for them. I think he might have bought into some of the crap being said about Winston and it comes across in his attitude. But this is why u should a person a chance to make a first impression on u personally before judging them. Hope he’s grown up.
August 9th, 2015 at 8:39 am
Perhaps Smith just watches too much TMZ…
August 9th, 2015 at 8:44 am
August 9th, 2015 at 8:45 am
Not only is he a marginal player, he has no clue about the NFL…go ahead and make enemies with the franchise QB in his rookie year…GB let you walk early in your career, did You give AR the same shiznit and get bounced?
He better get ten times better than last year and needs t o just STFU and play ball
August 9th, 2015 at 8:56 am
We can not afford attitude problems between EDS and our QB.
August 9th, 2015 at 8:57 am
Yes, McCown has been an NFL quarterback for a long time….but as a journeyman primarily a back up quarterback. There is a reason for that. Let’s not glorify him Evan. Moreover, it is my belief that Evan was recently sat down by Lovie and was told to ship up in regards to Winston or he can roll the ball to another quarterback on another team. If he is going to hamper Winston’s growth in any fashion lets train up Marpet for center…and get another draft pick in 2016. Straighten up and snap right. Let’s get positive!
August 9th, 2015 at 9:09 am
Just look at the guy, you can see he’s a bit nutty in the head, think’s he’s a bad ass.
August 9th, 2015 at 9:22 am
Here’s all you need to know about EDS…
August 9th, 2015 at 9:32 am
Bucc Trooper – He should have been cut right then and there. ANYONE can loaf around like that we don’t NEED him to do that crap.
August 9th, 2015 at 9:48 am
It is critical that the QB and Center are able to work well and communicate with one another since they both touch the ball on every offensive snap and both have responsibilities in recognizing defensive alignments and setting up coverage. I do not have any problem at all if they were at odds in the beginning as that actually shows they were both communicating and trying to take leadership responsibilities. Now that they are moving past that, I think they will be better working together. I am not a big EDS fan but since he is the starting Center until a suitable replacement is obtained in the future, I will obviously pull for him to play well. Kudos to Winston for his charisma and leadership abilities in dealing with negativity and opposition from a teammate. Mariota may not have dealt with EDS giving him attitude nearly as well if we would have had the 2nd pick and wound up with him.
August 9th, 2015 at 9:50 am
Nice clip trooper…what a hunk of dung.
August 9th, 2015 at 10:03 am
BucTrooper…you watch that clip and you wonder why LOVIE still has him on the roster. WTH is going on?
Jameis is going to get killed with this guy.
August 9th, 2015 at 10:10 am
…..or could much of this be jealousy on EDS’s part. Why was EDS so high on a back up quarterback such as McCown and so negative about Winston? Might his start greater mirror that of Josh McCowan’s career? Can he relate better to him? Winston is prime rib…National Championship, Heisman trophy winner etc. Winston was not only selected in the draft, but number #1 overall. What about EDS? He really had to take his lumps in the league. EDS was overlooked in the 2009 drafted….undrafted. Was picked up given a chance in GB in October, 2009 and released prior to the 2010 season. He was then picked up by the Seahawks September 5th, 2010 but released by them only 1 month later on October 5th, 2010. He was once again signed by GB New Years Eve..but did luck into a quick Championship ring. Could he just relate better to a guy like McCown?
August 9th, 2015 at 10:23 am
@ BucTrooper
In fairness to EDS, I almost guarantee he was supposed to have help from his right guard on that play.
August 9th, 2015 at 10:28 am
He has that racist vibe and look to me just speculation
August 9th, 2015 at 11:12 am
I thought the whole EDS disliking Jameis thing was just something that Joe was harping on and overblowing based on 1 or 2 comments – sort of like the Mankins BBQ deal or similar. Apparently there was more to it than that based on Carter’s comment. Sounds like its all good now though. Sorry I doubted you Joe.
August 9th, 2015 at 11:31 am
It was OTAs and the rookie qb was messing up the o line calls. He corrected him. I dont see this being a big deal. Im glad everyone isnt kissing winstons butt. He needs to be humbled, and other players need to feel comfortable talking to the kid when he is wrong. I hope smith continues to be the one to keep the kid straight. He has enough friends on the team, he needs someone to be tough on him, and push him to be great.
August 9th, 2015 at 11:37 am
Trubucfan22 Says:
“he needs someone to be tough on him, and push him to be great.”
You obviously don’t know Jameis at all.
August 9th, 2015 at 12:44 pm
We all saw what happens when they let his weak a$$ identify the Mike.
August 9th, 2015 at 12:49 pm
So glad incompetent Lovie Smith traded Zuttah away for a half-eaten gas station taquito and instead overpaid for this pillar of mediocrity.
August 9th, 2015 at 12:57 pm
At trubucfan……please tell us how you know jameis was wrong with the line calls. Were you at otas? Are you on the bucs coaching staff? Or are you one of those people who like making stuff up? Seeing that you were not at otas or a coach, I’m going with likes to make stuff up guy.
August 9th, 2015 at 1:19 pm
I doubt Evan Smith will be on the roster in 2016. Gilkey or one of the young guys who were in over their heads last year will make some strides and Smith will go. It’s too bad. A veteran Center is supposed to be an asset to a young QB. Aren’t the Bucs paying him to help the quarterback?
August 9th, 2015 at 1:51 pm
Jameis should stomp on Smith, just like Suh did.
August 9th, 2015 at 1:56 pm
DallasBuc Says:
August 9th, 2015 at 12:49 pm
“So glad incompetent Lovie Smith traded Zuttah away for a half-eaten gas station taquito and instead overpaid for this pillar of mediocrity.”
LMAO….enjoy the season! 🙂
August 9th, 2015 at 2:00 pm
gotbbucs Says:
August 9th, 2015 at 10:23 am
“@ BucTrooper
In fairness to EDS”
This guy will get no fairness with me.
I don’t know about the rest of you though!
August 9th, 2015 at 2:05 pm
No harm, no foul man. Free country.
August 9th, 2015 at 2:26 pm
Who cares? This is stupid. Not everybody is going to like each other. Thats ok. You dont have to like each other. And rookies should earn their respect. Not everyone hands out respect like Incompetent Lovie hands out starting jobs.
August 9th, 2015 at 3:21 pm
EDS seems to like to dwell in traditions (Rookies DKS) that only have meaning when the vets have accomplished something.
Look, I get where he’s coming from (rookie hazing traditions) but I don’t think it’s wise to be the source of distractions when the team needs all their focus on the field.
August 9th, 2015 at 3:29 pm
Joe sometimes comes across as a hack who’s only function is to try to drum up drama. Perhaps there are weak-minded fans out there whom this impresses, but for a lot of us, Not so Much! 😉
August 9th, 2015 at 5:35 pm
If it were a big deal I doubt Carter would’ve brought it up. That being said, Smith is mentally weak on the football field, the exact opposite of Winston. The center needs to assist, not argue. Smith is easily replaceable if he plays like he did last year. He’ll get the boot well before Jameis. He should keep that in mind.
August 9th, 2015 at 6:14 pm
How is it that no one is keeping count of how many Interceptions Winston has thrown? Everyday I read how he keeps throwing multiple picks and bad over throws. I watched NFL network the other day and they said the guy who couldn’t throw accurate and would fail because he was never in a huddle has yet to throw one int. Mariota according to NFL network reporters has been razor sharp and has complete command of the huddle, not to mention hasn’t even mishandled a snap unlike our guy. Looks like we grabbed the wrong QB. Of course the Joes will say something different but I doubt they know more on the subject than the NFL network. So far it’s not evne close who looks better so far. Imagine how bad it’s goona look when Mariota outshines Winston….AGAIN! Just another Buc blunder!
August 9th, 2015 at 7:34 pm
Winston will be a bust….just saying. Haters call me what you want, but you play like you practice and JW is practicing poorly. The center has to be in control of line calls and helping the offense set, while the bust, JW, does not seem to understand this and wants to be in control. Learn from vets don’t tell them what to do. How many more days until the Titans come and beat the Bucs?
August 9th, 2015 at 10:51 pm
It will never be his fault. How are the season ticket sales going Joe?
August 9th, 2015 at 11:31 pm
Bucs do not release ticket sales details. Bryan Glazer did say sales up “dramatically.”