Kenny Bell Dishes On Jameis
May 9th, 2015
Bucs WR Kenny Bell goes for some YAC in Bucs rookie minicamp Friday. Photo courtesy of
Except for the select few who tuned out everything Jameis Winston in the months leading to the draft and his selection by the Bucs No. 1 overall, one of Jameis’ greatest traits is his personality and the way he interacts with teammates.
Both Bucs general manager Jason Licht and Bucs coach Lovie Smith remarked how Jameis’ interaction with his teammates and the feedback the duo got from Jameis’ teammates at Florida State were key factors in deciding he was The One.
Yesterday, Joe got a chance to talk to rookie fifth-round wide receiver Kenny Bell. Both he and Jameis struck up a friendship when they first met at the NFL Scouting Combine this past winter. Now? The two are roommates with the Bucs.
To hear Bell speak, Jameis is the ultimate teammate.
“He is just infectious,” Bell said of Jameis. “His personality, and who is. You want to be around him, He is such a positive dude. He kind of lifts you up when you’ve made a bad play. He is just positive. An infectious dude with an infectious personality that guys like to be around.
“He’s a guy I am definitely looking forward to working with. Personality-wise, it doesn’t get too much better. It is actually refreshing. With the negative that you have heard that has been surrounding him, it’s been awesome to get to know him. I really like the dude.
“Genuine. Great personality, funny dude. Someone you want to be around. Someone you are definitely happy to follow. Someone you are definitely happy who is under center.”
The two hooked up on what Bucs fans hope is a long marriage on one memorable play at rookie minicamp yesterday. Yeah, it’s the first practice and it is underwear football. Joe wrote about the play yesterday, where Bell completely undressed a fellow rookie corner on a double-move and caught a bomb from Jameis along the left sideline. Bell could have walked for a touchdown he was so open.
Bell said that play came about from trying to practice what Bucs coaches are teaching.
“I am just trying to take to coaching every day,” Bell said. “Today, I am just trying to learn, most importantly. [The double-move] was something we talked about in the meeting room and I tried to execute it the right way. The technique of running the route.”
Oh, and Joe just had to ask Bell about his hair, a wonderful Soul Train afro.
“Oh, I’ve always had it like this,” Bell said laughing. “It’s become part of my identity. Just let it roll. Not an ode to anybody. Just my style.”
To hear more of Bell, click the black button below. Audio courtesy of Joe’s friends at WDAE-AM 620.
May 9th, 2015 at 9:27 am
This guy came across in his interview as Ronde Barber smart and that goes a long way in this league. We know he can stretch the field, kick returns and gunner but I hope he can master the short and intermediate routes like third and Ike.
May 9th, 2015 at 9:31 am
Winston has this effect on fellow Rookies. I hope the Vets will feel the same way once the team is together! Go BUCS!!
May 9th, 2015 at 9:38 am
BuccaneEric keep in mind these men went to the GM and said get this guy. He’ll be little brother for a year or so and then that locker room will be his.
May 9th, 2015 at 9:44 am
I know our squads are rivals bro but I’m tellin you had been a cane you would know why us Noles folks are so high on this young man.He
May 9th, 2015 at 9:46 am
Nole/Buc, I hope your right! That says a lot about how the players feel about Glennon when they’d rather have a rookie instead. The Glennon Mob can’t argue that one coherently. And I like Glennon… our backup.
May 9th, 2015 at 9:49 am
Man, Bell is a smart guy. He is a good interview for sure.
May 9th, 2015 at 9:53 am
So interacting with teammates is one of Winstons better traits?
Got to be impressed by that (it´s not like most QB´s are good with their teammates…?!)
Well, but his actuall on-field traits are weak and overblown. Most of his throws (like 80% or sth.) were to open guys and
if he had to do some QBing he was average at best (like working the pocket; quickly finding the open guy by knowing the routes in combination with what the defense showed..), but acutally he was pretty weak at that..
Other than throwing the ball to a open guy, or “throwing him open” if there is tons of grass before him, he wasn´t good.
Everything else was overblown – he should donate half of his contract to the teammates from FSU (offense and defense) who made this possible.
He´s got a very good OC in Koetter and good QB coach in Bajakian and good weapons arround him here.. just the O-line is suspect, but should be a little better than last year – therefore: if he´s truly the best QB since Luck and has a Manning like mind, we should expect very good things from him right away.
I still can´t believe they didn´t take Mariota, who would have been perfect fit, with what we got here, and is a great weapon by himselfe, while WInston as was already reported and he told himself, is more of a “serving the teammates” type of QB, a gamemanager, but sadly with bad decisons making (on-field) in college.. and even off-field..
another women needed psychological help after an ecnounter with this guy, who has to say about himself “i am a great guy”..
poor face of an franchise – perfect for the bucs (based on history but lets see what the future brings)
May 9th, 2015 at 9:53 am
Nole, I’m not a “Cane”. My name on this site is just Buccaneer with the “ic” on the end for Eric. I do like all three major college teams in Florida. I root for witch ever one has a title chance that year when they go head to head but I hope they all win the other games they play!! I guess I’m weird that way!! I’ve Been a Winston fan since national signing day 2012!!!!
May 9th, 2015 at 9:59 am
I watche Winston closely at the combine and you could see that all of the players around him were like magnets attracted to him. His personality will definately help him to inspire teamwork.
May 9th, 2015 at 10:24 am
@BuccaneEric you are not alone. I am not an alum of any school so I have no allegiance. I just want title in the state of Florida and I want to watch good football.
May 9th, 2015 at 11:29 am
@ BuccaneEric and Luther
Same for me.
Just want the title to be here in Florida. Its rightful place.
May 9th, 2015 at 12:06 pm
As a child of the 60s, have to admit I love the ‘fro.
Other hairstyle I liked was the huge “Kid cut the WR from Rutgers used to sport under Schiano.
Hope the young man does some great things with the Bucs. With Vincent Jackson getting a little long in the tooth with a huge contract for the next two years, we are in need of a third receiving moving up to the No. 2 slot.
May 9th, 2015 at 12:54 pm
Either you have Winston terribly mistaken for Jeff Driskel or the narcotics you have access to in Europe are spectacular.
May 9th, 2015 at 1:01 pm
I like Bell’s wild afro also. I think all blacks should sport one. I don’t get why black women straighten their hair, their afro’s look good and natural. Come on people, let your freak flags fly. Same with whites and other races. Long hair is a source of power and a middle finger to the establishment. Power to the people!
May 9th, 2015 at 2:00 pm
or i´m not working as a media member
do not have to rely a ss kissing
May 9th, 2015 at 2:02 pm
May 9th, 2015 at 3:13 pm
Neither does Joe. Maybe you don’t read all the articles on this site? Joe has been and always be plenty critical when warranted.
May 9th, 2015 at 3:28 pm
I’ve never heard of the criticism of throwing to an open guy. Is it better to throw to the guy who’s not open? If he throws to the open guy how is it he’s not good at finding the open guy? “Tons of grass” before him, wth does that mean?
May 9th, 2015 at 4:55 pm
I believe Winston will be a very good QB. He will need to keep from getting over excited . My main concern is “can he see ?” If you watched him in Collage, you will see him squint when looking to the side line for the next play. Might be why the intetceptions were high.
May 9th, 2015 at 8:43 pm
To Louden – To your sarcastic comment about Winstons interacting with teammates. You can not compare his personality and how he acts with teammates to someone like Marcus Mariota or an Eli Manning (BORING). Jameis Winston overblown? C”mon, he set the college football record for yard and TD as a freshman. Get over the fact the Bucs did not draft Mariots. If you are a Bucs fan you need to get behind our new QB or take a hike and look for another team!
May 9th, 2015 at 10:44 pm
What the hell is that thing on his right arm? Is that some freakish bicep? Dang! Looks like he’s got a football under his skin.
May 10th, 2015 at 1:33 pm
Louden has no freaking clue what he is talking about. Absolutely no clue.