Can’t Miss Video From Bucs Rookie Camp

May 8th, 2015


(More to come after midnight. NFL rules limit total footage per day.)

23 Responses to “Can’t Miss Video From Bucs Rookie Camp”

  1. Buc1987 Says:

    Jameis Winston is a Buccaneer.

    Wow. He really is!

  2. Erick Says:

    Whether you’re a Winston fan or not, if you’re a Buccaneers’ fan, we all need to listen to the last thing said in the video.

  3. NonyaDamnBucsiness Says:

    Stoked! Pinched myself… yup, I’m awake. Damn, it’s all really happening.


  4. kraymuthaphukinglocz Says:

    I wonder if mankings already invited our two rookie olinemen over for a bbq

  5. Gator - Bucs Says:

    Hey 87 are you still around?

  6. Buc4life1979 Says:

    Wasn’t that Marpet I saw hiking the ball to Jameis in some of those clips??? Interesting.

  7. Arealbucsfan Says:

    Im a Winstonite, but i really dont care what any of the rookies have to say about Winston (i kno we’re jus trying to get thru the off season) i jus wanna see what the vets and actual starters have to say about Jameis

  8. WS99 Says:

    That’s a lot of effin rookies.

  9. Buccfan37 Says:

    I saw youtube and thought Oh boy, but alas it said something about upgrade device in different languages. I hope all of youtube’s videos don’t go this route.

  10. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:

    Hey joe, when are we going to get a post on the protestors outside one buc with pitchforks and torches? I heard the bonfire consisting of old jerseys from people leaving the buds in droves reached 50 feet…

    Maybe some video footage of the morally superior yet rabid hordes of disgruntled fans storming the gates?

  11. Clint Says:

    Brand new mac computer, and nothing locks it up like this site. Can’t even play the video and can barely post a comment because of all the ads on the side loading. Something to think about, maybe.

  12. Gator - Bucs Says:

    Damit I keep missing 87 and DB and TBBF.

  13. rayjay1122 Says:

    I am prepared for there to be some moments this season where Winston is going to make me want to pull the little hair I have left out as well as moments where I am absolutely in awe by his brilliant plays. In the end, it will take patience for him to be molded into a franchise NFL QB, but I think he has all of the tools and leadership traits to be a star and I am absolutely stoked that he is our QB. Winston is a Buc!!!! Repeat after Gene Deckerhoff….fire them cannons!!! TD Tampa Bay!!!! Winston threads the needle again for 6!!!

  14. Joe Says:

    Clint, About 15,000 people would disagree with you today.

  15. SteveK Says:


    I know more coverage to come after midnight. Can you speak on Ali Marpet? He appears to be a BEAST. Marpet’s coach at Hobart was told that “Marpet is a rare 30-30-30 guy”.

    30 wonderlic
    30 inch vertical
    30 bench reps of 225lbs.

  16. lurker Says:

    is this new for the nfl limits?

  17. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    NFL rules suck……only so much footage?……what on earth is the point of that….you would think they would be happy to have unlimited footage coming out their a$$…..

  18. Dreambig Says:

    I was just out on the Bucs site watching interviews for the day and I don’t know about you guys but this feels different. It starts with Jameis but I like the two rookie olinemen as well. Ali Marpet looks and sounds like a clasic NFL olineman. Reminds me of the famous Redskins Hogs from the 80s and 90s, like a Jim Lachey kind of guy. Donovan Smith has some swager. It sure feels like we might be in the beginning of something really good.

  19. Joe Says:

    Hey joe, when are we going to get a post on the protestors outside one buc with pitchforks and torches? I heard the bonfire consisting of old jerseys from people leaving the buds in droves reached 50 feet…

    Maybe some video footage of the morally superior yet rabid hordes of disgruntled fans storming the gates?


    To date, Joe has yet to see one person protesting at One Buc Palace.

    Maybe this will be of interest: Jameis is fighting back.

  20. Buc1987 Says:

    @TBBF… I told you this was coming….the counter suit.

    “Winston is countersuing Kinsman for defamation, defamation per se and tortious interference with prospective business advantage.”

    “In the countersuit against Kinsman, who is a former FSU student, Winston claims that she has knowingly perpetuated a lie about him, slandered him in the press and damaged his reputation to the point where it has cost him substantially in terms of potential future earnings.”

  21. Brandon Says:

    Sorry Joe, Clint is right. Love you, hate your site. I can’t read it for long anymore. Usually within a few minutes the site locks the computer up and the page crashes. At work it is even worse. When trying to comment, the keys are a 5 second delay. At work, I “try” perusing the site with 2 different desktops and one laptop and none of them work well. At home, my laptop doesn’t do particularly well either. Explorer crashed twice on the same article I’m commenting on now. I’ve gone from checking JoeBucsFan for my news first and foremost, to only checking after I’ve checked all other sites so I’ll know how much time I have left to mess around with the inevitable computer problems I get from this site.

  22. Joe Says:

    Brandon — All Joe can say is that if there were really such site issues, then Joe would be out of business. enjoys some of the highest “reader engagement” rates in the sports Internet industry. More than 20,000 visits are here daily. Advertisers are happy. Readers respond to ads. Joe is even scored well by various page load metrics that are tied to Joe’s bottom line.

  23. Kook Says:

    @Brandon – Two things. Joe’s site runs very well in Chrome versus IE. Might want to try that. Also, About everyone at my office reads JoeBucsFan on crappy PCs and I read it on my phone on the toilet so I don’t get busted by my boss. NEver heard of anyone having a problem.
    My kid reads it at school on crappy wifi and old laptop. I don’t comment much but thought I should play defense for Joe