Vetting Jameis Winston
April 27th, 2015Sometimes Joe has to take a step back and breathe deep.
It is unreal how in some circles prospective Bucs quarterback Jameis Winston has been raked over the coals like a wanted felon. And for what, cussing? Taking a handout on grub? Shooting squirrels with a BB gun?
Yes, yes, yes, Winston was once accused by a woman of getting too handsy one night. To date, the accusation is nothing but hot air, through various investigations and hearings.
The Bucs are about to make a massive investment in Winston and, per the words of Bucs general manager Jason Licht, have finished an exhaustive vetting process looking into Winston’s past.
A few weeks ago, in faux outrage, noted pot-stirrer Jason Cole of Bleacher Report discussed how neither the Bucs nor any NFL team had interviewed the woman who claimed Winston go too handsy with her, which blew up the Interwebs. But Cole was right! And Woody Cummings of The Tampa Tribune had more details about the vetting of Winston.
Interestingly, it appears the process did not include a conversation with the Zephryhills woman who accused Winston of sexual assault stemming from an incident in December 2012. [Woman’s] attorneys say no NFL team has contacted them or their client.
“When vetting any potentially credible accusation of off-field misconduct, I’d expect NFL teams to learn both sides and not just listen to the player, agent and coach,” said Baine Kerr, a Colorado-based lawyer representing Kinsman. “Due diligence should include learning the facts from the accuser’s point of view.”
About two weeks ago, an attorney representing the Bucs did speak to Georgia Cappleman, an assistant in the Tallahassee State Attorney’s Office, which decided not to prosecute Winston.
“He asked about our investigation, but more specifically they were interested in knowing if there were any reports of, or additional information in reference to, a second victim,” said Cappleman, an FSU graduate and the daughter of former Seminoles quarterback Bill Cappleman. “I advised them that there was another woman who received some counseling services from Florida State University as a result of an encounter with Mr. Winston that was of a sexual nature.”
Notice it is the Bucs’ attorneys who are part of the investigation, not just Licht, not just Lovie Smith, not just Dirk Koetter. Joe came to the same conclusion as Kerr: To Joe, this screams that NFL attorneys do not believe the woman or her case to be credible.
And besides, what more can she say or add that is not already public record? It’s time to turn the page on this nonsense, isn’t it?
Joe has.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:05 am
It is not what he HAS done….that is well documented… is what will he do NEXT !!!!
April 27th, 2015 at 8:09 am
“Yes, yes, yes, Winston was once accused by a woman of getting too handsy one night.” – Joe
Wow. Guilty or not, that is a HUGE UNDERSTATEMENT.
My respect for Joe just went down.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:10 am
That’s because every other news outlet only took her side of the story and never asked for his. So her 5 versions of the story are all out there. She’d either repeat those or make up another version.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:11 am
Also the bucs have people on the grounds n Tallahassee interviewing asst baseball coaches, students in his classes, workers at the school, anyone who may have been in contact with Jamies…..kinsman girl had buyers remorse plain and simple
April 27th, 2015 at 8:17 am
“Due diligence should include learning the facts from the accuser’s point of view.” – Baine Kerr
You DON’T go to the victim like that. Wow. That would be the most low class thing in the world to do to a victim.
“Excuse me, miss, I know this guy raped you and all, but we’re still considering giving him millions of dollars. What is your opinion of him?”
Sure. That will happen.
Baine Kerr is writing for Bleacher Report for a reason. ANYONE is allowed to write for them. This statement from him proves him to be a twit.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:18 am
The closer we get to the draft the more I fear these jerks eff this up, and skip on Winston. I wont sleep well until Thursday. If they do pick Winston, I might be too excited to sleep though. It will still be a nice change of pace!
April 27th, 2015 at 8:20 am
April 27th, 2015 at 8:22 am
#seRiAiProplemISThisguyis #OneBigAssMistake
#DP #HGH #PEDs #MushBrainRetard
April 27th, 2015 at 8:23 am
Thursday can’t get here fast enough.
I am tired of this crap.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:24 am
I’m not talking about simply wanting to pick someone else, or having concerns. But, the people who are REALLY opposed to Winston are going to ramp up the viciousness this week. I expect the mud to be slung hard and frequently.
Fortunately, it’s not going to accomplish anything but working themselves into a frenzy. Can’t wait for Thursday.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:28 am
The suspense is killing me!!!
April 27th, 2015 at 8:31 am
I’m so happy that these stupid Winston articles will be done with by Friday. Unless Joe goes totally insane and writes about everyday women though he’s not on our team….
April 27th, 2015 at 8:32 am
nfl network on tv this a.m. had the very pretty daughter of walter payton showing the must see sites of Chicago. the hosts of the program were eating Chicago deep dish pizza. they even had 2 former players that are on the program in tampa in the room where the bucs hold their press conferences. the hype has begun!
April 27th, 2015 at 8:32 am
What i want to know is Why is this still a topic. Nothing to see here. Move on
April 27th, 2015 at 8:34 am
So ran across this yesterday and it scared the ship out of me. Say it isn’t so, surely the comeback kid can not be measured and contained by some metric and formula. Why am i unable to convince myself that this can’t possibly be true or accurate. #FML
If the link is removed search “winston Qbase”. Read the ESPN uk article.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:36 am
She got caught lying…multiple times! What would be the benefit of interviewing her?
Yes poor victim. Might not end up with the cash she thought she’d get out of this. At least she got her 15 minutes of fame.
I’d like to hear the 6th version. I believe it goes: I’m a college girl who likes to party and get laid. Nothing wrong with that, except I also like to follow it up with an ill planned attempt at ruining a young man’s life. I am an attention who’re.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:37 am
She got caught lying…multiple times! What would be the benefit of interviewing her?
Yes poor victim. Might not end up with the cash she thought she’d get out of this. At least she got her 15 minutes of fame.
I’d like to hear the 6th version. I believe it goes: I’m a college girl who likes to party and get laid. Nothing wrong with that, except I also like to follow it up with an ill planned attempt at ruining a young man’s life. I am an attention whore.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:39 am
Yeah DB I posted that a couple days ago. I don’t know diddly about the metrics they use. Not sure how much I buy into that even though so far it has been pretty accurate.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:42 am
Joe…you lose credibility when you describe the accusation as getting “handsy”…..that is not just an understatement….it is boldly false.
Whatever the evidence or lack of evidence….the incident should be described correctly.
We will all have to “Circle the Wagons” for Winston….but if we are to defend him, mistating facts isn’t the way. Let’s leave that to the other side.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:44 am
Victim? Whos the victim here? I argue the VICTIM is Jameis Winston. He’s been the target of a clearly false accusation, and is now the victim of some of the worse character assassination I’ve ever witnessed.
Who else could possibly BE the victim here? Certainly not the accuser, who as days pass looks less and less like the kind of person I find….credible (be polite Kalind… Be polite.)
April 27th, 2015 at 8:49 am
Not a Winston fan or Mariota fan but Winston is the pick. Even a blind man could see this coming a mile away…three months ago. It’s been amusing, though, watching the Mariota fans go through the first three stages of grief here in the JBF comment section: denial, anger, rationalizing. Looking forward to Thursday night when the last two stages (depression, acceptance) show up.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:49 am
The best news of all is that in 3-1/2 days Winston will be the Bucs new Franchise QB and I don’t have to see these stupid hater comments on here. However, I am sure the idiots who remain in the MGM will claim The Cannon will beat out Winston. But that’s ok, those comments are humorous they are so dumb.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:50 am
in addition to being the version that most media outlets and judgement factories have trumpeted, the victim’s side is documented in numerous (varying) testimonies by the victim, including her decision to appear in a documentary to tell one of the variations of the accusation. the bucs do not need to look far to hear the victim’s stories. her attorney, ESPN, NYT, PFT, and numerous others have made sure the accused’s version of events is the one buried and discredited
April 27th, 2015 at 8:51 am
Maybe that QBASE is accurate for Winston. Maybe, maybe not though. Sure would be a bummer if it were. But I refuse to believe there is any kind of accurate algorithm to predict the future success of a QB coming from that gimmicky, QB friendly, Oregon offense.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:51 am
Entirely too accurate for my liking.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:54 am
Joe you certainly know what will be said when you say something like he was accused of getting handsy! Please don’t do that as it makes all of us Winston supporters look like apologists and Neanderthals that down play sexual assault and rape! The decisions of law enforcement and the judicial system are on his side, but there is no need to equate being handsy to rape.
April 27th, 2015 at 8:55 am
Espo Says
Yes poor victim. Might not end up with the cash she thought she’d get out of this. At least she got her 15 minutes of fame.
You completely missed the point. Honest or not, you don’t go to the apparent victim like that. It’s just the wrong thing to do.
Just to clarify…
I don’t know if Winston is guilty or not, and that’s why I’ve tried to consider him without the off the field issues as well. I don’t think he’s the QB with the most potential, but I DO think he will be the pick the Bucs make.
And, as such, I’ll still be happy. Why? Because we NEED to take a chance on a quarterback. We’ve needed it for years and years.
I cannot count how many drafts I’ve sat before the tv hoping for a certain QB to be a Buc, only to be disappointed. The one year they took a QB, it wasn’t the one I wanted.
I don’t really prefer Winston over Mariota, but if I had to name 2 QBs, he would be second on my list, so I’ll be happy with it.
April 27th, 2015 at 9:00 am
The only vetting I need is to watch his college throws. He put up some that in the pros will be intercepted. He had a great cast around him and his play considering his cast is turns me off.
April 27th, 2015 at 9:01 am
Money grab
April 27th, 2015 at 9:03 am
Lets be truthful here. The NFL nor the Bucs care if this happened or didn’t happen. They care about is will there be enough information coming out in the Civil trial to hurt Winston. Because information that was not allowed in the criminal trial maybe allowed in the Civil trial..
People YOU DONT KNOW what happened.. A judge was 50- 50 on either side.
Winston may have had a good time and she regretted the incident then looked for a pay day.
Or the girl may have said STOP and he didn’t…
But we don’t know…I don’t think any antiWinston people are basing their dislike on this pick purely on that one event.
Look at everything and you have to stop and question What will happen after he is boosted higher, given millions and is the Man on the National level…Actions are what tell me about a person…I know he has been out of trouble for a year, But he has been watched like a Hawk because a lot of people are on the Winston get paid train…
I hope this kid gets it and does well for the Bucs sake… I just have a fear he doesn’t get it….
April 27th, 2015 at 9:05 am
Kalind Says
“Victim? Whos the victim here?”
Okay, let me explain this.
The bottom line is this…no one but the accuser and Winston knows the truth. Even the judge said it was 50-50.
By saying “victim”, I clearly meant the accuser.
You Winstonites seem to miss the possibility that there is as much chance of his guilt as his innocence. There is a lack of evidence. It is her word against his word. It could go either way.
Yes, her story has changed a couple times. I hate to break it to you, but this tends to happen in such crimes. Memory is a funny thing. Victims remember things that they sometimes don’t. That’s why so many witnesses to a crime will have different statements.
April 27th, 2015 at 9:07 am
Kinda ironic, or worse, that every hater wants this version of events from a woman quoted as saying “nothing criminal took place” but they go solely on a proven liars word to continue to use jameis and rapist in the same sentence..dont ya think? Lol!! For shame, haters..grow accustomed to your new franchise #1 qb. Sooner the better, for you.
April 27th, 2015 at 9:07 am
Interesting 2’women now coming forward -‘bucs brass are in a tuff spot.
April 27th, 2015 at 9:13 am
@bonzai- bain kerr is a representative of the accuser, not the writer of the article. which makes the statement even crazier.
re: QBASE, the top 2 prospects are so unique that i have a hard time buying into a statistical prediction for either. mariota’s numbers are so system driven that even being better than others in that system leaves doubt. JW was a redshirt freshman playing under some of the most intense scrutiny and controversy of any college player i can recall. also, i’m just not sure how meaningful of a sample size of 2 totally different college seasons can be
April 27th, 2015 at 9:15 am
The Bucs and everyone who follow this closely have known about this other woman for along time. Nothing new
April 27th, 2015 at 9:17 am
No. The bottom line is this: rape kits, tox and bac dont lie, or theyd be inadmissible, but women do. Does her lack of credibility mean nothing..all jameis couldnreach in conduct hearing was your “50%”, its somewhst harder, on her, because her social media, she was busy scrubbing while tpd was trying to collect evidence, is now open for embarrsssing she praises jameis after clemson game, after he ‘allegedly’ assaulted!! U dont see a bunch of cheeseheads claiming sharpers innocence do you? Its bigger than football, goofballs..i was raised by strong women..1% chance i wldnt support him..its over, go to bed.
April 27th, 2015 at 9:18 am
Nobody is “now coming forward”.
The second non-accuser has been part of the case for over two years. The bucs are well aware of it and have been, as well as the former Supreme Court Justice who heard the case.
The “second” accuser never said Winston raped her or did anything illegal toward her.
I know that is hard for the haters to accept, cause they sooooooooooo wanted it to be so.
But it isn’t, and never has been.
April 27th, 2015 at 9:19 am
here’s what i do know happened that i have a hard time reconciling with the accusation – the accuser voluntarily taking a ride home from the person who she alleges was an assailant shortly after the alleged assault, and (from what i have read – can’t cite a source right this second) ongoing interaction with JW subsequent to that night, including complimentary tweets.
April 27th, 2015 at 9:22 am
Absolutely the metric has holes yet is accurate enough to make even the worst homers pause. Hundley on the other hand score as high as MM as the offense isn’t as fast or powerful. Uhmmmmm…. Hundley has a 10% chance to be elite vs 3%(?) for my man “W”
April 27th, 2015 at 9:23 am
You dont get to go on “her word” when her story of lost memory is based on alcohol (debunked by lab),drugs (debunked by cutting edge uf lab) or hit on head (debunked night of 3 hrs later by examiners)..youd be a terrible investigator..lmao!! We can talk conspiracies though if you have your foil on
April 27th, 2015 at 9:28 am
The Bucs interviewed 75 of Winstons friends. Talk about trying to find an unbiased pro Winston opinion. They should have reached out to Publix, the kid he shot with the pellet gun, the defense attorneys, hell even the victim, but I don’t think they were ever really looking for anything that might shine Winston in a bad light. They already had let the media decide for them who to pick before the combine. All I’ve got to say now, is it’s in Winston’s best interest to play like a #1 overall pick (Andrew Luck) or more than 50% of this fanbase will want their pound of flesh.
Fans can be cruel, and when a franchise ignores and goes against more than 50% of their fans wishes, it can get downright ugly if they fail. Personally, if I were Winston, I would have wanted a fresh start out of Florida, because if he stumbles, he will be scrutinized like no other player ever drafted overall by the Bucs in the past. I just hope he has thick skin like all his supporters, and enablers have suggested or Winston could collapse under all this weight. This is a huge gamble that I hope turns out great for the sake of uniting a fractured and polarized fanbase.
April 27th, 2015 at 9:28 am
I wonder why a women would want -need counseling? Sure it’s nothing……..
April 27th, 2015 at 9:30 am
Ask a woman if they would willingly get on the back of a scooter with a guy that just raped her to go home. I asked a rape victim and some of my female coworkers and have yet to hear a woman say she would.
In a day and age where everyone has cell phones. She could have called a friend a cab or the police. Or she could have walked or run home college towns tend to be small. But she instead put her arms on or around the same person who just raped her to go home.
That smells like stinky fish to me.
April 27th, 2015 at 9:42 am
While I’d be the first person to call into question the accusation and intent of the accuser based on the facts of the case, using the word ‘handsy’ to describe a rape accusation doesn’t do either side justice. Poor choice of words by the writer.
April 27th, 2015 at 9:45 am
Those cl0wns in your link think that Tedford is the OC in Tampa.
April 27th, 2015 at 9:50 am
“Due diligence should include learning the facts from the accuser’s point of view.”
Unless the legal system has already determined several times that the accuser’s point of view is not based on facts.
April 27th, 2015 at 9:59 am
Maybe she felt guilty maybe she felt used. All women are crazy especially ones who want money or chase athletes. Want to know why almost every reality show is based off women! Bc they are always dramatic! Just face it jameis is coming Thursday
April 27th, 2015 at 10:12 am
Yesterday, while reading PFT’s write up of this story, I found a PERFECT example of the smear campaign and character assassination going on in the media against Jameis Winston:
You see that? In the exact same sentence where it’s being reported that the woman is not a victim, she is described as a victim not once but twice. You have a woman who has never accused Jameis of anything being called a “second accuser” and a woman who doesn’t call herself a “victim” being described as a victim.
It’s sick
April 27th, 2015 at 10:14 am
WS99 I admit I prefer Mariota but I really like Hundley. The way he presents himself, talks etc he could be a steal for us if we traded back and drafted some guys ahead of him. He’d also have an inexperienced guy to learn from.
April 27th, 2015 at 10:30 am
JBF….PLEASE stop with the “got too handsy” line. That is an insult to women in general, especially knowing the circumstances of that night. Handsy??? I understand that you’re taking the “innocent until proven guilty” stance, and that is fine, and it is law. But to denigrate these accusations to being a little “handsy” is simply WAY out of line, and hopefully beneath your character. Besides, “getting too handsy” can also be a crime, in case you didn’t know. But it went waaaayyy beyond “handsy” and even you know that.
April 27th, 2015 at 10:38 am
The too handsy remark is directed at the second non-accuser.
The one who says she is not a victim and Winston didn’t do anything illegal to.
The one the haters all said was going to come forward and destroy Winston.
Some dreams die hard.
April 27th, 2015 at 10:43 am
There never was a criminal trial, no charges were ever brought.
The student conduct proceedings are civil in nature. Same rules of evidence applied as will in the civil case.
but keep grasping at straws.
Just gotta gotta gotta be something in there they can get Winston on.
April 27th, 2015 at 10:45 am
So basically the Bucs “talked to 75 people about Winston” that were mostly his family, friends, teammates, former coaches, etc. – all people that have a vested interest in him getting drafted as high as possible. Yep, that’s some serious vetting there, lol
April 27th, 2015 at 11:06 am
SAMCRO Thank you very much for your post…Exactly what I have been talking about..
Its not about do I like Winston.. I don’t know him.. I have not met him or investigated this guy.
What I know is if the Bucs pick him and he fails or the Bucs fail the fan base is gone for the most part. I will not run away I love the Bucs and think its one of the greatest football teams to watch. But a lot of the fans are part time.
Its a gamble whether Winston fans want to admit it or not. Yes I get it you think he will do great. But there is a big question to be answered can he handle this position. He is Young, Big Ego, pocket full of Money, and people who are following him without question.
If he fails could the Bucs fail in this city.. Did you go to a game last year where the Vikings fans where close to 40% of the crowd. And the Vikings suck.
If the team doesn’t fill a stadium or sell merchandise the team will move or be sold ..My worry is the team. Don’t think it cant happen. Heck NFL teams have left in the middle of the night.
April 27th, 2015 at 11:40 am
lmao at the people who think all 75 people were his close friends and family. Freaking morons man.
April 27th, 2015 at 11:42 am
BuccaneerBonzai Says:
The bottom line is this…no one but the accuser and Winston knows the truth.
@Bonzai, what about Chris Casher and Ron Darby? Weren’t they there, witnessed the sex, and confirmed that it was consensual?
It’s not just he said/she said.. 3 of the 4 people in that apartment are calling her a bald-faced liar, and almost every stitch of known evidence backs them up.
April 27th, 2015 at 11:56 am
Destinjohnny Says:
I wonder why a women would want -need counseling? Sure it’s nothing……..
@Destinjohnny, i’ll clean this up the best I can, but a friend of mine took off a condom during oral. The girl reluctantly continued, but only if he promised to say when. He promised, but didn’t.. and she were hysterical because she didn’t know his hiv status. Despite his testing negative days later, she needed counseling to cope.
Obviously I don’t know what happened in the Winston case, but there’s a whole host of reasons a girl could need counseling. Different people get emotional for different reasons.
April 27th, 2015 at 12:01 pm
What about the woman whose story hasn’t changed one iota n 2 years?? or the fact she reported it as soon as it happened or the fact FSU police driving her to the hospital that night. where r the results from that is my ? this guy isn’t worth the headache. draft Williams
April 27th, 2015 at 12:09 pm
“FuNkYxMuNkEy Says:
April 27th, 2015 at 12:01 pm
What about the woman whose story hasn’t changed one iota n 2 years??”
Erica? Her story has changed multiple times.
“the fact she reported it as soon as it happened”
Her friends reported it parents and police. She reported nothing. Although she was texting within 1-2 hours of the consensual sex asking for answers to a test in on her classes.
“FSU police driving her to the hospital that night.”
The S.A.N.E test showed no proof of forced intercourse, no blood, etc. The tox tests all came back negative, and no signs of a hit to the head as she initially claimed to friends.
April 27th, 2015 at 12:15 pm
No-one but the accuser and Winston know the truth? Well then how about stocking to 1 truth instead of several. It loses credibility and becomes flat out sad. Hurting a woman is the absolute lowest thing a man can do. Making false accusations like this isn’t much better.
I wish Jameis would counter sue just to clear any doubt. Obviously he doesn’t need the money and should donate whatever he might receive to sone story of woman’s advocacy and pay for the court costs himself. I can’t think of a better way to defend his name.
April 27th, 2015 at 12:44 pm
I think Winston and his roommates should submit to a lie detector test if he really wants to clear his name. But we all know that ain’t happening.
April 27th, 2015 at 12:49 pm
Uh Eric the top handsy remark was not directed at the 2nd accuser. Go back and read Joe’s post. “Through various investigations and hearings.” The 3md accuser never went through that.
April 27th, 2015 at 12:51 pm
April 27th, 2015 at 12:53 pm
Meant to say too handsy and the 2nd accuser
April 27th, 2015 at 12:54 pm
April 27th, 2015 at 12:44 pm
I think Winston and his roommates should submit to a lie detector test if he really wants to clear his name. But we all know that ain’t happening”
Who are we kidding here? There’s no benefit. He could pass it, and people who don’t like him will say, “He’s a sociopath, they can pass lie detectors” Some people have made up their mind. Erica could say under oath that she lied, and people would say she was paid off.
The reality is, he needs to not get in trouble, do community service around Tampa, and most importantly, be successful on the field.
April 27th, 2015 at 1:31 pm
Love and Warrick Dunn says
Who are we kidding here? There’s no benefit. He could pass it, and people who don’t like him will say, “He’s a sociopath, they can pass lie detectors”
All three of them are sociopaths? All three of them can pass the test? What’s the chances of all three if they were lying of passing the test? C’mon man think? Wouldn’t that clear things up, unless of course he does have something to hide.
April 27th, 2015 at 2:17 pm
April 27th, 2015 at 1:31 pm
All three of them are sociopaths? All three of them can pass the test? What’s the chances of all three if they were lying of passing the test? C’mon man think? Wouldn’t that clear things up, unless of course he does have something to hide.”
Same goes for Erica. Since she is only person with multiple versions of her story. Let her get on the lie detector first.
April 27th, 2015 at 3:29 pm
Blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah-blah…blah BLAH!
First day of the draft cannot come soon enough. We all know what Joe’s position is, we all know what everyone’s position on this is now. Will blah-blabbing about it some more clarify anything? Change anyone’s mind? Introduce new information?
No, but it will waste more time while we’re waiting for the first pick in the draft to be announced. Time out – until Thursday when the commish steps to the podium.
April 27th, 2015 at 3:32 pm
The burden of proof is on Erica and her lawyer(s), NOT Winston. That’s how the judicial system in this country works.
April 27th, 2015 at 4:45 pm
Too Handsy huh Joe?
New low for excusing what may have happened.
Both sides a lot more than handsy happened. The only thing in dispute was if it was rape.
The young Lady has accused him of rapping her while she was drunk.
Good god….. pathetic. Anything for a ad click I guess.
April 28th, 2015 at 3:18 am
There are so many people on here who are the definition of Un-American. Our justice system did it’s due diligence 3 times. If you don’t like it, or you think it’s a hoax, and judges are giving celebrities a pass, go make your home in ano ther country, your not wanted here. Oh yeah, go ask Aaron Hernandez how he is doing. For sake of our system, STOP!!