Dante Fowler Knows Bucs’ Plans

April 10th, 2015
Florida DE Dante Fowler, a hometown guy, knows what the Bucs will do April 30.

Florida DE Dante Fowler, a hometown guy, knows what the Bucs will do April 30.

In case you haven’t heard, St. Petersburg native, Lakewood High School grad and Gators defensive end Dante Fowler is visiting One Buc Palace to get grilled today.

Tampa Bay has a terrible need for a defensive end who can breathe on a quarterback, so Fowler would be a terrific pick. That is, if the Bucs didn’t need a quarterback far worse.

It is widely believed the Bucs will draft QB Jameis Winston, the clubhouse leader with less than three weeks before the draft. And Fowler hinted that his visit with the Bucs may be wasted time.

Talking to Greg Auman of the Tampa Bay Times, Fowler confessed he doesn’t think he has a snowball’s chance of suiting up for the Bucs. “They’re going with a quarterback. … They know where they’re going. I understand that,” he said.

Not that Fowler is losing much sleep over this. At the NFL Scouting Combine, while discussing teams he would like to play for, Jenna Laine of SportsTalkFlorida.com point-blank asked Fowler if he would like to play for his hometown team. Fowler couldn’t hide his disinterest, shrugging his shoulders and frowning, saying, “The Bucs are the Bucs.”

Joe was five feet from Fowler when he said that. Trust Joe, the Bucs are not on his wish list.

26 Responses to “Dante Fowler Knows Bucs’ Plans”

  1. P'cola Buc Says:

    Shrugging his shoulders and frowning saying “The Bucs are the Bucs”….wouldn’t want that attitude on my team….consider this wasted time on both parts.

  2. DallasBuc Says:

    Can you blame him? He doesn’t want to watch his career go the way of every other high draft pick in the last 10 years playing for this disaster of a franchise. Appreciate and respect the honesty.

  3. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    I don’t really care. lol

  4. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Hey…you know what would be fun?

    Doing a mock that predicts the least likely picks for each team.

    Only one that would be right would be the Raiders.

  5. ufcguy Says:

    Wow. I hate this guy already. Screw u fowler

  6. WS99 Says:

    Joe knew better than to turn the comments on for the big dog photo. Dude spent the better half of the winter completely blasting winston now he wants to schmooze. What a hypocrite, pathetic.

    I know that’s your boy Joe but he’d get none of my time. A simple “good day to you sir” and I’m moving right along. No photos or interviews for you mr bow wow.

  7. Jim Says:

    Never wasted time when you get a chance to discover any weakness when you have to play against him.

  8. Brian Dorry Says:

    He didn’t seem too upset when saying he would be shocked if the Jaguars didn’t pick him…The Jaguars are the Jaguars.

  9. Architek Says:

    Umm Fowler coming from a “winning” program in the Florida Gators and all really have a great point!


  10. P'cola Buc Says:

    @Jim says
    “Never wasted time when you get a chance to discover any weakness when you have to play against him”.

    Excellent point!

  11. THETRUTH Says:

    Who cares probably not smart to put down any team never know when you need a job… Could become another DE bust gets drafted 1st round every year.. (Clemson DE’s)..

  12. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    Big dog with the beverage in his hand getting some courage to tell winston that he isnt better than mariota?

  13. Couch Fan Says:

    If not for Winston, this would be my fav player in the draft. Whoever gets him is not only getting a beast on the field but a true class act off it. Wish him the best of luck wherever he goes.

  14. Ryan Says:

    Warren Sapp wasn’t that interested in playing for the Bucs at first either.

  15. bucs4lyfe Says:

    gators weren’t exactly on top of the college football world. to shrug your shoulders about a potential team that could draft you makes me think he doesn’t have the right mentality for greatness….there was no reason to be so put off by the question unless they specifically told him they would draft a quarterback and why would the bucs have to tell him anything? maybe they don’t like you either

  16. Jeagan1999 Says:

    “Dante Fowler Knows Bucs Plans”…..of course he does! I’m sure the BUCS brain trust tells every college player that visits their entire draft strategy! Joe, next time ask him whether the Bucs will go offensive line or DE in round 2…enquiring minds want to know!

  17. OAR Says:

    My wife’s brother-in-law’s cousin’s girlfriend’s neighbor knows who the Bucs are picking!!

  18. Johnny Dejay Says:

    Fowler is not 100% Juicy Juice.

  19. StPeteBucsFan Says:


    gators weren’t exactly on top of the college football world. to shrug your shoulders about a potential team that could draft you makes me think he doesn’t have the right mentality for greatness…

    Actually this is a reason I would love to have Fowler. He played on a very good defense, which he anchored, with an offense that was Will Muschamp pathetic!!!

    Imagine the difference for the Gators if they had Fameis starting the past two years in Gainesville instead of the losers they put behind center.

    Despite playing for a team with NO offense Fowler never phoned it in and he has an incredible motor.

    As for not wanting to play for the Bucs why would he. Doesn’t have a thing to do with his potential for greatness. It does have to do with his obvious intelligence. This is a BUSINESS for the players. There’s not a lot of room to be a fan, and whatever fandom they may have takes a back seat to their wallets and the best chance for success.

    I love the Bucs but it’s hard to claim that any player would be better off drafted by them, unless you’re super hero Fameis the QB who walks on water. Fameis believes he can lead ANY team to the promised land so why wouldn’t he want to be the top pick in the entire draft.

    Why wouldn’t Fowler rather be selected by the Seahawks or Patriots for the Packers or the Broncos…you know teams that actually have a winning tradition. I mean who would want to be drafted by them and then have to decide what to do with that extra playoff money?

  20. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Sapp on Draft Day

  21. Dylan Says:

    LOL he shrugs his shoulders about the bucs… but is projecting himself to go to the jags. have fun bum can’t wait for preseason.

  22. LargoBuc Says:

    Im a huge fan of the big dog. Sure some of his opinions differ from mine but that is what makes life interesting. By far my favorite radio show.

  23. FuNkYxMuNkEy Says:

    If we don’t take a qb then it would be stupid to take fowler over leonard williams. Him and gmc would make the moshe most dominate pairing in the nfl. imagine how great our def would be with both of them n mcdonald n melton rotating to keep them all fresh. unstoppable

  24. FuNkYxMuNkEy Says:

    Williams can play all 7 positions on the d line whether its a 3-4 or 4-3. you just don’t get players that talented and agile

  25. pick6 Says:

    in 5 yearsm perhaps we’ll all be shrugging and saying “Fowler’s Fowler”. good luck to the kid, he’s allowed to like whatever teams he chooses regardless of where he grew up, but i’m glad that the guy at the top of Tampa Bay’s board has emphatically said the opposite

  26. Oahubuc Says:

    He must be a fan. I’ve said the same thing many times.