“Book It”
April 10th, 2015The things you find on Twitter. Joe came across the timeline of Joel D. Anderson, a columnist for BuzzFeed, who attended a symposium at the Villanova University School of Law. A keynote speaker was Jameis Winston’s attorney David Cornwell.
Joe strongly suggests you check out Anderson’s timeline on Twitter for some very revealing information.
Cornwell railed against how his client had been wronged and expressed outrage at the coverage of the saga by BSPN and the New York Times.
One item Anderson Twittered especially caught Joe’s attention. Joe thinks you will be interested in it, too.
“Book it” – Cornwell on if Winston is going No. 1 in the draft. Closes this session to applause.
— Joel D. Anderson (@byjoelanderson) April 10, 2015
There you go. That is about as close as it gets to learning that Winston is coming to Tampa Bay. It’s one thing that Winston is already mingling with movers and shakers in the Tampa Bay area, hanging with Bucs greats of the past.
Now his lawyer all but said it is a done deal Winston is coming to Tampa Bay.
No, Joe doesn’t know when Jameis Winston Bucs jerseys will go on sale. Presumably the night of April 30.
April 10th, 2015 at 10:15 am
Great news! I love being right! Bye bye to all the haters, it was nice trolling with you. Hehe
April 10th, 2015 at 10:19 am
(Comments have been disabled to avoid mass quantities of evil hate.)
Hilarious lol
The draft cannot get here quick enough! I think 2nd round is far more exciting xD
April 10th, 2015 at 10:22 am
Bucs, Redskins, Raiders, Browns and Jets are the only franchises that could mess this up, but I am going to be a believer that the Bucs are not stupid this time.
Draft Jameis and the Bucs will finally have a franchise QB that has a chance to be elite.
April 10th, 2015 at 10:22 am
Can’t wait to just take off the name freeman and out the name Winston on. Since they both wear #5. Saves me money. Lol
April 10th, 2015 at 10:23 am
Put not out.
April 10th, 2015 at 10:24 am
He’s right about BSPN and NYT, they decided to entirely ignore evidence that was already out there. Cornwell got another thing right, journalism in sports media is dead
April 10th, 2015 at 10:24 am
I think winston is taking #12.
April 10th, 2015 at 10:25 am
Man its going to be a scary ride. But probably not as scary as watching Gilkey trying to snap the ball. #TheGilkeySnap
April 10th, 2015 at 10:26 am
All hail King Jameis
April 10th, 2015 at 10:30 am
It’s been obvious for weeks now that the Bucs are picking Winston.
Owners, head coach, GM have all gushed over Winston and made it clear they have no problem with him being the face of the franchise. Buccaneers website has been heavy with Jameis videos and coverage. More coverage there than for Mariota. Bucs would not have painted themselves into a corner like that if there was any doubt that Jameis was not their guy.
April 10th, 2015 at 10:35 am
Welcome to Tampa Jameis. Please teach Lovie points are his friend and it’s OK to win before November
April 10th, 2015 at 10:38 am
Cornwell touches on some of the FACTS that PROVE that the accuser is a liar. Doesn’t mean she lied about everything…but…no blow to the head…no drugs…wouldn’t reveal who her boyfriend was because she didn’t want her family to know that she was seeing a black boy…she’s a liar.
April 10th, 2015 at 10:40 am
Kinda like last year when we were destined for Manziel per JBF….oh the memories of being wrong…..some of ya have Alzheimer disease.
I love reading these old blogs…gives me hope that there is still logic at 1 buc versus the bloggers (not journalists) here.
April 10th, 2015 at 10:43 am
If we actually pick Winston over Mariota, that will perfectly illustrate the type of decision making that has caused us to be the laughingstock of the NFL for the majority of our existence. #Truth
April 10th, 2015 at 10:46 am
Raymond Jameis Stadium…
I might actually have to make the drive down from Atlanta for one of the games…
April 10th, 2015 at 10:49 am
Lmao @ Erik. Breathe deep, it will be okay.
April 10th, 2015 at 10:49 am
and if Winston has the better career than Mariota (if he doesn’t go to Philly), what will you say then?
April 10th, 2015 at 10:59 am
There are some more new Cornwell comments being tweeted by Anderson now. Incredible stuff to read. Cornwell is basically going HAM over the last hour.
April 10th, 2015 at 11:13 am
LOLOLOLOL!!!!! That’s freakin’ hilarious, Joe! You must be a comedy writer too….”Book it”!
Only you would think that someone’s OPINION….and a lawyers OPINION at that….proves that Winston is “as close as it gets to learning that Winston is coming to Tampa Bay.”
You do know what they say about OPINIONS, don’t ya’ Joe? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! #BOOKIT! 🙂
April 10th, 2015 at 11:17 am
I think what he meant was ” book him” cuz he knows he’s gulity.
April 10th, 2015 at 11:18 am
“Erik the WiseMMan Says:
April 10th, 2015 at 10:43 am
If we actually pick Winston over Mariota, that will perfectly illustrate the type of decision making that has caused us to be the laughingstock of the NFL for the majority of our existence. #Truth”
You tend you conflate personal opinion with logic and fact. That’s why you are going to be confused by the Winston pick. In your mind, you look at the 2014 stats from each QB, and simply make Mariota the winner. It seems to me that NFL front offices go beyond statistics.
Same with Mariota’s elusiveness. To you, it’s as simple as: Mariota can make all the passes but is more elusive than Winston, ergo, defenses will have more trouble defending Mariota, so, Mariota is the superior pick. I think you are simplifying the logic far greater than front offices do. I think there’s a lot more to it than that. And that’s why you and I don’t get paid for our football opinions. Of course, I don’t have a football genius IQ…..
April 10th, 2015 at 11:31 am
Just because he goes number one does not mean hes coming to Tampa
April 10th, 2015 at 11:32 am
does this really feel anything like johnny manziel talk from last year or do you just want the bucs to pass on Winston. manziel was never looked at as a top quarterback in the draft. most knew we were going with mike evans last year.
April 10th, 2015 at 11:38 am
“We have to assist him in growing and developing as a man. And it’s not going to be easy” – Cornwell on Winston
When a guy’s own lawyer says he still needs to grow up, that’s not a good sign. If Winston is the pick, we get another chance to watch a QB with serious maturity issues wearing #5 for Tampa Bay!
April 10th, 2015 at 11:45 am
Hey JOE how come you left out he most important part of his lawyers statements?!? You know like the one he said about Jameis not being ready to play in the NFL because of his immaturity?? Hmmmm, trying to shield us from the truth aren’t you.
April 10th, 2015 at 11:49 am
@ Supersam and everyone else. Calm down and read the quotes in context..
He literally says no one is ready for what the NFL is as a rookie. That Winston is not unique in that regard. He’s talking to the kind of scrutiny he’s had to face and how it’ll be even crazier in the NFL.
April 10th, 2015 at 12:08 pm
So wait a guy who works for freaking BUZZFEED for crying out loud says “book it” so it must be true?!?!?! God Joe I wish I could be there to see your face when the realization sinks in that your boyfriend won’t be wearing pewter n red.
April 10th, 2015 at 12:29 pm
Nothing like leaving out half the story,
NFL.com Headline Reads “Jameis Winston not ready to be pro player off field, attorney says”
Also, “During his talk, Cornwell also said, “We have to assist him in growing and developing as a man. And it’s not going to be easy.””
Sounds Great To Me!
By the way where are the quotes from Mariotas’ Lawyer, Just sayin? SMDH!
Damn that NFL.com, not catching the real story there. –Joe
April 10th, 2015 at 12:33 pm
Jdubb is not unique. Issue of readiness is why we have #nfl rookie symposium n the resources of #nfl player engagement. Jdubb will b fine.
Seriously, JDUBB WTH is A JDUBB lol
Must be a Jdubble ass loser!
April 10th, 2015 at 1:15 pm
Its good to know that some of the idiots on this site feels as though Mariota has it all figured out and he won’t need any help developing into a man. I mean there is no need for mentors in this society because all people besides Jameis Winston has it all figured out by the age of 21. Its good to know Mariota will not need any help from Lovie or Jason or Derrick or Ronde. I mean its not like Derrick Brooks ever said how much dungy and Nickerson had to do with his development as a man and the importance of giving back etc. Its good to know the great mariota doesn’t need such guidance in his development as a man because he has it all figured out.
April 10th, 2015 at 1:25 pm
Ok that’s out of the way no more talk about the bucs national end the smoke screen and let the titans take all the publicity, it’s there time to have fun with trade downs qb trading and what they will do with there pick welcome famous to the bucs and don’t screw it up
April 10th, 2015 at 1:31 pm
WHAT IF – Say the Bucs do draft Winston and even before the regular season starts one or more civil suits are filed with him as a party, needless to say what the publicity world wide will be for the Bucs. WHAT IF – During the civil actions evidence is revealed that shows the Tallahassee folks have kept hidden for quite sometime evidence that would previously have proved Winston’s guilt. WHAT IF – Suddenly the Bucs #1 draft pick is cuffed and hauled away with his mugshot making the front page of practically every paper in the country. WHAT IF – More women come forward with similar allegations. WHAT IF – Many folks have to visit the emergency room after eating a full coarse meal of crow because we drafted Winston and then the bottom fell out.
April 10th, 2015 at 1:46 pm
Not a fan of Winston but I don’t pay the bills if what you say does happen heads will roll and the franchise will be in the cellar for a couple of years.The glazes have their stamp on this pick if the did their due diligence it will culminate when God dell announce s with the first pick of the 2015 nfl Draft the Bucs select ………..
April 10th, 2015 at 2:22 pm
What IF the world ended tomorrow? What if horses could fly? What if dog do do tasted like chicken? What if martians came from out of the ground and started eating people? What if humans had 3 heads and one leg? What are you talking about seriously? And obviously you do not know how the legal system works.
April 10th, 2015 at 2:49 pm
4h4 hours ago
Joel D. Anderson @byjoelanderson
“I don’t see why it’s controversial that a 20-year-old doesn’t have the life experience to navigate…” – Cornwell on Jameis Winston
April 10th, 2015 at 3:48 pm
lmao I was going to type a reply like TIny Tim to the what if guy
What if Mariota rapes the Glazer family and shoots up a Tampa mall after being picked? What if we find out he is really an alien that is planning to assasinate Will Smith?
April 10th, 2015 at 4:11 pm
Poor EricThe Wise thats so funny that you really think there’s still a chance for Mariota. Bahaha you hang on to that train lol
April 10th, 2015 at 4:17 pm
Joe – your a dang hypocrite. You continue to point out only negative stuff/articles on Mariota and only praise your man crush Winston. Sad sad thing. Why don’t you add the negative part about what Cornwall said about his client – that he is not nfl ready for the off the field issues. This is his own attorney confirming this yet there is no red flag in your eyes. Great journalism dude. I’m cool with them going Winston if he wins them the most games. Still like MariotA. Don’t care for Jameis but happy bucs going qb cause they need too. What I’m not cool with is your handling of this kid on your website. Hey it’s your website. I go into all the bucs websites cause I am a die hard fan. Unfortunately your website has gone in the toilet. Used to be my favorite and had a ton of articles. Now only articles about Jameis. I’m kinda hoping that u eat crow on this. Keep up your same lame approach