The Great Quarterback Divide
February 2nd, 2015
The “Custodian of Canton,” eye-RAH! Kaufman of The Tampa Tribune, left, with Chris “Mad Dog” Russo from the SiriusXM stage at Radio Row in Phoenix.
On Thursday, Adam Schefter of BSPN floated the notion the Bucs were narrowing their quarterback search to Marcus Mariota of Oregon with the No. 1 overall pick.
That got the attention of the “Custodian of Canton,” eye-RAH! Kaufman of the Tampa Tribune.
He was among the dozens (hundreds?) of folks the one and only Chris “Mad Dog” Russo interviewed in Phoenix at Radio Row prior to the Super Bowl, heard exclusively on SiriusXM Radio’s “Mad Dog Radio” Channel.
Kaufman, making his final weekly appearance on the show for the season, sat with Russo and disputed that Schefter report.
Chris “Mad Dog” Russo: I think that would be a big mistake. I would never take him.
eye-RAH! Kaufman: I would be very surprised at that. I have not found one person with credibility that says that Mariota is going to be a better pro than Jameis Winston as a quarterback. I just haven’t. What they say is [Mariota] will study more and he will be more dedicated. He’s going to be more coachable.
Russo: He doesn’t have the raw quarterback ability.
This is a fascinating dynamic of this Winston-Mariota argument.
Some fans just want to punch people they get so bent out of shape when someone suggests Winston is more NFL ready than Mariota. Like Kaufman, Joe has spoken to several NFL front office types and scouts and has yet to find one that suggests Mariota is a better NFL prospect.
These folks (who make a living in the NFL breaking down players) are not suggesting Mariota is a bad prospect, just one with more football question marks than Winston. In fact, one NFL scout told Joe that Winston is a “football mensch.”
Yes, there are NFL analysts who prefer Mariota over Winston. But they don’t work inside the NFL.
No, Joe has no idea what lever Bucs coach Lovie Smith will pull come the end of April. But it’s fascinating how fans see a quarterback in a completely different light than those who work in the NFL see the same player.
February 2nd, 2015 at 9:32 am
an FSU friend of mine says draft winston, but then again….he does not have any daughters.
February 2nd, 2015 at 9:35 am
Joe that’s funny. This Rob guy was on here on Saturday telling us that SEVERAL mock drafts say that Mariota is more pro ready than Winston.
I’ve searched and searched all over the net. I can’t find one that says that.
I think some of THEM posters are getting to the point where they have to make stuff up now.
February 2nd, 2015 at 9:36 am
I have 2 daughters.
February 2nd, 2015 at 9:37 am
Adam Schefter is to football what Peter Gammons is to baseball. They both lob about a 1000 rumors out there and when a couple stick they pat themselves on the back for being a savant……
February 2nd, 2015 at 9:39 am
PLEASE, PLEASE, Please, Please, please, please….DON’T PICK MARIOTA!!!!!!!!
February 2nd, 2015 at 9:39 am
Joe, did you see this interview or did you just hear it on the radio? It could have just been Ira talking to Sour Shoes!
February 2nd, 2015 at 9:40 am
Here is how u figure out who to pick. Ask Dominick and who ever he says to pick, get the other guy. It’s a full proof plan
February 2nd, 2015 at 9:40 am
Uncle Joey…can you tell us another Jameis story ???…please..please..please…
February 2nd, 2015 at 9:49 am
For those of you that want Winston. I urge you to call the ticket office at One Buc and tell them you’ll buy season tickets if they draft Winston.
Already been there done that myself.
I also got my uncle, my mom, and my 3 brothers to do the same already.
Make the call.
February 2nd, 2015 at 9:58 am
Just because one is more “NFL” ready in no way means he will be successful.
The lunacy is mind boggling.
Every single hear qb’s come out that are supposedly “NFL ready” only to fail and bust miserably.
It’s a crap shoot with any QB whether NFL ready or not.
So all you morons please stop saying one is gonna be successful and the other is not because not one single person knows if either will be successful.
Bunch of stupids
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:01 am
@87forWimston Thanks for the tip! I just called and told them that if they draft Winston I’ll cancel my season tickets and so will my uncle and 3 brothers, if also read the women’s task force against sexual violence is gonna camp out a few days before the draft and protest against women. I’m thinking of joining them. No way in hell Winston comes to this team. It’s Mariota, has been for awhile. The Keotter Helfrich connection is so obvious it’s scary.
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:02 am
Correction, protest against Winston
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:15 am
Supersam …..your welcome. Good luck with all that. I guess I won’t be seeing you at the game then.
Btw…where did you read that they were going to protest. I’ve read that they already met with the Bucs, but NOTHING about a protest. So silly.
or Are you one of THEM posters that just makes stuff?
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:19 am
Trade the pick, the Bucs have more problems that can be fixed with one player and both QB’s have serious questions as to their success. Chip Kelly has landed more power with the Eagles and has sucker written all over him. Make an RGIII style trade and don’t take a chance on either the guy from the spread offense or the one with character issue.
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:20 am
<<<I am with Supersam. Joe states people go postal when discussing the QB question, well I go postal when someone trys to state the Rapist Winston was found not guilty. Failing to do a proper investigation and consipiracy to destroy evidence is not being found not guilty. I will cancel my season tickets and protest allowing this animal into the stadium.
First, Lovie is a failure and has no hope of developing QB1 and/or putting any talent around him! (Notice the undrafted free agent out of West Alabama that the most awesome HC on the planted had practicing the winning play in practice!! Lovie could not do that in his dreams.
Second, if the Winston Mob (according to the Big Poodle) gets their way, he will end up assaulting another daughter and be put on Roger's Exempt List prior to the end of the 2017 season. No more #1 pick and no more QB1!
The Buc's need a QB so bad it hurts, but without the coaching staff to develop that talent, it is a wasted pick. Team Glazer needs to fire the entire staff and get someone with talent. That sure ain't Lovie Smith!
Greg Schiano
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:21 am
That’s just a few family members btw. I’m far from done. I have FSU blog sites to hit as well as more Buc sites to hit.
Hey there’s some more idea’s for you SillySam.
I have much work to do, to push Winston. I’m not even going to tell you everything I did on Saturday to make this happen.
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:30 am
No way is it mariota. He is a product of the spread offense. He’s not even come close to making half the throws that winston has n college. Remember the Ohio state game that’s the type of defenses he will see n the NFL he won’t b able to out run half of the defensive linemen n the NFL and as the cornerbacks cover receivers a lot better too he won’t have anything to offer. He may fit n chip Kelly’s offense but I’m not convinced that NFL teams aren’t gonna start figuring that offense out just like they figured out the wildcat. If u notice when Kelly’s teams played the NFC west this year they didn’t fare to well bc there defenses stopped the offense and Philys defense was on the field more than there offense thats why everyone should b pulling for winston.
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:31 am
Is that a woman on the right side holding up this banner????
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:32 am
@87forwinston Yea? well im gonna camp out in front of BucPalace all week long of the draft, and protest. You should come by, were gonna have lots of fun stuff! Crab legs, Burger King Soda, A BB gun shooting contest at squirrels, and then when the sun is setting were all gonna stand up and yell F%$K HER IN THE P%&*Y!! All in honor of keeping Winston out of Tampa!!
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:33 am
It didn’t say protest. It said if we draft winston they want him to know that he will b held to a higher standard and to make sure nothing comes up w him again
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:34 am
looks more like 2 drunk potbellied men to me lol
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:35 am
Yeah and I’ll bet ur ass calls begging for tickets when winston starts rolling in the wins
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:39 am
Not the best year to have the #1 pick. It will be a difficult choice and a choice that could set the team back a few years or turn out to be great. The reasoning for turning the pick into multiple picks via trading down is valid. It’s one thing if Winston didn’t have the off filed concerns. Than again, he’s not guaranteed to be a good NFL QB regardless of the character concerns. Mariota is a project. You don’t take a project with the first overall pick.
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:40 am
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:40 am
You don’t take someone who needs babysat either
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:40 am
For every 1 fan we lose bc they draft winston, we will gain 10 back so I’m okay with that trade. Draft winston.
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:41 am
Sam…you’ll be thee ONLY one there. Have fun shooting BB guns at squirrels. Are you a 19 year old kid as well?
Greg….I don’t care I’ll have my tickets and jersey locked up within 2 days after the draft.
I wear my FSU Winston jersey with a Buc hat pretty much everywhere I go. It’s part of getting Bucs fans used to the idea. I also like wearing it because it pisses off the liberal left.
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:44 am
I hope most of you will come to grips with this as the draft nears. Calling him every name in the book and then cheering for him on Sunday will make you look like a hypocrite…..then again that’s the liberal way.
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:46 am
Lol. If Winston gets selected, you need to document all of your efforts and send him an invoice. Seriously, as passionately as you are pimping this guy, you should get paid. I am on record as saying it is not my job to judge his character but I will be in shock if he had any success in the NFL. I really do not think he is very good. I think this is a lame QB class but we have a need and just have to settle for one and hope for the best. Maybe Evans can make a sorry QB look good like he did for Manziel.
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:50 am
Exactly RayJay thank you.
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:53 am
rayjay1122…good idea pr he should at the very least invite me over for crab legs.
I’ve wanted Winston to play for the Bucs since week 3 of the college FB season back in 2013. In fact I used to talk to an FSU fan that sat next to me at Buc games, and I would tease him by pointing out on the field to the Bucs huddle.
I’d say “imagine Jameis Winston in that huddle right now.” The dude would just lose it on me. I got him so fired up at the possibility. I never thought it could ever happen.
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:57 am
I think the QBs we all just watched in the Super Bowl is proof that scouts and inside NFL people have no clue what makes a great NFL QB. If they did, then there is no way in hell they wait until the 3rd or 6th round to draft those guys.
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:58 am
Guys like Mr Patrick, mikeh, NYbucsfan,SuperSam and a few others can go pound sand and spit nails on draft day. Cry if they have to, whatever helps them come to grips with it.
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:00 am
BFFL…Brady says he still uses his draft status as motivation to this day.
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:01 am
@ Joe. This is not a threat or anything like that. Your one-sidedness in this whole QB thing has forced me to stop reading your articles. I will still come here and view the comments as I enjoy them. You (the Joes) have worn thin. More thin than last year with your incessant Johnny Football Love. After the draft I will start reading your articles again. Not that it matters to you anyways
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:03 am
I guess they aren’t asking the right people are they. I guess they also don’t see Dungy as credible. Wonder who they consider credible. I know some GMs have said they would rather have Mariota than Winston. Have called Winston overrated. Would have loved to of been a fly on the wall when the Bucs were talking with the Sexual Violence Task Force of Tampa.
-Peter King of believes the Bucs should waste no time and quickly turn in their card with Marcus Mariota’s name on it.
“The Bucs will have a delegation, led by GM Jason Licht, at the Rose Bowl Thursday to see Oregon quarterback Marcus Mariota duel Florida State’s Jameis Winston. I recently asked five GM/personnel types in the NFL about the two players, and it came out the way I thought: 5-0 in favor of Mariota.
-In the wake of his suspension against Clemson — levied by the school, not coach Jimbo Fisher, for shouting a vulgar phrase in public — an NFL scout told NFL Media’s Albert Breer that the Seminoles’ third-year sophomore is a fraud, and left no doubt about whether Winston’s issues at FSU have damaged his future stock for the NFL draft.
“It’ll hurt him significantly,” said the area scout, who is assigned to Florida State, per Breer. “Especially with all the stuff going on in the league. This may force him to stay another year to clean up his image. He’s a fraud. You can’t believe anything he says, because he keeps doing the same things over and over. In my mind, there are night-and-day differences between (Johnny) Manziel’s and his character concerns. Winston has some serious issues.”
Added an AFC college scouting director, “It just adds to his issues, and he’s only been in college two years and a month. Lots of maturity issues, but also criminal.”
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:03 am
I see Winston and Mariota on the same level. These people acting like they are worlds apart are crazy.
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:08 am
Shoving referees in games.
“The center judge’s positioning, which was due to the experimental year of having an eighth official, combined with the late substitution and by rule the need to allow the defense to matchup, led to contact between himself and the player. The official believed the contact was incidental and insignificant and did not rise to the level of unsportsmanlike conduct and automatic disqualification.”
Former NFL VP of officiating Mike Pereira argued that Winston should have been thrown out of the game.
“The announcers laughed and called what Winston did priceless. Winston later said, It was a fast-tempo play and I was just trying to get up under there and let it ride.’ However, I think Winston should have paid the price for a foul and should have been ejected.”
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:08 am
Lovethepewter Says:
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:40 am
For every 1 fan we lose bc they draft winston, we will gain 10 back so I’m okay with that trade. Draft winston.
And There it is. The Absolute Dumbest thing that you will read all day
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:10 am
SuperSam – I hope you have a nice rock picked out to crawl under when you’re wrong.
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:15 am
If your worried about your daughter going to a bar getting drunk and allegedly raped by an NFL football player then that’s a you problem and a parenting problem. There are many Big Ben issues that happen in the NFL and women willing through themselves at men with money what I don’t know why people keep talking about rape. People like him as a player people like him as a person and if all you know about him is what you read in the paper then you know nothing about Winston, it’s easy to judge celebrities and that’s already what he is since theres so much discussion about him good or bad. It’s going to come down to whether he can be trusted with a franchise because he has the skills without a doubt. these teams get the players and they don’t just test physical skills they test mental and he’ll go through psych evals and everything, if we pick him i’ll welcome the pick if he’s a winner
shows how pathetic people are to think that a habitual rapist would be allowed to even play football, if that’s the best you got then your at the wrong sight you need to go to a maury and oprah site. we talk football here cuz that’s what it comes down to
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:24 am
Go for the sure thing and draft Leonard Williams. Then pick up Garrett Grayson in round 2. C’mon Bucs!
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:34 am
“I’m constantly on guys. We all have to have that chip on our shoulder. It’s a new year, a new beginning. It starts with this camp, learning new plays. It’s going great. You’ve got to get better every day. You can’t live in the past.”
“I don’t think [the off-the-field problems] have been difficult. I’ve been doing what I do, keeping a smile on my face. Obviously, I was blessed to have baseball season to look forward to. And I’ve just been hitting my books, studying. I don’t have time to focus on bad things. … Focus on the positive, not the negative.” — Jameis Winston
Per ESPN :
“He’s got this infectious personality,” Dilfer said. “A lot of people use the term leadership, but I like guys who are comfortable in their own skin. That’s Jameis. He came in a little unprepared, and he admitted it. But he’s got a real presence to him. I’ve been real proud of him.”
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:40 am
Winston=Wins=Full stadium of BUC fans. Its gonna be great! Do the right thing Lovie. GO BUCS!!!
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:42 am
Couch…forgive them for they have no idea WTH they are talking about!
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:43 am
Mariota #1
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:43 am
Anyone who has looked at the film of both players knows who the Bucs should pick. If they pick Mariota, I predict Lovie doesn’t make it another season. Winston is the better player by a mile. This is coming from a guy who wanted Mariota in November.
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:54 am
Bobby Bowden on Winston :
“I’ve never met Winston, but my son Tommy did at an ACC get-together, and he told me that Winston is one of most impressive physical men he’s ever seen. I’ve never even laid my eyes on him. But I watch and read everything I can, and my impression is that he’s just a great athletic talent with that confidence. He’s got that confidence that I’ve never seen outwardly from anyone else. He just has it. And he’s not afraid of saying how confident he is.”
“You know what they say: It ain’t bragging if you can do it. And he can do it. It’s just outright confidence. I think it’s natural, and I think it’s infectious. His confidence cools down his teammates. When they know they have him on their side, when they know he’s leading them, it gives them confidence.”
“I’ve never seen anything like him. When they show him on TV in the dressing room, he’s smiling. You’re supposed to sit in the corner frowning. [Laughs] But not Winston. He’s got this big ol’ smile on his face. That’s just him. It’s not phony, and the kids thrive off of it.”
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:54 am
“Most significantly, too many of Winston’s turnovers this season have been a direct result of his poor play, rather than something he could blame on a team. One of the recurring causes of Winston’s interceptions is his inability to recognize underneath coverage. Winston simply makes these plays that are inexplicable in terms of his thought process. He is an exceptionally smart quarterback from the pocket for the most part, but underneath defenders appear to lie in a blind spot for him. This is an element of his game that NFL defenses will attempt to highlight with flooded zone coverages and mixed coverages. It’s the kind of flaw that could prove fatal if it doesn’t improve significantly. ” –Rotoworld
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:55 am
“Winston’s throwing mechanics are sloppy. And that’s putting it nicely. His feet are sloppy which causes his entire lower body to be sloppy and also his entire upper body. He gets away with this because he has such a strong arm and is still consistently accurate. With some discipline in his mechanics, Winston could become an even better thrower and more consistently accurate with the football. When Winston misses he misses high, especially to his right. He has a tendency to drop his throwing elbow when throwing to his right and causes a lot of his balls to sail because his hand dips below the football at the release instead of staying “on top” of it. This happens less when he throws to the left because the motion of throwing to the left naturally slots his elbow in the right position and he’s less likely to let it sail.
Under pressure, Winston’s mechanics get even sloppier. He does a good job of moving within the pocket but it takes considerable effort to move his big frame around and he’s not as precise or subtle in his movements as he should be. Winston shows a strong ability to handle edge pressure, it’s just the pressure up the middle that tends to cause his decision making to implode.” –NFL Philosophy
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:56 am
“Marcus Mariota is often called a running quarterback, and is contrasted with Jameis Winston’s pocket play. So it may be surprising to see that Mariota has just 25 runs on scrambles, while Winston has 21. Certainly Winston has more attempts on the season, which makes the difference slightly more pronounced, but both quarterbacks clearly look to pass first, and the idea that Mariota looks to run at the first sign of trouble is nonsense.” –Pro football focus
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:56 am
“On this play against UCLA, Mariota lines up in the pocket on Third-and-7. The defense has three players on the defensive line, with pass-rushing specialist Anthony Barr lined up wide of the offense’s left tackle. When Mariota gets the ball from his center, he drops backwards into the pocket while keeping his eyes downfield. At the same time, Barr explodes off the edge and gets past the outside shoulder of Oregon’s left tackle. The left tackle has completely given up on his technique as he tries to recover positioning with his feet facing his own end zone. Without dropping his eyes to the pass rush, Mariota steps up in the pocket so that his left tackle is now in a better position to block Barr. Mariota could continue into the red area and attempt to scramble for the first down, but there are three linebackers in line with the first down marker who would be in position to stop him. Instead he settles in the pocket. Barr immediately begins to push the left tackle backwards into the pocket where Mariota is standing. The left tackle is unable to withstand Barr’s power, so Mariota again neutralizes his rush with his movement in the pocket. Mariota steps backwards and resets his feet to throw the ball down the field. Not once did Mariota take his eyes away from the coverage, but he felt Barr’s presence or saw him in his peripheral vision to avoid him. His agility, balance and awareness couldn’t have been better, but he still had to complete the throw down the field. Mariota has to flight the football over multiple defenders and drop it in a spot where his receiver is waiting for the ball as another defender attacks it from behind. On this throw, he needed to show pinpoint accuracy, control of trajectory and arm strength. He couldn’t have made a more impressive play on a difficult third down. Even while playing in Oregon’s offense, Mariota was still asked to regularly manipulate the pocket while reading the defense. Unlike Jameis Winston, the very talented FSU prospect who will likely compete with Mariota to be the first quarterback taken in 2015, Mariota doesn’t need to overhaul his mechanics.” -Rotoworld
February 2nd, 2015 at 11:56 am
i think all the rapist comments are out of line. he was never convicted PERIOD and to be honest whos to say it wasnt a money grab from the girl? i know, god forbid anyone jump to the conclusion that maybe the girl saw jameis as a good oppurtunity to cash in on a “rape” accusation. look up brian banks. now im not saying thats exactly what happened but if your willing to just instantly assume winston raped the girl ( unless you were at the scene or have seen the evidence contrary to my theory) then you have to assume the girl was just trying to get some money from an up and coming football superstar. all the other stuff hes done, stealing crab legs, “stealing” A CUP of soda (which by the was is the oldest trick in the book me and my friends used to do that all the time when we were younger), shooting BB guns, etc. its all just a sign of winston is still a KID that needs some proper guidance. i think we have the leadership on this team and in this organization to make him into a responsible adult.
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:04 pm
My worry about Mariota isn’t that he’s a running QB. My worry is that he’s not good at passing the ball. Sure his stats look impressive but if you actually watch the guy play, he is an erratic passer. No velocity and inaccurate. Not to mention can he even read a defense?… Simply can’t take a chance on thost types of questions at #1. Winstons character issues will be looked into and will be decided by Lovie/Lichy well before the start of the draft so no need in mentioning that. On field wise, Winston is a winner and his issues are minimal can can be fixed.
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:07 pm
FSU redshirt sophomore QB Jameis Winston went No. 2 to the Titans in Todd McShay’s inaugural 2015 mock draft.
“Winston has all the tools to be great on the field as an NFL quarterback,” McShay wrote. “He excels from inside the pocket, has prototypical size, can drive the ball downfield and to the outside hashes, and displays very good game-management skills and on-field leadership. But his off-field behavior to this point frightens me. The Titans and any team that considers drafting him are going to have to be comfortable with what they find when they look into his past, and with his psychological testing.” While some wouldn’t touch Winston — former NFL executive Greg Gabriel recently said he would not draft him in any round — his upside is such that a team in the top 10 (or five) will no doubt talk itself into him. Because of this reason, McShay said it’s “hard to envision either [Winston or Marcus Mariota] getting out of the top 10.” Espn insider per rotoworld’s Mock draft.
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:13 pm
87… I get you want Winston, what I don’t get is your assumption that those who disagree are leftist liberals. Really liberal seems to be your way of thinking when it comes to all things Winston. I would say those who oppose bringing in Winston are mostly conservatives.
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:17 pm
CBS Sports- Marcus Mariota
STRENGTHS: Often lauded for his intelligence, humility and work ethic. Effortless arm strength to zip the ball up and down the field and his gazelle-like athleticism to out-run defenders.
Does an excellent job of dancing his way out of pressure while keeping his eyes downfield. Quick release and flashes deadly accuracy, including when on the move. Very strong arm and isn’t afraid to make challenging throws through tight windows. Shows good touch to loft passes over defenders down the seam or to backs and receivers on quick swing passes.
Puts extreme pressure on the defense because of his scrambling ability. He offers rare straight-line speed, making him a legitimate threat for a big play via his arms or legs on every snap.
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:17 pm
The man isn’t even drafted on the team, but yet you already have a built-in excuse for if he succeeds.
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:18 pm
conservative here 37. that said, i am beginning to think the pick will be jameis, the rapist, winston.
damn shame. he’ll set the franchise back even further. we’re gonna make the raiders look good.
trade the pick!!!!
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:20 pm
Per ESPN :
NFL draft analyst Daniel Jeremiah joins The Dan Patrick Show to break down what he expects from this year’s class of prospects, including which of the top two quarterbacks he has ranked higher. Jeremiah says that when it comes to NFL readiness, Jameis Winston is ahead of Marcus Mariota.
Per Rick Stroud Tampa Bay Times :
The NFL loves consensus, so here it is: Winston is the better quarterback. As one personnel executive put it, “that’s what the tape says.”
Winston is a plug-and-play quarterback for the NFL. He played in a pro-style offense, he understands coverage and protections, throws into tight windows and always with great anticipation. His leadership in the locker room has never been questioned and he has demonstrated the ability to focus, bear down and bring his team back from large deficits.
Mariota is a tremendous leader, with great size and arm strength. His character is a 10 out of 10. But in the Ducks’ spread-option offense, he not only was always in the shotgun, he rarely had to spit out a play in a huddle. It’s hard to evaluate his accuracy since the system is based on deception and creates so many coverage breakdowns and open receivers.
Winston’s issues, well documented, are off the field. Questions about Mariota are limited to his ability on the field to develop at the NFL level.
The Bucs will stay true to the process and have just begun to vet Winston and Mariota. There is a lot of time before the April 30 NFL draft and anything can happen.
But the consensus is that Winston has more tools right now to be the better NFL quarterback.
@Buccfan37 …I’m further to the right than Rush Limbaugh. I don’t care about ANYTHING and I mean anything he’s done off the field. I don’t worry about such things as Women’s Sexual Task Force and all that BS. Yes I said BS.
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:22 pm
He can read defenses. The question isn’t can he read a defense the question is can he do it while dropping back from under center. I don’t think it will be a problem, but some teams may.
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:27 pm
Watch out for the women’s sexual violence task force….condemning a kid that has been cleared numerous times of any wrong doing.
The naysayers will try and tell you that 15-20 people put their reputation on the line, their careers, and risked possible jail time to cover up the facts.
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:29 pm
Women’s sexual violence task force.
Is that a conservative task force or a liberal one? You make the call.
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:29 pm
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:33 pm
We need to learn from others mistakes as well as ours.
You Like Wienston? He’s a Better version of Johnny Manziel.
According to reports, he’s entering Rehab today. We can’t afford an off field clown, we are so away from having enough leaders in our locker room to bring in a troubled kid. I’ll take a little less talent, but the maturity behind the arm anyday.
Russell Wilson is a perfect example, fantastic QB because his brain not his arm.
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:36 pm
Winston is 9 times the QB that Manziel is. LMAO!
That’s a good one man. Is this Jerry Seinfeld?
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:41 pm
Winston is an immature punk, and always will be. He could keep his head on straight enough to be a great pro QB, though. But who is willing to take that risk?
Didn’t the Joe’s pound the table for Manziel leading up to last year’s draft? I’m sorry, who is it that’s going into rehab today?
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:51 pm
What’s Russo’s n Kaufman’s n Joe’s n Cummings n Jones n CommishSKI’s n LittleStevies qualifications as far as being NFL player(s) evaluators? All they can do is conspire, using their media voices, to drive public opinion and to try and influence their agreed opinions. They know nothing more then local drunken sports fans, except they have a soap box.
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:51 pm
The Bucs met with the Sexual Violence Task Force of Tampa.
“As the Tampa Bay Buccaneers prepare for the 2015 NFL draft, one question they will have to answer is whether Jameis Winston is the kind of person they want to be the face of their franchise. Not just on the field, but off the field. Winston has faced a slew of off-field incidents — most of them minor, but a rape accusation for which he was never charged continues to be the focal point of the questions surrounding him.
The Bucs will have to determine whether they’re comfortable with his explanation. To that end, the Bucs met with the Sexual Violence Task Force of Tampa Bay, the New York Times reports.
“The larger issue is that there have been many allegations against Jameis Winston, yet there is no question that Jameis Winston will be chosen by an N.F.L. team to play next season,” Amanda Brennan of the task force told the New York Times. “As an N.F.L. player, he is a role model for boys and young men across the country. The Sexual Violence Task Force of Tampa Bay would like to know that Jameis Winston will be expected to adhere to a strict standard of conduct.”
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:52 pm
“Source at Manning Camp that knows Johnny Manziel well: nothing but positive things to say, mostly with the vibe of, “he’s not doing anything differently than you, I, or anyone else did in college”. From the vibe of online articles, father seems a little too involved and overstepping his boundaries. CONCERNS: Off-field behavior/lifestyle”
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:55 pm
Tampa Fla.-“The downtrodden Buccaneers need a quarterback, and Winston, a Heisman Trophy winner in 2013, is seen as one of the top two available. But Winston’s checkered past — he was also involved in BB gun incidents, cited for shoplifting and suspended one game for shouting an obscene phrase on campus — has presented the team, and its fans, with a quandary that has divided and unsettled the Tampa Bay community.”
Predicting how Winston will behave off the field as a highly paid professional football player has become the consuming focus of as many as 20 N.F.L. teams, who have begun exhaustive examinations into Winston’s past.
“He’s brought the scrutiny on himself, and how he deals with the next three or four months will be a big part of every team’s evaluation.” said Mike Mayock, a former N.F.L. player who is now a top draft analyst for the NFL Network.
Compiling a comprehensive report on Winston’s background will be crucial because several draft experts have predicted that Winston, despite his troubles, will be a top-five pick, or maybe even the first overall selection.
Continue reading the main story
“He’s had off-the-field issues, but if he checks out and you can reconcile that all of that is behind him and not going to happen again,” ESPN’s Mel Kiper Jr., a draft analyst, said, “then he goes No. 1.”
“With all that at stake, teams will employ every resource at their disposal — scouts, coaches, executives, psychologists, orthopedists, private detectives, criminal investigators, security agents, cognitive test specialists and personality assessment clinicians — to gather information on Winston.”
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:56 pm
Winston is not the first high-profile prospect to enter the N.F.L. under a cloud of suspicion. The draft statuses of several players, including Johnny Rodgers in the 1970s, Charles White in the 1980s, Lawrence Phillips in the 1990s and Aaron Hernandez in 2010, were adversely affected by prominent off-field concerns.
But it is also true that each was drafted and played in the N.F.L. Some managed to avoid more serious trouble. Phillips and Hernandez are now behind bars.
As investigations and evaluations of Winston are completed this spring, some teams will pass on Winston. But other teams will hope Winston falls from a first-round pick to a second- or third-round selection. It is a curious moral judgment.
“It is money, pure and simple,” Mayock said. “It is less of an economic risk in the third round because it costs less to sign that player.”
For the teams that still value Winston as a first-round pick, the decision is likely to be made at a team’s highest levels.
“Only an idiot would fail to recognize the heightened sense of concern about these kinds of offenses right now,” Billick said. “And for a change, you might see several owners get very active in the draft process for that reason. Although it won’t prevent someone from taking Jameis Winston.”
February 2nd, 2015 at 12:59 pm
“It’d be a great experience,” Mariota tells Serby Says. “I haven’t put much thought into it yet. I obviously haven’t decided if I’m gonna leave or go yet. I’m gonna take the time after the season to decide that, but it’d be a blessing.
“If the Jets want me there, I’d love to be there, and I’d play my heart out for them.”
Great Marcus and the NY media is going to rip your heart out and feed to ya.
Have fun in that cesspool.
February 2nd, 2015 at 1:01 pm
No one wanted Dan Marino….too many off the field concerns.
Peyton Manning rested his sack on a woman, trainers forehead and that was proven.
February 2nd, 2015 at 1:04 pm
Blount punched an opposing teams fan in the face, yet he was welcomed by the Glazers…and that was proven.
Michael Pittman beat on his wife, yet he was welcomed by the Glazers…and that was proven.
Warren Sapp had drug rumors coming out of college, yet the Glazers still welcomed him.
February 2nd, 2015 at 1:24 pm
Trent Dilfer: Marcus Mariota ‘not pro-ready’
NFL Scouts Are Starting To Nitpick At No. 1 Prospect Marcus Mariota, And Some Think He Could Fall In The Draft.
Shaun King: Marcus Mariota won’t be ready to play rookie year.
Anonymous Scout Says Marcus Mariota Could Fall in NFL Draft
Marcus Mariota might not be a pro-ready quarterback, says NFL analyst.
@Skyline….this is fun. I surrender. Mariota is the better…”option” at QB.
Ja ha ha ha ha
February 2nd, 2015 at 1:28 pm
Innocent people do not destroy evidence! Vanderbilt case was similar. Nashville PD moved quickly to get computers and phones. Tallahassee PD did nothing. Shameis Loseton will be a Brown! They will run the twin douche bag formation!
February 2nd, 2015 at 1:29 pm
players didn’t get suspended for a year because that either. Now they do. Times have changed.
February 2nd, 2015 at 1:30 pm
Glad you finally conceded that Mariota is the better QB. However, if we trade down and take Winston I’ll be ok with that.
February 2nd, 2015 at 1:43 pm
Winston’s going in the first 5 picks. There will be no trade down if they want Winston.
February 2nd, 2015 at 1:47 pm
If Washington or the Jets trade up for Mariota we could trade down. I don’t think the Titans, Jags or Raiders will want Winston.
February 2nd, 2015 at 1:51 pm
Skyline …some are saying the Titans do want him though.
February 2nd, 2015 at 1:57 pm
I’ve heard both on that one. Some have said yet, but some have said that they are content with Metzenberger (sp?)
February 2nd, 2015 at 2:06 pm
In all do respect and courtesy, you are really way, way out there and might want to seek some proffesional help and counselling. Although most of us on here find you amusing and entertaining in a sad kind of way, you may want to do what Johnny Football just did. Do something good for yourself and your family. When you start talking about somebody sounding like the “Voice Of God” you may want to take a long look at yourself
February 2nd, 2015 at 2:09 pm
@ Skyline. Agreed on Titans. They know they can’t take a shady character like Winston and drop him right there in the middle of the Bible Belt. Now that would be a tough sell to the fans there
February 2nd, 2015 at 2:11 pm
When has Ira ever been right about anything? lol
February 2nd, 2015 at 2:38 pm
Speaking of God and the Bible Belt. I think Winston will fit right in.
“Through everything we went through, we came out victorious,” Winston exulted. “God did this. I’m so blessed. There is nobody but God. There is nobody!”
February 2nd, 2015 at 2:47 pm
I just checked both Namecheap and GoDaddy, and is still available.
February 2nd, 2015 at 2:52 pm
Damn some of you people are going to have to come to grips this at some point.
I hope you’re ready on draft day. I really do.
February 2nd, 2015 at 2:57 pm
We are not drafting Jameis Winston.
I’m an FSU homer, and I love me some Jameis Winston (on the field).
But this franchise is in a position to choose between Marcus Mariota and Jameis Winston. Their choice will not be Jameis Winston.
February 2nd, 2015 at 3:06 pm
I would be happy with Mariota or Winston as players. The reason I’m leaning towards mariota is I think winston is immature and has a bad attitude. And don’t try to gimme that “he’s a 20-year old college student” excuse. I know i didn’t do all the dumbass things he does when i was 20. Mariota seems very dedicated. And if winston throws 18 pics in college what will he be throwing in NFL??
February 2nd, 2015 at 3:07 pm
Are you ready for Mariota come draft day?
February 2nd, 2015 at 3:57 pm
I’m still for trading down and acquiring more picks. After watching the Superbowl last night and the two teams in the game we all saw just how far away the Bucs really are and how they need a lot of quality players
February 2nd, 2015 at 4:01 pm
@ 87
Remember that Satan was once an Angel and can quote Scripture for his own purpose
February 2nd, 2015 at 4:26 pm
@87ForJameisNOMariota: they’ve called a few times & i haven’t answered… but my decision to be a season ticket holder is definitely linked to how they handle the #1 picks and this draft…
February 2nd, 2015 at 4:39 pm
You guys who are so all in on 1 of these QBs and bad mouthing the other are being ridiculous. Both are very good QB prospects coming out of College. In fact both Winston and Mariotta are better QB prospects than any who came out in 2013 or 2014 drafts. So the person who keeps saying this is a bad year to have the #1 pick is dead wrong – especially since we need a major upgrade at QB talent so badly.
I believe that Winston is who the Bucs should take – and its primarily because I’ve watched a bunch of FSU games the last 2 years and have rarely seen a QB with all the attributes that he has… Winston is damn near the perfect QB prospect when you look at all the intangibles and that he only lost 1 game in 2 years and is 7-0 when the score differential is 7 points or less – with 5 – 4th quarter comeback wins last year to boot.
Winston’s’s got a rocket for an arm – is big and strong enough to shake off would be sackers like Rothlesberger does regularly and he’s plenty mobile as well with a good knack for buying time with his feet if protection breaks down while keeping his eyes downfield to make big plays with his arm off those extended plays.
But the best intangibles Winston has on the field are his football knowledge at this stage along with his obvious leadership qualities. He reads defenses pre and post snap better than any QB we’ve seen come out for some time and makes adjustments at the line to get out of a bad play call match up. He goes through his progressions with ease and completes to his 3rd or 4th option regularly. He also has an ability to throw into tight “windows” (like over the LBers reach but under the safety) in the middle of the field that you rarely see at the College level.
In short – he has already been doing for 2 years quite successfully very much what he will be asked to do at the next level.
Mariota has not shown much of that “pro ready” play – mainly because he was rarely asked to do those things. Doesn’t mean he can’t – but we really just havent seen it. But what he was asked to do in that quirky yet very effective Oregon offense – he did really, really well. Almost to perfection. 40 TDs with only 4 Ints doesn’t happen by accident and it ain’t no fluke. When you add in his superior running ability – then you’ve got a potentially dangerous dual-threat weapon who can burn a defense with big plays running the ball – just like we saw Wilson do a few times last night against a very good Patriots defense. (and should have seen Wilson do to win the SB game if the Seattle play caller wanted to try something other than Lynch up the middle)
So even though I prefer Winston because I think he is the better NFL prospect – I will not be freaking out if they draft Mariota like some of you seem to be saying you will do if Winston is the choice.
I just want the people who are paid to make decisions for the Buccaneers to do all their due diligence – and then some. Then to pick one of these 2 QBs. Its pretty hard for me to imagine we won’t take a QB in our position with 2 really good options to choose from. If a trade down option is too good to pass on – then I’m OK with that too – but it better be a damn King’s ransom (like three 1’s and three 2’s or similar) because it will most likely be another 30 years before we are in this good of a position again to pick a truly legit potential franchise QB without overpaying.
February 2nd, 2015 at 4:41 pm
This argument is so pointless! Absolutely NO way the Bucs stake their future on a kid with off-field issues and give him $20m to stay in the same state! lol No chance!
Did anyone actually watch the SB? Wilson showed what an INTELLIGENT mobile QB can do, even against the Pats. Brady, while yeah, he’s a pocket passer, but BY NO MEANS did he display an awesome show of deep bombs all over the field. He made his living on short passes. So any argument on Mariota’s deep ball doesn’t hold a lot of weight at this point – let’s wait until the combine/pro day at least.
Will Mariota take longer to “develop?” Possibly, yeah, but so what? That’s the dumbest argument ever! We aren’t in a position where we’re “one piece away” from a SB! Let Winston have a couple good games early on with another team, then he’ll be out of the league within 3 years, either 300lbs or in jail…
February 2nd, 2015 at 4:57 pm
I agree with Walter White and the many of you on here who are thinking like me that:
1. The Bucs will definitely take a QB with the No. 1 pick
2. The NFL (and the Bucs) will not want to bestow the No. 1 pick on a character like Winston with so many questionable behavior decisions; see how Manziel worked out for the Browns, and with the victim participating in a movie come March, the Tallahassee cover-up is going to be a PR nightmare
3. Mariotta isn’t a sure thing — no QB this side of Andrew Luck ever is — but he is certainly worthy of a long-term investment.
There will be plenty of people spouting theories between now and May. But I cannot imagine a scnario where Winston is the No. 1 overall pick in Tampa. Not with his track record (on and off the field) and with this pr climate.
February 2nd, 2015 at 4:58 pm
At Trent Dilfer Elite Prospect Camp
– 10 year old Jameis Winston throws the ball 50 yards.
– At lunch break Trent notices his lunch is missing from his bag.
– Winston’s pass sails wide and hits a man in the face under a tree.
– Shaun King’s nose is bloody and he cannot finish his burger and fries.
– Dilfer realizes his wallet is missing and he has been pick pocketed.
– Winston is seen at the ice cream truck buying lots of ice cream.
– Dilfer leaves the camp and drives by the ice cream truck.
– Winston yells obscenities at him and fires pellets.
February 2nd, 2015 at 5:39 pm
There’s a mock draft database website called that has the first 6-8 picks listed and links to 100’s of mock drafts. It should be interesting to note that before the National Championship Game, 90-% of the mocks had the Bucs taking Mariota, now the past two weeks, over 75% are Winston.
February 2nd, 2015 at 5:40 pm
@ Earnest T
Sir, that is by far the greatest thing that I have read today
February 2nd, 2015 at 5:45 pm
@ Brandon
That shows how quickly people’s opinions can change, plus a lot of people just repeat what they hear. Based on the Championship game, if Cardale Jones would have declared he may be mocked here. I only saw him play 3 games, but he looked so much better than either Winston or Mariota
February 2nd, 2015 at 6:57 pm
Why does everyone talk like there are two QBs being considered as the #1 overall pick. Mariota is not going to be taken #1 overall! It will either be Winston or a player at a different position. No GM, coach or owner is going to take a guy first overall having no idea if he has any potential as a pro. No matter how he performs in the combine and his pro day, he has put absolutely nothing on tape that will allow them to make a correct judgement on this. At best he is a project.
February 2nd, 2015 at 10:29 pm
I have few concerns over Winston’s physical talents as well as his mental ability within the game. My concern is the entitlement he showed in making a deal for free crab legs. Not just that, bit when the spotlight was bright hot on him, he still was jumping up on a table screaming (hilarious) obscenities. His “character flaws” are actually CRIMES. Rape, theft, brandishing and firing bb guns in public, vulgar language in public are all crimes of one sort or another.
He is not mature enough to handle being a #1 overall pick. Especially in his college state, where he already has thousands of fans and worse, hundreds of friends and acquaintances that he got in trouble with. Can he stay focused on football? Can he control himself on Mondays-Saturday? Can he say and do the right things in the spotlight that does not create an unnecessary distraction for a team that has been full of distractions for years now?
I’m worried he will fall off the map and get fat (figuratively) once he reaches the NFL and at a prime draft rate. Some guys need a chip on their shoulder. The hunger for more. To be the best of the best. I’m worried he will lose that hunger once he sees that multi million dollar contract. He needs a babysitter and that alone takes away from his job to lead and prepare.
Thankfully, my gut tells me we will not take Winston because molded a man onto a QB is easier than molding a QB into a man.
February 3rd, 2015 at 3:59 am
We jut used the words “credibility” and “Ira-give-Simeon-Rice-a-new-contract-because-he-obviously-can-still-play-in-the-NFL-Kaufman”?
You bring us a conversation between two guys who are paid to have conversations with athletes – and one of them works for a newspaper in Florida, a state where one of the two QB options available, went to school…
Anyone who does NOT see Fameis Jameis’ LONG wind up before every pass can;t possibly know a good QB when they see one.
…or washed up defensive ends for that matter….