Another Key Day For Mason Foster

October 8th, 2014
mason foster

Mason Foster hopes his play in practice today signals a return to duty Sunday

UPDATED 3:37 p.m.: Mason Foster loves Wednesdays. That’s because the injured Bucs starting middle linebacker gets to test out his shoulder.

Foster dislocated his shoulder against the Lambs and hasn’t played since.

Foster was excited last week when he took the practice field on Wednesday, hoping his shoulder was far along enough in rehab that he could have played against the Saints.

Alas, it was not.

Now Foster, with another week of rehab, gets to test it again this afternoon.

“Definitely,” Foster said when asked if there was a chance he could play against the Crows. “Just keep working and see how it goes. You get a chance to run around in pads and hit people. I feel good so [playing against the Crows] looks good.”

Foster said that he will take on a greater workload today than he has recently.

“Each week, you try to do more and more and see how far you can push it without setting yourself back,” Foster said. “We’ll see what happens this week.”

Foster also noted he has not suffered any setback at any time during his rehab.

UPDATE 3:37 p.m.: Lovie Smith said Foster was “full participation” today and able to do everything asked of him. Great news!

22 Responses to “Another Key Day For Mason Foster”

  1. BucsfaninChina Says:

    Thank God. Dane Fletcher is eye-bleedingly bad.

  2. knucknbuc Says:

    Hopefully he is back bec Fletcher sucks

  3. 1Gr8Buc Says:

    It’s funny how in the offseason people were YELLING that Fletcher was going to or should be replacing Foster. Where are those people now?????

  4. BucDan Says:

    I say keep Mason on the sidelines through the bye week. I love his play, but a dislocated shoulder isn’t a simple injury. Especially when the main part of his job is to hit and tackle with his arms/shoulder.

    Danny Lansanah is doing a great job being thrown into the fire and switching up with Lavonte at middle in passing situations.

  5. biff barker Says:

    People were screaming for Fletcher because Foster isn’t good enough to play T2 Mike.

    Don’t worry, Lovie told you he could.

  6. 1gr8buc Says:

    Hey Jack ass how is Fletcher holding up out there? Unlike some of you I can form my own opinion with out experts, coaches, players or radio show hosts forming it for me. You’re telling me you feel better with Fletcher out there than Foster?

    If so, it is obvious you are just seeking attention by stating idiotic statements like that. Or are you the guy that says we should have drafted this person 3 4 5 years ago instead of this guy imagine where we would be! Take your biff and shove it down you barker so no one around has to suffer from the crap that drips out of that hole on your face. Your ass must be real jealous of what comes out of your mouth.

  7. Espo Says:

    Until one of them learns not to but 110% on every play action, I’d have to say Mason at least sniffs out the run like a pro bowler.

  8. biff barker Says:


    The Fletcher experiment is over and why they are so anxious for Foster to return.

    A T2 Mike by design is not usually built to run stuff though. They have far more cover responsibility to allow that. Urlacher was probably the only guy who excelled at both.

  9. DallasBuc Says:

    Lapdog Licht sounded pretty confident during week 3 pregame show that his boy Fletcher would “Wally pip” Mason Foster out of his starting role. Lapdog Licht is a fool.

  10. Ray Rice Says:

    David, Foster, Lansanah. I’ve been saying it since pre-season. Now if we could just find a way to bench Leonard “I got burnt again” Johnson.

  11. ddneast Says:

    Fletcher and Foster are both average linebackers at best. Both are woeful in pass coverage and all of our LBs bite on play action like a hungry pit bull on a postman.

  12. ddneast Says:

    Barrett Rudd was better than both of them and he got run out of town by radio jocks (surprisingly not the BigDwag) .
    Sheldon Quarles and Hardy Nickerson (FA signing by Sam Wyche) were better than all of them.
    It’s a shame Nickerson chased the money to Jacksonville or he would be sporting a Super Bowl ring on his finger right now. Hardy was always a hired gun.

  13. Tbucsfan Says:


  14. Nic Says:

    Man ya’ll have a lot of pent up animosity in here… Anyone realize we’re all on the same team?

  15. Mike J Says:

    1Gr8Buc, lit seems we were wrong. But I remain unconvinced that Foster is the long-term answer at mike.
    & BTW–looks to me like we were right on Lansanah’s replacing Casillas.

  16. mpmalloy Says:

    Nic Says:
    October 8th, 2014 at 9:07 pm

    Man ya’ll have a lot of pent up animosity in here… Anyone realize we’re all on the same team?

    They mad, bro

  17. Crimson_Warrior Says:

    @Nic I say the same thing. Tampa has some wishy washy ass crybaby fans man. Like their disappointment is exclusive, like they’re the only ones that want the team to do better. The difference is they don’t see the positives and the trajectory. If this is your team then believe in them instead of calling for somebody’s head everytime you don’t like something. I’m pretty fucking sure Lovie Smith knows more about football than random ass people on a message board. The funny thing is they believe from the bottom of their heart that they’d do a better job smh.

  18. Crimson_Warrior Says:

    @Nic I say the same thing. Tampa has some wishy washy ass crybaby fans man. Like their disappointment is exclusive, like they’re the only ones that want the team to do better. The difference is they don’t see the positives and the trajectory. If this is your team then believe in them instead of calling for somebody’s head everytime you don’t like something. I’m pretty sure Lovie Smith knows more about football than random ass people on a message board. The funny thing is they believe from the bottom of their heart that they’d do a better job smh.

  19. Brandon Says:

    1Gr8Buc Says:
    October 8th, 2014 at 2:26 pm
    It’s funny how in the offseason people were YELLING that Fletcher was going to or should be replacing Foster. Where are those people now?????


    I’m right here. I never went anywhere. After watching Foster start the season being as bad as I’ve ever seen against the pass while being decent (not his normal above average) against the run, I thought for sure Fletcher would be better. He was… slightly better against the pass, but Fletcher is not very good against the run. Finding the right Mike LB in the near future has to be a top priority for this team.

  20. Brandon Says:

    dneast Says:
    October 8th, 2014 at 5:45 pm
    Barrett Rudd was better than both of them and he got run out of town by radio jocks (surprisingly not the BigDwag) .
    Sheldon Quarles and Hardy Nickerson (FA signing by Sam Wyche) were better than all of them.
    It’s a shame Nickerson chased the money to Jacksonville or he would be sporting a Super Bowl ring on his finger right now. Hardy was always a hired gun.


    Chased the money? He was dumped for the guy they wanted to replace him, Jamie Duncan (who, incredibly, reminds me a ton of Mason Foster). It wasn’t long after the Duncan experiment failed (not miserably, just failed) that Quarles took the job and ran with it.

  21. Brandon Says:

    BucDan Says:
    October 8th, 2014 at 2:27 pm
    I say keep Mason on the sidelines through the bye week. I love his play, but a dislocated shoulder isn’t a simple injury. Especially when the main part of his job is to hit and tackle with his arms/shoulder.

    Danny Lansanah is doing a great job being thrown into the fire and switching up with Lavonte at middle in passing situations.

    I love the amatuer docs that think they know his injury and can give you his prognosis. I’ve dislocated both of my shoulders more than four times each. I can get back to regular activity with pain in three weeks, and get a full recovery in exactly six. Foster should be ready to go if there is no other injury. The last time I dislocated my left shoulder, I also tore the labrum… and that has never healed and will require surgery.

  22. Trubucfan22 Says:

    So wait… A Tampa 2 middle linebacker doesn’t have run stopping responsibilities? Is that why every middle linebacker in the history of the Tampa 2 has led his team in tackles?