Jeff Tedford Watches Practices From Afar
September 5th, 2014
Thanks to tablets and laptops, Bucs OC Jeff Tedford is doing as much as he can for not being at One Buc Palace.
Of course, the Bucs are treating the Jeff Tedford medical situation like Enigma. Joe understands the Bucs, even if they wanted to discuss Tedford’s recent bout of bad health, might be handcuffed by federal HIPPA privacy laws.
What Joe finds uncomfortable is the Bucs’ public spin on the issue that it isn’t affecting the team in any way. That just cannot be. There is just no way that losing your coordinator in the days leading up to the start of the regular season is anything but a problem.
Shoot, even Bucs quarterback Josh McCown, who finds good in everything, confessed it’s been a challenge without Tedford.
Clearly, the most important thing is Tedford’s health. So, even though Tedford has been an infrequent visitor to One Buc Palace lately, by the magic of technology, he has been watching practices, tight ends coach Jon Embree said yesterday.
“Because of the way technology is – again with the Surface (a laptop/tablet hybrid) being able to have that, he gets to see all of the practices, he gets to see all of the game tape, all of the cut-ups and put all of our scripts for our players and what we’re going to run in practice on the Surface, so again he gets to see what we’re repping and then match it up with practice,” Embree told the Tampa Bay pen and mic club yesterday. “I’m sure he’ll do that again today at some point, if he doesn’t sneak back in again while we’re not around. Because of technology it’s been fairly seamless. If it would have been 10 years ago, there probably would have been a few issues.”
Coaches like to call themselves teachers and in so many ways they are. Football, or athletics, is not like teaching history by video. It’s is critical for coaches to notice something in practice and make immediate adjustments to prevent bad habits from forming, or an ugly mistake in a game. Tedford cannot do that.
A coordinator is the most important coach on the team shy of the head coach. When he’s not there, it’s simply bad. Joe keeps having flashbacks to the Jeff Jagodinsi fiasco when thinking of Tedford’s medical leave.
Yes, the Bucs are making the best of a bad situation. Hopefully, Tedford’s health improves in time that he only misses a handful more practices, and only one game.
September 5th, 2014 at 11:11 am
We are all about to find out how Arroyo handles intense pressure. After the scripted plays are run, and deep into the 4th quarter with the game on the line we’re going to get front row seats into his mind. Usually experiments like this don’t go well – usually.
September 5th, 2014 at 11:14 am
Well, one way to keep Tedford’s offense under wraps is to keep Tedford under wraps.
September 5th, 2014 at 11:14 am
Per last paragraph:
“Yes, the Bucs are making the best of a bad situation.”
Really all that needed to be said Joe. It is what it is.
September 5th, 2014 at 11:14 am
as long as the guys have their plays down and the guy calling the play has his list I don’t see it as an issue.
Like I said yesterday, who better than the QB coach to know what plays the QB likes?
I’m kind of stocked someone else might be calling the plays. I think a lot of these OC’s over think stuff. just treat it like a video game once you know yours plays. you don’t see any of the great teams calling plays that would be expected. I’ve never seen a bucs offense that was not completely predictable…hopefully this one will be different. I don’t care if it’s a 12 year old calling the plays….hell at least he would catch teams off gaurd and not go for 3 yards each play. run, run, pass punt has always been our playbook. sick of that $hit!
September 5th, 2014 at 11:20 am
First and foremost, hopefully this is nothing serious and he can make a full recovery. Curious know if this was this a scheduled medical procedure, or an emergency medical procedure? And I still don’t understand how you can compare this to Jeff Jags situation. Jeff was fired because his offensive was garbage, and Tedfored is on a temporary medical leave. Where is the similarity in that?
September 5th, 2014 at 11:24 am
Oh I see, they both were abruptly absent for the start of the season. But c’mon, that is for two entirely different reasons.
September 5th, 2014 at 11:39 am
I don’t understand…… do you want the players and coaches to come out and say “yep, Tedford has been out. Which pretty much means we might as well not show up on Sunday because he alone has the key to victory.” Damned if they do damned if they don’t with some of you all.
To compare the OCs is about as absurd as you can get Joe. I understand being a die hard fan but someone’s health and or life far outweighs the importance of a GAME.
September 5th, 2014 at 11:43 am
Kind of hard to get offensive chemistry when the man calling the plays won’t be calling the plays. Maybe if this was the middle of the year i wouldn’t be concerned, but this is the first game in the Lovie era. i expect a very low scoring affair Sunday. Bucs 16 Kitty Kats 13. 1 td per team and lots of stalled drives.
September 5th, 2014 at 11:44 am
Joe is pretty sure he was quite clear in the article. We all hope Tedford gets better. Joe’s issue is the Bucs, publicly, claim all is smooth as silk and there’s no issue. That clearly is not the case. This could be the story of the early-part of the season, certainly more important than this Incognito nonsense. To think otherwise is really naive.
Forgive Joe if he doesn’t play ostrich.
Besides, Joe, being sort of a techie, thought this was kind of a cool story with Tedford watching all practices, crafting a gameplan from home (?).
September 5th, 2014 at 11:47 am
Thoughts and prayers out to the Tedford family for a speedy recovery. I’m sure we’ll be okay until he is able to return.
September 5th, 2014 at 11:48 am
Nice! 🙂
September 5th, 2014 at 11:48 am
I don’t see the point in this article. Of course they’re going to make the best of the situation, and of course they’re going to minimize it publicly. And I think there’s not much to talk about. Tedford will be back when he’s back. Until then, they adapt. Again, one could dwell on negatives… Or… here’s an interesting thought – maybe this will end up being an advantage in the long run – the experience the staff gains in pulling together a game plan and having Arroyo call the plays makes them all better. Opportunity knocks. Just like the next man up attitude with players, sometimes coaches have to step into bigger shoes. Sh1t happens.
September 5th, 2014 at 11:49 am
It’s hard for me to understand that Tedford is out of the hospital….visiting the facility etc, etc…..but yet he will be unable to sit in the booth and call plays…..if he can’t talk…he can use technology to relay plays to Arroyo….
September 5th, 2014 at 11:52 am
^^ If it’s a heart ailment, stress would not be a good idea during recovery. Actually, stress is bad for any kind of healing.
September 5th, 2014 at 11:52 am
I understand that. Yes it may and most likely will be an issue but what would be the point in hitting the panic button before the first game,of the season. It would be worse to do that and show they have little to no confidence in the guy who will be calling the plays, and making his job that much more difficult.
We’ve seen,what panic and hasty decisions have gotten us the past 5+ years. Calm focused and confident will get you further than panic, confusion and being unsure.
We may have to agree to disagree. Thank you for the response and such an awesome site to read up on my favorite team. GO BUCS !!!!!
September 5th, 2014 at 11:55 am
I can oly hope the play alling falls on oe mindof course typical input and observations,but ultimately one person making the call…..otherwise it’ll turn into cluster second guessing mishmash of playing catch up…..I hope it belongs to Arroyo and he CUTS up the Panther defense !
September 5th, 2014 at 11:55 am
Thanks man!
September 5th, 2014 at 11:56 am
Ah yes modern technology….I tried to log onto my iPad. Turns out it was an Etch-A-Sketch and I don’t have an iPad. Also…I’m out of vodka!
September 5th, 2014 at 12:06 pm
I think if its close in the fourth quarter
McCown will take charge IF he thinks he needs too
September 5th, 2014 at 12:20 pm
Please say its not MRSA!
September 5th, 2014 at 12:20 pm
Orca Says:
September 5th, 2014 at 11:52 am
^^ If it’s a heart ailment, stress would not be a good idea during recovery. Actually, stress is bad for any kind of healing.
So if:
stress = bad for you and
watching the Bucs = stress ,
Then I can deduct that watching the Bucs is bad for you. That explains why I’m overweight and drink too much. It’s the Bucs fault. LOL!
September 5th, 2014 at 1:01 pm
That law is terrible. Its like buying a ticket to see Robin Williams and they didn’t say that he was dead until they lifted the curtain and a back up comedian came in. The consumer has a right to know. Unless they offer refunds if they lose the game.
September 5th, 2014 at 1:16 pm
^^ WTF are you talking about? Because he’s a football coach, we have a right to know about his health situation? That’s insane.
September 5th, 2014 at 1:33 pm
Paul go stick your head back under that rock you came from.
September 5th, 2014 at 1:42 pm
^^Not to mention poor taste.
It’s not heart related and was not elected according to reports on Tedford’s surgery.
September 5th, 2014 at 1:44 pm
Yea I attribute my early grey to Buc fever!! Personally I don’t see this as anything to panic over, McCown has at least 35 offensive plays down if not more, so between Arroyo prepping as (OC) if needed and McCown having a carte blanche selection of audibles, I think the Bucs will be fine. They’re professionals, not the Keystone Cops.
September 5th, 2014 at 2:17 pm
September 5th, 2014 at 2:28 pm
It’s a bunch of smoke…
September 5th, 2014 at 3:55 pm
for all we know Arroyo is a better caller than Tedford, we will find out Sunday, in fact Josh could call his own game or Tedford will be there calling. We all know the defense will be calling on the backfield and Mankins gets his second shot in less than a month at their defense.
September 5th, 2014 at 7:02 pm
On a Friday???
September 6th, 2014 at 1:00 am
I need to get some vodka!