
September 15th, 2014

Gerald McCoy has a broken hand. Joe knows this because McCoy talked about it last night.

Lovie Smith didn’t call McCoy’s hand broken this afternoon and hinted McCoy could play Thursday night in Atlanta.

The Bucs’ head coach was clear that McCoy would not have been able to practice today, if there had been a practice, but he made it clear there are potential workaround options for McCoy.

Lovie acknowledged No. 93 could be fitted with some sort of bulky, club-like protection.

“That is an option to club,” Lovie said. “It would be pretty hard. Some positions, you know, you can get by with that a little bit. On the defensive line, you need to able to grip and hold. So yes, that’s an option. But hopefully we won’t have to go that far down the road with it.”

Joe would be stunned if McCoy plays on Thursday. That’s awfully soon after a break.

Joe hopes the Bucs just let that big paw heal for a week and then dive into getting McCoy ready for their trip to Pittsburgh.

28 Responses to ““Club”Gerald?”

  1. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    I brought this up yesterday. it all depends on the break. But those club cast are better than a helmet. his hand and wrist will not move once put on.

  2. FLBoyInDallas Says:

    There will be enough clubbing going on Thursday night so let Gerald have the night off.

  3. The_Buc_Realist Says:


    you are correct sir! when they changed the uniform they should have changed the named to the tampa bay seals!!!

  4. Jeffbuc Says:

    We suck already playing meaningless games in September. Let McCoy get healthy. This ain’t 2001 lovie you can’t win by running the ball every play. Canceling my season tickets for next year. Over it just wait till tonight when we see what real nfl offenses are suppose to look like. Instead of our stupid 5 yard passes to possession receivers. We have the dunkaneers with no point gaurd to feed them the ball. He looks so scared in the pocket. Maybe Thursday we will actually throw a deep ball.

  5. Jeffbuc Says:

    Should have kept mike williams and not drafted mike evans if all were going to do is throw slants to him. That is what Williams was the best at. Just don’t get it could have drafted a d lineman a cornerback anything other than a 5 catch for 30 yards receiver.

  6. JerseyBucsFan Says:

    Sorry McCoy for having to play for a team like this you deserve so much better

  7. Spirit of '76 Says:

    FLBoyInDallas Says:

    September 15th, 2014 at 4:24 pm

    There will be enough clubbing going on Thursday night so let Gerald have the night off.

    The_Buc_Realist Says:

    September 15th, 2014 at 4:27 pm


    you are correct sir! when they changed the uniform they should have changed the named to the tampa bay seals!!!

    OMG, the funniest thing I have experienced today. Thanks for the belly laugh.

  8. Soggy Says:

    @Jeffbuc, If all you have to do is have a mattress in the front yard to be released to a winning team we might start seeing mattresses all over the place..

  9. The Ether Says:

    A littl off topic, but listening to Lovies show now, on 620… wow this man is stubborn. He wants to go on about how great Rainey was, but why run the ball if you dont use it to setup the passing game…

    Lovie even tried to defend his 3rd & 7 playcall… Just put your pride aside, and admit you F–d Up Lovie!!

    …and yeah, let McCoy sit out. or let him play. actually, whatever Lovie decides… DO The Opposite!! SMDH

  10. Pelbuc Says:

    The Tampa bay Seals or the TB potato chips. Maybe McClown can lend McCoy the club cast he’s been playing with the last 2 games. Season already lost. Thanks Lovie for all the offensive fireworks and for hand picking such a stud QB. Won’t watch the Thursday Night Massacre.

  11. buddha Says:

    Love all the Monday morning quarterbacks. At least get the stats right. Mike Evans had 4 catches for 49 yards. That’s 12.3 yards per catch. Only Robert heron had fewer than 10 yards per catch. KC had more passing yards than Denver and LOST the game. New Orleans had more passing yards than Cleveland and lost the game. San Francisco had more passing yards than Chicago and lost the game. Detroit had more passing yards than Carolina and lost the game. Tennessee had more passing yards than Dallas and lost the game. Miami had more passing yards than Buffalo and lost the game. The New York Giants had more passing yards than Arizona and lost the game. Minnesota had more passing yards than New England and lost the game. Oakland had more passing yards than Houston and lost the game. All these games were decidedly basically by turnovers. The Buccaneers have no interceptions and have recovered only one fumble. If that continues, they will not win. Minnesota was intercepted four times and lost. The New York Giants were intercepted twice. Oakland was intercepted twice. San Francisco was intercepted three times. Brees threw a pick six. Matt Ryan was intercepted three times. Tennessee was intercepted twice. Scoring is down significantly so far this year. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  12. INDYbucsfan Says:

    Bucs are going to turn it around and make the playoffs! Woohoooo go bucs!!

  13. DB55 Says:

    I call BS!! Lovie plays with the media too much. Don’t you find it interesting that he didn’t call it a broken hand? My conspiracy theory radar is beeping off the charts. Obviously I have no proof but it’s interesting to me that Gerald breaks his hand right after his 2nd false start penalty. Plus he had at least one last game. Is old school coach setting an example of his leader? Never, why would he do a dumb thing like that? Uhm, Martin said he felt fine on a Thursday night talk show even said he practiced uhmmmmm. Idk call me crazy….

  14. WestCoastBucsFan Says:

    A lot of people complaining about the offense.

    It has been our defense that has been getting shredded by no name quarterbacks. I expected the offense as it is now. The defense has been the surprise.

  15. canadianbucsfan Says:

    you are exactly right, our D has been terrible! They did well against Zac Stacey but to be shredded the way they have by 2 scrubs in unexceptable when you have a D minded coach. If we had this offence with schiano’s D we might have won both games. Im not even a Schiano fan but if you cant get pressure with your front four the cover 2 will get exposed.

  16. clafollett Says:

    Thanks buddha, someone needed to bring a little logic in. Please continue.

  17. Greg Says:

    I just watched the Lovie press conference and he was actually answering the questions that were asked instead of his normal a**.
    Looked alot like damage control to me.

  18. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    Better to let McCoy heal, we know he can play at an elite level. Might as well give backups some play time and see who else can play and who’s a waste of roster space

  19. nate Says:

    TRADE MCCOY NOW.. and vincent jackson while we can still get sumthing for them… were in rebuilding mode now….

  20. INDYbucsfan Says:

    Nate please never say that ever again. Please.

  21. mpmalloy Says:

    Trade McCoy for Incognito.

  22. Tackleblockwin Says:

    If it is safe…I say club it up.

  23. Mike10 Says:

    Serious Question:

    Assuming we re-sign McCoy, how much $$ does he get?

    – We overpay free agents
    – It’s been a while since we signed a ‘news worthy’ deal for one of our own
    – Does Watt’s deal change things at all – McCoy isn’t going to see 50 guaranteed
    and a total of 100 mil is he?
    – Is Suh going to change things much after this year?

    I honestly think a deal will get done before the end of the year, if there’s one to be had and if McCoy can stay healthy.

    But I don’t think there is anyway McCoy doesn’t play Thursday – he claims to be the leader, the team is struggling – I see no better time for him to make a statement

  24. Jim Walker Says:


  25. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Wow. Just wow. The level of idiocy on display by some in these comments is downright impressive. Tampa has some great, smart fans, but they are outnumbered by ignorant, no-life, living with their mama crybabies.

    On topic, a broken hand tend to be 4-8 weeks out of games. McCoy cannot wear a cast and play. He’s not a RB or oline guy. He needs to grab hold and tackle. Can’t dothat with a broken hand. He won’t even be able to life a cup of tea with that had for at least 4 weeks.

  26. Jeffbuc Says:

    @ Buddha take away that 29 yard last second catch and his stat line is first game 5 for 36 and game 2 he had 3 for 20. So that’s 7for 56 a little over 8 yards a catch. Or with that catch 8 for 85 that’s great quit living in denial for a 7th overall pick that is a possession receiver look at cooks,Benjamin, and Watkins numbers. That’s all I’m saying so whoever thinks I don’t know what I’m talking about look at the numbers they don’t lie. We suck realize it and move on quit looking for the silver lining in everything. Im a realist you will be happywhen we finally when 5 games at the end of the year and miss out on a top 5 pick. The quicker you realize weare a laughing stock of the league the quicker you will realize that tampa 2 is outdated( see monte the great kiffin last year in Dallas). I wasn’t a fan of schiano and was excited about lovie but this ain’t going to cut it. Name a first round pick besides McCoy in the last 6 years of picking high in the draft who is now a stud. And if you read your brooks bobble head he only had 13.5 sacks in his career. David had half that last year this outdated defense is going to hamper our young studs not make them better. You happy with our first 3 picks this year NO. Here we go again with they are injured but have potential for the next three years.

  27. PRBucFan Says:

    Bunch of damn babies lol

    “Season already over”

    ? Smdh

  28. BoJim Says:

    PLEASE let McCoy heal up. He won’t be effective with one hand. No matter how much padding you have, it still hurts like hell when you’re doing battle with two or three 300 lb men.