Preseason: Bucs At Jags, Open Thread

August 8th, 2014

rachel watson 0312Joe offers his greetings from Jacksonville as the Bucs open the 2014 preseason against the Jags. You should check Joe’s Instagram account. All in crystal clear HD.

So there are all sorts of questions for Bucs fans. Too many to list, on both offense and defense. It should be an interesting game if for no other reason than the newness of the Lovie Smith regime.

Bang it here early and often for your thoughts on the game. As always, pasting a link to an illegal video feed will get you banned but you are welcome to e-mail each other a link to a live feed.

Enjoy the game!

341 Responses to “Preseason: Bucs At Jags, Open Thread”

  1. Couch Fan Says:

    New Unis look good!

  2. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    New unis look horrible!

  3. Rrsrq Says:


  4. BucsQcCity Says:


  5. Piratic Says:

    lol at the first two posts!

  6. Buccfan37 Says:

    I liked the pewter and red better.

  7. Couch Fan Says:

    Well that was an awful 1st series by the offense.

  8. Walter Says:

    I like the new look, sets us apart

  9. aj Says:

    well, the offensive line looks familiar, lol

  10. Ryan Says:

    WOW! Guards are really bad

  11. Matt B Says:

    O-line: even worse than advertised

  12. Patrick Says:

    Agreed, they completely butchered our once great uniforms. The helmet is nice but the jerseys are gross.

  13. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    yep, it look like a lovie coached team.

  14. RealityCheck Says:

    Looks like the Bucs alll right. Good defense. Three and out with penalties and bad offensive line play on offense. GMC is looking unstoppable.

  15. Touch_Down_Tampa_Bay Says:

    Sharp uniforms. oline looked as expected…

  16. Touch_Down_Tampa_Bay Says:

    Clayborn sack!

  17. Buccin cane Says:

    I live in SC and bought preseason live….but the game is blacked out…..two states away really???? Any help guys

  18. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    My wife saw the unis and instantly said, “There is no way I’m buying one of those jerseys.”

    Offensive line is, as predicted, no good. Hopefully they just need to gel. The rest of the offense? Not too bad.

    Defense is doing great. Rushing the QB is creating opportunities for turnovers already.

  19. Bird Says:

    Think Meredith and cousins already lost starting guard jobs. Who is out there? Call travelle Wharton

  20. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    Love the new Unis.
    Looks like we need some O-lineman

  21. Oahubuc Says:

    It’s almost like someone’s been telling this D to get after people.

  22. Oahubuc Says:

    Oline sucks really, really bad.

  23. BucGator Says:

    Unis are badass! Oline looks bad but defense looks good!

  24. P'cola Buc Says:

    Here at Everbank Stadium score boards are awesome!! Josh made a great run out of the broken play. Just waiting for some throwing plays. Go bucs!

  25. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    “hello, Ritchie? Ritchie incognito?”
    “this is Coach Smith, when can you be in Tampa?”

  26. Touch_Down_Tampa_Bay Says:

    Great punt!

  27. Bob858 Says:

    helpppp i want to watch the game but i can’t i live in NJ. Does anyone have a link?

  28. Matt Says:

    Offensive line looks like sh!t

  29. Rrsrq Says:

    Long season if this o-line can’t even keep Jax off of quarterback

  30. abdominal snowman Says:

    Online looks terrible. At least the jerseys look sharp. GMC is a freak in beast!!

  31. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    wow, this is a flash back to the old Dungy teams. just fighting for field position!

  32. Oahubuc Says:

    Anybody miss Davin Joseph and Jeremy Zuttah? Heck, anybody miss Jeremy Trueblood at this point?

  33. flumunda Says:

    Who needs an O-line? Draft receivers, tight ends and running backs. Buc problems.

  34. Bucs Fan Since '76 Says:

    Whoa! OL, EEEW.

  35. Patrick Says:


    First Defensive series we looked real good. 2nd was okay but we didn’t adjust super quick to their hurry up. Offensive Line needs ALOT of work.

  36. Jacko101 Says:

    O line looks terrible, so bad that we can’t see how good the wideouts are. And I like the uniforms

  37. WorriedBucsFan Says:

    Simply put, O-line is the reason I’m worried

  38. Tom Edrington Says:

    That strong odor you smell is the offensive line.

  39. BucsFanGreg Says:

    I’m sorry but our Guards are a real issue. We need to let Edwards and Jace Daniels play with the first team for a little bit.

  40. Walter Says:

    Jacksonville’s getting a little jumpy

  41. dave Says:

    oline looks aweful. it is preseason but jeez

  42. Touch_Down_Tampa_Bay Says:

    Come on get that safety!

  43. Touch_Down_Tampa_Bay Says:

    Come on get that safety!

  44. Matt B Says:

    I am down right pissed off that L&L even considered going into camp with an O-line like this. It’s a sad joke.

  45. Touch_Down_Tampa_Bay Says:

    Clayborn blocked pass!

  46. C. Alaka Says:

    Sooo are guards are HORRIBLE!!!…I mean McCown has 0 time! God help us vs Panthers & Rams, this might get Freddy Kruger scary!

  47. Jeff Matherly Says:

    Man if we dont get this offensive line fixed our whole offense will be injured on the sidelines. Cousins is horrible! We need to look long and hard at lineman that will become available. Go Bucs!

  48. Walter Says:

    At least the defense looks stout so far. It’s just the jags though

  49. Patrick in VA Says:

    To their credit, I’ve heard a lot of people who are high on the Jags coach and look for them to get better. Maybe their D-line is just playing really solid.

    I’m not watching the game so this is speculation. I have to wait to watch it on NFL Network in the morning

  50. Walter Says:

    Let’s see if the offense can get going here

  51. Colin Says:

    At work in the car. What is a mobile site i can stream the audio for the game on?

  52. Joe Says:

    And some of you thought Joe has overblown the state of the offensive line …

  53. Bob858 Says:

    anyone have a link for the game??

  54. Couch Fan Says:

    Well thats just pitiful..

  55. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    bring in Glennon, the “future” is now!

  56. BucsQcCity Says:

    2nd offense will look better

  57. RealityCheck Says:

    And there we go. Nice floater McCown. Do we have a 1st down yet? BUC BALL!!

  58. Patrick in VA Says:

    @Colin – I’m listening to Gene on the Bucs’ app

  59. BucsQcCity Says:


  60. Rrsrq Says:

    Trying to make a play cuz you can’t get protected by o-line, don’t blame Josh

  61. P'cola Buc Says:

    Ouch…. That hurt….. Even the dunkineers can’t jump that high!

  62. Patrick Says:

    Wow, pick six, that one was not on the line.

  63. Destinjohnny Says:

    Wow o-line is pathetic

  64. C. Alaka Says:

    Mederith is getting destroyed! Cousins cousin can block better than him @ this point! Lovie needs to take McCown out before he takes a bad hit! We are not gameplanning oook I get it but this REALLY shows how bad this o-line is!

  65. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    Glennon, Glennon, Glennon!!!!!

  66. cmurda Says:

    Lovie isn’t going to be able to circumvent the offensive line questions anymore because our O Line looks like straight booty

  67. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    This line- like we suspected- can’t block anyone.
    Need the O-line coach fired tonight.
    Need new guards in here soon.
    Josh has been hit every play
    There hasn’t been a crack to run thru.

    If that O-line coach though these guys were pros, he should be off the payroll before they leave J-Ville

  68. Walter Says:

    Sad face

  69. Couch Fan Says:

    Keep it up McCown, Glennon gonna be startin in no time with throws like that.

  70. RealityCheck Says:

    @Rsrq – McCown threw the damn ball. Of course you can blame him…he should know better. You can also blame the offensive line for giving him no time. It isn’t a either or situation.

  71. Discobeef Says:

    So is Jacksonville’s defensive line really good or is the bucs online really bad?

  72. Bob858 Says:

    ty Patrick in VA

  73. Stevie Blart Says:

    this is pathetic.

  74. FR Says:

    WOW this team is laughable

  75. BucGator Says:

    Let’s see how he responds to adversity.

  76. Bob858 Says:

    I can’t watch the game but judging by your comments I’m terrified about the o line

  77. phreakybucfan Says:

    Just what I was afraid of. All our new toys mean nothing if we can’t block.

  78. Buccfan37 Says:

    The bucs just are not in sync. If only.

  79. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    good thing we are not showing our cards on offense

  80. Phred Says:

    O-line is making me pine for the days of Kenyatta Walker.

  81. dusthy rhothdes Says:


  82. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    This is the main reason why I was begging, for us to trade for LG Evan Mathis or RG Alex Boone back in May…smh Those chirps sound like barks

  83. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    sooooooooo, how about those new jerseys…..

  84. Bob858 Says:


  85. FR Says:

    I bet McCown doesn’t make it half way through the season with this front line

  86. lightningbuc Says:

    Funny that last year people said the Glennon Mob was using the poor O-Line play as an excuse. But now tonight, that’s all anyone is talking about.

  87. Canabuc Says:

    Looks like Glennon willbe the QB of the Near FUTURE!!!!
    Mccown is running for his life!

  88. INDYbucsfan Says:

    Ruh roh. Time to trad for a guard.

  89. lightningbuc Says:

    The_Buc_Realist Says:
    August 8th, 2014 at 8:09 pm
    good thing we are not showing our cards on offense


    LMAO! Tedford is just toyin’ with ’em I guess.

  90. Patrick in VA Says:

    I’ll be interested to see how things shake up by next saturday. If it’s as bad as you guys are saying, I can’t imagine there wouldn’t be some changes

  91. FR Says:

    Why do Bucs games look so different then other games?

  92. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    Only pineapple McCown will be eating is Dole if he plays like this in the regular season

  93. Walter Says:


  94. bigchaz Says:

    Our line is pathetic. Lets call Incognito. We neeeed a guard

  95. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Wow…this oline is like sticks of butter.

  96. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    And since everyone knows how bad the interior line is now. The price has just went up on the trade market…smh …Buc it.. Get’er done L&L!!!

  97. Miguel Grande Says:

    Uniforms are butt ugly, OL is ugly but, they can be replaced. We’re stuck with the uni’s.

  98. cmurda Says:

    I am so glad this is a preseason game. Although that fumble is mostly on mcCown, yet again he wasn’t given enough time. If this O Line doesnt get it together by the end of preseason, this is going to be a long year

  99. Buccfan37 Says:

    Fruit Loop Dingus… I see somebody else watching Big Brother.

  100. jo_mama Says:

    Richie incognito please

  101. BucGator Says:

    Had plenty of time on that one. He needs to work on ball security

  102. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    that strip was on old man mcCown. gotta get it out faster than that

  103. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Don’t blame McCown. He’s actually moving around well. The problem i pass blocking. They are leaving nowhere to go.

  104. Walter Says:

    I feel bad for whatever QB has to play behind this line.

  105. Stevie Blart Says:

    lol what the heck is fruit loop dingus

  106. Canabuc Says:

    I hope we sign a good punter!
    Gonna be a lot of 3 and outs when we don’t turn the ball over!

  107. Stevie Blart Says:

    some of these posts are hilarious

  108. BucsFanInChina Says:

    McCown is gonna get killed behind this wet tissue of a line. Crazy bad.

  109. Canabuc Says:

    MGM is salivating

  110. Patrick Says:

    I’ll have to rewatch it later but it seemed like the pick and this fumble were more on McCown not getting rid of the ball. The O-Line has been terrible but I wouldn’t say it was on them on those two plays.

  111. dusthy rhothdes Says:

    incognito STAT

  112. Canabuc Says:

    picks 6 and 2 fumbles with one turned over!

  113. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    btw, is the video bad for everyone? I have been trying to improve the pic constantly. Seems like I have these issues with NBC football every year.

  114. Phred Says:

    An old John McKay quote seems to be in order: “Three or four plane crashes and we’re in the playoffs.”

  115. FR Says:

    Lovie what have you gotten yourself into

  116. jo_mama Says:

    Call Richie Incognito and let’s put the best team on the field.

  117. Couch Fan Says:

    Josh had time to throw on that fumble. If that were Glennon, some of you would be cussing up a storm claiming he’s a statue. Lol

  118. Stevie Blart Says:

    oh by the way that was the 2nd line dline of jax vs the 1st line OL of TB HAHAHAHAHAA

  119. Dennis Says:

    Get ready for a long year. This o-line is worse than last year’s unit. I don’t need a whole pre-season to know that. Same ole Bucs.

  120. Jacko101 Says:

    I remember watching the draft and screaming at the tv in the 3rd round that we passed on G Gabe Jackson from Mississippi. Meanwhile we have 4 RBs

  121. FR Says:

    HOW CAN WE BE THIS BAD!!!!!!!!!!!

  122. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Canabuc Says
    “I hope we sign a good punter!”

    Already have one.

  123. abdominal snowman Says:

    Its a bowers sighting!!

  124. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    Bowers! Bowers, dumbasses! Lol

  125. Matt B Says:

    What do you mean the interior line. You fail to notice that Dotson had a hold that killed a drive and Collins gave up an easy sack. They all suck. Don’t limit your hate to the guards.

  126. jo_mama Says:

    Let’s put some attitude on the oline.

    Richie F@cking incognito

  127. BucsFanInChina Says:

    Lol @ the incognito posts. Yep, our black head coach is getting ready to jump at the chance to sign the admitted racist.

  128. Oahubuc Says:

    Wow. Bowers came to play.

  129. Couch Fan Says:

    Glennon comin in to put points on the board. LETS GO BUCS!!!

  130. Canabuc Says:

    Well at least our D can move the ball towards the opponents goal

  131. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Hopefully the backup oline plays better against the backup defense. 😉

    We need one of our QBs healthy.

  132. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    MG8 to save the game!!!

  133. BucsQcCity Says:

    DQ looks good so far

  134. BucsFanGreg Says:

    Wow very terrible football from both offenses. We both suck balls on offense

  135. Bucs fan in Chicago Says:

    who needs a punter? Can’t even get to 4th down.

    Preseason. Don’t panic…

  136. Canabuc Says:

    Koenen can’t kick it long anymore and looks like we will need a punter with a cannon leg

  137. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    threat of mg8 is already opening running lanes

  138. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    Only thing I wanna hear outta that f+*>ing locker room is
    ” we’ve fired our O-line coach, and promise to fix this lousy line before the season starts!”
    ” you fans were right”

  139. Matt B Says:

    The INT was at least 50% the fault of the lack of pass protection. Ask Ronde Barber. He keeps telling u that. It looked like a failed blitz pick up to me.

  140. Couch Fan Says:

    Damn ASJ with a drop. Damnit COME ON!!

  141. Broy3434 Says:

    Fr said: Lovie what have you gotten yourself into…

    Are you kidding me people. It’s the 2nd quarter of the year. Yes the oline looks bad. Every team has a hole. That’s our. It’s a big one yes but it’ll be addressed.

  142. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    That was a good pass by Glennon. Better than I thought him capable of.

  143. jo_mama Says:

    Straight black players love Richie incognito.

    If lovie wants to keep his job he will put the best team on the field

  144. Oahubuc Says:

    Good thing Rainey excels in those outside bounces, since there will be zero holes for runners.

  145. Unislookgoodunislookugly Says:

    I didn’t think the offense could look worse than last year. God help us. Missing Penn, Zuttah right about now.

  146. abdominal snowman Says:

    Rainey better than I thought. Continues to make something out of nothing.

  147. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes’s locker

    Keep in mind the entire oline was released and replaced.

  148. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    The Cannon!!!!!!

  149. Oahubuc Says:

    There goes Tim Wright and his hands. Good man.

  150. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    Man! If only we had a 7’5″ Wr!

  151. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    My bad pic has to be nbc. Some camera angles are perfect, others are very choppy. Leaving my settings alone!

  152. Unislookgoodunislookugly Says:

    Wow Glennon with a chance to create controversy promptly overthrows his receiver.

  153. Couch Fan Says:

    Thank you Connor, nice to have you back.

  154. bucsfanlou Says:

    we’re screwed with this O line! WTF! All the money wasted on toys for an offense that will never see because of no protection or holes being opened. They best pick up some camp cuts for the OL. This will never do! We will be lucky to win 3 games!

  155. Broy3434 Says:

    Everybody see that slant play? Ya I’m sure he’s out future QB. Sorry Glennon mob

  156. dusthy rhothdes Says:


  157. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    BuccanerBonzi- I remember, Brother.
    But we stopped the “rebuild” waaay before it was done.

  158. BucGator Says:

    Not going to get upset after one game with the offense, however if they look like this on 3rd preseason game, I’ll be nervous.

  159. abdominal snowman Says:

    Lol imminent overreactions preseason week 1.

  160. jo_mama Says:

    Lovie Smith declares starting QB 5 months before the season starts.

    Glennon points on first drive.

    Stay classy lovie.

  161. Oahubuc Says:

    There is just no way to evaluate any skill position with this line. If I’m not mistaken, most of the starters are still on the field getting bullied by JAX second string.

  162. Rastafarian Jenkins Says:

    I like our unis better than Jacksonville’s.

  163. FR Says:

    Andddddddddd Glennon looks like s—– as well and just like last year here we go with field goals.

  164. Jeff Matherly Says:

    Dont forget to the fact that this is an all new oline so it will tale many games before they all gel. Believe it or not but the jags defense is probably one of the top 5 in the league. So give ot some time but we do need to still look for other lineman out there.

  165. BucsQcCity Says:

    Calm down people, we will be ok. This is evaluation time

  166. dave Says:

    relax all! first preseason game with an entire new team and staff and ugly jerseys. 4 wins last season. take it easy with these preseason games be happy with the defense and the offensive is a work in progress; all as expected. Go bucs

  167. Oahubuc Says:

    This o-line needs a bully. Acquire him.

  168. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    Yep- great new Unis.
    And Bowers looks like McCoy- constantly in the backfield

  169. Phred Says:

    Yes. It’s only two quarters into the first preseason game. No reason to panic.

    But if we DID have a horrible offensive line that would cripple the offense for the entire season, what would it look like during the first two quarters of the first preseason game…?

  170. Bucs Fan Since '76 Says:

    Defense looked good but that O was HORRIBLE. Good grief, seriously?

  171. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    They better start winning this season, because merchandise sales will certainly be dropping…

  172. dusthy rhothdes Says:

    Bortles looks like only NFL qb on field

  173. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    Yep- great new Unis.
    And Bowers looks like McCoy- constantly in the backfield
    Other than that . .
    All the offensive weapons in the world won’t help you, if your QB doesn’t have time to throw, and your RB has no room to run-
    It’s gonna be a long, losing season

  174. lurker Says:

    “and with the #1 pick in the 2015 draft, the buccaneers pick _______”

  175. abdominal snowman Says:

    Bowers looks sharp so far.

  176. Oahubuc Says:

    Hmmm. Bowers in coverage, with the deflection.

  177. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    I still think they should have gone oline or QB in rounds 1 or 2. I like the Evans pick, but I think OL and QB needed developing first.

  178. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    Geez guys at least Glennon’s first series equaled points…for the Bucs instead of the Jags. The Glennon disdain from some is amazing

  179. FR Says:

    I say 6 wins and no playoffs and ticket prices make the owners sell the team

  180. dusthy rhothdes Says:

    Ryan Mallett welcome to tampa

  181. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Wow. Glennon really did take forever that time.

  182. gt40bear Says:

    Glad this is only preseason, have seen bad high school games better executed than this. Both teams showing why they were 4-12 last year. Some bright spots but overall, OMG!!!

  183. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Mallett sucks.

  184. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    Typical Glennon. One run, two throws to the flats, and a pubt

  185. lurker Says:

    needed to draft a qb and keep zuttah….

  186. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    @ dusty

    Dude you may want to check out the horrible turd of a game Mallet had. That guy sucks!

  187. dave Says:

    yeah if the oline is this bad the rest of the season, it would not matter if the rest of the team were pro bowlers. We would be in trouble. There is time to fix it; possibly with an outside addition.

  188. Keyser Söze Says:

    Bowers doesn’t look like a schlub, he looks motivated and is making an impact.

  189. dusthy rhothdes Says:

    every qb except bortles sucks on the field tonite so mallett is an upgrade

  190. Phred Says:

    McNown v. Glennon?

    You could put Tom Brady and Walter Payton behind this O-line and still go 3-13.

  191. DallasBuc Says:

    Oh good, at least I was wrong about Josh McCown, the oline, our FAs, pretty much everything! Everyone else enjoying the sh*t show? I know me and McCowns mama sure are!

  192. Patrick in VA Says:

    Right after the Redskins beat a Tom Brady and Gronk-less Pats team in the first preseason game last night, their fans were chanting “Super Bowl”…… Judging by the reactions of some of you on here, I feel like you’d be the type to join in on a similar chant after the first preseason game

  193. dusthy rhothdes Says:

    and get incognito

  194. jo_mama Says:

    Take mallatt and incognito

  195. BucsQcCity Says:

    Nice hit!

  196. Bucs Fan Since '76 Says:

    Bortles looks like a QB.

  197. The_Buc_Realist Says:


    I am, but they are who I thought they were!

  198. jo_mama Says:

    4 years With the Patriots studying under Brady. You bet mallett Is going to bring great

  199. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Personally, I think Glennon looks worse than McCown did. Especially considering he is playing with and against second stringers.

  200. Keyser Söze Says:

    Major Wright is earning a spot

  201. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    Joe, what have you been doing at training camp? Glennon looks head and shoulders better than Old Man mcCown!!

    Do you need to go to Dr.Updegraff, tell them i referred you so i get my $5

  202. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Okay…Glennon actually looks most better in 2 minute

  203. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    Atta boy Mike!

  204. Keyser Söze Says:

    The Cannon misfires.

  205. LUVMYBUCS Says:


    Your on point tonite brotha…keep it up

  206. Phred Says:

    Glennon is moving the ball.

    Now all Lovie has to do is get every regular season opponent to play their 2nd & 3rd string defenders and we may hit .500!

  207. Broy3434 Says:

    Also saw someone say Glennon comes on and and we score. Ya cuz of a bad long snapper

  208. Couch Fan Says:

    Glennon has had 2 1st downs dropped now. Sheesh. Sloppy damn football

  209. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    How can people say we need a better punter. That’s twice inside the 5.

  210. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    Wondering if the Kafka Mob will be heard from tonight?

  211. Phred Says:

    D looks real good.

  212. jo_mama Says:

    MacClown has been a career back up.

    Lets start the Fire lovie clock now.

  213. Matt B Says:

    Those of you telling us to stop panicking need to back off. There is good reason to panic. “The o-line needs time to gel.” STFU. When sh!t gels with sh!t, it’s still sh!t.

    To the dude who said the Jags have a top 5 defense, bite me. They start Roy Miller and Geno Hayes. Nuff said.

  214. dusthy rhothdes Says:


  215. Oahubuc Says:

    Patrick, watch the game. The o-line are being individually beaten by a four man front. The players suck.

  216. Oahubuc Says:

    Every single o-lineman has been bullied by two or three strings worth of Jags d-linemen. As a unit the suck. Individually they suck.

  217. Bucnut2 Says:

    4-12 the o line is aweful and we have no qb

  218. Kevin Says:

    I remember a couple years ago when bad guard play basically sunk the Cowboys offense. OG is not a premium position, but you need guys who can be technically sound enough to keep average DTs at bay. Warren Sapp used to talk about the fastest way to the QB, and it’s definitely through the A-gaps. This OL has a long way to go, and the first thing to do is get Cousins on the first plane out of Tampa.

  219. DallasBuc Says:

    Buc_realist- I don’t remember you saying that our beloved bucs starters would suck complete A hole as an identity!

  220. Danimal Says:

    Fire Coach and GM for passing on Johnny Football at 7

  221. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    Glazers are secretly over at Hooters trying to beg Gruden to show Bucs offense some creative plays after he finishes showing NFL playbook to the Hooters girls.

  222. Goodolebucfan Says:

    Glennon is playing the second string d first off, second they scored a 44 yard field goal not a touch down. Then again this team has been practicing for a little over a week in training camp new coach and a lot of new players. It takes time people. Love the comments about fire o line coach and what does he have to work with at guard garbage and rookies. If you thought this team was going to be playoff ready by first preseason your drinking the kool aid for sure.

  223. MikeWhite Says:

    Alright, call up Incognito. Bring on the bully!

  224. andres Says:

    McCown will be fine as soon as they put in the 1/2 step drops.

  225. Broy3434 Says:

    The rookie guard will be starting next game. Somebody make phone calls for the other guard spot

  226. Phred Says:

    I would be happy with steady improvement throughout the season and ending up 8-8 during Lovie’s first year.

    Like the way the defense is looking for the first half of a preseason game. Would love to see the Bucs D head towards the 1999 defense this season.

  227. abdominal snowman Says:

    Well said goodolebucsfan

  228. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    Well at least the players had a good time, and fun at training camp since coach schiano was gone!

  229. Oahubuc Says:

    No need to rush to judgement in a preseason game. Just look at the great olines Lovie has assembled in the past. Oh wait…

  230. Couch Fan Says:


    You sure Schiano is gone? it’s not looking like it.

  231. dusthy rhothdes Says:

    OL IS FRUIT LOOP DINGUS….this is a decent defense and then the shaun king qbing

  232. Phred Says:

    Think it’s really nice the team is honoring Mike Glennon with the MG patch this season.

  233. bigchaz Says:

    Incognito is gonna start next week

  234. Goodolebucfan Says:

    The Cannon better use less cannon cause his over throwing.

  235. Goodolebucfan Says:


  236. Buc the Haters Says:

    New unis look awesome.

    Cousins & Meredith are garbage.

    We better sign a guard or 2 or my SB prediction is going to look stupid, instead of just highly optimistic.

  237. Danimal Says:

    Should of took Johnny Football, at least he could ran for his life and made a few plays.

  238. Goodolebucfan Says:

    Simms looking good to bad all the penalties

  239. dusthy rhothdes Says:

    sims looks good and so does that pool at jville stadium

  240. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Total off sides.

  241. Bucs Fan Since '76 Says:

    Can’t watch this anymore. Peace out.

  242. Phred Says:

    No. Ronde was right – he had the snap count.

  243. dusthy rhothdes Says:

    Did Mike Sullivan leave his playbook behind cause this crap looks EXACTLY the same as last year!!???? Also how does Bortles come in and COMPLETE passes down the field

  244. Ghost Says:

    Letting Zuttah go go was dumb. Why is it teams like the colts and patriots w mediocre talent on the OL seem to overachieve because it comes down to reading defenses and checking off receivers and mainly coaching. We don’t know how to get the best out of those players because of inept coaching.

  245. Phred Says:

    Well, the good news is the O-line will never have to worry about getting tested for performance-enhancing drugs.

  246. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:


  247. Goodolebucfan Says:

    Phred good one lmfao

  248. lurker Says:

    “and then the shaun king qbing”

    ummmmmmmmmm, shaun king was mobile and had a comeback or 2.

  249. Old*Skool*BucFan Says:

    Bortles is the real deal…Jags finally have a quality QB. I wonder when the Bucs will get a real QB?

  250. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    On a brighter note the Panthers are losing to the Bills, so if the Bucs can’t play well maybe they can suck less than the other NFC South teams? Ugly wins are still wins

  251. lurker Says:


    2015 with the first pick…

  252. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    Phred with the WIN, sad on the Oline but so true so far

  253. lurker Says:

    where is the defense now?

  254. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    Heat by Da’quan- who was lined up at LDE

  255. Bawlmerbucfan Says:

    I can’t watch the game either, but from reading the comments, it pretty much seems unanimous….our o-line is horrendous. Popular opinion seems to be that Ritchie Incognito is our Obi-wan-kinobe…..scary!!!

  256. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    Man, that Pool is a great Idea! Tampa stadium needs 3 or 4 of those!

  257. DallasBuc Says:

    Mediocrity speaks volumes with blown speakers

  258. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    LuvmyBucs- thank you, Brother!
    Team will be fine- if they fix that damn hole at guard!
    Lovie will get it together he’s a great coach,
    But he always sucked at building an O-line

    Gotta fix that

  259. tnew Says:

    I’m most concerned about the total lack of running game.

  260. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    that is why MG8 will be the starter later this year.

  261. Ghost Says:

    I don’t know who the OL coach is but this is piss poor even for pre season.

  262. Bucs24alex Says:

    So all the players were talking about ending the season in Arizona in interviews and now we see this team come out against the jags. I pray were all overreacting and Lovie is holding something back.

  263. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    Need a new O- line coach, also.

    Early prediction! Defensive player of the year will come down to Gerald McCoy or Darrelle Revis!

  264. DallasBuc Says:

    Ghost- look at your coach and rookie GM. They gave him poop for play-doh

  265. Kevin Says:

    Well the air totally left my balloon. Just terrible

  266. Oahubuc Says:

    Because Bortles is the best QB in the stadium.

  267. BUC4LIFE79 Says:

    Imagine that, Oneil Cousins played like he is who we were ALL TOLD he was…Looks like Lovie HASN’T learned his lesson about starting 3rd rate or worse by the looks of it O-linemen…My hopes for the season just took a BIG hit tonight…if this keeps up Glennon will be starting the regular season because Mccown will be on IR. PERIOD.

  268. lurker Says:

    if glennon starts it’s because we are tanking for #1 pick.

  269. BirdDoggers Says:

    Blowing up the O-line and starting over with unproven players is looking like a bad idea so far. It’s only the first preseason game but the line has to come together. The offense will only go as far as the line will take them.

  270. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    “Lovie will get it together he’s a great coach”

    Good hell yeah, but great? We’ll have to wait and see on that one

  271. lightningbuc Says:

    Somewhere tonight Greg Schiano and Josh Freeman have put their differences aside and are laughing their asses off right now!

  272. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    Anyone who calls the Benn’d around, from this point foward-
    Shall be summarily executed

    Love Mike James!

  273. DallasBuc Says:

    Lightning…I like the way you think

  274. Sam Says:

    The uniforms look like crap. The old ones were great and shouldn’t have been messed with.

    Our guards are really terrible. The expectations for this season just dropped big time.

  275. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    Pretty bad, when all the posters at JoeBuc are right about the O-line, and everyone in OneBuc is Wrong!!

    See, I told ya we was all geniuses!

  276. Phred Says:

    It’s not all bad. We can all see the O-line sucks more than a cheerleader on prom night, but the skills players look adequate and the defense looks like it has the ingredients for creating something top-tier.

  277. Couch Fan Says:

    Glennon is your starting QB week 1. WOOOOO!

  278. Phred Says:

    Could be some medical problem with the O-line — they need to see the team gynecologist.

  279. Dreambig Says:

    The oline has sucked all night but did anyone else notice Doug Martin has been the least effective running back? Hope that’s not a trend.

  280. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    Glennon haters grumbling under their breathe that that TD was against 3rd stringers

  281. DallasBuc Says:

    Dreambig- did you also notice that his oline was also quite least effective?

  282. bucfan999 Says:

    Long live the Mike Glennon Mob

  283. Danimal Says:

    Martin was a one hit wonder

  284. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    there was a reason why Jags selected 3rd overall in the draft and the bucs selected 7th overall.

  285. deminion Says:

    Bowers will be cut

  286. DallasBuc Says:

    I think the McCown experiment has hugely improved Glennon’s (anyone’s) candidacy for starting QB! We are screwed! I’m so glad Lovie and our rookie ass GM were so confident in that horsesht QB! Why provide a competitive environment or hope (draft) for the future?

  287. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    Interesting to see how the McCown/Glennon battle plays out if McCown drops a big ole’ deuce on the field again next week. Definitely looked more like Kevin Kolb 2.0 then Rich Gannon 2.0 this game

  288. Sam Says:

    Martin didn’t have any room to run, but neither did Rainey. Rainey got creative whereas Martin just got gobbled up by everybody the guards decided not to block.

  289. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Preseason. Very hard to learn anything. Glennon looks good against backups; McCown looks awful against starters. The truth is somewhere in the middle. And right now it looks like its in the middle of two big defensive lineman crusing our qb.

  290. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Refs need preseason too.

  291. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Demps is really fast.

  292. DallasBuc Says:

    Martin is a stud. Don’t mistake terrible oline play that was created by “L&L” as bad play be Martin. Makes you look kinda…unknowing in an embarrassing sorta way!

  293. Sam Says:

    There should be an Incognito bandwagon.

  294. The_Buc_Realist Says:

    thank goodness that Glennon came to play, or the bucs would have had given away 5 turnovers and a goose egg for a score!

  295. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    About Glennon’s TD pass, it looked to me like his third option. He looked at Wright but probably felt like he couldn’t get the ball there. Then flashed left and came back to the middle. Maybe his second read and the flash left was a look-off.

  296. lurker Says:

    if glennon starts it’s because we are tanking for #1 pick.

  297. Buccfan37 Says:

    The numbers on the uniforms are obscene, look rinky dink and are a definite step down.

  298. DallasBuc Says:

    lurker- we could just be hoping to make up for a horrible decision

  299. lurker Says:

    martin was a stud, and even that is/was debatable!

  300. Danimal Says:

    Clearly you need batterys for your stud finder. Martin sucked last year before he got hurt. He should of been traded at the draft. But time will tell who is right. Martin will not be starting after 3-4 games,

  301. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    If Glennon starts it’s because Lovie wants to get a few wins in the present season instead of just future ones 🙂

  302. Phred Says:

    I’ve turned down the sound. Darkened the room and now watching the game to “Dark Side of the Moon.” It seems to help. Well, that and the acid.

  303. lurker Says:

    lovie’s bears sucked against teams with winning records…

  304. lurker Says:

    that explains a lot about your lame jokes, phred

  305. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    In the words of Dennis Greene (well Ok a paraphrased version) for at least the game tonight McCown is who we thought he was. Now with that said if Lovie is going to be stubborn and roll with McCown regardless then let’s all pray that he transforms into the good Josh in Chicago fast!

  306. Phred Says:

    Lurker – not a fan?

    I’ll try harder.

  307. lurker Says:

    we need a poll after each preseason game, joe.

    the buccaneers’ 2014 season will be

    a) greater than
    b) less than
    c) equal to

    last season.

  308. lurker Says:

    ok, phred, let’s say 1 for 2

  309. PANHANDLE BUC Says:


    That has to be the most ignorant comment I have ever read. Martin has never “sucked!” He will be back to his old self this year as long as the line can get fixed.

    Do you see the them here? O-line sucked the last 2 years and martin struggled! Hmmmm I wonder why.

  310. DallasBuc Says:

    If Morris or Schiano put this sht on the field everyone would be screaming capitol punishment. Preseason is one thing but no one wants to put this in our leadership. Effed up

  311. Phred Says:

    I’d say that’s a fair assessment. Some work, some don’t.

  312. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    Would be overreacting to give up hope on this season after one preseason game, but I said from the get go I expected around 6 or 7 wins this year and a playoff team the following year.

  313. BucsQcCity Says:

    Rainey>martin and it’s not even close. James and simms are my choices at rb

  314. lurker Says:

    @ panhandle

    and yet other running backs did well with the same line.

    mighty mouse is overrated!

  315. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    “Sucking like a cheerleader on Prom night.”
    Thank you Phred- nice trip back down Memory lane!
    And agreed- O-line musta missed gynecologist appointment. They all played with that “not so fresh” feeling.

    If- IF – they fix that steaming pile of an offensive line, I believe everything else will be good.

    Big If. Lovie had bad O- lines every year in Chicago.
    Hope we are just waiting for second wave of free agency

  316. BucsQcCity Says:

    ASJ looks like an nfl player

  317. FR Says:

    How much u wanna bet they will look and score just like this game all through the season.

  318. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    FWIW Phred I found your Oline joke to be quite funny…but to be fair some here have called me an idiot for saying Schiano wasn’t nearly as bad as a lot of fans believe. So I guess take my approval of anything with a grain of salt 🙂

  319. Phred Says:

    I agree Capt. Tim. If they can tighten up that O-line the Bucs would be in position to surprise a whole lot of folks.

  320. lurker Says:

    “Rainey>martin and it’s not even close. James and simms are my choices at rb”


  321. lurker Says:

    if they fixed the oline i think we would be surprised! lovie hates offense…doesn’t want to be shown up, i guess.

  322. Matt B Says:

    People who doubt Doug Martin are on crack. He made the Pro Bowl as a rookie, deservedly so. Go back to the tape from 2013 and show me where the holes to run through were. The idea that he isn’t a stud is so ridiculous that I can’t believe I’m wasting time responding.

  323. Phred Says:

    Toes on the Line — Schiano walked into a scene out of Lord of the Flies that Raheem left for him. Bucs needed discipline. The players just quit on him.

    Same thing happened to OC Les Steckel in 2000. Set a Bucs record for points scored in a season but he was too much of a hard ass and the players revolted. He got fired.

  324. Buccfan37 Says:

    Great job coach Schiano.

  325. lurker Says:

    matt, just because you sit in the parking lot outside of gyms watching people exercise doesn’t mean you know how to identify a stud.

  326. DallasBuc Says:

    McCown is a sht show. Oline is a sht show. Somehow this could have been avoided if only we hired someone to field competitive players at the position!

  327. gatrbuc17 Says:

    I see HORRIBILITY by the OLINE

  328. P'cola Buc Says:

    Buccaneer management take heed , see tonight what a franchise quarterback can do for your team. Learn from the Jaguars….Blake Bortles is a franchise quarterback. Think draft next year!!!

  329. DallasBuc Says:

    Horribility? Interesting

  330. Oahubuc Says:

    I don’t know that you can honestly evaluate any offensive skill position based on today’s performance. The o-line play was that bad.

  331. Capt.Tim, Back from Davie Jobes's locker Says:

    Love those new unis

  332. Couch Fan Says:

    Here’s to hoping we make some great strides by next saturday.

  333. gatrbuc17 Says:

    I come from Galveston DallasBuc. Now you know what HORRIBILITY is

  334. ToesOnTheLine Says:

    I agree with The Lord of the Flies analogy Phred but think the team was still playing hard (most anyway)…then again the team quit in 2011 under Morris was epic, so I have been somewhat desensitized to team quit after enduring that season. Hopefully Lovie gets the ship on course quickly so Tampa isn’t full of “Fire Lovie!” signs end of the year.

  335. DallasBuc Says:

    Buc fans, we just got our asses handed to us by the Jags, not the pats or the ravens or some other recently accomplished organization. The rams are holding down a high scoring competitive exhibition against the saints. Everyone acting like pro football players. We got our asses kicked by the jags

  336. DallasBuc Says:

    gatr- I think I do, especially living in the 713 these days

  337. Phred Says:

    Last John McKay quote from a post-game press conference:

    Reporter. “What do you think of your team’s execution tonight?”

    Coach McKay. “I’m for it.”

  338. Broy3434 Says:

    Matt B just so u know, the sane people are here. U had the smartest comment of the night hands down. People are f-ing ridiculous. If it wasn’t for me really enjoying Joes site I wld never come to this forum. Idk why I wast em time. It’ll take a playoff win for you guys to shutup. Been a Bucs fan forever. I’ve endured just as long. Re-fuckin-lax

  339. Broy3434 Says:

    Matt B had the smartest comment all night. People doubting Doug Martin. Unbelievable. Yes the line is bad, the defense is good. Everything else offensively can’t come close to being judged. Obviously Oline and Franchise QB will be addressed this year.

  340. Jim Halk Says:

    BuccaneerBonzai Says:
    August 8th, 2014 at 8:17 pm

    Don’t blame McCown. He’s actually moving around well. The problem i pass blocking. They are leaving nowhere to go.

    BuccaneerBonzai Says:
    August 8th, 2014 at 8:49 pm

    Personally, I think Glennon looks worse than McCown did. Especially considering he is playing with and against second stringers.


    One this is for sure!!!!!! You are a true Glennon Hater. You will have to put up with a chafed ass when Glennon starts by game 4. You, bad dog and Joe will not be happy. Hope this does not show us that Lovey is going to be a disappointment like the last two.

  341. Barry Says:

    *First preseason game – Some of your comments are laughable.

    *Mike Glennon should be the starting QB Week 1.

    *Bucs missing 1 piece for the OL, Richie Incognito.

    *Looking at this game for what it is, first preseason game, I see of positives.

    *Take a drink out of your pathetic life cup and relax. Bucs 10-6 with Mike Cannon at QB.