Three Corners Down
July 31st, 2014
Pro Bowl cornerback Alterraun Verner was in a floppy hat and sneakers for the third consecutive practice
Cornerback Mike Jenkins officially joined the wounded Tampa Bay secondary this afternoon. He walked gingerly off the field yesterday with a hint of a limp, and Lovie Smith said he’s got a leg injury.
That meant all kinds of action this afternoon for Danny Gorrer, and questions about what this means for Pro Bowl CB Alterraun Verner adjusting to a defense and a press-coverage style new to him. The Bucs’ first preseason game is in eight days.
Cornerbacks coach Gil Byrd told Joe after practice that he’s just not concerned about Verner, calling him “a pro,” and Byrd said pro football is all about the next man up.
But Joe is concerned. When will the Bucs let Verner loose? Joe assumes Verner has his bad hammy tested daily, and trainers aren’t willing to give him a thumbs-up.
Verner told Joe yesterday that he’s dealing with a learning curve and has a ways to go to feel comfortable in the defense. Verner said he needs all the preseason reps he can get.The clock is ticking.
Joe’s not panicking, but Joe knows how critical it is that the Bucs jump out to a quick start this season. Going 0-2 would be brutal with two home games to start the season. Verner is a huge piece of the puzzle.
Joe will drink a cold one tonight toasting Verner’s quick recovery.
July 31st, 2014 at 5:53 pm
Wondering how good this Defense is going to be.
I am almost more concerned with the Defense as offense (maybe because of all the pressure that is put on D to perform)
1) CB´s while looking promising, outside Verner nothing battle-tested-high-level-goodness
2) Sure(?) Michael Johnson will be an upgrade over what we had at DE, but by how much? DT´s looking good, but same as on Offensive side: A line performs as group, are they good enough together (McDonaldCoy will be fun)
3) Safetys good hitters and tacklers, also ballhawks? The Barron seems to be good flying around and has a good wingspan and seems promising through the INT´s – or should we be concerned about QBs play?
Cant wait for 1st PreSeason game, let´s go__Bucs!
July 31st, 2014 at 5:59 pm
Plenty of time.. Relax!!
July 31st, 2014 at 7:28 pm
No Bucs fans are going to buy these floppy hats. The floppy hats are cursed.
July 31st, 2014 at 7:47 pm
louden I share your concerns… Maybe I’m taking in TOO much TC news and its clouding my thoughts but, an earlier article mentioned McCown splitting the seams of our cover 2 defense. If he can do it, I’m sure Brees and Ryan can as well. Not a knock on mcCown… Jus sayin… Go Bucs. Here’s to a healthy defense and learning curves eliminated very soon!!
July 31st, 2014 at 7:48 pm
Can we please press and jack receivers up fresh off the line please? I hear it throws off timing!
July 31st, 2014 at 8:08 pm
With the new pansy NFL rules I don’t see why putting so much emphasis on whether or not a CB is ready to play or can adapt, is of any importance. Eventually we’ll just need defensive backs that can act like obstacles rather than actually having the ability to cover and tackle receivers. Why worry?
July 31st, 2014 at 9:31 pm
It won’t be long. Under the new rules the defensive back may act like he is going to tackle but as soon as he touches any part of the other teams uniform he shall be flagged for holding!
And don’t look at the helmet. That is automatic ejection.