Davin Joseph Talks To Joe
July 14th, 2014
Former Bucs guard Davin Joseph talked to Joe about the nightmare of last season and what may have gone wrong.
Over the weekend, Joe had a chance to talk to former Bucs right guard Davin Joseph. His foundation, Davin’s Dream Team, and corporate partners were offering free physicals to needy Tampa youngsters so they could participate in school sports this year. Joseph, despite playing for the Rams, does a lot of work for the Tampa Bay community and plans to continue his local charitable works.
Joseph, who still wears that perpetual ear-to-ear grin, spoke to Joe about what went wrong last year for both him and the Bucs, the demise of franchise quarterback Josh Freeman and the eventual ousting of Bucs commander Greg Schiano.
JoeBucsFan: Obviously you are not with the Bucs any longer and in a few days you will start training camp with your new team in a new city. Yet here you are, helping youngsters get free physicals so they can play sports. Not many players would do this.
Davin Joseph: [David Joseph’s foundation] has formed a partnership with Florida Medical Clinic to try to raise awareness for health and safety. This physical gives us a platform to get the message to parents, and also kids, the importance of health and safety when it comes to sports. Even though I am not [playing] in Tampa, I am a Tampa resident. I plan on retiring [to] Tampa. So, this is home. And I always want to give back to home.
Joe: What are some tips you are going to give these guys when it comes to sports?
Joseph: You know, I didn’t write a speech. So I’m going to wing it. It is the basics. Knowing your body and knowing hydration and the importance of eating before activity. Concussions are always a big issue, especially with football. Knowing your symptoms and reporting it to your coaches. Doing the smart things. It is passing the message they may see on TV or in the papers. This is just a face to stand here and tell them face-to-face and hopefully that will hit home.
Joe: There was a report in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch where your position coach said, basically, you were playing on one leg last year, that your [leg where the knee was operated on] was half the size it was before you had surgery. Is that accurate?
Joseph: It’s pretty much accurate. Last year was a different year. It was tough trying to make it through the season but I felt like I did it for the right reasons. So, of course it didn’t help me continue my career as a Buccaneer. But it gave me a chance to play for another team. So, [now playing for a] great coach in [Rams coach Jeff] Fisher and his staff. Great support staff there. It is kind of like a new start for my career and they have been helping me a great deal in the offseason. I am getting the strength back in my leg and getting my confidence back to play. Now I feel great and I think this season could be a great season. I have to earn my keep. I have to go in and earn a job in training camp and God willing, that will happen.
Joe: So you are obviously feeling a lot better than a year ago this time?
Joseph: Oh, a major difference. I had the staph infection last year and this time last year, I was just now starting to run. So, now…
Joe: You just started to run [on your surgically-repaired knee] just before training camp?
Joseph: Yep. So this time last year was a lot different than now. But, you go through everything for a reason. You are going to have challenges and hurdles to jump. As long as you are doing it with the right intent and you are doing it with max effort, which I did, the results will be positive.
Joe: You are such a stand-up guy and a team-first guy and your mindset is to get on the football field any way possible come hell or high water. Do you think pushing it last year so quickly after just being able to run again may not have been the wisest move?
Joseph: You know, I think it is a catch-22. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. If you don’t play, well, then you are hurt and if you do play hurt, then you are still playing hurt. As I said before, I think I did it for the right reasons. I really felt like it was the best thing for the team at the time. I wish I could have done better. I wish I could have done a lot better. We all struggled a little bit last year. But at the end of the day, I played 16 games along with Donald Penn and Vincent Jackson and Jeremy Zuttah and Demar Dotson. We were the ones on offense who played all 16 games. And that is an accomplishment within itself.
Joe: Last year was a nightmare year for both you and the Bucs. Was the record and the play sort of a carry-over from what happened before the season started, MRSA, the internal drama and all the other stuff? Was the season doomed from the start?
Joseph: You know, I think it was a tough situation. You know, of course, we weren’t playing good as a unit. We didn’t play well enough to enable Josh Freeman to be the quarterback we all desired him to be. We had a lot of off-the-field issues. We had some in-the-locker-room issues. But, I think we could have all done a better job which would have helped us have a better season. I don’t think that was the main reason why we didn’t do very well last season. At the end of the day, we just didn’t play good enough and we didn’t prepare good enough.
Joe: The locker room issues. Was it just guys not getting along or guys not on the same page?
Joseph: No, coaches are coaches and players are players. It is common in most locker rooms that not everybody gets along. Winning cures all. Winning cures everything, right? And when you are losing, you have those common issues and everything magnifies. We had some things that were leaked to the media that were blown up a little bit. The mixture just wasn’t right. The chemistry wasn’t there for a productive season.
Joe: When Josh Freeman was released, did that Pearl Harbor your season? No disrespect to Mike Glennon, but he was a rookie and it’s the fourth week of the season and all of a sudden, ‘Hey man, you are our guy.’ That was almost unfair to him.
Joseph: It was a tough situation for Mike. It was a tough situation for our entire team. Josh was more than just a quarterback. He was a friend — is a friend. And he was a great presence for this community. His career in Tampa, he did a lot of great things so it was sad to see him go in such a way. So it was kind of emotional. Of course, we know this is a business and what-not. So it was emotional for the team when Josh was let go because he was more than just a quarterback to the team. He was really a part of Tampa Bay.
Joe: When did things start going bad for Freeman? Was it the previous season and with a chance at a playoff run, the last month of the season he didn’t end it well? Was that kind of the beginning of the end?
Joseph: It is hard to try to put it on one thing. But, even when you work hard in the offseason and you do everything right, you just aren’t guaranteed anything once the season starts. You can work as hard as you can and be in the best shape of your life, sometimes you just don’t play that well. Josh did everything he could from what I saw to be the great quarterback we wanted him to be. Things just didn’t pan out. So, it’s not just always on the quarterback. It is the total package. As I said before, we just didn’t play good enough to help Josh out for him to be that great player.
Joe: On Greg Schiano, not trying to pin everything on Schiano…
Joseph: I liked him a lot, personally.
Joe: Is that right?
Joseph: Oh, I liked him a lot.
Joe: There is speculation that Schiano and Josh just didn’t mesh well. That Schiano’s personality was so over the top and wore his emotions on his sleeves that Josh just wilted.
Joseph: That’s a great question. I couldn’t answer that because that is the relationship between Coach Schiano and Josh. Now if you were to ask me if Coach Schiano was the kind of guy to really push you? Oh, yeah. He was definitely an in-your-face type coach. But, you know, that’s what I really liked about him. He was going to push you hard and challenge you in different ways that was foreign to a lot of guys. It wasn’t foreign to me because a lot of my coaches were the same way. It didn’t affect me. A lot of the things he brought to Tampa, he was asked to bring to Tampa. When you are hired and told to do a certain job, and you try to do your best job to their expectations. He did as was he was asked to do. I guess the struggle between the players and the coaches within caused a lot of issues. The players didn’t receive that well, and it caused a lot of issues as it came down the line. He was hired to do a job. They wanted a very disciplined coach and structure. They wanted the culture in the building to change and they did that.
Joe: Not talking about Schiano here, but did the coaching staff panic when the losses started mounting early?
Joseph: You know, I think it was a combination. I think players and coaches became concerned when things [didn’t] pan out the way we wanted it or expected it to be. That’s only natural. We all know that both for players and coaches in this league, it’s not for long, you know? It’s a big rotating door. Of course, when you get to the 0-4, 0-5, 0-6 mark, concerns come up. Of course, everybody tried to put in their best effort to change things and to get some wins. It worked for a while there. Our tank was on “E” toward the end of the season. We were just burnt.
Joe: Last question, and it will be a positive one: How many other activities are you and your foundation involved in locally? I know that you have done a lot of work for Blake High School. I know you will be limited for a while because of your obligations with the Rams. What other things are on the horizon?
Joseph: That’s a great question. There are always different projects and different organizations to work with in the area. Just to trying to get participation for our youth whether it is some of the summer leagues or youth sports or high school sports, we want to expand more and increase the partnership. I am looking for a positive 2014 and 2015 and to stay diligent in my work for Tampa.
July 14th, 2014 at 6:14 am
Davin’s a class act, and always has been. Wish him all the best as he continues his football career in St. Louis.
July 14th, 2014 at 6:32 am
Straight Up CLASS !!!!! Too bad we couldn’t keep him for veteran presence.
July 14th, 2014 at 6:33 am
But money and production rule this game.
July 14th, 2014 at 6:51 am
Joe, hands down this is the best player interview in recent memory.
I hope the future is bright for Davin.
July 14th, 2014 at 7:13 am
Davin…..quite the politician in this interview……didn’t really reveal much…not critical…good guy….bye bye!!!
July 14th, 2014 at 7:19 am
Wishing Joe could share all the juicy off the record stuff we can’t read here …
July 14th, 2014 at 7:47 am
He is a class act.
He also said, in my opinion, what the real problem of that and every other team that has problems: “The mixture just wasn’t right. The chemistry wasn’t there for a productive season.”
This is what makes great teams and I hope we have this now.
Your thoughts?
July 14th, 2014 at 7:50 am
He really didn’t reveal anything. Of course we want as many details as possible, but that to me speaks more to his character than to anything else. I hope nothing but the best for him.
July 14th, 2014 at 7:50 am
Wow! This interview was exactly what was needed to give us a closer glimpse into last years collapse.. Although I thought Davin’s take on Freeman’s meltdown was pretty vague, it did give us a little insight on how the team was affected emotionally. He was absolutely correct about coach Schiano and why he was brought in. Although it appears that Davin bought into the new Schiano regime there were too many others who just simply resisted, and it showed.
July 14th, 2014 at 7:53 am
Nice interview with an all around nice guy.
July 14th, 2014 at 7:55 am
Smith didn’t want Joseph returning to Bucs, Joe why didn’t Smith like Joseph?
July 14th, 2014 at 7:59 am
Joseph, in this interview, basically confirmed what Lavonte David suggested when he said this spring that (unidentified) players came to him and told him, “This is not how it is supposed to be” regarding Schiano’s tough ways.
So clearly there was pushback from a number of players. Joe’s going to guess they were veterans — David and Joseph all but said they were veterans — and guessing not guys the Bucs drafted. Again, strictly a guess.
July 14th, 2014 at 8:02 am
Joe remembers talking to Lovie at the combine and it seemed that Lovie respected Joseph, especially as a person. Nothing personal at all with the move from what Joe can tell.
Maybe even healthy, Joseph didn’t fit what Lovie wanted? Joseph is a Lovie-kind of guy. Hard to believe if Carl Nicks can’t go that Joseph, for depth, wouldn’t have been a wise keep.
July 14th, 2014 at 8:04 am
Thanks for the kind words on the interview guys. Much appreciated.
July 14th, 2014 at 8:05 am
Smith did not want Joseph, because of big contract and he may never return to form. Its been 3 years since he played good football for a long duration. Its very hard for lineman as there is so much stress on their legs. Hopefully he can recover and play meaningful footbal again.
I think Joseph said a lot, you just need to read between the lines. He basically said that a lot of the roster can not make it with most coaches. Joseph is saying that coaches like Gruden, Coughlin, Harbaugh, and others would crush the weak-minded, Rah/Dom quitter roster.
There is a reason that Lovie demeanded that the pop-star gets fired before he took the job.
P.S. great interview Joe, great insight as well. It was nice that Joseph corrected your baited question to blame 1 person for a team failure!
July 14th, 2014 at 8:14 am
Joseph expected to take a hit on his contract had he stayed, which he wanted to do. He had meetings — plural — with Lovie discussing his potential future with the Bucs.
July 14th, 2014 at 8:15 am
You are welcome! Wow, a kind word from Realist. Joe must be living life right. 🙂
July 14th, 2014 at 8:20 am
All the best to Davin, I am a big fan of his.
July 14th, 2014 at 8:21 am
He should not have been released. Looking at the games he did not play that bad considering his injury. He had MRSA as well? I did not know that!
July 14th, 2014 at 8:23 am
Joe says
You are welcome! Wow, a kind word from Realist. Joe must be living life right. 🙂
if you print it, I might sign it to authenticate one day. Hopefully this is the year that we can all start to be positive about the bucs. As I don’t think Coach Schiano was the problem, I do know that Lovie is an upgrade in coaching as is the rest of the coaching staff ( hopefully tedford as well ). I am all for any upgrade at ANY position on the Bucs.
July 14th, 2014 at 8:24 am
No. He had a staph infection which was widely reported last season.
Yes, MRSA is a form of staph, but much, much more dangerous. Joseph did not have MRSA.
July 14th, 2014 at 8:43 am
Very good interview Joe. This is why I visit this sight.
July 14th, 2014 at 8:51 am
Maybe I misread part of that but did Joseph admit he had MRSA? I don’t recall reports last year of him being one of the unlucky ones.
July 14th, 2014 at 8:53 am
Disregard my previous post. My page wasn’t refreshed and didn’t see the previous posts.
Its weird but my mobile browser doesn’t always like refreshing your pages so the comments aren’t always up to date.
July 14th, 2014 at 8:54 am
Once again, David Joseph did not — repeat — did not have MRSA. He had a staph infection (yes, MRSA is a form of staph infection, but probably the worst strain of staph). This was widely reported at the time and Joseph even confirmed it last season. Joseph never did have MRSA.
There were three players who had MRSA: Carl Nicks, Lawrence Tynes and Johnathan Banks.
July 14th, 2014 at 8:58 am
Luther Says
“He really didn’t reveal anything.”
Not true. He actually showed insight that some around here have said a few times, but the bashers never took it to heart.
First, he validated the claims that the media played a large role in the issues last year.
“We had some things that were leaked to the media that were blown up a little bit.”
Some people still deny that, believe it or not. And then there was this part.
“A lot of the things he brought to Tampa, he was asked to bring to Tampa. When you are hired and told to do a certain job, and you try to do your best job to their expectations. He did as was he was asked to do.”
“They wanted a very disciplined coach and structure. They wanted the culture in the building to change and they did that.” – Joseph
It confirms the statements that I, and a few others have been making. Greg Schiano was brought in to play the role of a steadfast disciplinarian after all the control issues of the Raheem Morris era.
So many fans forget how bad it was when Morris was here. The Glazers had to take drastic steps. Consider something…
…if those issues had not been there and Schiano were not given such a directive, would things have turned out differently?
Once he came in and did it that way, he had to stick with it.
Lovie may see the mistakes need, but he obviously likes some of the moves made. The only guy he and Licht got rid of that were brought in during the Schiano era is Revis, and getting rid of him was pure financial reasons. I’m sure if they could have kept him at $10 mil per year, they would have.
July 14th, 2014 at 8:59 am
Loved this interview. Very classy – not bad mouthing a former employer. A lot of guys could learn from this.
Also, the length of this article is a great example of why you had to go to the “Read More” click.
July 14th, 2014 at 9:02 am
“There were three players who had MRSA: Carl Nicks, Lawrence Tynes and Johnathan Banks.” – Joe
I had completely forgotten about Banks getting it. I thought he did well enough as a rookie, but is MRSA had affected him, imagine how much better he will be this year!
July 14th, 2014 at 9:08 am
Thanks, man!
July 14th, 2014 at 9:08 am
I think Lovie and Licht needed to free up cash, so they pretty much blew up that oline, which was one of the highest paid.
Team guy, but there comes a time when he has to put his own health before the team. This isn’t Iraq. Heroes do not sacrifice their well being for the team. It’s one thing to play through a minor injury, but he ran the risk of becoming permanently disabled because of his leg. If it had been hit a certain way, without its usual strength and durability, it could have been disastrous.
He understand his point though. Being injured meant IR.
July 14th, 2014 at 9:09 am
Good lord, I have a lot of typos today, lol.
July 14th, 2014 at 9:29 am
I know its already been said, but great interview Joe(s). Really enjoyed reading each and every word. Thank you for the good work
July 14th, 2014 at 9:34 am
Agree with others, nice interview Joe. No stretches of the imagination/reading between lines just good pointed questions answered with candid replies from a class ex-Buc. Kudos to both Joseph and Joe
July 14th, 2014 at 9:41 am
I wonder if it was Revis complaining to the team about Schiano? It certainly did seem that Lovie & Licht didn’t try all that hard to restructure a deal with him (at least from the outside looking in)
July 14th, 2014 at 9:43 am
Toes, good point. I seem to remember stuff we read that Revis gave the impression that he did not care for the way Schiano coached the team. But there was likely more than just one player, too.
July 14th, 2014 at 9:44 am
Thank you for the constant Touchdown performances. You for sure don’t have a field goal kicker!
You make our Buccaneer experience complete.
When I hit the lotto I won’t forget you guys…
July 14th, 2014 at 9:53 am
Great Interview and Joseph is a great guy!
July 14th, 2014 at 10:12 am
Nice interview!
I’m glad this turned into a positive discussion, very refreshing.
July 14th, 2014 at 10:16 am
Great interview Joe! One of my favorite reads of this offseason. Interviews like this provide a lot of insight. Keep it up!
July 14th, 2014 at 10:46 am
To be clear, Joseph was not playing through an injury last year. He was playing through the after effects of an injury, much like a lot of NFL players. Was he the same physically as before the injury? Obviously not. Will he ever be the same? Not likely. Welcome to the NFL.
July 14th, 2014 at 10:52 am
Let me pile on the bandwagon with the others. Great interview. It was fun seeing you get to exercise your journalistic chops again.
Blogging is one thing but your print background and professional experience showed through brightly in this interview.
And I say this as somebody who worked as a TV Sportscaster so long ago that even the TV guys adhered to journalistic conventions. Then it was Chris Berman, Olberman and Patrick and he…may…go…all…the…way. Or En Fuego.
I’m not bitter that schtick has taken over TV sports reporting. I get that sports is entertainment and so if the guys reporting it wish to be entertaining I’m cool with that.
July 14th, 2014 at 11:30 am
Thanks again for the kind words guys. Appreciate it.
July 14th, 2014 at 12:00 pm
Best player interview you’ve ever done. We good now #Hat Tip
Appreciate it. Joe’s done better over the past several years, but this was a good one. –Joe
July 14th, 2014 at 2:37 pm
Good interview Joe, Davin is a real stand up guy. Seems genuine. Sounds like a guy you like knowing
July 14th, 2014 at 6:55 pm
Love this dude….wish he would could have stayed with us. I really hope he revives his career. Best of luck to you man.