Tough Schiano Love/Anger Brewing In Frisco
December 12th, 2013
Greg Schiano talked about how he “got under the skin” of 49ers tackle Anthony Davis
Back at Super Bowl media in January, Joe figured he’d approach 49ers stud right tackle Anthony Davis, a proud Rutgers man, and ask him about his college experience playing for Greg Schiano.
Davis became agitated. Despite the excitement of his first Super Bowl media session, Davis wanted no part of Joe’s line of questioning, ‘I’m not talking about Schiano.”
Well, Davis remains about that sunny about his college coach.
Davis signed a fat free-agent deal in the offseason to stay with San Francisco, and local media there talked to him about Schiano this week in anticipation of the Bucs-Niners matchup Sunday. Video below. Davis is, well, not chatty.
Schiano, however, told 49ers media a lot about Davis. Here’s a snippet from CSNBayArea:
“Anthony was a great young man when I got to coach him at Rutgers,” Schiano said. “He was local kid – a Piscataway kid who stayed home. That took a lot of guts. He was as highly recruited as any kid in the country. He stayed him for the local school, and I’m forever indebted to Anthony for doing that.
“I know I got under his skin sometimes. I’ve worked for some great people, and they’ve all said the same thing, ‘Don’t worry about the five or 10 years while you’re coaching them or just after. Be concerned 20 years down the road. Do they thank you and respect you?’ And I hope that’s what Anthony will feel because I did push him, but I love him and I think he’s a great player and a great person.”
It’s pretty clear that Schiano rode Davis hard. You can click through above and/or watch the video below.
Davis was a high first-round pick in 2010. So however Schiano drove him obviously paid off.
December 12th, 2013 at 8:19 pm
Sounds like he may have a little Jonathan Martin in him. May be a sensitive sort that doesn’t like to be yelled at or picked on, in the hopes of driving him to be the best he can be.
December 12th, 2013 at 8:39 pm
I really hope we can pull out a victory Sunday.
December 12th, 2013 at 8:59 pm
Amazing for a school its size how many ex-Rutgers Schiano era players are still in the NFL and actually starting on their respective teams. Hmm…just saying
December 12th, 2013 at 9:18 pm
Ny buc,
You effing know it. Schiano has an eye for talent.
December 12th, 2013 at 9:24 pm
You cant argue with how high he was picked…don’t know whether to really like or loathe The Gregor…perhaps a little both.
December 12th, 2013 at 9:45 pm
“Amazing for a school its size how many ex-Rutgers Schiano era players are still in the NFL and actually starting on their respective teams. Hmm…just saying”
Ever wonder how you can coach so many talented players and never once in 13 years ever win a divisional championship? Hmm……just saying.
Ever notice on Monday, Thursday or Sunday night football players introduce themselves and their alma mater. Some players were treated so horrifically in college that they refuse to name that school. They often will say their high school or grammar school instead.
Miguel Grande
Bristol Central High School
The same high school as
Aaron Hernandez btw
I imagine not many players are willing to name Rutgers as their school.
December 12th, 2013 at 10:37 pm
Wait I thought Rutgers University never has had any good NFL players come from that program. A 1st rd offensive lineman a tackle at that. Due to a bad coach and bad staff.
December 13th, 2013 at 12:03 am
wasn’t this the same guy that showed up to the combine fat and out of shape? As I recall he also didn’t have the best reputation.
December 13th, 2013 at 12:04 am
Rutgers does have an abnormal amount of quality NFL players for a team that is basically mediocre. That’s very interesting, and you can draw your own conclusions as to why. I wonder if Schiano may end up eventually being an NFL GM, because he certainly does appear very good with spotting talent.
December 13th, 2013 at 4:00 am
“Ever wonder how you can coach so many talented players and never once in 13 years ever win a divisional championship? Hmm……just saying.”
It’s not like they were all on the team at the same time moron.
December 13th, 2013 at 4:07 am
The Guy knows and can coach NFL talent. Give him another year.
December 13th, 2013 at 4:38 am
None of us know what Davis went through in his experience with coach schiano. It’s easy to sit back and call Davis sensitive or whatever but I get the sense that schiano was a bit of a mean ahole to the kids he expected more out of which could mean a whole lot in Davis’ case.
Wasn’t there so don’t know but maybe Davis was too sensitive as someone put it but maybe schiano was inappropriately harsh and Davis has held on to that shtt.
I also get the feeling than schiano has softened up quite a bit with all the seasoned vets on this team. Can’t just order guys around anymore like 5yr olds.
I like the new schiano
December 13th, 2013 at 8:41 am
“I imagine not many players are willing to name Rutgers as their school.”
Absolutely ignorant statement. You’re telling me guys are embarrassed to claim they went to a school that gave them an opportunity to get an education and earn millions of dollars because you think they all hate their coach based off of one guy’s opinions? By all accounts I’ve seen, the McCourty’s, Ray Rice, Eric Legrand, and all of the players from Rutgers on the Bucs all loved Schiano. Just because you think a guy you’ve probably never met is a jerk based off of some internet articles and media opinions does not make it fact. The guy has done a lot of good things for a lot people, including many charities. Call him a bad coach, fine; but how about we leave the personal comments elsewhere.
December 13th, 2013 at 9:18 am
49ers aren’t taking this game serious be prepared for Bucs defense to surprise them
December 13th, 2013 at 4:01 pm
Read some article saying “Five teams “guarantee” to loose this week”, and one of them was the Bucs. I don’t know how can somebody guarantee that a team can loose, just like that. Well guess what?, 49ers, get ready to get an ass-whooping, for real! Hey, Payton Manning lost to a mediocre team, just saying….
December 13th, 2013 at 10:14 pm
“I imagine not many players are willing to name Rutgers as their school.”
That’s nice that you use your imagination at times. I only KNOW of 1 person that did that with Rutgers, and later on, I believe he did mention Rutgers at times. Honestly, who cares? But this player was at Rutgers when they were terrible, and not during the years that Rutgers enjoyed success (2nd half of Schiano’s tenure there, like many NFL pros came from). That player is/was Shaun O’hara.
We’ll address the “Rutgers is mediocre” comment another time…