Schiano Heaps Praise On Glennon
December 24th, 2013
Schiano uses the “E” word
Mike Glennon is an excellent quarterback when “he can actually play the position.” That was a common theme repeated by Greg Schiano during his various public chats yesterday.
The clear implication was that Glennon does just fine when his linemen block and his receivers get seperation.
Of course, that prompted cynical Joe to think, ‘Isn’t every quarterback good when all his right around him?’
But the reality is Glennon is more accurate than most and he’s proven he can succeed — when he’s got a humming running game and turnovers from his defense.
A caller to Schiano’s show on the Buccaneers Radio Network last night on WDAE-AM 620 questioned the coach on Glennon, essentially saying Glennon doesn’t have what it takes, in part, because he didn’t show enough intensity in the Rams game on a third-down scramble for a first down. Glennon dove (not slid) a little early for the first-down and came up inches short.
“I think Mike is a fine young quarterback. He does all the things we ask. When he has the opportunity to do it, when he’s not under duress, when he can actually play the position, I think he does a fine job,” Schiano responded. “There are certain things, you know when he didn’t get to the stick, certainly that was, I think he did feel like he got to the stick and then he came up a little bit short. But I think Mike Glennon is really progressing very, very well and is an excellent quarterback and an excellent prospect.”
Joe can’t go so far as to call Glennon “excellent.” That’s a bit much. But Glennon largely has done an excellent job as a third-round pick dropped into a mess in Week 4. He’s got only one clear cut NFL-level receiver, a rookie tight end, a shaky line and a running back with flimsy experience.
Regardless, Glennon is Schiano’s guy — until his competition arrives.
December 24th, 2013 at 4:02 pm
This coach is dooming the bucs for next year an di do not have it in me to watch anymore of it
December 24th, 2013 at 4:03 pm
Well he does have an excellent arm if somebody would let him use it. And I’ll agree that competition never hurts
December 24th, 2013 at 4:07 pm
I would rather see glennon in another system and with better coaching because next year will be more of the same
December 24th, 2013 at 4:11 pm
see thats the kinda garbage that makes watching his press conferences unbearable, if he comes back next year just stop doing press conferences because he is only giving ammunition to people can clearly see how stupid of a coach he is….what quarterback isnt under duress except qb’s playing against the bucs defensive front? It’s why its the hightest paid position in the nfl because your paid to take the heat and deliver anyway……at one time aaron rodgers was the most sacked quarterback in the nfl but tops in the league meaning he still did his job despite the hits….gotta blame schiano for the offense because even though josh freeman sucked atleast he was a running quarterback when he needed too but then again that was only before greg schiano got here… your throwing everyone under the bus except glennon, your saying we have the worst offense in the league and its all the offensive line’s fault and glennon is playing at a probowl…what an idiot this coach is and i thought raheem morris were hard to watch
i’ve never seen someone basically run themselves out of town simply by talking
December 24th, 2013 at 4:32 pm
Joe please bring this up to the Glazers. If Schiano comes back next year and we still have Sullivan are the tickets for games 25% off?
See I figure if the offense only plays in the first half and the defense plays the whole game we should get a discount.
December 24th, 2013 at 4:38 pm
@buc4lyfe ~ Excellent points
Schiano probably lovesssss controlling conversations and the challenge to come back to people and reporters with his imaginary world where he will develop the next Tom Brady.
68 degrees Baby! 68 Degrees!
December 24th, 2013 at 4:46 pm
This is some the most puzzling commentary I have observed. If I am reading in between the lines or Schianoism, I hear blame being shelled out at the OLine, OC, and skilled players.
I think it’s easy to say that Glennon is not culpable for the recent struggles but the informed view would say what’s happening to him is called video and he tape. He’s being forced to throw from his most uncomfortable launch points, no mobility, is dooming the timing of the offense. The offense is off schedule and under prepared.
The pain point for us fans are the lack of adjustments and counter attacking defenses. For example, if teams overload and blitz we should see it one time and the second time make them pay. Screens and smoke routes and delays should make them pay dearly for that game plan. But what I see is more of the same for 4 quarters and it’s numbing.
Now I do feel that Sullivan and Schiano is responsible for that! The checks should be made and with veterans like VJax and others should be chiming in and saying hey let’s burn them. But I see just a robotic offense without movement or life or adjustments. Epic failure.
December 24th, 2013 at 5:03 pm
“When he can actually play the position, I think he does a fine job.”
I can hear the nails being pounded into the coffins of Penn and Joseph’s careers with the Bucs.
December 24th, 2013 at 5:06 pm
arc Is a f moron
December 24th, 2013 at 5:14 pm
Mike Glennon is a true Schiano Man!
December 24th, 2013 at 5:27 pm
chickster Says:
December 24th, 2013 at 4:07 pm
I would rather see glennon in another system and with better coaching because next year will be more of the same I couldn’t agree more!
December 24th, 2013 at 5:30 pm
buc4lyfe Says:
December 24th, 2013 at 4:11 pm
see thats the kinda garbage that makes watching his press conferences unbearable, if he comes back next year just stop doing press conferences because he is only giving ammunition to people can clearly see how stupid of a coach he is….what quarterback isnt under duress except qb’s playing against the bucs defensive front? It’s why its the hightest paid position in the nfl because your paid to take the heat and deliver anyway……at one time aaron rodgers was the most sacked quarterback in the nfl but tops in the league meaning he still did his job despite the hits….gotta blame schiano for the offense because even though josh freeman sucked atleast he was a running quarterback when he needed too but then again that was only before greg schiano got here… your throwing everyone under the bus except glennon, your saying we have the worst offense in the league and its all the offensive line’s fault and glennon is playing at a probowl…what an idiot this coach is and i thought raheem morris were hard to watch
i’ve never seen someone basically run themselves out of town simply by talking. You seem to forget that Rogers came behind Farve and has had a running game. When Glennon had a running game he was doing good things.
December 24th, 2013 at 5:42 pm
Chickster – did I miss something?
You are calling me a moron for what again? Please expound…
I don’t think you read my post. If necc I can translate…
December 24th, 2013 at 5:46 pm
Again I like the kid but this is the reason he slipped to the 3rd round – there are some functional limitations that we see and dozens of other NFL scouts see. It’s not science – he can be a solid NFL qb but it’s obvious he’s not going to trump the qbs in our division. You would be a fool to think that’s his ceiling!
December 24th, 2013 at 6:02 pm
run, run, pass, kick. run, run, pass, kick. run, fumble. run, pass dropped. pass, interception. That’s our Buc’s. Penn has to go. Overweight and tires in 4th quarter.
December 24th, 2013 at 6:58 pm
Is Schiano saying that Glennon is fine if only the Oline blocks well, and the WRs get separation? It sounds like he is blaming everybody else for his hand picked saviour????
Cripes, I hope he gets fired on Monday!!!!!
December 24th, 2013 at 7:11 pm
Freeman did a fine job too when he wasn’t under duress.
December 25th, 2013 at 12:53 am
Please please please fire schiano on monday. Wtf does “when he gets to play the position” mean exactly? Because playing the qb position means:
making presnap reads
audible if necessary
hike the ball
drop back
read first read
avoid on coming blitzers
Handle pocket pressure
Make tough throws
if no one is open scramble for more time to find open wr or run for gain.
Etc etc etc.
All these things and more come with being a qb. A qb needs to be able to handle pressure. Basically schiano is saying glennon is excellent at playing catch. Because he cant handle anything else involved with being an nfl quarterback.
December 25th, 2013 at 3:59 am
@tru! You forget that in this offense that we only do check downs and hope for the best! Let me remind you that I’m not sold on Glennon, but when you send only one WR down field, what do you expect? Along with no run game…..
December 25th, 2013 at 3:03 pm
Bowers 10 sacks Jonathan banks fast mason foster great in coverage glennon pro bowl quarter back. Mark Dom gm of the year Schinno coach of the year- glazers a press conference after every game – these are things that will never happen