Goldson Visited 49ers’ Facility Last Month
December 12th, 2013
The hawk made an unusual in-season flight
Joe understands the concepts of love and friendship and male bonding, but perhaps Bucs captain Dashon Goldson took things too far.
Suspended for a week in November, which included no access to One Buc Palace or team doctors, Goldson went back home to California and paid a visit to his old friends and the 49ers’ team facility. This is not commonplace, so noted Pat Yasinskas of
But it won’t be the first time the team has seen Goldson since he left. The safety was a surprise visitor to the 49ers’ facility last month when he was suspended for a game by the NFL for an illegal hit.
Goldson said he stopped by to see former teammates and coaches while he was in the area attending to other matters. 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh said Wednesday that he was surprised by Goldson’s visit but was glad he made it.
“I’d never seen that before, a player stop by like that,” Harbaugh said. “But it was cool. It was natural. People were glad to see him. He was glad to see guys. I had a chance to see him, give him a hug and talk for a little bit. It wasn’t a big deal.”
It’s a little odd, to be sure, especially with the Bucs playing the Niners this Sunday. Joe wouldn’t think much of this if the Niners weren’t on the schedule.
It’s the equivalent of Michael Bennett stopping by One Buc for hugs and kisses a few weeks before the Bucs played against him in Seattle.
Goldson’s act just feels dirty, even though it’s not.
Joe suspects Josh Freeman won’t be engaging in this kind of love session.
December 12th, 2013 at 1:02 pm
Goldson= overpaid and overrated.
December 12th, 2013 at 1:08 pm
This doesn’t seem odd. This dude still wants to be out there. Judging by the way he gets suspended this cat doesn’t care about the Bucs, he just cashing a check. Lame Azz!
December 12th, 2013 at 1:08 pm
I’m beginning to think Bucs get suspended on purpose so they can head back to Cali. Wright couldn’t wait to get back there last year. Sleeping with the enemy!
December 12th, 2013 at 1:08 pm
It doesn’t feel dirty, this is a none story and Joe I know you need to make some cash and high five to you for doing what you love. But these click here to read more links are pure B.S.. It wouldn’t bother me if it was a two page story but to click a link to read four more sentences is just silly.
Your “read more” option here delivered eight additional paragraphs. Not sure what you’re complaining about. Good luck finding websites that
don’t ask you to click. You can always follow Joe on Twitter, @joebucsfan, for direct links. –Joe
By the way, what ever happened to the optimist / pessimist articles? Am I just missing them or are they no long contributing to the site? They may return one day. –Joe
December 12th, 2013 at 1:21 pm
I get the friendship thing but, I wonder if this is going to affect his thoughts on hitting his former teamates/friends.
December 12th, 2013 at 1:31 pm
Non-issue unless he is divulging bucs intel, which to my knowledge has not been reported. This is his old team and where his close friends are. Nothing dirty about it.
December 12th, 2013 at 1:33 pm
This is digusting.
December 12th, 2013 at 1:33 pm
You guys are so negative!!! Maybe he was out there recruiting free agents for next year.
Joe realized that he does not have to have the optimist / pessimist, the commentors do that for him. during the offseason they are optimist, calling for playoff and even a superbowl. Then the first lost comes and they are screaming for everyone to be fired.
December 12th, 2013 at 1:38 pm
It sounds like there is a possibility that his loyalty is’nt completely on this Buc’s team, or just an innocent visit with former team members. Who knows? He would of been smarter to do this after the season is over.
December 12th, 2013 at 1:48 pm
You stole my user name dude. I had #237 for the longest.
If we win, Goldson will be investigated for cheating/stealing secrets… by Goodell.
Thanks to JBF.
December 12th, 2013 at 1:50 pm
As expected from a bunch of pessimists who only expect the worst out of people. God forbid the man was only actually seeing his brothers.
Bunch a damn drama queens
December 12th, 2013 at 1:52 pm
No big deal,
December 12th, 2013 at 2:02 pm
Exactly Biff, tits on an ant. Nothing to see here.
December 12th, 2013 at 2:03 pm
Not a big deal but when some guys get paid they don’t act like pros. I guess he had nothing else to do. At least he wasn’t tweeting about how he was at the spa on vacation.
December 12th, 2013 at 2:14 pm
Whatever. When I’m in Dallas I stop by my old studio to visit friends too and while some people at my new studio would probably find that weird, there’s nothing weird about it as long as you keep it casual.
December 12th, 2013 at 2:14 pm
If anything….the problem is with SF….allowing a player from another team visit them prior to an upcoming game.
Goldson knows where his loyalties lie….where his paycheck comes from. The 49rs are lucky they didn’t play us earlier in the season before the Hawk racked up a bunch of roughing penalties…or they would get smacked like everyone else.
December 12th, 2013 at 2:16 pm
And…..quit bitching about the “read more” click….it opens up the comments also, so there is no extra click….unless you don’t read the comments….and if you don’t read the comments, then you haven’t read this!!!
December 12th, 2013 at 2:25 pm
I’ve been to my old jobs too and it was great. I like where I am and make more money than I did when I left the old job. This sounds the exact same thing. As long as he plays to win on Sunday, I could care less.
December 12th, 2013 at 2:30 pm
Bucs Fan #237…. I did’nt steal your name. It is different, I’ve been here about a year, never saw a post by you before I did, not that you did’nt precede me. I picked Bucfan#37 because I was born on March 7. I then remembered Bucs SB was #37.
December 12th, 2013 at 2:48 pm
This is not an issue. I’m sure Goldson wasn’t handing over Buccaneer playbooks on his visit. He could have as easily gone into their facility to see what they had going on behind the scenes. If this was something to be worried about the 49ers probably wouldn’t had let him in the building.
Don’t kill me Joe, but I’m not a fan of the “read more” link either… It is what it is though. I’ll still keep coming to read your stuff.
December 12th, 2013 at 2:54 pm
I agree with Bucfan#37, that it would have been smarter to wait until after the season, but do we really expect ‘smart’ from Goldston after his continued fines and suspension?
The dude is in full ‘football mode’ and he can’t talk to any Buc players or coaches. Who’s he gonna talk to about football? ‘Old’ friends. And, no, I don’t think this will have any affect on how he tackles this week. He’s already seen what happens when he ‘eases up’, and he didn’t like the results (except that he got to keep this week’s paycheck).
December 12th, 2013 at 3:07 pm
Joe suspects Josh Freeman won’t be engaging in this kind of love session.
Nope we locked him out before we even cut him. Lol, good riddens.
December 12th, 2013 at 3:16 pm
non-issue. everybody has a life and friends outside football, and he was only out there because he wasn’t allowed to be involved in anything buc-related for a week. what’s a guy supposed to do when his teammates are spending the week hard at work and you’re alone in a city you’ve only lived in for a few months? these guys don’t have much time for a life outside of football and their teammates from July to January, i doubt Goldson has acquired many local friends or hobbies that aren’t associated with One Buc Palace. this is a bit different than wright, who was serving a multi game suspension for putting recreational adderall use ahead of his football career. this was a guy who got suspended for trying to bring the wood for the bucs like he was paid to do and asked to do by his coaches. goldson has been bought in since the offseason, i don’t see a player visiting old friends when he’d banned from seeing his new ones as a sign of disloyalty
December 12th, 2013 at 3:57 pm
Making a mountain out of an anthill. Its no big deal!! Is it against the rules to do that or something?
December 12th, 2013 at 4:07 pm
I think it speaks to the fact he probably wishes he was still with them…not sure I blame him given his success there. Dom immediately put the full court press on him and backed The Brinks truck up to his house. It hasn’t worked out like we all hoped it would. He was flagged early and often ( the Jets one was dubious at best) and now plays tentative as every game he’s suspended costs him a quarter mil. One of many disappointments in 2013.
December 12th, 2013 at 4:08 pm
Fratinizing with the enemy! What a traitor! Lol chill guys it’s no biggie. I’m not exactly thrilled about it either, but I care more about his play on the field than I do his social life. His play has been less than stellar so he needs to start earning that big contract of his. I doesn’t look good but if he ends up winning us the game on Sunday, this will all be forgotten.
December 12th, 2013 at 4:18 pm
let the hawk do its thing. is he problem if he wants go and kiss his boys at SF. he better be a real hawk on sunday and hunt for some heads. lol