Why Dashon Goldson Dodged Bullet

September 19th, 2013

Former NFL executive Bill Polian explains the whys and hows of how Bucs safety Dashon Goldson dodged being suspended yesterday by the long arm of the NFL in this BSPN video.

4 Responses to “Why Dashon Goldson Dodged Bullet”

  1. Adam L. Says:

    No one can accuse the Bucs Defense of not trying.

  2. 76buc76 Says:

    If Goldson layed that Ryan’s hit on Floyd. He would have been suspended 4 games. The hit was deemed legal. It sure looked like crown down to me. Or that Mathew’s hit. The Nfl would have deemed that intent to injure if Goldson did it. The NFL simply need’s to put sensors in the helmet. If a hit happen’s and the sensors detect’s that the crown was down. A Flag get’s thrown. Take the judgement call out of the game. If the ear hole and the crown hole are parrallel with the field. The player is blind with his crown down. I seen at least 10 similar play’s to Goldsons hit on Sproles. With different outcomes. Martin could have gotten an offencive crown down penelty when he dropped the boom on a Saint’s defender.

  3. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Remember The Hit Tanard Jackson put on Dallas Clark

  4. BuccoBill Says:

    It’s funny that Polian uses John Lynch as an example of past hits that the NFL called out. Lynch would be a so so safety in today’s NFL after his adjustments to “fair play”. What made him so great was that receivers feared his hits.