Schiano Promises Fans A Turnaround
September 24th, 2013“Personally, as a head coach I’ve been here before. I understand how you fight your way out of these things. And we will. As an organization, we will. You know, someday we’ll look back on this and say, ‘remember when.’ But right now is not that time. Right now we got to come out swingin’ and fight our way out of it. I give you my word and I give all the fans our word as an organization, we’re going to do that. So stick with us”.– Greg Schiano, speaking last night on the Buccaneers Radio Network.
September 24th, 2013 at 1:35 pm
“So stick with us”
That’s all we can do. Just BEAT Zona. I don’t want to walk out of RJS with my head down this Sunday.
September 24th, 2013 at 1:43 pm
What else was he supposed to say? All the evidence is pointing at him not being qualified for the job he’s been put in charge of. Of course he’s going for blind faith because there’s no reasonable argument for why we should believe in him. Did he figure out how to coach this week? Did they send Freeman through QB camp this week that made a light turn on? Did they finally break down how to avoid offsides penalties for the O-linemen so now that won’t be an issue? Just go out there and lay the egg that we all know is coming so we can move this thing along.
September 24th, 2013 at 1:45 pm
I was thinking Shiano might pull a Petrino or Saban, but I don’t think he’s a quiter
September 24th, 2013 at 1:49 pm
Schiano’s not going to quit and pass on the opportunity to cash in from the couch that Gruden had.
September 24th, 2013 at 1:53 pm
Well he better turn this around soon. Because I have had about enough. Only so much we can take.
September 24th, 2013 at 1:56 pm
Go Bucs Def can turn this around! Just Do it don’t talk the talk and not walk the walk!
September 24th, 2013 at 2:00 pm
Why is he quitting?
September 24th, 2013 at 2:10 pm
im not a gruden fan but at least the guy was able to give some successful seasons im just tired of losing and being the laugh of the league as a fan i really hope these franchise turns it around cause right now i just dont get it all the talent the bucs have and still not have good results go bucs i guess we should be and 2 and 1 right now but were not so schiano turn it around and freeman find some motivation to get this thing right cause you are definetly on the verge of becoming a backup qb in the league
September 24th, 2013 at 2:17 pm
I am tryin to sip the Koolaid
September 24th, 2013 at 2:23 pm
I just want Josh Freeman to be gone and out of the conversation. I want to see how this win-now team performs without him. We’ve never had a franchise QB and we’ve never had a coach that wasn’t fired except McKay who retired unceremoniously. Let’s see where Schiano takes us. History is there to be made or repeated.
September 24th, 2013 at 2:26 pm
What Buc1987 said.
September 24th, 2013 at 2:27 pm
If the bucs win this weekend they will be 1-3, exactly what they were at this time last year. This season ain’t over yet
September 24th, 2013 at 2:27 pm
Change and evolve the offensive play calling. Stop with long developing side line route or deep wheel routes. Implement so short passes/intermediate passing. Slants/Screens, help the QB with calling plays that’s have higher completion % and come out of his hand quicker, get the rhythm going.
Stop losing the internal chess match (in game adjustments), Offense please play Paige in the slot, throw slants to our bigger WRs ( see jets game and NE when Vjax doesn’t drop). When the defensive adjustments are made, change the game plan again. Pass out routes to Lorig and Martin, A PASS TO A TE OVER THE MIDDLE. Double TE sets, 3 WR trips and overload a side. ANYTHING TO ADJUST to what the defense is giving us.
Try some plays to Demps, or even as a decoy. But please help the struggling QB and O out but stop with the slow developing routes that require 5-7 step drops. Let Freeman line up in shotgun and play with up tempo to dictate the shots down the field, not open up with low % plays along the sidelines. Hope it happens.
This is all just my opinion and I def dint know amore than the coaching staff, just frustrated that we never seem to adjust/evolve as an Offense once defences have figured us out, Denber game from last year. Always have hope and always cheer, go BUCS bleed pewter!!!
September 24th, 2013 at 2:30 pm
Stick with him….Thats what true fans will do…for two reasons…we root for his success because we want to win and win soon…and…we don’t really have any other choice. The Glazers have the last say if he continues.
Its my believe that they are thoroughly convinced that he will turn this around.
As for Freeman….I’d like to see a little fire there…why isn’t he saying the same thing?…..I will turn this around!!!
He is acting like a whipped little puppy who is helpless. His attitude really makes me ill.
September 24th, 2013 at 2:35 pm
I am still unsure of Schiano as an NFL Head Coach…. I thought is was crazy for people to want him gone so badly after such a short time… After all he did inherit a tremendous mess from the last guy…. I am starting to see the reasoning now of why some think Schiano must go…
If he is determined to keep JF the starting QB, then their are glaring questions as to him being NFL head coach material!
September 24th, 2013 at 2:36 pm
Nice pic, look who is lurking in the background…ole #8
September 24th, 2013 at 2:39 pm
as you saw from Brady the trick is to get the ball out quick. Manning is the same. They are the 2 best ones. Rogers is very good at getting it out of there fast. Bree’s sets up a little longer but he is very accurate on his deep ball, probably the best of the elite ones at leading his receiver on vertical routes.
Josh has one of the slower releases in the NFL. That has to be coached because you can’t wait for a receiver to get open, you have to know the match ups and get the ball to that spot and do it fast usually in 1-2 seconds.
I agree with above poster about long developing plays, no good, the Bucs have been unsuccessful with that approach. How about looking off a receiver, using the pump fake and trying to fool the defense. spread them out too.
The Buc offense is very easy to defend.
September 24th, 2013 at 2:40 pm
Greg – “Personally, as a head coach I’ve been here before”
Im sure you have Greg. Plenty of times huh?
Talk is cheap. And this guys a smooth talker. You’re 1-8 in the last 9 games. Spend less time in front of mics, on the radio, and get to work. Just give us one fcking win this weekend. If not, well….those Tampa Bay Rowdies arent doing too shabby! Id love to get my soccer hooligan on! Get this frustration out my system! Since I quit drinking, slow head, and going through thousands of 7.62 rounds can only do so much.
September 24th, 2013 at 2:43 pm
Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:
I am tryin to sip the Koolaid
Be careful doing that ARCT, it could be spiked with something! (lol)
September 24th, 2013 at 2:48 pm
Something tells me Florio and PFT won’t be running a story about THIS quote from Schiano…
September 24th, 2013 at 2:52 pm
I’ve been a Freeman supporter every year. Week 1 against the jets I permanently changed my mind. He IS sucking the life out of this team. We should start Glennon this week and see what happens. Freeman is a head case. He’s not a hungry competitor, not like I thought he was…I guess Boomer was right last year. We need someone 110% committed and quick thinking. Anyone but Freeman I was wrong about this guy. He’s done
September 24th, 2013 at 2:53 pm
Right the ship, Coach! This ole Frigate has been listing for a long time. You have all the pieces to fix it. Now put her back together. Make that battle flag mean something again.
September 24th, 2013 at 2:57 pm
I’m with you coach. Keep plugging away. Go Bucs!
September 24th, 2013 at 3:02 pm
I’m sorry… there’s nothing that I’ve seen that has led me to believe that there’s a switch they can throw and they’re going to turn into the 89 Niners.
September 24th, 2013 at 3:13 pm
Wake me up when this nightmare is over.
September 24th, 2013 at 3:17 pm
Can the season turn around? Sure. This week is a good place to start. Get a win vs. the Cardinals and go into the bye week on a positive note. I don’t want to think about the alternative.
September 24th, 2013 at 3:20 pm
I say lets give the man a chance, Freeman is killing us not coach.
September 24th, 2013 at 3:25 pm
September 24th, 2013 at 3:27 pm
I’ve “stuck with you” since the 70s. So, as a fan, I’ve been here before. Before the Glazers. Before Dominik. Before Schiano. And guess what, I’ll also be here after you if you don’t start winning.
September 24th, 2013 at 3:30 pm
Saskbuc, we all want our Offense to be able to function well in the NFL. If we make the changes you speak of but from the way our QB is playing it won’t matter. We have had a good long look at the “skill set” Freeman has we also have seen his weaknesses. So has the rest of the NFL. His skills do not match much of what you described. I want our QB to have a accurate arm for all the passes we have within our Offense. I haven’t seen any of the improvement in Freeman’s passes like joe described in training camp. Maybe Freeman can only do that in practice…
September 24th, 2013 at 3:30 pm
Is there a place I can listen to these shows via podcast? I’m in LA. I can’t seem to find them on the wDAE website or anywhere else. Any help is appreciated.
September 24th, 2013 at 3:35 pm
it’s one thing to be hard headed with his players. he’s their boss. not so for the fans though.
should he choose to continue they will call for his head. He either benches free soon (short of fee becoming Peyton Manning) or he and this team are going to be losing a big part of the fan base.
he should do it sooner rather than later. the trick is to o it without losig the locker room. meeting with team captains maybe?
freeman must go, even if they beat zona. and yeah, sully I partially to blame, but it’s frees job to audible and improvise, which he has not done in years.
September 24th, 2013 at 3:41 pm
It’s not like its hard to figure out!!! WE need RECEIVERS THAT CAN CATCH OUTSIDE OF VJ AND MW!!!! There is also a position called TE, its there for a reason…USE IT!!!! Cant believe this F@#%ING LOAD OF CROCK, WE ARE 0-3 FOR BEING BONEHEADED, NOT BECAUSE WE HAVE NO TALENT!!…..S.O.B.!!!
September 24th, 2013 at 3:42 pm
As a Bucs fan, I cannot WAIT to see the drama unfold on Sunday.
And by “drama” I mean the series finale of “BREAKING BAD.”
September 24th, 2013 at 3:45 pm
Speaking of drama how horrificly bad was that Dexter finale Sunday? They really need to find a way to retroactively make season 4 the final season.
September 24th, 2013 at 3:46 pm
Don’t make promises your QB can’t keep. NFL teams sink or swim with their QB.
September 24th, 2013 at 3:49 pm
That was some twist ending on DEXTER – he was really the Brawny Paper Towels Guy the whole time??
September 24th, 2013 at 4:06 pm
Torn between being a Freemanite or a Glennonite supporter. Hell with it, I’ll just support the team.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:08 pm
You just want to like Schiano- and believe him. He seems like a decent guy.
Then you watch the games, and see how badly he is in over his head. It’s painful.
How do you go in to an NFL season- Today’s pass happy NFL- with only two guys capable of catching the ball?? It’s insanity!
Like a recent article here on JoeBuc said. It quoted someone who followed Rutgers. It loosely said” Schiano is a great coach- except for those annoying three hours on Game day!”
The big knock on him at Rutgers, was his inability to adjust during games.
If West Virginia is able to baffle h- what did they think would happen to him here!
It’s good that Reports say Jackson and Williams will probably start this weekend.
It’s turkey humiliating that our starting TE is unknown Tim “Rutgers” Wright. He proved he had no recieving or blocking skills last Sunday.
If the starters are out- who is are starting WRs
Oglesby and Page?? Really??
A coach- and Gm- should both be immediately fired for handicapping a QB that badly/ at this level
I hope that Freeman is traded soon. And for those of you that think he has no Value- don’t be stupid. Do you know how many QBs have had 10-6 seasons in this league? Not frigging many!!
Then fire Schiano and Dom. Enough damn rookie front office people.
Then let’s get someone in positions that actually has some damn NFL experience!
September 24th, 2013 at 4:11 pm
Capt. Tim Says:
September 24th, 2013 at 4:08 pm
I hope that Freeman is traded soon. And for those of you that think he has no Value- don’t be stupid. Do you know how many QBs have had 10-6 seasons in this league? Not frigging many!!
Mark Sanchez has two AFC title game appearances and an 11-5 season, so I assume that Capt. Tim believes he’s worth at least twice as much as Josh right?
September 24th, 2013 at 4:16 pm
“Mark Sanchez has two AFC title game appearances and an 11-5 season, so I assume that Capt. Tim believes he’s worth at least twice as much as Josh right?”
BWWHAHAHAHAWWHHHA. Don’t tell Tim that. He knows more than anyone on these boards. He will tell you so himself.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:16 pm
Watched the Denver game last night and Manning lit it up the QB ratings. For a moment, a short moment I envisioned Freeman performing like Manning. It’s at this time I realized the Kool Aid I was drinking must have been spiked with LSD and I was hallucinating badly.
The moral of my story is the only time Freeman becomes a Manning like QB in the Fans eyes is when were either extremely intoxicated and/or high on drugs.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:19 pm
Or dreaming Drew.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:22 pm
Re: Manning.
And he had a backup left tackle. That would have been excuse #1 if it were you know who. And, a TE with one career catch going into the season. Excuse #2. None of their RBs are as good as Martin. #3, et al.
Great QBs make their teammates better.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:32 pm
Been here before?
When was that? Losses to Uconn USF or Cinci?
September 24th, 2013 at 4:33 pm
who’s the baddest mofo lowdown around this town
September 24th, 2013 at 4:34 pm
“remember when we hired that unqualified guy from Rutgers”
September 24th, 2013 at 4:35 pm
Or playing Madden
September 24th, 2013 at 4:36 pm
Yeah, but Manning gets to play in Denver, where the air is different and makes the football easier to throw. JFro is handicapped by having to play at sea level 8 games a season.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:37 pm
I believe you’ll turn it around coach.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:38 pm
Yes, as a Head Coach he has been there before. His 2nd year at Rutgers he regressed to a one victory season. I expected that here as well.
He is a determined checkers player. Problem is that he is in a chess tournament against masters of the game (Belicheat etc).
At Rutgers, he learned to hide his mediocrity by scheduling patsies and the service academies. He was also in one of the weakest conferences in the NCAA.
He was lucky enough to be located close to New Rochelle, NY, the home of Ray Rice. When Rice reneged on Syracuse, he chose a school close by, so his Momma could attend games.
This was like winning the NJ State Lottery for Greg. He still couldn’t win the Big East despite riding Rice’s coattails but they won more games than they lost and recruiting improved exponentially. When Rice left after 3 seasons, the program went downhill quickly.
Instead of repeated Michael Bennett quotes, I’d like to hear what Brian Price has to say? Current players loved K2, Talib, Price, Parker, Bennett and others. They stay in constant contact. Imagine what is said in private?
September 24th, 2013 at 4:38 pm
I don’t play Madden.
Do they try to make it life like?
Does Freeman regularly throw high, low behind?
Does the game allow you to throw to the 2nd or 3rd optoin?
September 24th, 2013 at 4:39 pm
The haters are thriving because this is when they get to make victims of other fans.
As for me, I’m sold on Schiano. I believe they will turn things around starting with a win this week. And you’ll notice I did not predict we would beat the Pats. Truth is, at the start of the season everyone predicting the record claimed we would lose two of the last three games.
So I don’t know why you guys are complaining. The Jets game was full of bad calls. The Saints game not a lot better. Clearly the refs have been talked to because they called a fair game against the Pats.
I believe we will scratch out a win this week, and then start a winning streak WITH FREEMAN after the bye.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:43 pm
Does anyone think that if Freeman hits over 60% of his passes we are sitting at 3-0?
September 24th, 2013 at 4:47 pm
Play Jackson at tight end because we don`t have one and he got caught from behind last year and this year.Where is our Wellker, we need a slot receiver. Bring back Underwood to play wide receiver,at least he is fast.Doug has dropped more balls then he has caught and speaking of Doug`s Doug Williams was the best QB this franchise ever had and his rap was he threw the ball to hard,but the ignorant media never said that about Brett.How i wish Williams was the QB now.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:48 pm
“remember when we hired that unqualified guy from Rutgers”
we SETTLED for that guy, after we were against the clock thanks to Chip Kelly’s flaky azz.
but fck Rutgers!
Im a Buccaneer Fan.. And whoever is drinking this guys kool-aid, we’ll you guys are Tampa Bay Rutgerneer fans!
This fool takes a jab at the offense (Sully), takes a jab regarding the roster (Dominik), and he kicked off the offseason kicking off a QB controversy!
Just STFU Greg, and win us a fckin game! You’re now 1-9 in your last 10 games! Get your sht together!
September 24th, 2013 at 4:52 pm
Capt. Tim is right. This story is not going to have a happy ending. This is the Mike Singletary Story – Part Deux.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:53 pm
You all need to get a life.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:53 pm
@Eternally Optimistic,
well more power to you if you can remain that optimistic. I was all about trying to stay positive going into the NE game. but we lost in every aspect of that game. that D looks like they were starting to bail on theyre coach.
Support Schiano if you want. But Coach Rutgerneer has lost me.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:54 pm
Makaveli and Raphael are my favourites. “We’ll still be Buc fans if Freeman leaves”. What kind of fan ever has to make such proclaimations? And actually they won’t. They’ll be rooting for Josh Freeman to become a star somewhere else (even as they acknowledge he’s not starting anywhere by refusing to answer my 90 questions about who’s signing him to be their starter next year), which is what fans of a player do. Fans of a team meanwhile don’t care about anyone not currently on the roster. But Makaveli and Raph and the other Freemanites will be rooting for Freeman to succeed even if he’s the Saints, or Panthers or Falcons backup. Quite the “fans” indeed.
And please, we all know what’s gonna happen once Glennon starts. First time he throws a bad pick they’ll be up in here with “Josh wouldn’t have done that”, as if completing under 50% of passes and having 4 TDs and 16 turnovers in his last 6 games is somehow hard to do.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:54 pm
Play Jackson at tight end because we don`t have one and he got caught from behind last year and this year.Where is our Wellker, we need a slot receiver. Bring back Underwood to play wide receiver,at least he is fast.Doug has dropped more balls then he has caught and speaking of Doug`s Doug Williams was the best QB this franchise ever had and his rap was he threw the ball to hard,but the media never said that about Brett.How i wish Williams was the QB now.
September 24th, 2013 at 4:54 pm
A decent read from Sundays game
September 24th, 2013 at 4:54 pm
Buc Fan #238 Says:
September 24th, 2013 at 4:53 pm
You all need to get a life.
tell me about it sister!!
September 24th, 2013 at 4:58 pm
Hope we can get a win this Sunday. Then get some downtime to recuperate, and hopefully come out swinging like we did last year.
September 24th, 2013 at 5:01 pm
bucrightoff Says:
September 24th, 2013 at 4:54 pm
Makaveli and Raphael are my favourites. “We’ll still be Buc fans if Freeman leaves”. What kind of fan ever has to make such proclaimations? And actually they won’t. They’ll be rooting for Josh Freeman to become a star somewhere else (even as they acknowledge he’s not starting anywhere by refusing to answer my 90 questions about who’s signing him to be their starter next year), which is what fans of a player do. Fans of a team meanwhile don’t care about anyone not currently on the roster. But Makaveli and Raph and the other Freemanites will be rooting for Freeman to succeed even if he’s the Saints, or Panthers or Falcons backup. Quite the “fans” indeed.
And please, we all know what’s gonna happen once Glennon starts. First time he throws a bad pick they’ll be up in here with “Josh wouldn’t have done that”, as if completing under 50% of passes and having 4 TDs and 16 turnovers in his last 6 games is somehow hard to do.
this guy just will not. fck. off.
I’ll 100% still support this team if Freeman’s out!!!!! I’ll support the 22 on the field, and 31 backups riding the bench! But I dont believe in Coach Rutgerneer! I called it in the preseason! He lost me after NE!
And youre damn right I wish Freeman success. Im not a petty angry little man like you! I wish him well! Just not when he plays against us!
And if Glennon loses, I dont know what I’ll say. Because I’ll have to analyze the game before making an assessment… UNLIKE YOU SAD FCKS WHO ALWAYS JUMP ON FREE! I like to take EVERYTHING into account!
So for the love of GOD bucrightoff,,,,,, FCK OFF!
September 24th, 2013 at 5:07 pm
fckrightoff: “They’ll be rooting for Josh Freeman to become a star somewhere else (even as they acknowledge he’s not starting anywhere by refusing to answer my 90 questions about who’s signing him to be their starter next year), which is what fans of a player do.”
you angry little man. I could give a sht where he plays! but he’s getting picked up, either as a starter, or along with another QB to battle it out.
this is stupid. I dont know why your trailer trash azz keeps pulling me in… its just that youre sooooo, fckinggggg, stupid!
September 24th, 2013 at 5:07 pm
Makaveli is such a crappy troll I’ve managed to totally reverse troll him in less than a few days. Weak, weak attempts Makaveli, just go back to being Raphael and get it over with.
September 24th, 2013 at 5:09 pm
Here’s an example of knee jerk decisions of a coach that is over his head. He cut Hillis last week and promoted Danny Noble. He just cut Danny Noble today, look for him to re-sign Hillis tomorrow. He’s making this sp!t up as he goes.
September 24th, 2013 at 5:11 pm
Why do you have to be so profane in your rants? It’s seriously uncool…I mean you called Buc1987’s wife the “c” word last week. Every post you do is “f” this, “f” that, name calling. Ridiculous! Grow up!
September 24th, 2013 at 5:15 pm
fckrightoff – you know what. you win. I have no idea why I keep responding to you. I have no idea how such a dumb fck like you can bug me.
and the funny thing is, you bring NOTHING to the table!! you have no takes! you have no position! you just get off on talking to me! my words must give you a hard on. and my responses must make you bust a nut! so go ahead! explode!!!
September 24th, 2013 at 5:17 pm
Makaveli’s response is both hilarious and ironic, both in equal doses. How is it he hasn’t posted the Michael Bennett article on this story yet or did I miss it?
September 24th, 2013 at 5:19 pm
lightningbuc Says:
September 24th, 2013 at 5:11 pm
Why do you have to be so profane in your rants? It’s seriously uncool…I mean you called Buc1987′s wife the “c” word last week. Every post you do is “f” this, “f” that, name calling. Ridiculous! Grow up!
well go fckin tell on me then! “tonytwocraps”?? fckin briliant!! “Grow up”?? Fck that! “Ridiculous”?? Youre fckin right! cheers lightning!
September 24th, 2013 at 5:20 pm
Some pretty good post on this one.
Of course, some dumb ass has to be the turd in the punch bowl
Oil Derrick Brooks( by the way- what makes you think you are worthy of using An all time great player as your post handle?? You ain’t worthy)
It’s obvious you aren’t a “thinker”- so let me explain it to you. Don’t worry- I’ll go reeeeal slow, so you can keep up.
Sanchez had a good defense, multiple offensive weapons, a real NFL coach. When they drafted him- the jets said he was the ” missing piece” of a championship team. He played very average for a couple years, then has regressed since. He had a good team, and an experienced staff.
Josh Freeman took over an offense that was absolutely inept- and brought it to life. He then won 10 games, with a bad offense, worse defense, Riokie coach, and Rookie GM
He was the talk of the league. Josh was successful scrambling, throwing on the run, and Gashing a defense with powerful runs. His team sucked far worse than this one- yet he carried them on his back- he was a gunslinger, whose mobility created lots of problems for the defenses.
The next year started well- but defenses began focusing on Freeman, and there was no one else to carry the cross. Plus Raheem’s lack of Discipline lead to the team quitting on him down the stretch.
Que The Schiano era. They told Freeman to lose weight. They eliminated roll outs and scrambles from the Offense. They have tried to totally change Freeman from a mobile QB- to a pocket passer. Freeman is much more accurate in the making plays on the run was a big part of his game.
Now, he doesn’t run. Doesn’t roll out. Both his accuracy and confidence have nosed dived. Plus- what kind of pocket QB is limited to two targets? No TE? No slot Reciever? After Jackson and Williams, there isn’t a Wr or TE you’ve ever heard of on the roster!!!
Unless you are a Rutgers alumni
So, if I’m an NFL coach- I think it’s well worth seeing if Josh can go back to playing to his strengths- with the benefit of real coaches and multiple weapons on the field at once. Lots of Coaches will be willing to try to repair the damage incompetent coaching has done to him here.
Id bet that he can recover- if coached by a real coach
September 24th, 2013 at 5:21 pm
bucrightoff Says:
September 24th, 2013 at 5:17 pm
Makaveli’s response is both hilarious and ironic, both in equal doses. How is it he hasn’t posted the Michael Bennett article on this story yet or did I miss it?
yeah, scroll up. its right up there.
September 24th, 2013 at 5:21 pm
No one has answered the question….would we be 3-0 if Freeman were completing 60% of his passes? I think we’d all have to say yes. If you think NO then please explain why.
So, if we would be 3-0 and everyone thinks the problem is Freeman’s accuracy please explain why you want to fire Schiano? Being from Rutgers is hardly a reason. If anything, what he did for Rutgers and how many NFL players that school has kicked out since Schiano coached there is a good reason to give him a chance. Let’s face it, fans thinking they know more than the coach is nothing new.
September 24th, 2013 at 5:27 pm
A win Sunday and two weeks to prepare for Philly, make us 2 – 3. Upcoming games against Atlanta, San Fran, Buffalo and ST.Louis looking winnable. I am sticking with Schiano………..GO BUCS!
September 24th, 2013 at 5:29 pm
Schiano deserves more time without a doubt. The same people who think Josh Freemans’s 60 game window of evidence is insufficient are the same people who think Schiano’s 20 game window is too much. And of course they want a Raheem type coach back cause that is what will happen if Schiano gets fired this season. Exactly where we were when we fired Gruden, having to pay for 2 coaches for many years. And those same people will come in here crying when the Glazers hire a co-ordinator for cheap because they aren’t going to be paying $5million+ a year to two coaches.
September 24th, 2013 at 5:30 pm
I agree with Bobby, If anything we should be 2 and 1 right now. We should have won those first two games. We deserved the loss at NE.
September 24th, 2013 at 5:33 pm
you can play the shoulda woulda coulda card regarding his completion %. I could bring up dropped passes.
you want to know why I knock on Coach Rutgerneers? Then look through JBFs archives if you cant figure it out.
I’ll give you one example though, we would have had 7 more points on Sunday if Tim Wright, 6-5 TE from Rutgers caght that ball that went through his hands. Why is Tim Wright starting? Well Coach Rutgerneers took our projected startin TE, and played him in a meaningless 4th preseason game, and put him in as a FB. So he gets injured, Freeman is left with Nate Bynham, Luke Stocker, and Tim Wright, and we just activated Danny Noble. Those are his safety net recievers. dude, I could go on and on. but I gotta step away from you guys and re-up… GO BUCS!!
September 24th, 2013 at 5:35 pm
Actually Danny Noble was cut again. We’re stuck with Tim Wright.
September 24th, 2013 at 5:35 pm
I’ve been watching pro football since before the Cleveland Browns were in the NFL. Teams always have a plan, an identity or a particular focus. We seems to be the team that is doing the old Bud Abbott/Lou Costello routine of “Who.s on First”
Again, it reminds me of an Octopus trying to mate with a Bagpipe”
September 24th, 2013 at 5:36 pm
Your problem with Schiano is further exposed by Freeman’s poor play. He is not even as good as a coin flip back there. He is the 33rd most accurate QB in the NFL, behind two Brown QBs.
Yeah, Schiano is a bristly guy, but why is Freeman immune to criticism? Free is just not that good.
September 24th, 2013 at 5:38 pm
Oh maaaaaaaaaaaan I knew this was going to be a tough week on everything Bucs. Bucs players, Bucs coaches, and Bucs fans. It’s freak out time. Enjoy 😀
September 24th, 2013 at 5:52 pm
SteveK (MGM),
You cant just pop up on JBF once a week and act like you know where Im coming from.
Again, I’ve come to terms with the fact that Freeman has been playing bad football, and Im not gonna go the route of making anymore excuses. Even though I have my “conspiracy” theories on how we went from the 9th ranked offense last year to what we are now.
So as I said, if and when Glennon starts, he’ll get 100% of my support. I’m a fan of my team.
To quote Harold & Kumar: “You don’t have to love your president to be a good American. You just have to love your country”
Well I say: “You don’t have to love your Head Coach to be a good fan. You just have to love your team”
Thats where I’m coming from.
September 24th, 2013 at 5:54 pm
What’s really sad about this team is how everyone describes the team:
They’ve got 8 ProBowl players…..
The Bucs are a talented team….
So how come they can’t friggin win a game?
1. It ALL starts with the QB and freeman is NOT the guy. He’s NOT a leader and all he inspires in his teammates is mediocrity at the best.
2. The HC is over his head and can’t compensate and make the necessary changes on the fly.
IF the Bucs lose to the Cardinals it will be time to clean the entire house, QB, coach, etc.,,,,
September 24th, 2013 at 5:55 pm
Raphael enjoys whacking it to his Freeman poster hanging up on his wall. Why else would he blindly love Freeman so much?
September 24th, 2013 at 5:56 pm
Obviously we’d all love to hear what wild theories you have Makaveli. If you’re gonna post the same article in ever article, you might as well put your theories out there.
September 24th, 2013 at 5:59 pm
@Capt. Tim… that’s hilarious. I had to slow my thought process down to simulate you delivering your message to some dumb arse.
September 24th, 2013 at 5:59 pm
@Capt. Tim,
I mean this with all seriousness, what exactly do you think we could get for Freeman if we traded him now? 3rd or 4th maybe? Keep in mind he carries a $8.5M salary that is guaranteed. They can just wait until next year and get him for cheap. Also, what team do you think would even want him? The only team I can think of that may want him would be Minnesota, but I don’t even see that as happening. The terrible teams are going to continue to be terrible to try to draft a QB (which will also be millions of dollars cheaper). I agree with you that he may have some trade value, but I don’t see any demand for him.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:02 pm
We should’ve sent Freeman to Cleveland in exchange for Trent Richardson when we had the chance. Doug Martin could use help as it is.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:06 pm
They went from a 9th ranked offense to what they are now because they’re spying Martin and forcing Freeman to beat them with his arm. The results of Freeman trying to beat them with his arm are pretty evident.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:07 pm
I don’t think anyone would argue Freeman is playing good football right now.
But how can anyone justify only giving him 2 targets? Freeman’s best friend thru out his brief career has been his TE.
And the response is” the TE isn’t an important part of our offense”. Whaat???
I don’t know if Freeman could have been a great QB. What I have watched, is that we have committed the cardinal sin. If you think you have a franchise QB- and everyone here, and in the Media, thought we did 2 years ago- the you play to his strengths. You built the team to his style- and let him play.
Schiano has required Josh to totally change his style. He has made Josh try to work to the scheme, instead of building the scheme around Josh.
That is why Schiano won’t make it in The NFL. I want to give him a couple more years. I want to believe he is learning from his mistakes. I really do like the guy.
But he isn’t. And, Minus a QB( now! Thanks to Schiano), this team has the talent to win- with just a few more pieces. Namely that TE and Slot Reciever I screamed about all of season!!
Josh has to leave. That leaves us Screwed at the worst position. But if we had a decent GM and Experienced, flexible coach- we may not be that far from winning.
Jackson, Nicks, Revis, etc aren’t gonna hang around 3 years- while we groom another QB
September 24th, 2013 at 6:10 pm
@Capt.Tim………..If we selected Bridgewater or Manziel in the draft next year, there will be no “grooming” needed. They’ll produce right away most likely.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:12 pm
bucrightoff Says:
September 24th, 2013 at 5:56 pm
Obviously we’d all love to hear what wild theories you have Makaveli. If you’re gonna post the same article in ever article, you might as well put your theories out there.
whats the matter?? cant think for yourself?? GTF outta here little man.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:17 pm
As I mentioned, QBs that have proven they can win in this league are at a premium. The faults everyone here blames on Josh, are being blamed on bad coaching in many circles.
He can win- he has won.
Right now, I think Oakland or Cleveland would give a second round conditional pick. But it has to be done NOW, before they both have given up on the season.
And don’t be surprised if Washington is willing to do a trade for Cousins. Raheem is liked in DC, and Freeman is a physical monster to back up the injured RG3.
With a good team around him, lots of options to throw to, and the green light to move around and make Plays- Josh might still be a good QB.
But it won’t happen here. Better deal now- with a” sign and ship” deal. Before he walks out as a FA- and we officially waste yet another 1st round pick for nothing!!!
September 24th, 2013 at 6:18 pm
Drew Says:
September 24th, 2013 at 6:06 pm
They went from a 9th ranked offense to what they are now because they’re spying Martin and forcing Freeman to beat them with his arm. The results of Freeman trying to beat them with his arm are pretty evident.
We had a TE Clark and WR Underwood who accounted for around 90 catches and 900 of Freemans 4000. A lot of those guys’ catches and yards were from Freemans checkdowns, they were his safety net.
Our projected TE still hasnt played, and our slot WR this year is the reincarnation of Michael Clayton.
Knock on Clark & Underwood if you want, but they accounted for almost 1/4 of Free’s passes last year.
Thats just one of my theories.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:21 pm
Patrick- optimistic, but not many Rookie QBs can maintain success after first year. The NFL adapts quickly. Once they have 16 games of film- they can figure out how to defend a young QB. Then it takes the QB a couple years to figure out how to keep them of balance again.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:25 pm
Tim tebow can win and has won…
Funny how your theory only applies to Freeman. Face it, nobody in there right mind would want to trade for a piece of crap QB.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:28 pm
Right now, I think Oakland or Cleveland would give a second round conditional pick. But it has to be done NOW, before they both have given up on the season.
You sit here and insult anyones intelligence who doesn’t agree with your moronic opinion. Then you sit here and post stupid sh!t like this….
September 24th, 2013 at 6:30 pm
but yea Drew, defenses are loading the box because they arent scared of our recievers after VJ & MW19.
so who’s to blame? well after having the worst DBackfield last year, there’s no doubt that we needed to upgrade our secondary.
a) we shouldnt have gotten Talib. yeah, he’s a punk.. but so was Sapp. and Dungy knew how to control his inner beast and unleash it on the field. and Talib is still talented, already 3 INTS. he’s arguably playing better than Revis so far. but Schiano didnt know how to deal with his personality, so Belicheck took him off our hands
b) Schiano, a former DB coach, def had a say in the Goldson & Revis signing. I cant really blame him on that, but the fact is, we dropped major cash on those two. So OBP tells the fans that we dont really need a TE in this offense, but the truth is theyre not gonna give out any more starter contracts after the nearly $150 mill combined for Goldson & Free. (I know, its not all guaranteed) But Im not blaming Schiano or Goldson on this, because theyve upped this defense bigtime. except for in week 3. and we need all the cash we still have for future contracts.
c) why in the hell isnt Underwood back on this roster?? he had about 450 yds last year, he knows the offense. its gotta be personal with him and Schiano or him and Dominik. but what do we have to lose?
September 24th, 2013 at 6:33 pm
Maybe JAX can take Freeman?
September 24th, 2013 at 6:37 pm
*but Im not blaming Schiano or Dominik on this one…..
September 24th, 2013 at 6:37 pm
Oh, I’m in a good mood- so let me mention this lil tidbit.
Want to know why Vincent Jackson has suddenly developed a case of the drops- for the first time in his life?
Because they are frequently putting him in the Slot! The defenses are clogging both side lines. We have no TE or slot Reciever capable of attacking the center of the field. In desperation, they are putting Jackson in the slot.
He isn’t a slot Reciever. He is a WR. They are as different as playing LT is different than playing Center. He isn’t comfortable in that position. Slot recievers( like Wes Welker), learn how to attack aps in the defensive Zone. They learn how to” sit down “in gaps. The learn how to cross the middle, and still avoid the defense.
WRs learn how to cut quickly, make fast breaks, out run and out jump CBs. Slot Recievers frequently are playing more physical safeties.
It’s a big adjustment, and it’s obviously hurting his concentration.
Of course- who but the Bucs would take a Pro bowl WR, and try to change him?
The same guys that turned a scrambling QB into a pocket passer, of course.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:40 pm
September 24th, 2013 at 6:41 pm
Funny because I remember quite a few articles Joe has put out saying that V-Jax believes he can play all over the field AND he wants to play all over the field. Now none of that is true because you say so? LMAO
There is no excuse for V-Jax dropping the ball. Everyone has drops every now and then. To try to put a spin on it as to why is rather comical. Please continue this comic relief Timmy
September 24th, 2013 at 6:42 pm
Oh Couch,
I see you’ve come out for a little late evening banter. You want to dance for a couple of rounds or do you want me to wait until you say something really incomprehensible before I chime in. Lol
September 24th, 2013 at 6:43 pm
Please tell us who else you believe would be foolish enough to give us a 2nd round pick for a garbage QB who everyone knows will be cut at the end of the season because of his complete and inept play.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:44 pm
Splengo, chime in whenever you like. I have no problems with shutting you up again. Lol
September 24th, 2013 at 6:44 pm
Couch- your comments and opinions are so stupid and totally devoid of any knowledge of football, that at this particular time- I’m not even gonna response to your dumbass.
Go reassert yourself back on Glennons Jock. The only thing you ever say is ” play Glennon- play Glennon”
When he does finally get to play, your reputation as an ass clown will be complete. Hopefully, we won’t have to be bothered by you and your college boy fetish again.
Have a nice day
September 24th, 2013 at 6:45 pm
@Capt Tim;
good point on VJ. I doubt we get Underwood off the street, Id like to see Eric Page step up and work the slot (giggity). And if they just dropped Noble, then hopefully Crabtree starts and can get in there and contribute.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:48 pm
You haven’t “shut up” anyone. The best your clueless zombie as can hope for, is that we get so tired of watching you manifest your man love for Beaker Glennon- that the nausea drives us from the computer
September 24th, 2013 at 6:48 pm
damn Couch. you just get mad at everyone… I though it was just Freeman. You definitely must have been cursed with a baby dicc. Poor guy.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:48 pm
But why Timmy? I want to know who else you believe will give us a 2nd round pick. That is what you said is it not? So tell us more LMAO
September 24th, 2013 at 6:49 pm
when we ignore him, he thinks it means he shut us up. petty little guy.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:50 pm
Mak your funny. Instead of sticking to opinions you do nothing more than talk about my “dicc” repeatedly. Do you think that bothers me? LMAO
You have to be interested in it as much as you talk about it.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:51 pm
Aww, I call you out Timmy and all you can respond with is insults? Yea typical Freemanite behavior
September 24th, 2013 at 6:52 pm
Thanks Makaveli, and spot on about Clarke and Underwood
We get rid of half of his targets, replace them with no one- the can’t figure out why the passing game is struggling!!
Even someone as challenged as crouch should be able to figure that one out!!
Guess not!! Lol
September 24th, 2013 at 6:52 pm
@Capt. Tim,
Playing a bit of devils advocate here, but I’m not sure how accurate the statement is that Freeman is a winner. First off, you know I’ve always supported Freeman until this year, and I supported Raheem as well. However, although I would never have admitted it back then, our schedule in 2010 was historically weak. Also, we faced a huge number of backup QB’s that year. We got blown out several times against winning teams. We only beat one team with a winning record, which was the last game of the year when the Saints pulled their starters. If you go back and look at the schedule, there really isn’t one quality win in 2010. Plus, we had a dynamic running game, with Blount averaging 5 YPC. That’s a pretty amazing stat for the NFL, and can make most QB’s pretty effective. I know that any win in the NFL is still a win, but the quality of competition does make a huge difference.
As for Washington, I love that trade, but they can’t afford Freeman’s salary. They are right on the border for the cap. They’d have to cut about 3 starters just to make room for Freeman (no way in hell he would redo his contract and take less). Remember now, $8.5M guaranteed!!! Cleveland is already tanking for Bridgewater or whatever top QB is available. They don’t want Freeman. They are literally pawning off their players to get draft picks to move up if necessary. Oakland I guess is always a possibility, but much less now that Al Davis is gone. They seem to like Pryor anyway, who really has played pretty decent this year, and he has a lot of upside.
Perhaps if the Bucs would eat Freeman’s salary (not likely and I’m not even sure if its within the rules), then maybe we could trade him for something. I just don’t see too many logical destinations.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:52 pm
“You have to be interested in it as much as you talk about it.”
Judging by how angry and negative you always are, I’m fascinated by how small it could actually be!
September 24th, 2013 at 6:54 pm
Call me out?? All you did was post some unintelligible BS you made up- then Call out for Beaker again!!
Don’t worry crotch- I’m sure they’ll draft more college boys next year!
September 24th, 2013 at 6:54 pm
There is no destination for Freeman for a 2nd round pick. That is asinine plan and simple. Not even close
September 24th, 2013 at 6:55 pm
Oh yes and saying we can get a 2nd for Freeman is so Intelligent that you wont even discuss why you think that. LMAO… go back to ignoring me timmy, you make more sense that way.
September 24th, 2013 at 6:59 pm
Judging by how angry and negative you always are, I’m fascinated by how small it could actually be!
So you admit your fascinated with my junk? Well thanks for clarifying. Now I know why your always referring to it. I should of known though by how much your always riden’s Freewee’s
September 24th, 2013 at 7:00 pm
Rather than change quarterbacks during the bye week I’d rather change coaches.
Rockstar worked with Marty in Cleveland. Let him take over, work with Free the rest of the year and see what we got.
Would be fun and we might win a few games. Heck two week bye is almost a training camp.
Maybe the kid could do something if this jackass wasn’t breathing down his neck.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:01 pm
I meant Kansas city, not Cleveland….
September 24th, 2013 at 7:01 pm
They always do the ” sign and trade” for QBs. That allows the new team to differ money.
In the NFL’s world of creative finances- there is always a way.
Cleveland’s Fan base erupted over the perceived”tank”. That is actually a decent team- except( like many others) at QB.
Freeman is in the last year of his contract. If he resigns, he can structure the new contract as needed.
I believe he wants a trade.there are teams that would be interested. I just wish we could get 2 teams interested. Competition raises the value
September 24th, 2013 at 7:02 pm
Nice thought Eric..but do you see it really happening?
September 24th, 2013 at 7:03 pm
Wont happen cuz Cleveland isn’t stupid enough to give up a 2nd round pick for a crap QB. You can repeat it as much as you want, wont change the fact its just stupid.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:04 pm
Eric- that would be my preference also. But think Freeman is over the Buccaneer experience
Party boy Raheem, followed up by General Douglas Schiano, is a lot to stomach in 4 years!!
September 24th, 2013 at 7:05 pm
So is that what everyone is doing in here tonight? Playing make believe I’m a GM?
September 24th, 2013 at 7:05 pm
September 24th, 2013 at 7:05 pm
I could go for Marty, but I think I’d be more excited for Lovie Smith. Plus, he started in Tampa, so that’s pretty cool. He’s going to be a hot commodity for next year, so the quicker we jump on that, the better. All that being said, it’s not going to happen. It’s next to impossible to bring in an outsider in the middle of the season. Firings mid-season are almost always promoted from within. Not sure I want anyone on our staff to take over right now. Plus, if you are Lovie or another big name coach, you probably want to wait it out and let the teams outbid each other for your services, all the while you are still collecting this years salary from the Bears.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:09 pm
Crotch, why are you still here? Aren’t you scheduled to be licking your Beaker Glennon poster, and touching yourself in appropriately right now?
It’s the top of the hour. . .
September 24th, 2013 at 7:10 pm
Because you keep responding to me obviously.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:10 pm
Couch Fan has more in common with Capt. Tim than he lets on. He’s on record saying he wouldn’t mind if Schiano was fired if Freeman was part of the deal. Capt. Tim would like Freeman to leave, I would like Freeman to leave and so would Couch. Doesn’t matter if he was traded, cut, or kidnapped in the dead of night. And we all three would like to see Schiano fired. Sounds like one big happy family to me. Couch must overjoyed to included in such an esteemed group. Lol
September 24th, 2013 at 7:12 pm
Won’t happen in Jacksonville because they are going to almost definitely have the top pick in the draft (I have serious doubts that they are going to win a game). They can have their choice of whatever QB they want. Why would they want to bring in Freeman? They don’t want to win this year. From a business perspective (and this is a business first and foremost), for Jacksonville to bring in Freeman would literally be the worst move possible. Too much money, no fan excitement, and not going to help you win games either. I think Freeman can still be a serviceable QB in the right system and with the right team, but there is no way in hell he is ever going to be good enough to carry a team. He’s not Andrew Luck, RG3, Russell Wilson, etc. He’s never going to be a superstar in this league. Best he can hope for is a Vinny Testeverde or Trent Dilfer type QB.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:13 pm
Bring in Richard Seymour, WR Mohamed Massaquoi/Laurent Robinson/Devery Henderson/Donald Jones any WR to be our new #3 WILL BETTER THAN WHAT WE HAVE and how about TE Travis Beckum at least he played games in the NFL AT TE, unlike the “Wright” answer we have at TE right now.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:13 pm
Buc 1987-
More fun than being a Buc fan right now . .
Hmm, Marty?
Most teams that try to make mid season changes, usually aren’t loaded with Pro bowlers!! I would think this would be a pretty attractive job to most experienced coaches.
We may have the only Coach in the league who CANT win with this roster!
September 24th, 2013 at 7:13 pm
I’m also on record as saying I would rather Schiano stay. Amazing how you keep leaving that part out. I know I know, honest mistake.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:16 pm
Before they hired Schiano I was all for Marty-Ball. Schotty was the guy I wanted.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:16 pm
I spit Beer all over my IPhone on that one!!
September 24th, 2013 at 7:18 pm
Yah where the f is Dom anyways?
September 24th, 2013 at 7:19 pm
Joe can you find Dom for us?
September 24th, 2013 at 7:21 pm
Dom is in hiding in an underground bunker somewhere no media can get to. I liked Dom a lot before all this crap the last few weeks started, but now he just looks bad. I can’t believe not 1 single word from him during all this.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:23 pm
@Capt. Tim,
True, most teams aren’t this bad with this many Pro Bowlers. I’m not saying it can’t or shouldn’t happen, it would just be extremely rare, and it doesn’t fit our owners style. Plus, he would pretty much have to keep all the assistants (can’t change schemes now), which is most likely part of the problem as well.
But yes, this should be a very attractive job. I view it as very similar to Kansas City, almost exactly. Look what is happening there when they get a coach and QB. If and when we fire Schiano, we better hire either a big time coordinator or an ex-NFL coach with some success. No one from college, no position coaches, and especially no one named Lane Kiffin (I have no idea how that guy keeps getting jobs, but he does).
September 24th, 2013 at 7:24 pm
Dom is probably going to play the bandwagon GM if the Bucs figure out how to win sometime soon.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:25 pm
I can remember not too long ago when the Eagles loaded up with players too and sucked under Andy Reid.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:26 pm
I think it’s the theory of relativity. He’s related to Monte- who might even be able to salvage the Dallas train wreck
September 24th, 2013 at 7:26 pm
Come on Couch, where I come from that’s talking out of both sides of your mouth. You can’t say I wouldn’t mind the coach being fired, but I’d rather have him stay. Oxymoronic. That’s like having a happy ending and then wanting to take the residue back. Lol.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:33 pm
No thats where your reading comprehension fails you. Go back and look at what I said. In fact go head and paste it here for us so I can prove to you how wrong you are.
I said I would not mind Schiano getting fired as long as Freeman went with him BUT I would rather Schiano stay.
That is very clear. You dont seem to be able to understand it though.
I can describe in detail what I mean if you like. In fact here I’ll do it anyways.
Schiano has made some mistakes. I am not oblivious to that fact. Overall though I believe he has done a good job and deserves more time. However, Freeman must go… And if he takes schiano with him, I wouldn’t shed any tears over it… but I would rather Schiano stay so we dont have to do a complete rebuild, which is what would happen if Schiano got fired. New coaches, new QB, new schemes, new playbook… pretty much new everything.
Should I keep going or do you understand now?
September 24th, 2013 at 7:35 pm
Marty Schottenheimer has won with every team he’s been with. His playoff record? Just getting to the playoffs is good enough for me……considering we haven’t been there in HOW LONG?
September 24th, 2013 at 7:36 pm
Guys Schiano is a part of the problem but not the ONLY problem. Look at the difference in Cleveland by benching Wheaton?
Freeman isn’t accomplishing anything and its foolish for Coach to stay with Josh
September 24th, 2013 at 7:38 pm
No couch,
Can’t get off that easy. If you gotta explain it, you’re probably fibbin’. Lol
September 24th, 2013 at 7:42 pm
Couch… I don’t want to do a complete rebuild either and STILL have to pay Schiano like the Bucs did with Gruden. Then have to go with a Raheem the Dream all over again. Ridding the team of Josh is like doing away with another Raheem Morris creation.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:42 pm
Lol im only explaining since you keep bringing it up repeatedly. Somebody has to correct your errors.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:43 pm
Exactly 87
September 24th, 2013 at 7:44 pm
I will slowly turn on Schiano too if Freeman continues to suck and Schiano continues to start him.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:45 pm
Don’t feel bad Couch, you’re not alone. Patrick is willing to have Schottenheimer disinterred to replace Schiano. Before it is over you and everybody else will be shouting “anybody but Schiano”. I ain’t mad at cha!
September 24th, 2013 at 7:48 pm
Not this year Splengo, maybe next year I’ll begin to turn on him if/when we suck. We’ll see.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:48 pm
“I can remember not too long ago when the Eagles loaded up with players too and sucked under Andy Reid.”
Totally different situation. First of all, Andy Reid had been with Philadelphia for forever. He was a proven NFL coach, with multiple division championships and playoff wins. Second, Philadelphia was built almost exclusively on free agents. We are not, we are supplemented with free agents. Being built by free agents never works. Third, they made bad free agent moves. Signing Nnamdi and Vince Young proved to be catostrophic. We have some really really good young players – Mike Williams, Martin, David, Barron, Clayborn, GMC, etc. , and our free agents are still in the prime of their careers (Revis, Goldson, Jackson, Nicks). You can call it the same to help your undying support for Schiano, but it’s a really silly comparison.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:48 pm
Better yet if the clock reaches double zero on Sunday and the cardinals have beaten us, just a short drive to Avila to Mr. Gruden’s house.
First game back vs. EAGLES. Can you imagine the irony. Then later return to MNF as coach of the Bucs.
Pound the rock with Martin, get V Jackson loose…….sold out stadium. Chip Kelly. Enough of the drudgery.
I know, I know. But right now fantasy is way better than reality.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:54 pm
Splengo so if you want fans to join your get rid if Schiano brigade. You should root for Freeman to start every game.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:57 pm
Hawaiian Buc…I’m not throwing it out there to support Schiano. I’m just throwing it out there in general.
September 24th, 2013 at 7:58 pm
Oh and I’m not even worried about Buc1987, that guy will flip faster than a 22nd street hamburger. Dude is straight up fair weather. When the heat is turned up on Schiano, like he flipped on Freeman, he’ll need a trampoline he’ll flip so fast. Just wait. When you ask him about the coach, he will say ” who? Schiano? I doh kno no Schiano!” Lol
September 24th, 2013 at 7:59 pm
I’m actually serious Makaveli. What conspiracy has caused Josh Freeman’s decline? How can I think for myself when it comes to your theory that I know nothing about?
September 24th, 2013 at 8:00 pm
Hawaiian Buc…and IF people are going to talk about all the pro bowlers our team has and a stocked with talent roster. I’m going to reference the “Eagles Dream Team”. You take it however you want. You spin it how ever you want as usual.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:02 pm
“When the heat is turned up on Schiano”
Splengo…turned up who, you?
September 24th, 2013 at 8:03 pm
I can answer that for him and you. According to Mak I, as in me (couch fan), am solely responsible for Freeman’s failures. Look at yesterdays articles if you dont believe me. It’s all my fault, which I take all the credit for… Apparently that is a compliment to him. Lol
September 24th, 2013 at 8:03 pm
Who’s going to turn the heat up on Schiano? The media? They have already done that.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:06 pm
Splengo..and thank you for not worrying about me. Your opinion of me, means soooo much to me.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:09 pm
I guess I have to go back an explain WHY I turned on Freeman since I’m sooo “fairweather” and all. I thought that this staff could fix him. That’s why I supported Freeman so much. Since some of you despise this coaching staff. I don’t expect you to agree with me on that either. Some of you think Schiano ruined Freeman, which is laughable.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:09 pm
@Eric – The irony is that Freeman’s best year, in 2010, was with Gruden’s playbook. Olson had completely phased it in that point. … Somewhere out there Gruden is well aware of that.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:12 pm
Nice try, but you aren’t fooling anyone. You didn’t just throw it out there. You meant it as support for Schiano. Every post you have made for the last 2 weeks has been in support of Schiano. You’ve blamed the fans, the media, Freeman, Sullivan, and everyone else to support Schiano. You’ve called him Dungy 2.0. Yesterday you compared the way he treats his players to Gruden (which is laughable. Gruden would have choked out Freeman had that fiasco happened in week 1). You love Schiano. You think he’s wonderful. Did I mention you have called him Dungy 2.0? That right there is like calling Myron Lewis Darrelle Revis 2.0.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:14 pm
Not me. Never get in the way of a man who is self destructing himself. Go back and reread your post a little ways back. You’ve already said you wil turn if he continues to play Freeman. You’re already in the air in a full tuck now. Won’t be long before you’ve done a full Wallenda. Lol
September 24th, 2013 at 8:14 pm
I already stated it many times in my defense of Freeman over the summer. I said this staff could fix him. Same thing I told the guy in my section when I held up the We Believe In Josh banner. He said do you really believe in him? I said to him yes I think this staff can fix him.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:17 pm
Hawaiian Buc…I really don’t care what you think or how you want to spin things that I type.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:20 pm
Pretty said that our coach takes pride in “being in this situation before”
September 24th, 2013 at 8:24 pm
I get that you are a very supportive fan. I believe that I am too. I’m not all for getting rid of Schiano right now, because perhaps it is all Freeman’s fault. I don’t want to start over either. Unfortunately, I don’t believe that. I believe they are both bad. I am all for whatever makes this team better. Whatever that takes. If it means getting rid of a player that I really like, then so be it. If that means getting rid of a coach that I like, then so be it. Schiano isn’t doing a good job. His game management is terrible. That’s impossible to argue. He doesn’t have a pro coaches mentality. If he doesn’t change immediately, he is going to lose that locker room (if he hasn’t already). He’s unbelievably stubborn, and extremely difficult to work with (hence him getting rid of good players, and a huge turnover in our staff from last year). It’s fine to not be well liked – if you are winning football games. He’s not winning football games. He’s not doing his job. You know damn well if we had Lovie Smith, Marty, Gruden, etc. this team would be better. You know it, even though you’ll probably never admit it. We all know it. Perhaps Schiano will learn on the job and become great. But exactly how long are you willing to wait? Do you want to let this roster age for a couple years before Schiano realizes that he’s coaching grown men? Do you want to wait until 2015 for him to realize that in the NFL you can’t be so conservative? Or would you rather bring someone in who already knows these things and has won in the NFL? How patient are you?
September 24th, 2013 at 8:25 pm
Yes. Schiano is a defensive minded coach. The Bucs currently have a pretty good defense on it’s way to becoming a great defense. Much like the early days of Dungy. The Bucs have a good D a strong running game and a terrible QB. That’s what I was saying about comparing the two. I said the Bucs are reliving Bucs history to a point. Freeman = Dilfer, Schiano = Dungy. I’m not comparing Schiano’s success to Dungy’s by no means. I’m just saying it looks to me as if the team is replaying history. I’m not here for anyone to dispute that. It’s my opinion. Nothing people can say on this site is going to change my opinion. Has it ever?
September 24th, 2013 at 8:28 pm
1 more year to get rid of the whining girls on this team then they’ll be playing well….
September 24th, 2013 at 8:29 pm
Yea you say every qb has dropped passes but when you have an inaccurate and you know it but ask him to throw balls deep downfield your asking to fail, not having a slot guy not having a tight end…If that 3rd round pick had been used on a tight end SOMEONE TO HELP WIN NOW on a team built to win now maybe we would be 2-1. Gets your stats up joe you live in tampa you have more insight than these sorry analyst than you quote
I used to think we came here with some good insight but now i see that it’s more interesting to argue with guys like my favorite [couch fan and Capt. Tim]. It’s kinda pointless though..i just like to argue with people who think changing to a rookie will solve anything. it basically says to all your high priced free agents that i lied to you and after 4 games were giving up!!! Pointless on the other level that your a writer and journalist not an actual insider as far as knowledge of what you saw on the game…You have never said anything about going back looking at the tape of every throw freeman made because you dont have the time like your guy
September 24th, 2013 at 8:30 pm
“Do you want to wait until 2015 for him to realize that in the NFL you can’t be so conservative? Or would you rather bring someone in who already knows these things and has won in the NFL? How patient are you?”
Hawaiian Buc …what do you want me to do about it?
September 24th, 2013 at 8:31 pm
I ain’t mad atcha brotha. But be a dog. Just because your fighter is losing in the 5th round, you can’t go around to the other fighter and start wiping his face. If your fighter loses bad, acknowledge the loss and get another fighter.
Freeman is a terrible QB right now and it’s time for him to see if he can do better somewhere else. But I’m not going to savage the guy because he lost. When he is done I will move on and support the next guy. You see that’s called sports. Good night my friend and I mean that, my friend.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:32 pm
Oh yes you do care. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t acknowledge anything myself or someone else types. Like many on this site, you like to say you don’t care when you don’t have a legit argument back, because you know you are wrong. Your argument is always to compare to Schiano to a winning coach or team, even though he’s never been a winning coach. You compared him to Tony Freaking Dungy for goodness sake!!!!
September 24th, 2013 at 8:33 pm
September 24th, 2013 at 8:34 pm
“Hawaiian Buc …what do you want me to do about it?”
Stop blaming everyone else under the sun to deflect blame away from Schiano. That’s what you do time and time again.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:37 pm
he wont turn it around this coach sucks…..he’s the one person on the team saying we’ll get better or were not good enough yet…you and your coaching staff arent good enough. 30 teams in the nfl had training camp, the bucs and jags were in a lockout
September 24th, 2013 at 8:41 pm
WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT? SIT ON A WEBSITE AND COMPLAIN ABOUT SOMETHING YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OF? Is that the answer for you? CALL ONE BUC TOMORROW AND COMPLAIN ABOUT THE COACH. You might have more pull with them, then you do with me. GAWD DAMN THIS IS GETTING SO STUPID. It’s like you people just want to vent your frustration onto any fan that comes in here that supports something or someone that has to do with your team. DO YOU NOT REALIZE HOW PATHETIC YOU’VE ALL BECOME? Apparently NOT.
Carry on. I’ve got candles to light. I’m off to worship at the altar of Greg Schiano.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:41 pm
And are you seriously not intelligent to understand that when you call Schiano Dungy 2.0, you are comparing him? It’s not history repeating itself. It’s not even close. Dungy was a successful professional coach and player before he stepped foot in Tampa. He had been passed up on head coaching jobs many times. He was overdue for a head coaching opportunity. Schiano has never been a coordinator at the NFL level. He has like 1 year of NFL experience, and that was 20 years ago! Dungy’s defense never was the second worst passing defense in the history of the NFL. And most importantly, his team didn’t regress from year 1 to year 2. They actually got better, what a concept!! Did you ever hear of Dungy being concerned about the room temperature, or where the players put their toes? Did you ever hear of a player not respecting Dungy? Did Dungy come in and clean house of starters (leaving gaping holes), because the players weren’t “Buccaneer Men”? But you’re right, other than that, there’s a lot of similarities.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:43 pm
September 24th, 2013 at 8:45 pm
Do you not see how hypocritical you are being? You don’t think anyone should complain about Schiano because there’s nothing we can do about it, yet you are the very one criticizing Freeman and Sullivan?! It’ not about doing anything, it’s about us discussing the state of the team. Of course we can’t do anything about it, but that doesn’t mean that the owners don’t understand the pulse of the fans. I’m not going to support Schiano to be here for 3 more years if he sucks. I’ll support this team every single Sunday, but big picture I won’t support a coach that drags the team down. Sorry, I’m not going to do it.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:45 pm
All caps are so scary.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:52 pm
I think you broke him. Somebody might have to talk this dude down off of a ledge man.
September 24th, 2013 at 8:57 pm
no one can say freeman is an accurate passer, he’s always inconsistent but regardless they still make him throw deep down the field….thats stupid
had two receivers in the running for the slot ogletree won so you cut the second place guy…thats stupid
wasting a 3rd round pick on a qb that cant help win now when we needed a tight end bad….aka missing dallas clark, and people say oh well lets tank and go a qb next year…MYRON LEWIS was a 3rd round pick, how long was he here? were stuck with glennon, you cant keep drafting qb’s every year, see carolina panthers before cam newton came along [jake delhomme/jimmy clausen] and they still are rebuilding
Went out and spent money on dashon goldson so you give ronde barber the finger and send him on his way….think he would have made a better slot corner than leonard johnson?
Lie about creating competition but you show michael bennett and roy miller the door. now look what we have at left end
People in the media that know nothing about the bucs giving their input but watching that game and how bad they played, the touchdown drops and all anyone could talk about on tv was the interception thrown
paying a shutdown corner not to shutdown a side of the field. i dont think anyone on earth would use him that way except the bucs coaching staff
ONE Reason they wont put mike glennon in this year….THE GLAZERS they spent all that money this offseason and they expect to win, pull freeman for that rookie and everyone from Mark dominick down to the equipment guy are getting fired. your not supposed to talk about getting better in year 2
September 24th, 2013 at 8:58 pm
Gotta beat Zona.
1-3 is a helluva lot better going into the bye week.
After that, you get 2 weeks for the Eagles.
I hope Freeman can be a 60% passer this weekend, bc that is what it takes in today’s NFL. In order for a team to be able to compete, the QB must lead the offensive barrage.
Freeman has this game to show us something. I can’t imagine any more than 4 more quarters of mediocre to sub par football.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:03 pm
See what losing does to the fan base^^^. It turns us on one another.
Schiano is at fault.
Freeman is at fault.
Dom is in witness protection.
I wonder if our sub par play reflects on ticket sales?
We could draft Manziel next year. That guy is exciting.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:03 pm
See what losing does to the fan base^^^. It turns us on one another.
Schiano is at fault.
Freeman is at fault.
Dom is in witness protection.
I wonder if our sub par play reflects on ticket sales?
We could draft Manziel next year. That guy is exciting.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:04 pm
Straight from a player’s mouth… Imagine how many other players feel this same way?? Even if half a dozen feel like this towards Schiano, the Glazers need to step in:
“The coaches are very different. You know, Coach Schiano is more hard-nosed, military-type guy. And Coach Carroll is so laid back, it gives the guys chances to not be on their back but still coach them at the same time,” Bennett said. “Because I think a lot of players, they’re adults, too, and when you treat them like kids they get offended by that. You know what I mean? Because players, you know, they got their mortgages, they got their kids, they got wives, they got family, they got things they can do.
“So they know it’s their job and they know when they make mistakes. But it’s a coach’s job to keep them honest, you know what I mean. But when a coach is just too much on them, I think the players rebel. Because, you know, they’re going to be like, ’Why is he on me like this? It’s my fifth year in the league. I know more than him.’ Guys are just like, you know, it just becomes a big conflict, I think.”
After the AZ game, the Glazers need to pull a Jason Garret. Move Sully to Interim, and we’ll hve a full offseason to find the right guy. Or we might hit pay dirt and Sully might be the type of positive upbeat guy the players can rally around.
Or we can get rid of Freeman, and at the end of what will most likely be a bad year, the HC is gone, Sullys gone, Dom is prob gone. Then we’re back to full on rebuild mode.
If we just take out Shiano, and even keep Free till the end of the year, without Keiser Schiano stickin his beak in the playbook, the players and Sully can relax, have fun, while staying diciplined.
Now bring on the hate.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:07 pm
Dominik’s silence is deafening. Somethings going down. Its like the calm before the storm.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:10 pm
Regarding Sully as the interim, he DID lead the 9th best offense in the NFL last year in his 1st year as an OC. and he’s got rings. he’s seen the inner working of two championship franchises.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:19 pm
Good post, but people like 1987 are going to continue to ignore it. That’s their play. I’m very torn on firing Schiano and bringing in Sullivan, especially because I don’t know the inner workings of the locker room. If Schiano has lost the locker room, then I’m ok with pretty much anyone for the rest of this year. It’s nearly impossible to regain a locker room once they’ve been lost. Then again, it’s also hard to know for sure how much of our struggles on offense is Sullivan’s fault, versus Schiano or Freeman. It would suck to be wrong and Schiano really isn’t the problem, and the problem is Sullivan. Don’t think that’s the case, but you never really know until you actually make the move. At this point, I’m willing to promote Mickey Mouse to head coach, just to try something different. What we are doing isn’t working.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:26 pm
The #9 offense last year had one helluva 6 weeks stretch. Don’t forget, that offense, today, is the 31st best offense in football, with the 33rd best QB Rating taking the snaps.
Schiano is learning, but man Freeman is way worse than 2010.
Dominick’s silence is deafening. He, Free and Schiano all do not deserve a pass.
Teddy Bridgewater might be our guy. I just hope, if this season is a complete flop, that we outsuck the Browns and HAVE THE CHOICE of Clowney, Teddy, Mathews or Johnny Football.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:30 pm
Nobody can outsuck Jacksonville. I think we are too good to suck as bad as the really bad teams. But then again, I would have never thought we would be 0-3 right now, and that I would have never thought Freeman would be less accurate than Tim Tebow.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:31 pm
@ Hawaiian,
Ive got no clue what going there too. Everything that comes out of OBP is one cliche after another.
I just thought that take by Bennett, who Joe admits is a “level-headed guy”, thats the best insight we could get fro someone who was able to speak freely and honestly because he wasnt tied down with the organization anymore.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:37 pm
Actually reading and posting on Joebucsfan is the most useful part of my day.
What’s more important that discussing the Bucs? I can’t think of a thing.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:39 pm
If you want to bring in Teddy Bridgewater, Johhny Football, or any other rookie QB, unless they play like Joe Flacco, there’s too much risk. And our vets dont want to be a part of a rebuilding team.
Kapernick, 1-2, EJ Manuel 1-2, RGIII 0-3. Christian Ponder 0-3, Granted,R Wilson is 3-0, but its a crapshoot.
With the $$$ we saved up for what was gonna be Freemans new contract, we’ll be able to lure a Top 10 QB.. Who & how it’ll go down??? no clue.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:42 pm
I just think we should take the path of the Saints, Broncos, and now the Chiefs, and get a QB that we’ll have little doubt over. Then a NFL experienced HC.
(not Marty. the guy hasnt been hired by an NFL team since 2006, so he resorted to coaching the Virginia Destroyers last year)
September 24th, 2013 at 9:44 pm
Can you imagine what would be the result had we gone after Peyton Manning last year? That was coming right off of a miserable season for us. Peyton with Mike Williams and V-Jax! He’s so good, he’s make Tim Wright into a household name. I know that’s a stupid hypothetical, but when you are 0-3, what else do you have?
September 24th, 2013 at 9:44 pm
*** HE’D make Tim Wright into a household name.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:52 pm
Bobby Says: September 24th, 2013 at 5:21 pm
No one has answered the question….would we be 3-0 if Freeman were completing 60% of his passes? I think we’d all have to say yes.”
Remove the drops and he’d be real close. But the same could be said of the penalties.
September 24th, 2013 at 9:56 pm
smh Hawaiian… Schiano’d be carrying his gear everywhere he went.
ok, thats enough Schiano bashing for one night.
September 24th, 2013 at 10:11 pm
I’m just going to say it. You guys are a bunch of pu$$!e$.
Yeah…I’m talking to the ones that quit on everything. That are stuck at blue collar jobs because they don’t have the drive, intelligence or self discipline to work smart enough or hard enough to raise yourselves above lower level management. The same who claim to be fans of the Bucs but want to blow up everything about them.
Dose of reality. Joe has tried to get this across but you guys are too stupid to grasp it.
Josh Freeman is not being traded or demoted this season. Not during the bye and not after.
He can’t be. Let’s say for a moment he is and Glennon starts out of the bye. Then let’s say the likely happens and he throws 4-6 picks in a game or two. What then? The team will look at the coaches and turn on them.
Put Freeman back in? Same thing.
Like it or not, these players are loyal to Freeman. Now you can protest, whine and stomp your feet all you want. You can’t get mad and tell me I’m wrong. But that won’t accomplish a thing because I will still be right. Joe will still be right.
And you? You are going to continue acting like b!t@#es and refuse to find anything to enjoy in the team…therebye robbing yourselves of yet another season of supporting the team and enjoying the games. Just lime every year.
September 24th, 2013 at 10:21 pm
The biggest reason no one is trading for Freeman is he’s a UFA at the end of the year. If anyone offers anything it’ll be a 7th or maybe a 6th round pick, but that team has no guarantee of keeping Freeman after the year. There aren’t any teams that need a starter that won’t likely be drafting one next year. This is a QB rich draft in 2014. So Josh has little to no value to anyone except the Bucs right now.
September 24th, 2013 at 10:32 pm
September 24th, 2013 at 10:40 pm
@Eternally Optimistic Homer…….^^^^BEST POST OF THE DAY…..maybe even the SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 24th, 2013 at 10:44 pm
@Eternally Optimistic,
When your coach doesnt trust you, when your coach doesnt trust your OC, when your coach is itchin to put in HIS guy that he wanted since high school, then why would Freeman even want to stay here. – thats from Freemans perspective
From the (mostly negative)fans perspective – your QB is ranked 30 whatever the fck. their teams coach already planted that seed into the fans’ subconscious of a QB battle in the offseason. So that going into the season, and all through the preseason, all they hear about their team from the media is the controversy surrounding the QB position. so when he has a few bad games, and we start 0-3, its a mob mentality.
From a sensible fans perspective – fire your ball busting unsuccessful unaccountable micromanaging controversy starting unyeilding stubborn winless HC.
September 24th, 2013 at 10:45 pm
This could be his final promise
September 24th, 2013 at 11:18 pm
We Will See Schiano. I don’t believe him. I don’t have faith in him. It sounds like more of his BS.
September 24th, 2013 at 11:50 pm
Eternally Optimistic Homer …yikes buddy I hear ya. I get ya.Woa now, right here. This guy. Me. Thanks for bringing me back to reality. I am just going to be a fan from now in here or atleast try. Because that’s all I am. I’m not a coach, a player or a GM. I’m a fan of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Things get waaaay too heated in here over something none of us can do ANYTHING about. I can assure you the moment I walk through that gate on Sunday, I’m thinking Go Freeman and the Bucs. That goes for Schiano and the Bucs as well. It’s like I switch off in here from being a fan, to a coach,or a GM.
Neat little concept you have here Joe. I wonder if the Bucs were to be 2-1 if any of these fights would be going on. BUT they’re 0-3. So now it’s anarchy amongst the fans. I hope it makes them feel better. All this bitching and moaning about something they cannot control. Nor can I.
I’m just a fan. Go Bucs!
September 25th, 2013 at 12:30 am
If we lose against the stinking Cardinals then the season is over. I called 0-4 going into the bye after the second preseason game. Schiano(not Dom)(not Free) is the problem. The Martin pick and the Revis deal validate Dom. I know Free can play. We have witnessed it. Y’all are morons if ya cant see it. Our other problem is time:We don’t have it. The pieces are in place. Fire Schiano, Sully interim, start looking for a HC and QB and let the new HC decide who he wants to use as QB. If we lose against AZ, then heads should and will roll.
September 25th, 2013 at 12:42 am
@sharkcoast. do you guys sell the beowulf 50? or would I be best off going through alexander arms directly?
September 25th, 2013 at 12:46 am
btw, we’re on the exact same page as far as your asessment. I hope more fans can see that its the best option for our team…. to avoid rebuilding, and bouncing back as quick as possible.
September 25th, 2013 at 12:53 am
Gregg Rosenthal already has delved into the reasons behind the 1-2 San Francisco 49ers’ slow start.
Like the 49ers, the 1-2 Atlanta Falcons were billed as Super Bowl contenders throughout the offseason. Unlike the 49ers,
“the Falcons could be undefeated had a few late-game plays gone in their favor.”
Sound familiar Buc fans? The Bucs could be 2-1… had a few late-game plays gone in their favor. Chill out!
Maybe read up on other teams in our division? See what’s happening around the NFC.
September 25th, 2013 at 2:17 am
Again, these teams have recent history of success. We don’t. They are proven teams. We haven’t proven jack except we can’t win close games, or games against good teams. Most games in the NFL are close. It has always been that way. The good teams win the close games. The Falcons, Packers, and 49ers have won close games. They’ve won playoff games. So no, they don’t need to panic. We do.
September 25th, 2013 at 2:30 am
@ Hawaiian,
Im pretty sure ’87 is passed out now after hitin the sauce usual. But at least he can get some rest. My insomnia havin azz, I swear my internal clock is on a 48 hour cycle.
The more I stay up, all red eyed, the more I think we have a shot against AZ. Cant believe its already Wednesdy. This Sunday is Gut Check time, lets see who the real ballers are.
September 25th, 2013 at 3:15 am
I’m glad you are up because it only 9pm out here in Hawaii. Kinda sucks because there’s usually nobody to argue with cuz everyone is alseep, lol.
As for Arizona, we definitely should beat them. They are traveling from far, they aren’t a good road team, their pass defense is terrible, and I am of the belief that our offense HAS to come out of hibernation eventually, even if its just a fluke. We can’t continue to play this poorly with the guys we have. This is obviously a must win game for us in every aspect, so I would expect a good game plan. 1-3 headed into the bye at least gives us some hope to salvage the season.
September 25th, 2013 at 3:53 am
I don’t know too many quality coaches who would want the Tampa job. If you’re gonna replace Shiano get someone proven better, not that it would be too difficult. WANNEStat is an upgrade @ this point. As far as Freeman I think that scenario is beyond repair and he probably wants to move on anyway.
September 25th, 2013 at 4:06 am
Tim “Rutgers” Wright what a f*#%* joke. That pretty much says it all.
September 25th, 2013 at 7:59 am
MakaveliTheDon, what you state is the perspective of others is actually nothing more than you trying to convince everyone that your opinion is fact. The truth is, you cannot see into the mind of Freeman or anyone else. Neither do you have eyes inside the locker room. Nor are you privy directly to the personal relationships established therein.
I cannot claim to know such things either. But what I can see is that the team is circling the wagons. They are behaving the way a team should behave. The only ones that have raised any stink are the ones no longer with the team. The ones not good enough to make the team.
When a team goes through times like these the coach is the one they lean on to get through it. To do that, he must stand strong and endure. His stregth their strength.
All this talk about Schiano throwing people under the bus is deception. He is holding people accountable, yes. But he has included himself in each instajce…something that the agenda-driven masses seem to miss.
September 25th, 2013 at 9:48 am
@ Mack- I can get everything. Email off the site and just tell us what ya want. The benching of Freeman is not the answer.
September 25th, 2013 at 10:23 am
MAKtDon, have you considered a .458 SOCOM? It is more versatile and if you reload ammo, more variety of projectiles. It costs a little more than the Beowulf, but for large bore, you can’t beat it, including accuracy. Bigger is not always better. Point Five Oh sounds cool but I wouldn’t trade my SOCOM for anything.
September 25th, 2013 at 11:06 am
^^^^ I’ll have to look that up. Its just that Ive actually handled a beowulf before, and it was love @ first pop. I also like the quick interchangeability back to a a 556/223.
but I’ll look that up Big Mc. thanks
September 25th, 2013 at 11:17 am
looks like the .458 uses the same platform. damn. now ive gotta see where I can test out one of those bad boys. but thanks for the heads up.