“Inept, To Say The Least”

September 29th, 2013

Doug Martin was pounded to nowhere today. He might have had more negative-yardage runs against the Cardinals than he had all of last season.

Martin finished with 27 carries for 45 yards, a stunning stoning of one of the league’s top running backs. Martin also coughed up his third fumble of the season, one more than he had all last year, and his pass blocking continued to be suspect.

Carl Nicks looked good in run blocking, but the Bucs lost the battle in the trenches in a big way. And the playcalling and passing game did little to alleviate the successful Arizona focus on the run game.

“Inept, to say the least,” is how former Bucs tight end and current Buccaneers Radio Network analyst Anthony Becht described the offense. “Our offensive line needs to step up and play better. … I don’t think they answered the call.

“We didn’t learn anything about Glennon today. It just wasn’t good.”

Joe was most distressed by how the Bucs were outcoached again in the second half. Arizona made successful adjustments. The Bucs didn’t.

31 Responses to ““Inept, To Say The Least””

  1. BucfaninMi Says:

    They NEVER make in game adjustments!! I Blame play calling and the O-line!!!

  2. Raphael Says:

    Lol @ Glennon giving us the best chance to win….

    Awesome job LiL general

    Team is destroyed and there are guys in that locker room who think coach is a joke .

  3. NJBucsFan Says:


    It’s difficult to make adjustments if you’re limited on your coaching abilities. He clearly has limitations and should only be a D coordinator at this level.

  4. Raphael Says:

    So we have a QB coach as a OC…. And a college coach as a HC …..oh Joy !

  5. 911bucs Says:

    We would have won with Freeman playing in the game

  6. Raphael Says:

    Somewhere Marty Shottenheimer is sayin …” I told you so ” Lol

  7. Houstonbucsfan Says:

    No one is afraid of Glennon or our passing game in general. The only threat we’ve had this season is in the running game. The will load the box and beat us in the run game and rattle our rookie qb. Force him to make mistakes like today. Unless Glennon can pick up the game during the bye look for defenses to load the box.

  8. Raphael Says:

    911bucs. Bingo ….without a doubt

  9. JK Says:

    I’m so tired of hearing how our offensive line is one of the elite lines in the league. Hell, the cards were down to the water boy at linebacker and still beat us. I can’t help but smile with Josh. Send coach back to college if anyone will hire him.

  10. Legarrettes Blunt Says:

    I went into this game with an open mind. But I am not too sure about glennon giving us the best chance to win. That looks completely false to me. Hate to says Schiano may have played this whole situation wrong.

  11. BucfaninMi Says:

    @ NJbucsfan, true.

  12. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    We have no idea how Freeman would have performed….with no running game & the awful playcalling….who knows.

    We do have a defense and it is pretty damn good….most of their points came off of turnovers.

    As far as our offense…no sustained drives without the opposing team turning it over…4 weeks in a row.

  13. BamBamBuc Says:

    I’m actually just glad people are now seeing that the “excuses” for Freeman weren’t excuses. When we’d say the O-line gave no protection and he was getting hit as he threw…. yep, still happening and now it’s the O-line fault, not a Freeman excuse. When we’d say the play calls were horrible, the play design was bad, it was a Freeman excuse, but not now… now it’s poor play calls and poor design. If I’m “happy” about anything, it’s not that “Freeman is vindicated”… I couldn’t care less about that. It’s that the truth is being revealed to all those that clamored “those are excuses” before. Fans are finally going to HAVE to open their eyes and see that there is more wrong than the QB and the QB has little chance to succeed (no matter who is playing QB) with this team.

    If we keep running Martin into a mountain of men 30+ times a game, he will get hurt (no need for a pretty good big bruising backup RB that gets 4+ yards per carry). If Donald Penn and Davin Joseph continue to get beat by average DL, can we continue to say they’re one of the best OL in the NFL? or are they just overrated? And is it still an excuse for Freeman’s failures? or is it true?

    I wanted us to win this game as much as any fan. I was cheering as much as anyone when we had a 10 point lead in the second half. I didn’t care it was Glennon and not Freeman at QB, we were winning. But when the same things that have plagued us for 1.25 years (and more actually) come back to haunt us and we lose a heartbreaker at the end, I will say I wasn’t surprised. I’m still flying in after the bye week to watch the game against the Eagles, the Bucs are my team and I’ll be there cheering them on to (hopefully) their first win of the year.

    I certainly hope next off-season brings some much needed change and that the team isn’t afraid to go out and get that true “franchise” QB in the draft regardless of how Glennon finishes the season. Freeman is done in Tampa, that’s for sure. He may find success elsewhere if he can find a team that will adjust an offense to better suit his talents, but that has nothing to do with the Bucs anymore. Glennon may improve some, but I never see him being as good as Freeman was in 2010 or even 2012. The team needs to pull the trigger next year. Unload some dead weight, sign the deserving to long deals and use the rest of our huge cap space to fill the many holes the team has. And bring in real NFL coaches, coaches that have been a head coach in the NFL or get an OC that has been an OC, not a QB coach or WR coach.

  14. zam Says:

    This team plays every second of the game, that’s why we rush the kneeldown. EXCEPT if it’s the end of the half and we kneel down.

    I like Schiano, but that rush-the-kneeldown garbage really is bush-league. All it does is make our players wish they played somewhere else. You should never ask a player to do something they feel is unethical, and yet it’s shoved in their face repeatedly.

    Talk about a sore loser. You lost Greg, be a man about it.

  15. BucfaninMi Says:

    This really sucks, it’s hard to watch other games. All I do is wonder why can’t the Bucs do this? Why can’t overcome the slightest of adversity? I’m talking about historically. How many of you know within minutes of any game, that they’re going to lose? When they NEED it they will lose. Going against rookie QBs, lose. Former Bucs, lose. December, lose. WTF???

  16. BucsAblunder Says:

    The final result of this game is exactly the same as had Freeloss been the QB. The only difference is that Glennon was playing his first NFL game and looked like a rookie whereas JoshKabob would have been a 5th year QB who looked like a rookie playing in his 1st game. Josh had ample opportunity to prove he could get it done and failed. No running game makes it a long day for an inexperienced QB (or Josh Freeloader Freeman).

  17. Deminion Says:

    Schiano has lost the team

  18. Jim Says:

    With RGIII being hurt as much as he has, and his poor play don’t be surprised if Freeman ends up in Washington as a backup. Raheem is there and Washington loves to waste money.

  19. Mr. Patrick Says:

    Not only does the Buc’s offensive play system really stink, I think the O-Line may be a tad overrated

  20. Illuminati Says:

    Let’s see. We’re up 10-3 with 4:04 left in the game. We’re backed up on our own 7-yard line. On first down, we hand off to Martin, who gains four yards.

    Now it’s 2nd-and-6 at our own 11. OKay, maybe Martin hadn’t had a great day, but he just gained four yards. If you don’t trust Martin to get six yards on two carries, maybe you go with Leonard, or James, or Demps. But no, let’s make the rookie QB pass in an incredibly risky situation.

    This from a coach who clearly stated shortly after he was hired that “it’s okay to punt the football sometimes, you know.”

    We could have ran the ball twice. If we didn’t get the first, we just punt. Sure, Koenen wasn’t having a career day or anything, but even with his 34.6 yard average on the day, we could have at least put the Cardinals back to starting a drive at mid-field. And the way our defense was playing today, I like those odds.

    Run, run, punt would have been much safer. Instead, we chose the low-probability of success, high-risk option. Result? Pick. Next play, TD for the opponent.

    That’s just bad coaching. This loss isn’t on Glennon, or Martin, or Demps, or Goldson. It’s on Schiano.

  21. JK Says:

    Well put Jim, and don’t forget Washington got another one of our “average” quarterbacks once upon a time. His name is Doug Williams. I think he still has super bowl records for passing.

  22. Eric Says:

    I think I figured out the ineptitude record for this year. Dominik always has one.

    Least points by a buccaneer team for a single 16 game season.

    He already has the most points given up. Nice book ends.

  23. Jim Says:

    Giants 0-4, Bucs 0-4. Sure am glad the Bucs are using the Giants offense.

  24. Mr. Patrick Says:

    @Jim, the Steelers are 0-3 also and use this same offense. Just sayin’

  25. Mr. Patrick Says:

    OOOPS, I mean 0-4 now

  26. crazy Says:

    The game was lost in the trenches. Conservative playcalls led to 3rd and hopeful. Few, if any, rookie QBs will do much better. A good HC would recognize and adjust not turn to longshot calls smelling of desperation. Funny thing is though despite all that the team looked more competitive for more of the game than we’ve seen so, who knows, maybe they’ll win one this year.

  27. Mike J Says:

    These half-time non-adjustments–do the Bucs miss the veteran savvy of Jimmy Raye?? He continues to be mysteriously absent, I think.

  28. passthebuc Says:

    When you have the media the head coach telling everyone that to win, we will need to run Martin till he drops, you may as well send your plays to the other team. An OC with any balls would have done just the opposite.

  29. 1976Buc Says:

    Doug Williams, Steve Young and Josh Freeman. 2/3’s of this story is written. Looking forward to seeing how Blount plays tonight. He might not be a Schiano Man but he seems to be doing everything Belichick is asking of him. Martin’s bashng is still baffling to me. Schiano is going to run him 25 times a game come hell or high water.

  30. Pelbuc Says:

    Wow! The Glazers fired Dungy for losing IN THE PLAYOFFS, fired SB winining coach Gruden for losing 4 straight GAMES and since then Raheem reeled off 10 straight losses and now Schiano has lost 9 of 10 games and the only win was meaningless. WHY DO THE GLAZERS TOLERATE MORE LOSSES AND INCOMPETENCE NOW MORE THAN EVER. Can’t they see what everyone else knows, that the coaches don’t know what they are doing and don’t know how to utilize their players’ talents. If the Glazers keep Schiano for more than 2 more games, they are essentially giving the fans the middle finger. Face it they’ve failed terribly on the last 2 hires. They might as well clean house and fire Dominik as well. This coaching staff will hurt this franchise for years to come. Stop the bleeding NOW!

  31. Joke Says:

    Fumble was charged to Glennon, not Martin.