Time To State Your Case
August 6th, 2013Who better than the Bucs’ former Mr. August, Earnest Graham, to dive into what players and teams need to accomplish in preseason.
Graham offered great perspective explaining how preseason is time for a player to state his case, and Graham revealed rare Bucs history in this interview below from the Ron and Ian Show on WDAE-AM 620.
Graham recalled that he fumbled in his first exhibition game in Japan following the Super Bowl victory. And a certain No. 99 sat him down for a long discussion about how confident No. 99 was in undrafted Graham’s ability and how a Buccaneer Man needed to respond to adversity.
“Warren did a lot for me in my first preseason game. So sometimes those types of things are set out in the preseason games, who’s going to respond to the current culture in the locker room,” Graham said. (Enjoy the audio below.)
August 6th, 2013 at 10:29 pm
Love Graham. I’d like to see him part of the Bucs front office or coaching staff some day. One of the good guys.
Joe how about having Graham do a weekly guest post. Got my vote not sure the politics or the cost of having ex players participate but I really enjoy anything Graham has to say. Just my two-cents
August 6th, 2013 at 11:15 pm
Yeah, I wasn’t to crazy about his unceremonious release and then watching him retire as a FA. He should have retired from a Buc uniform, not in street clothes. I also agree with tmaxcon about working for the Bucs
August 6th, 2013 at 11:56 pm
speaking of former players retiring as bucs, did Sapp retire as a buc? I cant seem to remember. Im assuming he did.
August 7th, 2013 at 7:45 am
Sapp was a Raider for four years