“I Don’t Think Schiano Has A Plan”
August 26th, 2013
Shaun King has no faith in Greg Schiano
Is it possible that the leader of the New Schiano Order, a man obsessed with details and preparation, has no plan in place to deal with the unexpected?
Former Bucs QB Shaun King thinks so.
The NBC Sports NFL analyst, and one of three QBs to lead the Bucs to the NFC title game, joined the Ron and Ian show on WDAE-AM 620 this morning as a guest host and explained the he believes the Bucs are a lacking guidance from the top.
“I don’t think the Bucs have a plan. I’ve been saying this. Mark Dominik does not have a plan. It’s not like he’s made picks and acquisitions saying, ‘Ok. This is going to happen, and this going to happen and we’re going to develop this guy while this guy is getting paid,'” King said. ” I don’t think Schiano has a plan. I don’t think he knows how to adjust when things aren’t going well. And I’ve said that from the beginning and I stand by that. And now, unfortunately because I was hoping I was wrong because I’m a Bucs fan, I’m starting to be proved absolutely correct.”
Now Joe must disagree on a level here. Dominik clearly operates off a detailed roadmap for the Buccaneers. Sure, one can question the value of Dominik’s plan over the past five years, but to say he doesn’t have one is silly. The Bucs are loaded with Grade A talent and salary cap room. Dominik doesn’t coach. He doesn’t put on pads. It’s not his fault Danny Gorrer can’t catch, Vincent Jackson couldn’t finish off a long touchdown run, and that Schiano defense couldn’t prevent Eli Manning from playing fantasy football.
As for Schiano’s ability to adjust to adversity and his overall plan, Joe believes the jury is still out on all that. Nobody knows whether Schiano is a good NFL game coach and a guy whose philosophies can produce winning football. Schiano did manage to right the Bucs ship and lead them to an impressive win in Atlanta to close the season. So that was a fantastic sign. (You can hear King’s full take below.)
August 26th, 2013 at 8:57 pm
We get it King 1 of 3 Qb’s to lead us to a title game sheesh. Is that like a copy and paste intro???????
August 26th, 2013 at 8:58 pm
Plan or not at least they both can see their toes.
August 26th, 2013 at 8:58 pm
Why is this goof so bitter? If he can judge talent, OR coach so damn well, why doesn’t he have the job? I could have been one of 3 qb’s to take the Bucs to the NFC championship game with THAT DEFENSE! I hear the ONLY QB TO WIN THE BUCCANEERS A SUPERBOWL is doing well, and hopes the Bucs have a good year this year. Hey Mr. King, since you know so much, who’s winning the super bowl this year? Let me run to Vegas and make a ton of cash.
August 26th, 2013 at 8:59 pm
Lol ^^^
August 26th, 2013 at 8:59 pm
“I don’t think Schiano has a plan”
and you know this exactly how, Shaun King? because your a part of the day to day operations with the bucs? your saying everything from afar, and that goes for criticizing from a far as well.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:00 pm
Is this a copy and paste intro that you have for Shaun King? 1 of 3 Qb’s I’m just saying its old news
August 26th, 2013 at 9:01 pm
Schiano was a rookie coach. I think you should at least give him a couple of years to right the ship. After all, the ship sank in about 2000 fathoms of 33 degree water. I like Schiano and think he can progress to being a top tier NFL coach. Shawn King will never be a top tier NFL analyst. He is too opinionated, shoots from the hip and doesn’t know what it takes to be a good coach. He says he puts in the work but I don’t see it. I don’t care for him or his opinion.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:02 pm
I hear King is the only Buccaneers QB who can win the wing bowl.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:02 pm
@ Joe
I love how on almost all the Shaun King articles you say you disagree with him and yet you keep posting his stuff.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:03 pm
Seriously this is the dumbest thing he’s ever said, which is saying something. As if the Glazers would approve taking on $16m for Revis without a plan. All front offices do is plan, Dominik has made comments about how they’re planning for 2015 free agency already for god sakes. The sooner this “Bucs fan” loses his platform to spew such nonsense the better.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:04 pm
1. We don’t have grade A talent.
2. Dominik’s “plan”, if he has one, has resulted in a horrific record and nfl and franchise records in futility.
3. The Atlanta game was not a fantastic victory, it was totally meaningless at the end of the season where the falcons didn’t care. A fantastic victory is when you preserve a Division Title or wild card spot, not climb up to 7-9.
Facts are facts, even if you don’t want them to be.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:04 pm
Schiano has a plan for the guy at the guard booth at One Buc. King sound more and more like a disgruntled fan everyday. Not objective whatsoever.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:05 pm
“and one of three QBs to lead the Bucs to the NFC title game”
I think tampabaybucfan might have something to say about that lol. ready when you are.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:05 pm
I think Shaun “Burger” King on Ron and Ian’s show is a great idea. It makes it easier to ignore them at the same time when they are all together. More great insight from third stringers…..
August 26th, 2013 at 9:05 pm
The story here is that Shaun King is slamming the Bucs? How is that any different than the other million times he slammed the Bucs? Why do we have to keep reading about this guy every time he says something negative about the Bucs? Slow news day?
August 26th, 2013 at 9:05 pm
“and one of three QBs to lead the Bucs to the NFC title game”
I think tampabaybucfan might have something to say about that lol.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:07 pm
I tell my kids to think about what they are going to say before they say it. How will it sound coming from your mouth? Who will it affect? Will it hurt someone’s feelings or make you sound like jerk? Is it with it to say it?
King needs to do some serious growing up. He is unfiltered and just spews crap an venom regardless of the consequences. In short he has no class and I have little more by calling him out on it, but it’s the truth and bullies occasionally need to be brought to their knees.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:07 pm
I really think Schiano is the least of our problems. Freeman and our lack of a pass rush are the main concerns with this team as of right now.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:08 pm
stratobuc…well said
August 26th, 2013 at 9:08 pm
Sure he has a plan.
A demonstrably failed one. All king means is he doesn’t have a good plan.
Which is totally correct. Dominik plans to get out of bed, go to his office, draft players, sign free agents, all trying to win and be a success, like anybody else.
Unfortunately the field performance of his product totally sucks.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:09 pm
funniest part is when he said “I’m a Bucs fan” lol
August 26th, 2013 at 9:10 pm
Of course he has a plan. He demonstrates an autocratic style leadership, its his way or no way.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:18 pm
@ Jacko 101
Here is my copy & paste for Shaun King (Dominick & Schiano have a plan & King has no clue)
“Shaun King, one of two Buc Quarterbacks that lost a NFC Championship Game when his defense gave up 11 or fewer points.”
August 26th, 2013 at 9:20 pm
@ tampabaybucfan
ahahahaha lol. I was waiting for it.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:25 pm
“And now, unfortunately because I was hoping I was wrong because I’m a Bucs fan, I’m starting to be proved absolutely correct.”–Shaun King
Your starting to be proved right how Shaun? How is it that you are starting to be proved right, without the season even starting yet? Fans of Joe have told Joe many times that King is a closet Buc hater. Yet you disagree Joe. Maybe someday Joe maybe someday…. I’m not going to finish that sentence out of respect for you, but I think you can finish it on your own and come to your own conclusions.
@ Andrew 1…I couldn’t agree with you more…ummm maybe he does it to piss us off?
“As for Schiano’s ability to adjust to adversity and his overall plan, Joe believes the jury is still out on all that. Nobody knows whether Schiano is a good NFL game coach and a guy whose philosophies can produce winning football. Schiano did manage to right the Bucs ship and lead them to an impressive win in Atlanta to close the season. So that was a fantastic sign.” –Joe
Well Shaun and Joe, Schiano won 3 more games than Raheem the Dream did in 2011 as a rookie NFL coach in 2012. Raheem had 3 yrs under his belt. Raheem also had NFL experience as an assistant DB coach and DB coach. I think it was a “fantastic sign” that a rookie coach from Rutgers won 7 games in his first NFL season.
Shaun King hates the Tampa Bay Buccaneers!
August 26th, 2013 at 9:26 pm
Kinda like when he planned to cut Brooks to develop Geno Hayes.
That’s a plan. A dumb one…..
August 26th, 2013 at 9:28 pm
7-9 and finishing 1-5 is now a fantastic sign.
My how the standards have lowered.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:29 pm
Am I alone here in being totally over Marks inability to stack talent at any.one position. Lets be honest the bucs have been a poorly run team since.chucky and.allen wher.run out. Sorryno teams fear the Bucs and.thats a.shame. We deserve better than this MARK
August 26th, 2013 at 9:36 pm
I honestly could care less about what Shaun King thinks!! I mean the guy says nothing but negative things about the bucs! It’s almost like he just says his crap just to get a reaction. I might be alone here.. And that’s just fine!
August 26th, 2013 at 9:37 pm
Peter King is on record of saying the buccaneers are one of three teams that could surprise and go deep in the playoffs…detroit and carolina were the others. ESPN’s (No B) top stat guy is predicting 10-6 for the Buccaneers. No plan, eh, he did manage to get his guy Revis and rebuild the whole secondary in a year, after he rebuilt the receiving corp and the offensive line. He got rid of two hurt defensive lineman; he had a sensational draft in 2011 and looks to have made a steal in Spence in the 4th round this year. He hasn’t hit on every pick, no doubt but he compares well to his peers. Shiano is still growing into the job, but by all accounts nobody prepares a team to win better during the week except perhaps Belacheat. Gie it a rest.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:41 pm
King is an idiot!
August 26th, 2013 at 9:41 pm
Joe tosses down a couple of beers…..snickers when he posts Shaun King….knowing that we will be provoked by Shaun’s negative take on whatever.
If we agreed with King….first of all, we wouldn’t be very good fans….just whiners and malcontents.
Joe doesn’t agree with King for the same reasons….but Joe needs to maintain a working relationship with him.
We don’t.
“Shaun King, one of two Buc Quarterbacks that lost a NFC Championship Game when his defense gave up 11 or fewer points.”
August 26th, 2013 at 9:46 pm
I think I just unlocked the secret to who the_buc_realist actually is. He has to be Shaun King.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:51 pm
Coach Schiano has a plan for everything !
The jets
The hvac
Breakfast tomorrow
The trainers
Where to park
How to get to the stadium
Sry but Schiano of all people have a plan ….king is the dumbest fat jerk I ever heard.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:53 pm
Yes Eric from 4-12 to 7-9 for a rookie NFL coach yeah I call that improvement. The Bucs lost a lot of close games last season for a rookie coach. I expect those close games to turn into wins this season by winning 4 more than last season.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:55 pm
Shaun, Ron & Ian aka The 3 Stooges
August 26th, 2013 at 9:57 pm
I’m sure Schiano won’t do any interviews with King after that crappy endorsement. The man hasn’t even made it one game into his second season and you’ve got an ex player who grew up in Tampa Bay questioning Schiano’s professionalism and resolve. Unless players have been crying on Kings shoulders and spinning Schiano in a bad light it is nothing but his own conjecture. Considering the Buc’s long history of ineptitude you would think King being a big Buc fan would be a little more patient than that.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:57 pm
If you follow King’s comments regarding anyone, it becomes apparent he is a racist. He never says anything good regarding anyone white. He is never going to like the currant regimen and down deep wishes his old buddy Rah-Rah was still at the helm. I think he is a very sorry person.
August 26th, 2013 at 9:58 pm
I heard the whole bit today. Shaun was right on the money.
Dominik DOESN’T have a plan. He had several plans that he didn’t stick with because he loused them up. First, there was the YOUTH MOVEMENT… then when the draftees didn’t gel, he threw a bunch of money at FAs to cover his mistakes and those mistakes he has to answer for. It comes down to this (and King said it on the radio today): Dominik is not a good evaluator of talent.
King said today that Dominik has stated on multiple occasions that he likes to pick “captains” out of college because they are leaders. Well, who has stepped up as a leader of all the Dominik draft picks?
Dominik has made some HORRENDOUS free agent errors. And those mistakes FORCE him to CORRECT HIMSELF in the DRAFT. Derrick Ward had to be corrected. Michael Clayton being re-signed had to be corrected – and even that required a correction with A. Benn. Even the Revis signing – the Bucs HAD to pull the trigger on that because Wright, Talib, Myron Lewis, Anthony Gaitor, Leonard, and EJ Biggers all flamed out. Dominik HAD to roll the dice on Revis’ knee to get a legit CB.
I have to admit, I’ve bashed Shaun King on here ALOT, but I heard almost the entire show today and Shaun really made some good points about this team. His two main issues with the Bucs are:
1) Dominik is not a good evaluator of talent.
2) Schiano is a college coach who never won anything in college, so there’s skepticism as to whether he’s qualified to work on the NFL level.
King also argues that the Bucs should have extended Freeman a few years ago, not because he was playing lights out, but it might have been CHEAPER to buy another year or two.
I will also take some issue with Joe because I noticed that the TONE that Shaun had on the air was MUCH different than what gets quoted on this page. No offense, but when I read Shaun’s quotes on here, he sounds like a malcontent. On the air, he was very well thought-out and brought a lot to that show. He and Ian Beckles made an outstanding team today. I actually kept clicking over to IHEARTRADIO on my iPhone when I left the car.
August 26th, 2013 at 10:00 pm
Tennessee #1’s destroyed Atlanta’s #1’s …the Buzzards can’t use the same excuse that they play them again the year
August 26th, 2013 at 10:01 pm
I like Schiano. Don’t think its this year for the Bucs but who knows?
King is background noise at best…
August 26th, 2013 at 10:02 pm
First Schiano is to strict in his plans now he has no plans make up your mind
August 26th, 2013 at 10:05 pm
Hey Joe, Kind of funny that you had to have the comments turned off this morning for “Outspoken Bucs Talk”. I guess you did not want the Buc Nation to get out in front of the – mortgage your home and go to Vegas and bet that Ian and Shaun of the Dead will say: The Buc’s suck. Kudos!
August 26th, 2013 at 10:10 pm
he is right about baron>> roll tide roll
August 26th, 2013 at 10:11 pm
Ummm Yungry was a Glazer tactic imo not Dom’s. It was the Glazers going cheap because they were still paying Gruden. That’s why we got stuck with Raheem the Dream and no valuable FA signings. Raheem was basically a pawn. Dom was just following orders from the owners.
August 26th, 2013 at 10:18 pm
Adam L. None of what you just said could stand up in a court of law. If you really don’t think the Glazers were involved in any of Dominik’s financial decisions you’re crazy. There were a lot more things going on during Dominik’s first year at GM, that was at the request from ownership. Releasing veterans, build through the draft, no FA signings until 2012, Glazer’s soccer team, Glazers lost money when they initially took their stock public. There were many reasons why. The Glazer’s went public last year and said they were recommitted to winning and would spend money on some free agents and a coach. This was really a PR move in 2012 one year before the new CBA said that had to spend the money anyway.
August 26th, 2013 at 10:27 pm
or what RBellBuc…just said too…lol
August 26th, 2013 at 10:33 pm
Adam L…you must be a bigger fan than me. Either that or you have money to waste. You said you have had season tickets for awhile now. I don’t doubt you anymore on that. What I wonder though is why you waste your money on a team that you have no faith in? So it’s either you like wasting your money or you have money to waste or your a bigger fan than me. Seeing how this is the 1st season tickets I’ve ever bought.
August 26th, 2013 at 10:36 pm
Adam L…let explain a little further. I don’t have a lot of money to waste and if I had your attitude towards the team. I would not buy season tickets at all.
August 26th, 2013 at 10:38 pm
The plan is to look really flat, inconsistent muddle through daily injury report. In an effort lull the rest of the division into a false sense of security. Then bam the Bucs win the division. King is right on the mark. Dominick would not have lasted this long under any NFL ownership. Schiano is in over his head this isnt Rutgers. The press conferences are starting to get ridiculous when discribing the teams play.
August 26th, 2013 at 10:40 pm
I wish I still lived there. It’s hard to get Buc coverage in Montana without paying more that what an actual ticket would cost me. 🙁
August 26th, 2013 at 10:45 pm
I just listened to King and I don’t know what Adam was listening to, but what I heard was hatred and ignorance coming from King’s mouth. Wait let me re-click and listen to it again like Adam did just to make sure…..Yup same thing ignorance and hatred.
August 26th, 2013 at 10:45 pm
My gut’s telling me we’re in for a long season of Freeman stinking up a storm eventually being replaced by Glennon but King is a know it all piece of sh!t that likes to hear himself talk and I’m tired of hearing him run his mouth.
August 26th, 2013 at 10:48 pm
“The plan is to look really flat, inconsistent muddle through daily injury report. In an effort lull the rest of the division into a false sense of security.”
If you do a little research about Schiano and his college days. This is exactly what he does. It used to drive the press crazy in N.J. He’s very secretive. Trust me I’ve done the research on the guy.
August 26th, 2013 at 10:52 pm
Here lately, I have to hit the mute button, most of the time, for the Ron & Ian, show….but as soon as I hear Shawn King….I change stations….How they keep their jobs, on a station that says they are the HOME of the Bucs, is beyond me…..
August 26th, 2013 at 10:56 pm
I’m sorry but this is just laughable lol.
What a complete tool!
It’s clear he’ll say anything to gain attention ahahaha
August 26th, 2013 at 10:56 pm
This season is not going to be all about Freeman imo. It’s going to be all about Dougie. Freeman will be an afterthought, like Ponder is to A.P. in Minny.
August 26th, 2013 at 10:59 pm
PRBucFan …did you listen to the audio, because at first I just went by Joe’s article. Until Adam said such nice things about King, then I listened to the audio. Which made me form my own opinion.
August 26th, 2013 at 11:05 pm
I could really see this crap if it was week 3 or 4 of the regular season, but sheez it’s the preseason. Can we at least get 1/4 of a real game before we write off the season, the coach, the players and the Bucs?
Doom and gloom, the sky is falling, the world is going to end. King is the pied piper and the rats can’t jump off the ship fast enough. I sure hope all you idiots can swim.
August 26th, 2013 at 11:09 pm
August 26th, 2013 at 11:12 pm
WOW. COMPLETELY disgaree with King. Like I said before, I think he just tries to stir things up and that is why I usually ignore him.
This is ridiculous though.
Anyone with a brain can see the plan over the last 3 years with Mark. They got a QB, built up the line and drafted WRs. Some worked, some didn’t. Then they built the D-Line through the draft and had some bad luck there with Price and Adams. When they felt the time was right they went and got a couple peices on offense and then filled the secondary on defense.
It has been a complete plan with a forward looking draft the last 3 years.
People seem to think every draft pick needs to hit when the reality on EVERY team is most draft picks are gone from the team within 4 years.
August 26th, 2013 at 11:14 pm
The thing is Mac I’ve got all these fans in check. I’m JBF’s personal thread documenter. Yah it’s lame and I have no life, but it’s what I’m doing. If I see someone so adamantly negative or far out there wrong. I copy and save their comments for later on in the season. I don’t want anyone to forget what they said back in August later on when the team is winning games.
August 26th, 2013 at 11:16 pm
Exactly Dave. It’s almost like how Dom said he would do it 3 years ago. Sounds like he has a plan and following through with it. And Schiano not having a plan or back up plan? This guy has three different contingency plans on how to put on his underwear.
August 26th, 2013 at 11:20 pm
“The best laid plans”
Glazers get rid of a winning coach (Dungy)
Give up a bunch of draft picks & pay $8 mil for Gruden and…….kazamm!!! Win a Superbowl.
Wow….what genius.
Now that’s what I call a plan….
But…what do you do for an Encore?
Now we can get Gruden again…but it won’t cost us any draft picks and a lot less money….
If all else fails…..we can count on Jon!!!
August 26th, 2013 at 11:22 pm
I remember 4 years ago every one was complaining about how Dom wasnt getting Free agents when he said he would in a couple years. Then he started getting free agents the same year he said he was going to and now the complaints are he had to get them because he cant draft. Now what? When they prove they have a back up plan are there going to be complaints that they had to have a back up plan because the first one failed and was dumb?
August 26th, 2013 at 11:23 pm
Every time you post something by Shawn King I stop reading your site for three days. It’s pure garbage and there are other sites to spend my time on.
August 26th, 2013 at 11:27 pm
@ TM
Then you’ll love this:
“Shaun King, one of two Buc Quarterbacks that lost a NFC Championship Game when his defense gave up 11 or fewer points.”
August 26th, 2013 at 11:28 pm
To be fair, I think Shaun King is right. Dom first started off in 2009 by signing Free Agents, trading for vets and getting a QB. Then they scrapped the whole Free Agency thing and wanted to “BUILD THROUGH THE DRAFT” Without signing Veteran Free Agents and use money to retain their own guys.
After 2011, Dom scrapped that plan and started signing guys. 2 have not panned out so far. Hit big on Jackson. Made some mistakes in Wright, Quincy Black, Michael Koenen (seriousny, who gives 6 years 20 million to a damn punter who isn’t even in the top 15 in punter statistical categores) and possibly Carl Nicks seems to be a FA Bust due to injury.
King is right. But not about Schiano. It’s Dominik who doesn’t have a plan. And it’s shown. He says he is all about drafting Captiains. The captains of our team are guys not Drafted by Dom, except Gerald McCoy.
Listening to this entire show this morning, both King and Beckles made a lot of good points about the personel and decision making of how this team is built. They’ve invested a ton of cash in the oline and quite frankly, they’re two inside Guards are not healthy and are making top 5 money. And Dom did not come back with a back up plan to solidify the interior offensive line with both Nicks and Joseph coming off a serious injury each. A torn Pattella Tendon is not something you just come back 100% in a year. Worse than ACL tears.
Invested a ton in Revis coming off the surgery as well. Had no depth to the dline with Clayborn and Bowers coming off serious injuries as well with the knee and achilles.
It’s like Dom has no idea what he’s doing. He knows how to manage the cap very well. But the decision making and talent evaluation has me scratching my head. He’s in year 5 and there is a good chance this team at best can win 9 games. At worst, we could be “Tanking for Teddy”. And I’m not lying either.
August 26th, 2013 at 11:31 pm
I usually don’t take pot shots at Shaun King…..but this time I can’t help it.
I think Shaun King may just be Oprah in Drag!!!
August 26th, 2013 at 11:32 pm
Tm…JBF is a great site but it is not the Buc bible. I go all over the net for Buc info. I’ve found positive stuff being said about the Bucs by others, that for some reason JBF can’t find. Football is the ONLY sport I like. So this is my time of the year man. I take in as much as I can while I can.
August 26th, 2013 at 11:32 pm
Pardon me….that would be Oprah is Shaun King in Drag…..to be PC.
August 26th, 2013 at 11:35 pm
@chris …so you don’t think the Glazers told Dom to keep the team cheap early on in Dom’s tenure?
August 26th, 2013 at 11:38 pm
@chris…but if they were tanking for teddy or Clowney , then why go after Revis and Goldson? To sell tickets?
August 26th, 2013 at 11:39 pm
It’s just going to keep getting worse until the season starts. Then it will be about how we beat a bad team in the Jets. Then how every team we beat lost the game for themselves this season. So is life as a Bucs fan.
I would encourage King and all the other menstruating females in here to go get their feminine products before the entire state of Florida runs out of stock.
Seriously guys, lighten up, can we see these guys in real action before we declare the season over?
August 26th, 2013 at 11:44 pm
I wish Schiano the best of luck and hope he does well but if they bucs stink it up and get rid of the coaching staff I wouldn’t mind Lovie Smith as head coach an Rob Marinelli as DC. But like I said Schiano is coach now and I support him 100%
August 26th, 2013 at 11:45 pm
First of all, in my post, I never said anything about MY attitude about the team. I’m telling you about what I heard on the radio today and it made sense. Now, if there is a giant underhanded conspiracy operating under the guise of La Cosa Glazer, I don’t know. The Glazers having “money issues” doesn’t make you sign that POS Michael Clayton – that’s just being a shitty GM. And if the Glazers are in “cost saving mode” why wait until JANUARY to fire your coach who’s under contract so you can pay TWO COACHES instead of 1, not to mention double-promote one who is semi-retarded?
I listened to the entire show today with Shaun King. I didn’t hear any “hatred.” The guy was critical of the team. We can’t be critical of the Bucs? What? Re-signing Michael Clayton was a GOOD move? Derrick Ward was a smart FA signing? Trading up for Luke Stocker has paid dividends? Letting Jeff Garcia walk for Byron Leftwich? How about hiring an OC who never ended up calling a play and was fired before the season started? We’re just supposed to turn our heads and blindly cheer for that? People seem to forget that Shaun King went to Gibbs High School in St. Pete. He was a Bucs fan as a kid. He sat in the end zone for the Bucs 20-10 playoff win over the Lions in 1997. I think it was a dream come true for him to play here.
But I go back to my two points from earlier – Dominik is a lousy evaluator of talent. Schiano is a college coach who never won anything in college, so there’s skepticism as to whether he’s qualified to work on the NFL level. Those are Shaun King’s TWO MAJOR CRITICISMS OF THE BUCS.
Now if you have a problem with those, prove him wrong. Where’s Dominik’s lights-out talent evaluation? Who are we going to point to as examples of consistently finding winners in the draft and in FA? Do you realize in 4 drafts, Dominik has extended the contract of ONE player? ONE. Build through the draft? In 4 years, he’s found 1 guy worth keeping.
I’ll tell you a TRUE STORY: I went to a town hall at One Buc Place 3 years ago. It was right before Freeman’s first FULL season as a starter and they were still doing this “build through the draft” nonsense. I asked Mark Dominik point-blank, “If the Bucs are thinking that Freeman is their franchise quarterback, why not pick up some PROVEN weapons for him in free agency to make his NFL transition EASIER?” Dominik said to me in response, “I’m assuming you wanted Brandon Marshall to come in here?” I said, “Actually, I wanted Anquan Boldin.” But Dominik answered me by saying that his “idea” was that he was going to draft a GROUP of players that would all mature together. He even referenced Emmett/Troy/Michael and Peyton/Edgerin/Harrison as examples. I didn’t have a chance to rebut his response, but the plan was sound…..
…. assuming you can pick 5 Hall of Famers in the draft.
Well after three years, that didn’t happen, so the purse strings magically opened. If only he had listened to me. See what Boldin did for Joe Flacco?
And to answer BUC1987’s question: “Why do I waste my money on a team I have no faith in?”
First, I do have FAITH. I was raised Catholic and faith, by definition (from my CCD classes anyway) is believing blindly when you have no proof or things make no sense. My standard answer to ANYONE who has any excuse about not going to a game (ticket prices, cheap owners, parking, concession prices, drunk fans, bad food, too hot, “why are the games blacked out?” – did I get them all?) is that REAL fans go to games. They don’t sit home. If there’s a ticket to be had, you go.
And I don’t consider it a waste. I have 3 seats. I go with my wife and my best friend from high school and we make a day of it. Even if it’s a crappy game, it’s a day outside watching football & tailgating. Plus, I have seats in the shade the whole game in the sliver right next to the club section. Quite frankly, they’re awesome seats and I wouldn’t give them up just because I know I’d never get them back again. My ticket rep told me that my section is one of a handful that is 100% sold out.
And I’m not a phony. When the Bucs sucked in the 80’s all the kids in my neighborhood in Dunedin became Dolphins fans, especially when Marino was drafted. Not me. I still had my orange-and-red Montgomery Ward Bucco Bruce Huffy. I’m not one of these people who went to Bucs games in 1997 when it became cool. I was a junior at USF and I was going to the Marshall Center buying tickets with cash the week of the game at the Ticketmaster booth. When the Bucs hit 5-0, the next game sold out and I wasn’t able to buy tickets at the booth anymore because all the fair-weather phony-baloneys came pouring out of the baseboards with their tags-still-on pewter Adidas gear. It was bull crap. I never wanted to be accused of being that. So I stick with the Bucs through all the turmoil.
And look at it this way… it could be a lot worse. We could be the Jets.
August 26th, 2013 at 11:48 pm
WestCoast…please stay on JBF for the season. I look to you, walter, bambam, and bonzai as my voice of reason. Seeing how Junkie bailed out and I don’t blame him either, with all the negativity. I’ve said I was going to not blog anymore…several times on here or read the comments anymore. I am getting real close to finally living up to those words and not come on here at all. If that happens I will however continue to copy the posts I deem BS and save them until after the season.
August 26th, 2013 at 11:53 pm
loudmouth hater fathead…. king u suck
August 27th, 2013 at 12:17 am
Man….. Shawn king is a hater. A buc hater. Been sayiing it since day one. He is a bust. The most negative buc hater I know. Worst than non buc fans. Trust me. Let’s boycott him. Tell him to cover The Bobcats or tue Astros. We don’t ned his opionion
August 27th, 2013 at 12:17 am
Man….. Shawn king is a hater. A buc hater. Been sayiing it since day one. He is a bust. The most negative buc hater I know. Worst than non buc fans. Trust me. Let’s boycott him. Tell him to cover The Bobcats or tue Astros. We don’t ned his opionion
August 27th, 2013 at 12:25 am
Lol @tampabaybucfan
August 27th, 2013 at 12:28 am
king queen she don!t know how play the football …….
August 27th, 2013 at 12:34 am
That’s my boy loung!
August 27th, 2013 at 1:57 am
I used to post a lot more. Then I realized that no amount of comments can convince a person that an orange is not red. Some people refuse logic and will just call you stupid. Once you realize this, it is a little easier to believe that people actually think Schiano ran an entire draft while Dom grabbed coffee. Or that Freeman is a drunk that spends more time drinking than studying. (As if somehow only a few people in a comment section of a blog are the only ones to notice. Imagine that, a franchise quarterback shows up to several public events “completely wasted” and not a single member of the media notices? )
I’m really about to explode waiting for the season to start. Madden 25 comes tomorrow. That will make the wait a little easier.
August 27th, 2013 at 2:22 am
Adam L says:
“I’m not one of these people who went to Bucs games in 1997 when it became cool. I was a junior at USF and I was going to the Marshall Center buying tickets with cash the week of the game at the Ticketmaster booth. When the Bucs hit 5-0, the next game sold out and I wasn’t able to buy tickets at the booth anymore because all the fair-weather phony-baloneys came pouring out of the baseboards with their tags-still-on pewter Adidas gear. It was bull crap. I never wanted to be accused of being that. So I stick with the Bucs through all the turmoil.”
“And look at it this way… it could be a lot worse. We could be the Jets.”
Thanks man for taking the time out of your night to clarify that for me, as you owe me nothing. Perhaps now you can understand my original skepticism of you owning season tickets. You are a true fan that understands that this team is FULL of fairweather fans. I saw what you saw too in 97′. I used to go to a lot of games back in 88-91, I got laughed at in high school for being a Bucs fan. Then I moved out of state. Far out of state, California. I took my Vinny jersey with me. I got laughed at while I lived out there too. I moved back in 92 broke as a joke, but I was able to go to a few games here and there up unitl 96. Then like you said the fairweather fans moved in. It was crazy trying to get tickets. Then I moved out of state again around 98-2002. I had to watch my Bucs from N.C. It was not that much different though other than I had to go to a bar to see them on TV. So basically you just taught me a lesson. Now that I have my season tickets, I’m not giving them up. Whether my Bucs suck or not. I may have to move to the cheaper seats at some point, but I’m always going to be there. I’m firmly planted now in the Tampa Bay area, so I don’t see why not go to every game. I’ll still have my seats, and wait for the fairweather fans to come moving in. I still think King is bitter though.
August 27th, 2013 at 2:34 am
@WestCoastBucsFan…I hear ya. Just wanted to let you know that I appreciated your points and insight. I’m trying real hard to stay away from this comment section. It’s just that my job is at a desk in front of a computer 9 hours a day, I am my own boss, and I work from home. It gets boring ya know, and football is the only sport I care about. I’ve been trying to stay away, finding other stuff to do around the house and such. Looking for a hobby or something lol. I really have grown tired of fighting with fellow Buc fans. I fight more with them, than I used to on AOL football chat back in 2000 with fans of other teams. That’s really why I want to get away from this comment section. It becomes redundant with all these negative clueless, nonsense fans.
August 27th, 2013 at 3:04 am
One thing Schiano will certainly do is produce solid players like he always has. Better organizations will be watching and waiting.
August 27th, 2013 at 4:24 am
Eric Says
“Kinda like when he planned to cut Brooks to develop Geno Hayes. That’s a plan. A dumb one…..”
Wait. I know you are smarter than that.
For years Bucs fans complained the team was getting too old. Play-by-play guys actually laughed at how slow Brooks had become during a broadcast.
Do you forget all the pewter and red walker jokes?
The Bucs took a PR hit every time they cut one of those guys, but the fans expected the team to get younger? Dominick did the right thing in letting Brooks go. The Bucs were going into a rebuilding phase, the lockout was looming and he had a cap to get under better control.
I never believe Hayes would be any good, but Brooks still had to go.
August 27th, 2013 at 4:38 am
Adam L says
“Do you realize in 4 drafts, Dominik has extended the contract of ONE player? ONE. Build through the draft? In 4 years, he’s found 1 guy worth keeping.”
Do you realize how long rookie contracts are?
Those contracts from his first year won’t be up for extension until the end of this year. That’s why Freeman is now in a contract year.
August 27th, 2013 at 4:42 am
And, Adam L., Dominick has extended more than one player…even if he didn’t draft each one. Williams got an extension. Zuttah got and extension. Penn got an extension. Joseph got one. Several backups got them. You havexselective memory.
August 27th, 2013 at 4:55 am
I suspect the Bucs might sign Lawrence Jackson for a look-see. He is a former first rounder dline guy and we all know the Bucs like trying out former first rounders..
August 27th, 2013 at 6:02 am
You know what’s really funny about all your comments bashing king? A lotof you guys aren’t actually challenging what he’s said with facts.
I hear about our O-line. Yeah when all healthy we have a great line. But nicks has been hurt more than her played Davin has missed a full year. He’s done that a couple times now. No not the GM’s fault but it IS his.fault we didn’t have good back ups to fill their spots.
OK let’s talk D-line. That’s where most teams who draft 1-2 rounds for the last few years show the most improvement right? Have we really improved? How many sacks does our first teamers have this preseason?
OK he got revis. But he gave up and #1 and #3 to get him and had to pay him $1 MILLION DOLLARS A GAME!!! How on earth is that a good get? Yes the best db in the game when healthy. But this guy isn’t worth $1million a game is he? We could’ve signed a couple pass rushers with that money. And gotten A couple of good dbs as well.
So how on earth was that a good deal for the bugs? One player giving up all that. When 3-4 players could’ve been had to fill holes on your team.
OK free agents. We’ve given out the too free agent contracts a little too much.
OK getting long winded. Sorry. I just want you die hard fans to understand one thing.
I grew up with king. I knew him before his ego got over inflated. For those who know my name here. You can check those pictures they show of king I was in some of those pictures when he was young. I know he’s a bucd fan. He says a lot of things a true fan says. A realistic honest fan says. He’s a die hard bugs fan with an ultimate forum. There’s a reason the bugs still let him in the team facilities. HES TELLING YOU THE TRUTH!!!!
as much as I hate king. As much as I want him to be wrong. Facts are facts. And some of you people need to see you just come off as homers for getting upset when you call him names.
I mean honestly. When’s the last Sunday you went into a bucs game and thought to yourself. WE ARE GOING TO KILL THIS TEAM TODAY! CANT WAIT TO WATCH THE BUCS DOMINATE THIS TEAM. And they actually did?
August 27th, 2013 at 7:07 am
I was about to say majority of the things you said. I hear this show for the first time today and I agree with majority of what was said.
King was talking about how last year we could’ve had Cortland Finnegan for much cheaper than what it cost us for Revis. He talked about how this team when it comes to acquiring players is, as of late, haven’t been well thought out on how impact the team in the future. We can even add this year when Grimes and other cbs was free agents. Teaming them up with Revis while letting Wright go would’ve been a better trade off than what we have here. Bank is solid. Gorrer and Johnson improved. Everyone else is pretty much a coin toss.
He went from the Youngry phase of only wanting to draft unproven guys to build a team. Which is good. He’s objection is the lack of proven vets to mix in with the rebuilding process. And not helping Coach Morris by not signing anyone. I totally agree with that. When the team of young guys struggle or had injuries, then things got very ugly.
The lack of depth is 100% on Dominic. Me personally the biggest flaw in his plan is that it contains too many unknown project guys. Like Penn and Dotson. But for every Penn and Dotson there are a lots of guy that don’t pan out. Like Larsen, Remmer, Meredith, Danny Noble, Nate Bynam and other many late round pick or practice squad project. I believe the focus is too much on trying to find the diamond in the rough and relying of that alone. It’s already hard for good college player to make it in the NFL. But it’s even harder for guys that come from unknown school that might’ve been 2 stars out of high school to make it.
Look at our O Line since the GM been here. When one guy goes down, then the season over. Other teams like Pittsburgh, Giants, Patriots, Cowboys, Dolphins, Falcons and others don’t have O Line problems that last more than 2 years. They have no problem drafting and signing veteran O Linemen when needed. Also, some draft O Line to keep building and adding talent to the depth chart. Our team just don’t have that. Even teams that get a new Qb have sense enough to draft or sign someone good on tape to protect them.
I’m not just talking about this preseason. I’m talking about all the bull crap over 5 years. From Trueblood lasting longer than he should as well as Faine. It’s took too long to replace them and get better talents. Now we still are behind in talent on the O line and other places. This team isn’t prepared for the worst case situation of G MAC. This team isn’t ready for another Clayborn injury. We just not ready at TE at all healthy or not. Only Crabtree the standout IMO. Our Wrs depth isn’t that good after the third or fourth guy. This strategy badly need to be reviewed and revised.
August 27th, 2013 at 7:31 am
Now with coach. I absolute agree with he (King) said. He (coach) appears stubborn. Why are we stunting when it doesn’t work for us on 3rd down? Trevor Scott made everyone looks like fools with just going one on one without stunting resluting in 2.5 sack. What’s the point in running stunt when it take less than 3 or 4 second for the qb to throw? Also, the 3 man down set is annoying. What’s funny the last game was the only time it worked with a sack. But all the other time was just a very bad idea or, another way of saying it, automatic first down. It’s make no sense to give up first down on 3rd and 15. Why not zone blitz on long 3rd downs to force quick short passes? It’s not illegal to blitz on 3rd and long.
On offense the team don’t adjust well to the game situation. This team coordinators as a whole don’t adjust well. The offense corndinator need to run more roll out play if this horrible blocking continues. We need to cut down on running only deep routes. There need to be two short routes to dump the ball off when there aren’t enough time. We suck at screens, but we still need to do them better.
August 27th, 2013 at 8:08 am
@ buc1987 you really should include me in the group of
Knowledgeable positive fans, I am a defender of justice and have fiercely defended Josh daily for a few years now. I am not feeling the love Broski ….:)
August 27th, 2013 at 8:21 am
I said that that Dominik has extended exactly ONE player that he drafted. That is accurate. He didn’t draft Davin Joseph. He didn’t draft Donald Penn. that’s not “selective memory.” That’s … Um…….. That’s………. That’s actually remembering stuff.
Nice try though.
The point is, he didn’t bet that talent and pick it from the tree. I’ll even ding him one further Roland say when it comes to evaluating skill positions he’s horrible because he chose to extend MICHAEL CLAYTON.
August 27th, 2013 at 8:33 am
I’ll be the first to say I might give Dom to much leeway. I feel he’s done a decent job of getting players on this team. He hasn’t got the best depth, but he’s getting the starters first and now it’s probably time to work on depth next year. Is 5 years too long to accomplish this? Probably. I’m also willing to cut him some slack because of Rah his first few years. I know the Coaches don’t make the final decision on who to draft but they have input, and I think he has done a much better job since Schiano has gotten here. Rah had A LOT of push in drafting Freeman in the first round, then Schiano gets here and they draft a QB almost as good as Freeman in the third round. And that’s almost as good as a rookie. Glennon could very well be better than Freeman as soon as next year. All in all I’m pretty stinking happy with the Rock Star and New Schiano Order team. I think they work well together
August 27th, 2013 at 9:37 am
Adam Says: August 27th, 2013 at 8:21 am
I said that that Dominik has extended exactly ONE player that he drafted. That is accurate. He didn’t draft Davin Joseph. He didn’t draft Donald Penn. that’s not “selective memory.” That’s … Um…….. That’s………. That’s actually remembering stuff.
Nice try though.”
And you ignore my point about the contracts…tthe point that addressed your comment concerning drafted players.
Nice try.
August 27th, 2013 at 9:51 am
thats it Shaun “burger” King thats his new name!
August 27th, 2013 at 9:57 am
Buc1987, thanks for the compliment.
The greatest feature Joe could add to the website would be an ignore commenter button so that we would not have to even see their posts. I would so enjoy that.
There is a large amount of negativity here. Not from Joe but from the commenters.
What I don’t understand is how anyone can be a fan of something that is not fun. If all these people honestly feel the way they seem to, why be fans of the Bucs? Isn’t it easier to follow teams like the Packers or Patriots? Of course it is.
But they have instead decided to do the harder thing. They follow the Bucs. They’ve made the choice and there was a time when fans understood what that meant.
There was a time when all Bucs fans were “homers”. It wasn’t an insult. It was a term that described the strongest of fans. Fans that knew the team needed improvement but supported every move made, every player drafted or signed. They never rooted against any Bucs player. They simply rooted for players to do better.
Any they certainly did not play GM and say something had to happen or else. “Freeman better make the playoffs or he’s done!” Like any fan truly has a say in it.
A wise man once wrote “Why worry about things I cannot change?”
The product is what it is. I refuse to let negativity suck the enjoyment out of my fandom. I completely ignored the dameday thread this past saturday except for one comment I made at the beginning. Why let those guys destroy my chance to enjoy the game?
It is tempting at times to stop commenting, but instead I try to not read certain posters. It makes things a bit better. I have noticed though that certain onces were inactive during the off season and are now starting to show up again. Thomas. Miguel. Etc. To me, this is a sure sign that they are fans of other team and only come to troll during the season.
August 27th, 2013 at 9:58 am
Shaun king? ……yawn.
more thread police nazi copy and paste? Ive never seen someone in their 40’s so doggone immature….copy that!
August 27th, 2013 at 10:22 am
[…] Shaun King had some harsh words for Greg Schiano. [JoeBucsFan] […]
August 27th, 2013 at 10:27 am
Couldn’t agree more. I just don’t understand how a person can live their life pissing and moaning about something that is supposed to be fun.
Real football. Real soon.
August 27th, 2013 at 10:55 am
@Raphael ..lol those are the posters that go to great lengths to break things down for the dumb people. Yes your a Freeman supporter and take the hits for it too, just like me. It’s just that they go all out and explain why they still believe in Freeman.
@Bonzai..I’m learning to just read their dumb comments and ignore them. If they are really ignorant. Then I copy and save them for a later date to prove how dumb their “opinions” actually were. I’ve already formed my own opinion about the Buc fan base way before I found this site. So it’s not too hard to find the dumb ones.
August 27th, 2013 at 11:21 am
I piss and moan because I see mismanagement. I see what could have been. If you listen closely to what Shaun says, he is right. He says they easily could have chosen Luke Keachley and he’s a freaking beast right now. We were incredibly weak at LB and they passed on the best LB in the game. We are going to have to face him twice a year for the next dozen years and every time, he will rub our noses in it. Barron will not be extended and will be long gone.
Speaking of not having a plan. Why did they jump out immediately and pay way too much Dashon Golson, when he is basically the same player as Barron. An in the box safety. Don’t they need to shore up the pass defense. It seemed to me that they did all right last year against the run.
Being a Buc fan is like having a 350LB wife. Maybe dear, you should mix in a salad and pass on the Ben & Jerry’s. Some of you guys would put a blue ribbon in her hair and enter her in the county fair year after year after year.
Imagine being a Rutgers fan, not winning anything for 11 years and now they have a Little General clone coaching there. Schiano had a 90% win ratio over the service academies but a .501% record is over a decade.
Buc1987 cut and pasted wikipedia where there were dozens of pro players drafted out of Rutgers but no Big East title.
What was the plan in hiring Schiano?? I keep bringing up the Jadaveon Clowney Project (JCP), but who am I kidding, that would take advance planning.
August 27th, 2013 at 11:27 am
I’ve said I was going to not blog anymore…several times on here or read the comments anymore. I am getting real close to finally living up to those words and not come on here at all. If that happens I will however continue to copy the posts I deem BS and save them until after the season.
Just being sarcastic here but how can you copy posts you deem BS if you don’t read the posts any more?
I was one of the fans that used to go to all of the games, buy a ticket outside the game on the cheap and sit were I wanted. Then came the 5-0 start in 97. After that I bought the remaining games up front and put in my PSL application for 98. When it came to renew I had to give up my seats as I was priced out of them due to my own life choices and some unexpected events. Now I just root for them to be good enough for the band wagon fans to come back so I can see every game due to the fact I can only afford 1 or 2 games a year.
August 27th, 2013 at 11:40 am
rdbucfan…yah that was poorly written. What I meant was. I’m getting real close to not commenting anymore at all. Although I will still read the comments and copy the dumb ones down without commenting back. I did realize that it was poorly written right after I posted it. lol
August 27th, 2013 at 12:11 pm
Steve Spurrier was known for winning National Championships and winning the SEC. Came to the NFL and sucked ass. It’s far easier to recruit players to come to UF than it is to get them to come to Rutgers.
August 27th, 2013 at 1:00 pm
thats the dumbiest thing i’ve heard him say yet….so theres no plan in place because he doesnt know the plan? who reaches those positions by going with the flow…kyle more was gifted the end position, so was gaines adams i wasnt hearing this then. they they gutted the team and cut our hall of fame player derrick brooks did they have a plan for geno hayes and quincy black….at some point you have to put your cards on the table to find out what kind of players you have so that you know what to do in the draft…you cant shore up every single position in one draft considering all the holes we had. some buc fan shaun king…i think your so high on josh freeman because you have no choice, your career was great because the defense was but you were no josh freeman during your buc days
August 27th, 2013 at 1:10 pm
@Miguel El Magnifico
oh here we go with the hindsight comments…we got lavonte david and he’s just as good, did we need a middle linebacker at the time? everyone misses like everyone that missed on tom brady, anyone of us could do a mock draft after a players rookie season….people are talking like its common to have probowl talent at every position, even our superbowl team didnt, we had key guys at key spots but our entire defense didnt make it to the probowl. i’d rather find out if bowers is the real deal this year that to keep holding on trying to develop him, either he is or he isnt the player we want him to be…bringing in old used up players at every position isnt how you run things…see patriots, giants, packers, steelers, broncos, niners…seattle had a great draft since pete carroll but so have we since schiano
August 27th, 2013 at 3:48 pm
I think I’m becoming a Shaun King apologist.
I’m reading all these comments where people are railing the guy, but no one is stepping out and doing anything to prove him WRONG. This reminds me of the Presidential debates when Romney would lay out a detailed plan to create jobs and Obama would say, “Well, you can’t do that.” SAYS WHO???
I understand that you might not like someone trashing the home team, but the guy has an opinion/theory. If you disagree with, say WHY. Don’t just name call.
He can have a theory and be FAT. It doesn’t make him wrong. You can be RIGHT and just EAT ALOT.
Shaun King has gone on record and said that Mark Dominik is a lousy evaluator of talent….. if you don’t agree with him, feel free to make a fat joke, but then follow it up with the name of the 7th round gem that he unearthed, or the practice squad nobody that rushed for 1,200 yards.
I agree with Shaun. Why?
-He extended Michael Clayton (Hadn’t we seen enough?)
-He traded UP for Luke Stocker
-He threw major dollars at Derrick Ward
-Barrett Ruud walked… never really replaced (I’m not completely sold on Foster)
-Cadillac walked…never really replaced (DJ Ware anyone?)
-Picked Mark Barron over Mo Claiborne… major reach for a safety and then, predictably, CB depth became an issue. I’ve said it before – if Mark Barron doesn’t become Ronnie Lott/Ed Reed, that pick was a waste. Barron’s numbers could have been duplicated in rounds 3-5.
-Speaking of CBs, he has LOUSY luck with them. Wright, Talib, Biggers, Gaitor, Myron Lewis, Keith Tandy… then he has the chance to pick one high in the draft and he takes a safety?
-And if ANY of those guys worked out and became starters, would Bucs fans be on pins and needles about Revis’ knee right now? The Bucs could have stood pat, drafted Xavier Rhodes or Desmond Trufant with less of a financial commitment. Lord knows, in hindsight, the Bucs might need that money to replace Carl Nicks.
-He likes to take chances on injured players who are returning to the field. Have ANY panned out? I know why he does it. If it works out, he looks like a genius, but it hasn’t happened yet.
So with all that being said, can you see WHY Shaun King says that Dominik is a lousy talent evaluator?
I’ll give Dominik credit for one thing: he’s a good cap manipulator. By moving that guaranteed money on Jackson and Nicks to 2012’s cap, he didn’t sink the franchise’s financial situation thanks to Toe-Gate. He is essentially a young Bruce Allen.