Pro Bowl Expectations For Adrian Clayborn
July 2nd, 2013
Greg Schiano told a nationwide audience of the lofty goals he has for Adrian Clayborn
Greg Schiano has something in common with former Bucs captain Jeff Faine. And no, it’s not that Schiano likes Saltines and anchovies.
Both are smitten with Adrian Clayborn. Schiano said on NFL Network yesterday he believes Clayborn can bounce back from injury with a Pro Bowl season.
“When we got there and evaluated, ‘this guy’s going to be a great player for us,'” Schiano said of studying Clayborn before the 2012 season.
“And we still feel that way. He’s rehabbed, and he’s back, and he’ll be ready. If he can kind of do what Gerald McCoy did, you know Gerald came back and played a full season healthy and was a Pro Bowler. We feel A.C. can do that.”
Also yesterday, Faine, who was pounded mightily on these here pages for his lousy loyalty during the 2011 lockout, told JP Peterson on WDAE-AM 620 that Clayborn is a “man-child” standout who should be improved, even coming off a major injury.
“Clayborn, even though I was only there for his rookie season, I am extremely, extremely impressed with him. And I believe that he’s just going to become better and better and better,” Faine said. “He’s one of those guys that’s just a man-child playing out there on the edge. He’s a little different. He’s not going to out-athlete from the standpoint of running around you, but he’s going run right over you. And he’s got the speed to get the corner if you bear down on him too hard.”
While Faine’s endorsement doesn’t mean much, it’s crystal clear the Bucs’ braintrust believes Clayborn is a stud-in-waiting. It’s all part of the Bowers-Clayborn, no-Bennett dice roll of 2013. (You can catch the entire Faine interview below.)
July 2nd, 2013 at 6:19 pm
Now this is what I like to see.
I asked @NFLosophy on twitter about the Bucs pass defense a while back. He said that “. . . Clayborn is a beast. He’ll help.”
I think Clayborn could definitely be primed for a pro bowl season. The guy was a terror as a rookie. With all the time spent on training and film study he should be better than ever. The guy just needs to stay healthy.
July 2nd, 2013 at 6:35 pm
Yeah OK, I admit, I have a *mancrush* on this dude. I think he should fasten shivs at the end of his dreads and do the Medusa Spin Move.
Man, …This guy looks intimidating!!!.
How’s that for unadulterated homerism?
July 2nd, 2013 at 6:49 pm
Yes. So much yes.
July 2nd, 2013 at 6:59 pm
Got my vote for the medusa spin move…
July 2nd, 2013 at 7:24 pm
i’ve liked clayborn since the day we drafted him, he’s real nasty with a mean streak . he plays hard as hell but seems to be cool off judging by what i’ve seen, plus he played for Iowa and i lived there for a couple years so im rooting for him.. HE RAN SLAP OVER MATTY ICE ….HOPE HE DOES IT THIS YEAR TOO!!!
July 2nd, 2013 at 7:25 pm
Clayborn is all heart and motor. At the end of 2011, when we were having a crappy year and most of our defense was mailing it in, Clayborn was all go. He could get flat-out pancaked by an O-lineman, and he would still bounce right back up and put himself back into the play.
This should be a huge year for him, and I know he thinks he has a lot to prove. I’m really looking forward to seeing Clayborn, Bowers, and McCoy all healthy and playing together for a full season. Let’s hope that happens this year.
July 2nd, 2013 at 7:50 pm
Clayborn is a beast. Just ask Matty Ice!
July 2nd, 2013 at 7:59 pm
He is the “Predator”. I can totally see him Beasting QB’s with GMC pushing the pocket. The guy is relentless and if Bowers comes into his own, this defense can be tops in the NFL.
July 2nd, 2013 at 8:03 pm
Jesus, I said all that about AC since he was a rookie, and I’m glad as hell to see that he is back and healthy, (no good news for Matty Ice) watch out for this guy, I’m telling you!! Again, to all the know-it-alls, We Will Be Better, period!!
July 2nd, 2013 at 9:36 pm
Believe it or not, I was thinking about this guy today as I walked up to the liberry doors to collect that last volume of ”The Wheel of Time.” Mostly what I thought was that Clayborn hass been a decent player when he has been on the pitch, but unlike McCoy, he has not begun to return the 1st-round value expended for him, & that I really didn’t expect much pass-rush play from him.Merely competence.
I hope I am wrong.
July 2nd, 2013 at 9:58 pm
Thanks Jeff Faine & coach Schiano for stating the obvious. Clayborn is a flat out beast. Like Buc’n Junkie I too have a mancrush on this guy. There is one thing that most Buc fans know and that’s defense. This guy is the real deal. There’s so much young talent on this team it’s sick. When Clayborn went down last season I nearly cried. Love this guy, love love love….love!
July 2nd, 2013 at 10:12 pm
AC has been money since his first play of his first game. The guy has the highest motor on the team and always goes 110%. He was definitely worth his draft pick status. If you think Clayborn doesn’t produce, you haven’t watched him. He can play the run too and has great closing speed.
David Price is smokin!!!
July 2nd, 2013 at 10:17 pm
I was wrong about GMC, helluva player. I would like to apologize for ever doubting Geraldini.
GMC, LVD, Revis, and Goldson. I am stoked about this defense.
Clayborn will come back and be a force, he is too hard nosed to settle for anything less.
All of the prior news on the Adrian Clayborn front was raving about the amount of strength and leaning out he has done. Same goes for GMC. Sounds like this defense is out to beat the heat this year. 8 home games, win them all in the heat, and turn our hard work into an advantage.
I am also 100% convinced that nobody outworks Darrelle Revis. I think he too, can come back from injury and return to #1 CB in the land.
We are bound to hit on on of the: William Gholston, Steven Means, or Akeem Spence. Spence is intruiging.. Picking a fight with Zuttah on his first ever snap in practice, tells me this guy is going to flip the switch on game day and give it all he has every play.
Means is really interesting, I can see him getting a chance to prove something on pass rushing downs. He would pair nicely, running opposite Dakoda Watson on passing downs.
I also see a lot of fight in this team. Prior players: K2, were all about themselves and could not totally sell themselves out and “buy into” T-E-A-M. A lot of our arguments are the verbal twisting of statistics, and the do tell a big part of the picture. However, in order to win, and win consistently in this league one must buy in as much as possible.
All good teams have chemistry, foresight, and selflessness. Look at the 49ers and and the Ravens and Steelers: all led by authoritative coaches, and demand nothing but the best at all times. They all get it, and Mark Dominick should go to Ozzie Newsome’s GM summer camp, that guy is a magician!
In conclusion, this is a freaking playoff team, no excuses.
July 2nd, 2013 at 10:27 pm
@ BigMacAttack
Obviously I agree with your love for AC.
But please, for the sake of humanity, let the moronic “110 percent” sports cliche die.
July 2nd, 2013 at 11:01 pm
Point taken. How about “AC always goes balls to the wall? Or Balls out?”
Not in the mood to argue or be combative right now. Too excited for the season to begin.
July 2nd, 2013 at 11:54 pm
@ BigMacAttack
Balls to the wall
Balls out
Both completely acceptable.
July 3rd, 2013 at 12:04 am
Adrian Clayborn, Mark Barron, Dashon Goldson the Pewter Preditors
July 3rd, 2013 at 3:59 am
So jacked up, just waiting to see Clayborn, McCoy and Bowers working together on the Line. I love all three of those guys, and think the sky is the limit!! Just be patient, and give them time. They may proudly carry on the tradition set by Sapp and Rice!!
And yes- The Medusa Spin! That’s good stuff!
July 3rd, 2013 at 7:11 am
The line can be number one in sacks and in stopping the run, but none of it will matter if Freeman cannot…JUST KIDDING!
I believe that our two un-proven talented ends that have had injuries the last two years will take the league by storm. The season cannot start soon enough.
July 3rd, 2013 at 8:47 am
I’m curious to know why Clayborn was all but invisible last year prior to him being injured.
I love the optimism and admire his motor, but frankly, it’s a bit homerish to say he’s has all pro talent at this point.
July 3rd, 2013 at 11:05 am
@Biff Barker
I am assuming that it was the they have never worked together. It will take a few weeks, but I think that will get better as the season rolls on. The stunts that they ran to stop the run wasn’t helping.
July 5th, 2013 at 12:51 pm
Couldn’t agree with you more. Clayborn did nothing prior to the injury last season. Lets not go overboard with excitement. I never really thought of Clayborn as a pass rush specialist, he is a solid overall player. Nothing elite about his game.
July 9th, 2013 at 4:36 am
I think those of you that think he is not a special player, watch his college highlights. I was lucky enough to see all of his home games in person. As for him not doing anything before his injury last season. Too many people were hurt and defenses were keying on him because of his rookie year which was exceptional. I’m just stoked that one of Iowa’s best players went to my favorite pro team and can’t wait for the season to get underway. Go Bucs!