More Catapult Talk Surrounding Dotson
June 4th, 2013
Greg Schiano and his staff are not shying away from big praise and big expectations for right tackle Demar Dotson
Those holding out hope the Bucs might jump on a veteran right tackle to replace and/or compete with Demar Dotson should probably give it up.
Two weeks ago, offensive line coach Bob Bostad said Dotson had “catapulted” his game after early work this offseason and starting all 16 games last season.
But today at One Buc Palace Greg Schiano took it a step further, saying he expects big improvements from Dotson, who is taking advantage of his late-bloomer opportunity.
“Here’s where he can make a huge jump this year, having that experience in his back pocket,” Schiano said.
Schiano went on to explain that Dotson, a hoops-first guy before taking up football in his senior year in college, didn’t have the benefit of endless live reps in high school and college and is now a blossoming from his 2012 action.
This is very high praise — almost as high as not acquiring competition for Dotson in the offseason. Damn, if Dotson pans out and the rest of the Bucs’ offensive line stays healthy, the Bucs should have the best O-line in the NFL.
June 4th, 2013 at 12:50 pm
Glad Schiano came out and set the record straight. I was taken back by the amount of people, media and fans, that had all but given up on Dot. The guy is inexperienced compared to most pros and still has played admirably for us. A lot of potential there and can become a very good player for us. This is the kind of player you need to give time to grow and I expect big things from him.
June 4th, 2013 at 12:51 pm
Bookend, undrafted, and talented Offensive Tackles. Crafty. It is increasingly clear this team is completely against drafting offensive lineman and prefers signing undrafted/free agent ones. An interesting philosophy I have not really seen employed elsewhere. Seems to be working out so far. And we just may have the best O-line in the league. (When healthy.)
June 4th, 2013 at 12:52 pm
Yep, with one of the best running backs behind it. How can you NOT be excited for the upcoming season?? If our offseason moves pan out, we’re easily a ten win team, possibly 11 or 12 wins if things go REALLY well. If Freeman manages to be a more consistent player, then we can start talking about a deep playoff run. I choose to have faith in our 24 year old quarterback.
June 4th, 2013 at 1:01 pm
Love the optimism. Hopefully the optimism ramps up around here as we get closer to the season.
(Also, Freeman is 25.)
June 4th, 2013 at 1:24 pm
The Pop-star crafty. LOL. Thank goodness that Bruce Allen drafted, found and left this team talent at O-line. All the pop-star has done is hand a big contract to a guy that did not even played 7 games and was limpy in 3 of those. So typical of the pop-star.
June 4th, 2013 at 1:40 pm
That is ALL he has done. You know, people might take you for more than a troll if you at least ACTED like you don’t hate his guts. Its one thing to call out his mistakes. It is totally different to simply ignore ALL the positives and attempt to create the notion there has not been any. Dom prepares for the future. Something your boy toy Allen never could do. (He is being penalized in Washington right now for this very reason.) It took time but Dom finally gutted the roster from all the terrible signings/draft picks that Allen made to get this team to what is now WIDELY CONSIDERED a contender.
By the way, real classy to call Nicks a failed signing after an injury. Especially considering this was the first time he has ever been placed on IR.
June 4th, 2013 at 2:16 pm
I don’t hate the pop-star, I just know that he is a terrible GM. and i would take Bruce Allens win now/ gets to the playoffs over the Pop-star’s long term failures.
If you step back and look at the money given to Nicks, and he played 3-4 games healthy. you can not at this point call it a good signing. He has alot to prove this year.
June 4th, 2013 at 2:41 pm
So you know better than the Glazers? You know better than most analysts? (Shaun King not included.) Terrible huh? You don’t even “think” he is terrible, you KNOW it?
June 4th, 2013 at 2:43 pm
Tw`o one-and-done wild`card pla`yoff appear`ances in his very sh`ort ten`ure. (Not ev`en en`ough to put to`gether his own te`am. Two div`ision tit`les that amoun`ted to a wild`card loss. (One of th`em in h`is first year which DEF`INITELY was NOT the result of Allen’s decision making/drafting.) Then he goes to the Redskins who are now in cap hell and invested everything in a running quarterback that is now coming off a very serious injury.
What happened to Nicks was unfortunate but there is no way Nicks’ injury is “evidence” of how “terrible” a GM Dom is. Injuries are a part of the game for even the best GMs. Ozzie Newsome drafted Sergio Kindle a few picks after Brian Price in 2010. Kindle promptly fell down a flight of stairs, never to really play again. Do you blame Ozzie for this?
June 4th, 2013 at 2:59 pm
lol c’mon man why do you keep throwing peanuts at the apes?
Its clear that Realist is a troll. Every post of his is demeaning to Dom. He is by no means any kind of fan… and if he is then he must lead a really sad and miserable life to be so full of hate for 1 guy.
He has no clue what he is talking about. His posts are clearly intended to get a rise out of you and other fans. Stop responding to his stupidity and he will probably go away.
June 4th, 2013 at 3:22 pm
They still need to address the aging spots on the Oline, but what we have should last a couple years if healthy.
June 4th, 2013 at 3:25 pm
I’m with Couch. Frankly the constant bickering is annoying.
It doesn’t really matter what Realist says or believes. At least no more than anyone else. ihe Bucs forums though…ignore was a nice feature.
June 4th, 2013 at 4:02 pm
Yeah this offensive line is the type that can dominate the pace of a game. We’ve all heard of players dominating a game, but these guys could do it. Staying healthy with Martin, scary good.
June 4th, 2013 at 4:11 pm
you are wrong couch, The real fans are tired of watching the team lose and being the laughing stock at the bottom of the NFC South division. We have been a patient fan base for a long time with no results. It is now time to start to pressure this team for success, And if they don’t get it down then replacements will be found.
June 4th, 2013 at 5:31 pm
@The Realist
Just about any and everyone who posts on JBF is a real fan who is tired of seeing the Bucs lose. I dont think you can find anyone who will sit here and say they are happy finishing last in the division.
Thats a no brainer.
You may want Dom gone and that is fine. But fact is he’s not gone. He’s still here and most likely will be here for a long time to come. No amount of negative posts is gonna change that.
You post and post and post with negativity to the point where you are predicting the Bucs will not make the playoffs before the season has even started… Another fact? On paper we have an incredibly talented team, (which you can’t dispute) the most talented team we’ve had in years, maybe ever. There is no reason to be negative right now. NONE at all. Yes we all know where we have finished in the division the last few years. But that’s the past. We all know if we have a miserable year this year Dom will most likely be gone. You are not telling us anything we do not already know.
I just find it hard to believe that you simply have no hope whatsoever. And it seems more realistic you are trolling more than anything.
June 4th, 2013 at 6:15 pm
And there we have it, the much anticipated follow-up to the daily “JFro” remark…..the “Pop Star” regurgitation. I can tell you about losing. I have sat through every game including the famous 0-26 and the mid 80’s to mid 90’s. Not easy. Sometimes things get better and we all say, as Dave Pear would have, “Whoda thunk it?”
June 4th, 2013 at 7:34 pm
So glad to hear the Dotson Love. I’ve said all offseason , that it was too early to give up on him.
I watched his tape from last year- he is really good in the run game, but had some struggles in the passing game.
But it was his FIRST year. As a first year starter- I’d grade him out as a 7. That’s great!!
I expect him to improve alot this year. And Man! This is one huge, atheletic Tackle. And he plays with leverage! That’s everything for a tall lineman.
I think the future is really bright for our young RT!!!
June 5th, 2013 at 3:47 am
Congrats to Dom for putting together what looks to be (knocks on wood) like an amazing amazing Line.