Will TV Networks Bank On Revis Trade?
April 18th, 2013
The NFL rolls out the 2013 schedule tonight. Joe wants to see whether the TV suits consider the Bucs at Jets game worthy of prime time spotlight.
Joe’s been accused of reading too deeply into things and seeing things, at times, that aren’t really there. One could say this is the foundation of Joe’s romance with Bucs icon Rachel Watson. However, Joe and Rachel did finally rendezvous this summer, so perhaps that’s a bad example.
That written, Joe’s extra eager to see the 2013 NFL schedule unveiled tonight at 8 p.m.
Specifically, Joe wants to see whether network television executives are tapping their inside intelligence and investing in showing a Jets-Bucs game in prime time, specifically at night. The Bucs are pegged to travel to the Meadowlands to take on the Jets; this is the Bucs’ year to play the AFC East (also @New England, plus home for Buffalo and Miami).
Joe must believe the networks would want to air a Bucs-Jets gave in prime time if Darrelle Revis is wearing red and pewter.
Revis is a popular and polarizing guy, and the networks likely would love to show his return to the angry fans of Gotham. But the TV suits decision wil have had to be made already — to be rolled out tonight.
Joe will speculate that if the Bucs-Jets matchup is not chosen as a night game, then the TV honchos were advised a Revis-to-Bucs deal is no lock.
April 18th, 2013 at 9:42 am
I would agree that it might be telling if the Bucs/Jets game is scheduled for prime time, but it might be too big of a gamble for the NFL based on the Jets being in an apparent re-building mode. The game might not have much sizzle if the Jets aren’t competitive. Of course, as long as Rex Ryan s coaching the team there will always be the added drama element, which the league likes.
April 18th, 2013 at 9:51 am
And in the media, what’s in a word? Bucs’ Dominik is quoted in the Tampa paper with, “I’ll like our team when we walk onto the field this year.” When a GM’s view of his team is WALKING onto the field it has the aroma of casual let’s see what’s up before sweating. Maybe it’s all in how one was brought up in the game but, me, my team doesn’t walk onto any field anytime.
April 18th, 2013 at 9:56 am
I think it will be a prime time game either way. Of the trade is done then there will be plenty to talk about. If the trade is not done Dom and Idzik will have a wrestling match on the 50 yard line during halftime
April 18th, 2013 at 9:58 am
Even if we got Revis which seems like a big if at this point at most it would only be the mandatory prime time game which every team gets on Thursday. Reason being the Jets stink and we finished 7-9. I’m just hoping we showed enough potential last yr to get atlest one Monday/Sunday night game.
April 18th, 2013 at 10:06 am
I’ll call it right now. Week 3 Monday Night Football.
April 18th, 2013 at 10:07 am
Eff having a primetime game, we want playoffs in 2013
April 18th, 2013 at 10:07 am
Eff having a primetime game, we want playoffs in 2013
April 18th, 2013 at 10:11 am
ok stevek, your point is made.
@Gus, absolutely hilarious. I just imagined that going down… Cage match!
April 18th, 2013 at 10:19 am
Even when the Bucs were good; they weren’t getting the prime time games they probably deserved. I’m not expecting much!
April 18th, 2013 at 10:23 am
@stevek well duhhhh!!! Thought that went without saying.
April 18th, 2013 at 10:32 am
Networks have a big eye toward fantasy football interest now, which should put the Bucs in good position to get a couple of night games. Millions of fantasy geeks out there who care about all things Martin, Freeman, VJax and Mike Williams.
April 18th, 2013 at 10:35 am
There’s no way even with revis the jets make primetime football. There one of the most ugly rosters in football right now and 30 other team fan bases would not be excited to watch the jets play on primetime with or without revis. If bucs go primetime it’s gonna be a elite game. Look for falcons, saints, 49ers or even Seahawks to guarantee a sellout in Tampa, or in general two teams other fan bases wouldn’t mind watching. C’mon who wants to watch mark Sanchez.
April 18th, 2013 at 10:35 am
Bucjim we had the max prime time games every year from 97-2003! Stop comparing the rays to bucs or lightning we are not in there boat!
April 18th, 2013 at 10:37 am
Good point, even if we are not finding the playoffs yet, it is good to see that we have top level producers at WR and RB, now just time to get that QB position on lock down.
April 18th, 2013 at 10:39 am
We are not the Rays. They spend little, but still compete every year. They are also in the same division as the “Red Skins” (red sox) and “Cowboys” (Yankees).
You are right on, NFL is a different animal. The Rays are still competitive. The Bucs are not.
Every game in the Rays’ season matters, not the case in game 16 for the bucs the last two years.
April 18th, 2013 at 10:41 am
I would to see the Bucs back in the playoffs. That would be awesome, and it should be totally realistic.
If Josh Freeman can hone in the consistency, they we are golden.
If Freeman has another “hiccup” year, then we will find a new QB for 2014, no need to accept mediocrity and inconsistency from your QB, either you got “it” or not.
April 18th, 2013 at 10:42 am
Jets always get plenty of prime time simply because of the new York market.
April 18th, 2013 at 10:57 am
Joe, that looks to be a very good point. If, in fact we do get scheduled with the Jets in primetime, it’s only logical to believe that something is in the works, either before or after the draft. I’ll not be disappointed, either way.
April 18th, 2013 at 11:26 am
The NFL is looking for any angle to get the Jet’s in primetime. Even with their poor record they’ll get prime time games. Just like the NFC east some team’s get favortism. The NFL allway’s makes poor projection’s on this day. Look at all the Eagle primetime games the last few year’s. Lol. We should get 1 Sunday or Monday nighter. The Buc’s showed flashes of an explosive offence and our defence make’s every team look explosive.
April 18th, 2013 at 12:30 pm
Joe, another Monday night and/or Sunday night possibility is Tampa Bay and Seattle. When or if the deal gets done, the twitter feud between Revis and Sherman is rehashed.