Celebrate In The End Zone, Says Schiano

November 12th, 2012

This did not the meet the New Schiano Order edict to “bite the football” and “chin, chin chin.”

Deion Sanders was lovin’ all over Leonard Johnson’s high-steppin’ into the end zone from the 20 yard line on the NFL Network yesterday.

Greg Schiano? Not so much.

The leader of the New Schiano Order said this evening that celebrating is reserved for the end zone, so he advised on The Greg Schiano Show on WDAE-AM 620.

Now Schiano wasn’t all toes-on-the-line serious. He acknowledged that Johnson’s probably was overcome and overwhelmed with excitement knowing he was about to score a touchdown and fulfill a boyhood dream of doing so for his hometown Buccaneers.

27 Responses to “Celebrate In The End Zone, Says Schiano”

  1. 941-Bucs Says:

    I agree with Schiano on this. I am not a fan of a player mocking and show boating his way into the end zone! A. To many accidents can happen. B. It is just to arrogant!

    Save the dancing for once you’ve actually scored.

  2. Mavsmoney Says:

    I’m glad we have a coach who won’t let things slide whether something bad or good happens. If you do something stupid you will hear about it. As my high school coach said “always act live you’ve been there before.”

  3. st. louis Bucs fan Says:

    coach is right about this, granted Johnson was overcome with excitement but too many bad things can happen. just ask V-Jax, some players dont give up and could come back to make a play. i know there wasnt a Charger within 20 yds of L-J but what if his arm swung into his thigh and jarred the ball lose. soo happy for the win!!! BUC IT IM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Orlandobucfan Says:

    See Denver Broncos although the refs didn’t call it a fumble he did let go of the ball before the end zone.

  5. Sandbagrudy Says:

    Save the dancing for the Bada bing girls or you might just get whacked by the sandwich gaba gool over here

  6. Tuggz Says:

    lol’d @ picture with caption

  7. TONY850 Says:

    Meh. I’ll give Leonard Johnson a pass on this one considering his incredible journey to be a Buc. Hometown boy playing for the his hometown team in front of the Hometown Crowd(there were more bucs fans than the other this time). I would of High Stepped all the to the end zone too maybe go all Rod Tidwell afterwards too.

  8. TONY850 Says:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5efqTACImw just in case some of you don’t remember or know who Rod Tidwell is. Sorry Joe had to share the link out of here.

  9. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    This kind of stuff doesn’t bother me at all. In fact, I actually enjoy it. However, I understand that from a coach’s perspective, most aren’t going to like it. I highly doubt Schiano is going to bench him if he does it again though.

  10. ElioT Says:

    I don’t think LJ could control himself but as many have said before: “Act like you’ve been there before and are going to do it again”.

    Many of us couldn’t imagine scoring a pick-6 at any level of football, yet alone your home town NFL team however you have to keep a cooler head.

    When #40 scored, he kindly handed the ball to a ref and adjusted his jock. Let’s have more of that our of these Buccaneer Men!!!

    Go Bucs!!!!

  11. FloridaGirl Says:

    Get some…….

  12. RustyRhino Says:

    I also say give him a pass on this one. (totally understand the dream of pick 6 as a kid, mine was as mark cotney 79 at hidden beach apartments in St. Pete )
    Next time Mr. Johnson, we know you have been there before now, so do your thing in the end zone.

  13. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    To be honest, I don’t really care if he does back flips into the end zone, as long as he gets into the end zone.

  14. Mike J Says:

    st. louis Bucs has the right of it. I was scared watching that silly display.

  15. dmatt Says:

    I’m not that concern about the high stepping celebration as i am the palming the ball with one hand celebration. There should be zero tolerance for this type of celebration until u cross the goal line. Also, coaches should have players tone down the jumping on a teammate’s back, neck, and head to celebrate after scoring. The risk of a non football move injury is very high.

  16. Pete 422 Says:

    @Orlandobucfan: I saw that, case & point.

  17. ben Says:

    dude hasnt scored a td since he played qb at largo #pass

  18. J 2.0 Says:

    I’m with Shiano on this. Celebrate in the end zone, responisbly. Don’t get a flag. As for the high stepping down the field, I do have a problem with that, especially with the palm grip and arms flying around. Also, the fact that he slowed up. V-Jax got caught earlier this year, and he was busting his ass to get in the end zone. Why risk getting caught or losing control of the ball?

  19. NJBucsFan Says:

    Dude looked like Jonah Hill during the track meet in 21 Jump Street.

  20. Sandbagrudy Says:

    yeah what gives this incident was the only positive input Deion Sanders has given the Buccaneers this year celebrating a buckdancing cornerback he got roasted for an 80 yardwer third play of the game

  21. Tomcin Says:

    To be honest I think the NFL should tone down all the silly celebating in the end zone. IMO most of it is stupid looking & just plain childish. As the saying goes act like you been there before.

  22. GenocideD Says:

    Two words. Leon Lett.

  23. Andrew Says:

    well, im all in favor of it. I say play good football, and fave fun doing it.

  24. Rrsrq Says:

    If u saw the play, he only started high stepping in an adjustment to avoid being tackled then it just became a reaction. He enjoyed the moment and so should we, he said he was thinking that this was big, I was in the crowd and it was awesome…go LJ, I hope you do it again on the way to the playoffs

  25. Miguel El Magnifico Says:

    I’ve seen a couple plays in college that were not 1/4 as bad that were flagged at the beginning of the strut and penalized 15 yards from the spot. Score not allowed.


  26. Sam Says:

    It’s football, have fun. It’s stuff like this that will get fans in the stadium.

  27. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    College football is not the NFL Miguel. Their celebration rules are far more strict. In college, you can’t celebrate at all until you cross the end zone. In the NFL, you can as long as you’re not clearly taunting (like running backwards for 20 yards).