Bowing Before Gerald McCoy
September 24th, 2012
Arguably McCoy’s biggest detractor is now smitten by his play
Among Tampa Bay media types, former Bucs guard Ian Beckles has long grabbed the reigns when it comes to cracking a whip on Gerald McCoy.
Essentially Beckles, via the airwaves of WDAE-AM 620, has found various ways to explain that McCoy doesn’t make plays there’s no evidence he’s “a good football player,” just a guy with great get-off and the dreaded “potential.”
Well, it now seems like Beckles has done a complete about face after seeing the 2012 edition of McCoy.
“I’ve seen him make guards miss completely. Whiff!” Beckles said today. “You don’t see that. I haven’t seen that since No. 99. I don’t want to say [Sapp’s] name to jinx it. You play like that, you go to Hawaii.”
McCoy now has proven to everyone that he can be an elite player. The reamining challenge is for him to remain consistent and healthy, two qualities necessary for greatness.
September 24th, 2012 at 11:27 am
Beckles =hypocrite
September 24th, 2012 at 11:28 am
And we dont need to hear about how if you live soft you play soft. Did anyone see that close up of McCoy eyeing down Romo before a snap late in the game. I was terrified for Romo.
September 24th, 2012 at 11:30 am
When will we know about how serious claybornes injury is, I know you wrote a post yesterday but was that speculation or fact?
September 24th, 2012 at 11:34 am
read the post orlando. he says right in the post.
September 24th, 2012 at 11:42 am
It is refreshing that Ian Beckles has come around. I didn’t think McCoy was going to be anything but a bust, like lots of people.
Glad I was wrong! Being always “right” is not that important to me. All that matters is if my Bucs play well, and we win!
September 24th, 2012 at 11:58 am
The concept of player development has been scrapped by most fans these days in favor of instant gratification. This has been a major symptom of the dumbing down of sports fans, unfortunately.
The vast majority of fans no longer truly give credence to the fact that it takes most players a minimum of 3-4 years to even start to get near their potential as pro players.
For every guy who does what Cam Newton did in his rookie year there are a hundred other guys like Gerald McCoy. He is the norm, Newton and a very tiny handful of others are the exception. Being picked high in the draft doesn’t change that fact. No one cares what fans’ expectations are. Coaches know the truth.
I never gave up on McCoy and knew without a doubt that he’d be the best DT the Bucs have had since Sapp. Last year I felt the same way about what Mason Foster would eventually become, too. Now as for Freeman that’s another story. I fear his ceiling may be lower than most of us believed, unfortunately.
September 24th, 2012 at 12:00 pm
I was debating on my next Bucs jersey and it appears it will be a #93 I love me some GMC
September 24th, 2012 at 12:03 pm
Key words…..consistant and healthy! I know he has it in him, but what to see the relentless play every week!! Yes, that video of him at the end of the game shows how much he really cares about the game!!
Love our D so far!!!!!!!!!
September 24th, 2012 at 12:04 pm
Remember, for Cam they used the Auburn playbook last season, same thing the Redskins are doing with RG3 and the Baylor playbook, they are giving these young QBs the comfort zone of working within a system they know, and as we have seen so far with Cam this season, once the teama start breaking that comfort zone with their own playbooks you will see some regression. Damn, sounds very familiar, new systems, regression, hmmmm.
September 24th, 2012 at 12:16 pm
It was a great performance by McCoy….but in all honesty, im more impressed by Bennett…..He is really showing something. I hope we are able to give him a good contract both for him and them team before the end of the season.
September 24th, 2012 at 12:22 pm
I admire Ian for changing his attitude towards GMC. I have also criticized #93 and if yesterday’s performance continually repeats itself, I will become a fan.
September 24th, 2012 at 12:39 pm
Schiano will likely have the full report at his press conference later this afternoon.
Unconfirmed word seeping out of the Bucs locker room appears very grim. Very grim.
September 24th, 2012 at 12:50 pm
Does anyone even listen to that variety show anymore now that the Commish is available. I haven’t listened to those guys since 98.7 started.
September 24th, 2012 at 1:23 pm
It helps to have coaching. I like this defensive staff, though I expect more changes in the off season. Sheridan has been better than I expected. Shiano was up against heavy odds when he put together the offensive staff. Many of them will be gone next year. Freeman has been over-coached and has too many voices in his ears. They treat him like a baby. Yes, he made bad decisions last year when things got out of hand. Still, I think he has a world of talent. He looks bad when they tell him you can’t scramble, you have to check down, don’t throw long passes just trying to make your playmaker make plays. How can you possibly justify paying a guy like Jackson a gizzion dollars and then only targeting him five times in a game.
September 24th, 2012 at 1:39 pm
I am SO tired of hearing Beckles mush-mouth rant on about how “he called it” or he knows first hand, or some other self righteous point of view he has on everything sports related.
Tired of his sell out hawking of Jaguar of Tahm-pahhhh or his “buddies” Brian Mobley and Rob Elder, and Carsmetics where his daughter has to bring her dinged up ride.
Beckles! You USED to be relevant. You used to be interesting. Now you’re just a negative loudmouth, pissing in Tampa’s collective cheerios every time there’s something to be excited about in our local sports scene. You need to endear yourself to your listeners, or you’ll find yourself asking Silio for guest spots in the 305.
September 24th, 2012 at 2:51 pm
Wasn’t this guy recently touching a police horse while stumbling around drunk? Because those are the people whose opinions I value.
September 24th, 2012 at 6:51 pm
September 24th, 2012 at 9:39 pm
as good as the defense has been they need to let the leash of freeman, being too conservative is losing them the game, not “managing the game”
September 25th, 2012 at 8:15 am
I never gave up on McCoy, Foster, Freeman OR Benn. When Washington was in his first camp I even said we should see more of him to determine if he has potential. He was cut soon after, but he’s back now.
Here’s the thing…Josh Freeman hasn’t even played three 16 game seasons. People who have already given up on him admit it sometimes takes 3-4 seasons for a player to get it. I would venture to say that a quarterback as young as Josh might take 4-5 seasons.
Keep in mind that most QBs who take even 3 years are around 26 when things click. Seeing that 3 seasons are 48 games and Josh has only played 44 games, I would say we’re at least 20 games from where we should begin to question whether he’s going to work out or not.
Tampa fans are notorious for giving up on their QBs too soon. That’s how the quarterback curse was born. If we give up on Josh too soon, the curse WILL make a comeback.
September 25th, 2012 at 8:27 am
ben Says
as good as the defense has been they need to let the leash of freeman, being too conservative is losing them the game, not “managing the game”
This is a fair assessment. A team with a good defense let’s their QB cut loose, trusting the defense to get the ball back. But I don’t think anyone, even the coaches, expected the defense to turn around this quickly. And both Schiano and Sullivan DID say they were going to have to rebuild Freeman from the ground up.