Chucky On “Real Sports”

August 20th, 2012

Joe doesn’t have HBO. He dropped it the second the screen went dark on “The Sopranos.” HBO has some good stuff, including “Real Sports,” but Joe couldn’t justify keeping HBO just for that.

Tuesday will be one of those nights Joe wishes he had HBO. On “Real Sports,” which has its season premiere at 9 p.m., former Bucs Super Bowl-winning coach Chucky is featured. Here’s a preview:

11 Responses to “Chucky On “Real Sports””

  1. Says:

    Miss that guy. Pretty sure its on tomorrow.

  2. BOb Says:

    yep. not on right now at least. 9:06 p.m.

  3. Miguel Grande Says:

    Its premier is tomorrow night August 21

  4. ELioT Says:

    Loved Gruden for all his faults. Guy couldn’t build a team if there were instructions written on the box.

  5. Eric Says:

    Chucky looks better every year, compared to the performance since 08.

    Too bad all those true blue Bucs fans who are always supportive ran the man out of town.

    Along with some local media hacks…..

    Oh, and Michael Clayton. Almost forgot.

  6. Architek Says:

    All great people are a few degrees from abnormal.

  7. lurker Says:

    too bad gruden’s not a great man…

  8. Kyle Says:

    I’m sure he’s a real freakin peach around the house getting up at 3:15 every morning.

  9. Patrick Says:

    I’m definitely watching this. Still a lot of good memories from the Gruden years!

  10. bowtie502 Says:

    HBO?…..bryant grumble has thee most unwatchable SPORTS sho ever

  11. Tampa2 Says:

    If an NFL Coach is graded by how far he takes his team, then Gruden is the best we ever had. Too bad the Glazer Boys listen to the fools of Radio or we would still have him.