Josh Freeman’s Off-field Game

July 13th, 2012

Joe posts all things Bucs on this here corner of the interwebs. Yes, that means “all things” Bucs-related. So Joe posts this TMZ ambush video interview with Bucs quarterback Josh Freeman without comment.

13 Responses to “Josh Freeman’s Off-field Game”

  1. big007hed Says:


  2. jb Says:

    Why would you put TRASH like that on your site, Joe? I mean TMZ……..REALLY?

  3. OAR Says:

    Too funny….yet you watched it!

  4. George Says:

    WOW. Now I know why I don’t watch TMZ.

  5. SilenceTheCritics Says:

    I seen this video live when it aired… and I couldn’t help but to think how rediculous it was that these morons would air garbage like that without doing any research whatsoever. However, I wouldnt mind being mentioned with anna kournikova lmao

  6. DieHard_Bob Says:

    Was going to make a joke about tuning in tomorrow for a clip from an even sleazier show . . . but couldn’t think of one! Speechless. LOL

  7. Jarret Says:

    ur better than this joe

  8. Happy Fat Kid Says:

    This great pup for us, first time a Buc has been on camera with out a free pair of silver bracelets on or drunk behind the wheel in a while. Good job Freeman now go be like Garcia and get you a Playmate model, so Sunday mornings we don’t have to deal with Charlie and Chip by themselves on Fox13. I can’t wait for this season to start, now that we don’t have Offensive Coordinators that copied their playbook out of Techmo Bowl and Head Coaches that are more Youngry for media attention than running two minute drills, I can now re-retire my Bucs Suck paper bag and show my face again at Raymond James.

  9. Eastsidebuc Says:

    DAMN… They said Josh isn’t any good. It is what it is, hopefully his play can make them eat their words.

  10. Pete 422 Says:

    Slow day at TMZ???


  11. Kennedy Says:

    Comical that you guys think Joe shouldn’t put this on his site. You’re probably the same people that think nobody should stand in the stadium and the same people that can’t laugh at themselves.

  12. CharlieB Says:

    Why did I watch that?

  13. Jorge Says:

    I see Freeman in South Tampa often…Let’s just say, he has NO trouble with the ladies…their is a swarm of hot chicks around him at all times…He’s a good kid