Enjoy (And Remember) Memorial Day

May 28th, 2012


Joe isn’t about to tell you how to think or what to do. But in between beers, grilling and the beach, Joe just asks that you remember why you have the day off today. And, if you can, raise a glass at 3 p.m. to remember those who can never share a drink with you.

Joe’s dad was a naval officer in World War II, serving in the Pacific on an aircraft carrier sunk by a kamikaze pilot, so Joe was brought up to learn the value of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so Joe could ridicule the horrid tackling of Sabby the Goat without fear of being thrown in a slave labor camp, forced to eat maggot-infested rice while being “re-educated” or flogged in public.

If it wasn’t for people who gave their all for our country, Joe (and the rest of us) might be forced to watch kickball on Sunday afternoons. Remember, Japan during World War II banned baseball because it was too American.

Imagine what Axis nations, or those savages that behead people, would do to football if given the opportunity?

6 Responses to “Enjoy (And Remember) Memorial Day”

  1. DallasBuc Says:

    Savages indeed. Well said.

  2. GurS Says:

    no disrespect intended whatsoever to the sentiment….
    sabby the goat? nice to see JBF going ‘green’ and recycle old news posts ^_^

  3. lightningbuc Says:

    To think an MSNBC commentator yesterday said he is “uncomfortable” calling fallen military “heroes”. What a douche!

  4. The Dutcher Journal (Pete Dutcher) Says:

    If more people were patriotic, this country would get so much more accomplished.

    Once a Marine, always a Marine. Do or die. Semper Fi.

  5. Sgt Mike Says:

    I agree with Pete. Sometimes I feel like when people thank me for my service, while I appreciate there gesture, is somewhat hollow. They almost feel obligated after the general public treated our Vietnam veterans like crap. I always thank the Vietnam vets especially when I’m in uniform. I get the honor of taking care of heroes young and old as a medical professional in the Army. My days of being a combat medic may be behind me but I’m always ready to pick up my ruck and ground pound with the grunts. I will take this opportunity to thank my heroes both of my grandfathers who were medics during WWII, my nephew who is a Marine grunt and all of my military brothers and sisters current and past. Sincerely, Sergeant M. Nelson, 68WM6, Combat Medics badge recipient, X2 OIF, USA Ft Belvoir community hospital Virginia.

  6. Sgt Mike Says:

    Forgot to say it, HOOAH! Go Bucs!