Expect Opening Push For Carl Nicks, Finnegan

March 12th, 2012

There’s all kinds of stuff burning up Joe’s phone and email and Twitter account as the bell prepares to ring on free agency tomorrow afternoon. If Joe traded in rumors, he could have written a dozen posts this afternoon alone.

But one thing to take note of is a recent Twittering from Justin “The Commish” Pawlowski, of WQYK-AM 1010, who says he’s got a trusted source telling him Carl Nicks and Cortland Finnegan are front and center on the Bucs’ radar. Pawlowski elaborated a bit on his website, CommishOnline.com.

Now Joe’s a pal of The Commish, who worked on the Buccaneers Radio Network last season. Hell, Joe even shared an icy beverage with The Commish last week. So Joe feels comfortable sharing this, since The Commish does not throw around BS to see what sticks.

Joe’s all in favor of bringing on Nicks. You want to run the ball and be physical? That’s your guy, a gargantuan young All-Pro left guard. Those types almost never hit the free agent market.

And obviously, with no word on Ronde Barber, and Aqib Talib being, well, Aqib Talib, the Bucs are practically forced to buy a cornerback.

Day 1 will be interesting. Joe’s enjoying the drama.

42 Responses to “Expect Opening Push For Carl Nicks, Finnegan”

  1. Yar Says:

    Sounds good BUT I’ll believe it when it happens.

  2. bucfanlostiniowa Says:

    whats the chances of getting nicks, finnegan and jackson?

  3. Jrock Says:

    That would be a perfect scenario. Taking Nicks from the Saints would be huge, and I don’t care what corner we get after him. Doesn’t even have to be Finnegan.

    This will raise the issue of drafting Richardson though. IF we sign Nicks, then my money is on the Buc’s trading down in the first, still landing Richardson then digging for gold in a DB rich draft.

  4. Capt.Tim Says:

    Nicks would be great here. So would Finnegan.
    A bunch of great players available
    Man? I hope we sign a few- would make a huge difference quick!

  5. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    I snuck into the players hotel at the Pro Bowl this year and had breakfast next to Carl Nicks. He is massive!!!! He is much bigger than Joseph. I would be so happy to have him with us.

  6. Pete Dutcher Says:

    Nicks, Finnegan and Jackson…it could actually happen.

    24 hours ago? No freaking way. But so much went down today to change the landscape of free agency…it’s almost as if the fates are blessing us.

    We were in competition with the Cowboys and Redskins for Nicks…and now they are out of the running unless they cut their best players. Really, the Cowboys couldn’t have done it anyway.

    Finnegan and Jackson could come in a package deal…although I would settle for Pierre Garcon in place of Jackson. Wouldn’t mind Eddie Royal for kick returns, since Spurlock is getting up there in years.

  7. Pete Dutcher Says:

    @Hawaiian Buc
    Man…I wish I could visit Hawaii someday. I hear the scenery is awesome.

  8. buCncRaZy Says:

    I want the RT that the Texans just cut with Nicks best oline…..

  9. JonBuc Says:

    For some reason, I prefer Carr over Finnegan. Maybe because Finnegan reminds me of Jeff Garcia.

  10. thibs5599 Says:

    That is a lot of money invested in the o line. Who is going to catch the ball if that happens.

  11. thibs5599 Says:

    If this did happen then we should not need a Trent Richardson, anyone should be able to run behind that oline.

  12. Pete Dutcher Says:

    Just like the old Broncos. I could actually live with that.

  13. Pete Dutcher Says:

    Colston is about to be resigned by the Saints. Could Nicks follow?

  14. RCH Says:

    I would be pleasantly surprised.

  15. Matthew Says:

    If we sign Finnegan/Nicks already a massive haul. Drafting Blackmon or Claiborne would be a great start…although my dream scenario of using the 5th pick on RFA Mike Wallace would be the best of all the scenarios. A haul of Finnegan/Nicks/Wallace is a helluva a haul for the offseason. Then use the rest of the draft to add LB depth, CB depth and add a speed 3rd down back.

  16. J 2.0 Says:

    Regardless of whatever happens with the Bucs, I think we can all agree that one of the best offseason stories for Tampa sports this year is the Commish being back on the air. It’s great to hear from the Commish, and I am very glad, Joe, that your site turned me onto the commishonline.com. Here’s to the Commish owning a share of Tampa sports radio for many years to come. (Sips a fresh Jai Alai after a long day of work.) Here, here.

  17. eric Says:

    Hicks, Finnegan and Jackson, plus the draft.

    Wild card contenders right away.

    Only one problem. FA starts at 4:00 PM.

    Somebody tell rock not to go home!

  18. J 2.0 Says:

    And now a post for the Bucs. Get Nicks, Finnegan or Rogers, and Jackson. Do that and draft Claiborne, unless you can trade down a little bit and draft Keuchly, and let’s friggin roll!!

  19. gotbbucs Says:

    @ Pete

    The Saints haven’t even bothered to work out a deal for Nicks because they know they can’t afford him, and they especially can’t pay for him if they pay Colston. Nicks will walk, it’s just a matter of where to.

  20. Macabee Says:

    If we get Nicks and Finnegan, I’m OK with passing on V-Jax. Get a speedy WR like Garcon (4.41) in FA or Stephen Hill (4.36) in the draft.

    Besides, why settle for V-Jax this year, when we’ll have a shot at Megatron next year because Detroit is not going to be able to absorb his cap # next year unless he restructures this year and he says he’s not going to do it. Philly built the model last year that should show us that we can’t fix everything in one year!

    We have other needs also and need depth behind some existing positions. Let’s spend wisely and not mortgage our future this year and hamstring ourselves next year and years to come!

  21. FlBoy84 Says:

    See the team adding much more than just Nicks and Finnegan. Way too many needs to stop there, and there are plenty of quality players that could help the team, especially at LB. Would be surprised if the team didn’t add two of them as well. Prefer the team sign 2 quality players at the price it will cost to sign Jackson.

  22. ClayBURN94 Says:

    my dream scenario: Nicks, Jackson, Tolbert, M.Bennett, Winston(probably wont happen), Finnegan, Lofton/Tulloch, Reggie Nelson(heard bucs were intrested). But I know it’s not Madden and its unlikely but a guy can dream right?

  23. FlBoy84 Says:

    Well said Macabee, though prefer they go with a vet speed receiver instead of Hill. That said, those depth signings could turn into starters if the competition goes their way in camp. One of the great things about the new staff is there won’t be anyone handed a spot based on who they know/drink with.

  24. J 2.0 Says:

    Another thing great about the Commish’s show is that he once interviewed Dennis Haskins. Dennis Freaking Haskins. Mr. Belding! Everyone can appreciate nostalgia.

  25. Patrick Says:

    2 MORE HOURS!!

    So excited?

    What you guys?!

  26. FlBoy84 Says:

    Think you might be closer than you think ClayBurn. Also saw Atogwe was released by the Skins, could be another safety to look at.

  27. FlBoy84 Says:

    4:00 pm tomm Patrick.

  28. raphael Says:

    @ patrick
    2 more hours ?? huh ?

  29. SaskBuco Says:

    Everyone needs to settle, its an exciting time for sure, but we need to be real people. Forget Nicks and V Jax=way too much money and will be overpaid way 2 much. Jackson is 29 had troubles with health and off field issues, and we NEED SPEED!!!!!! Nicks is a guard, all be it the best one available be going to cost over 60 million to get him, forget that. Sign Winston at a reasonable price is cap hit was 5.5 before he was cut, that will shore up the line, draft a guard like we did when we had Sears, too bad he was a good guard. Focus on Tollach and Carr, sign these 2 guys. We won’t sign more than 2-3 impact players, but can’t just break the bank on top FAs, need to be smart how many SBs has a guard and posession WR brought a team? Both great players, but too expensive to justify. 1 Winston 2. Carr/Finnegan 3. Tollach/Connor

  30. thibs5599 Says:


    I know what you are feeling, however we have a ridiculous amount of cap room and even more next season. Front load the contracts and problem solved. The 25 million or so that was carried over from last season can only be used this year, it is use it or lose it. This is where the so called “CHEAP” GLAZERS will win their fan base back or not. Spend that money by front loading some of these contracts and spread the rest out and things should work out. Besides the Black contract, DOM has been pretty good with signing people, and either way the man knows how to work out a deal so it does not screw the Bucs in the long haul.

  31. gotbbucs Says:

    Patrick??? How could you not know this???

  32. Oahubuc Says:

    With the cap room we have? I’ll accept nothing less than an all out push for Nicks.

  33. knucknbuc Says:

    Just saw nicks twitter say he talked to his agent and the saints made him a respectable offer. Said he was going to have to mull it over some more with his family. Well if not nicks there’s always grubbs.

  34. Macabee Says:

    Here is the article on Carl Nicks. Looks like he may be giving the ole hometown discount.


  35. bucbelevr Says:


    Hear ya, but the numbers are the numbers, just know the Saints have little over 7-8 million cap left to sign Colston, no way in hell they have the coin, even with large cash signing bonus for Nicks, how they could work the numbers 2 get it done, plus the franchise to Brees, absolutely no way….

  36. Oahubuc Says:

    Lose big money to stay with that disgraced organization? I really hope he’s got more sense.

  37. js1506 Says:

    All I know is we have ALOT of needs and ALOT of money… dear bucs, INVEST money on some good FA’s

  38. js1506 Says:

    All I know is we have ALOT of needs and ALOT of money… dear bucs, INVEST money on some good FA’s

  39. Pete Dutcher Says:

    Teams don’t have to be under the cap just yet. In theory, couldn’t they all spend now and clear cap space later?

    So the Saints could resign Nicks and make room later by cutting other players. This is why I ask the question yesterday…I had a bad feeling a last effort could be made by the Saints to keep Nicks.

    And it turned out my bad feeling was on the money. The question is whether Nicks will take their offer or test free agency.

    Also, remember….Drew has refused to sign his tag…which means that tag is not currently counted against the Saints cap…and may never be. They could reach a deal that clears up space for the Saints.

  40. Bigbucfan Says:

    Funny Nicks just gets a respectable offer right before free agency could be a his agent working to get him more money.

  41. bucfanjeff Says:

    I prefer Carr over Finnegan, but wouldn’t mind either.
    We absolutely have to land Nicks. Everything else after Nicks and a DB is gravy.

  42. Bobby Says:

    I don’t think they can keep Nicks. Brees is going to be a holdout because he isn’t happy with the franchise tag so they will have to pay him what he wants. That will take away from them being able to pay Nicks too. I just don’t see a scenario whre they will be able to keep Colston, Brees and Nicks. If we release Faine today then I’m betting we are making a run at Nicks. If we sign Nicks and Finnegan then the rest will be fill in players. I don’t think we’ll see more than two splash signings. I’m fine with that.