Difference Was Humiliation, Not Tough Practices
November 23rd, 2011
Donald Penn says Raheem Morris calling out players in front the entire team lit a fire.
First, hats off to the Bucs’ offensive linemen and the team for spearheading the “Turkey Time with the O-Line” drive last night at One Buc Palace, which hooked up 650 families with a pile of holiday food.
Speaking last night on The Donald Penn Show on WDAE-AM 620, formerly The Gerald McCoy Show, Penn said he and Davin Joseph launched the charity drive back in 2007 and it keeps growing and includes similar efforts around Christmas.
As for football, Penn said he believes the Bucs’ offense turned the corner against Green Bay and is poised to have a great finish. Asked by host Dave Moore whether the Bucs’ two physical, padded practices last week made the difference, Penn said, No.
Dave Moore: Watching the game the body language was completely different. Now do you attribute that to kind of last week we talked how Raheem made a point to put you guys back in pads for practice? Do you think that paid off for you?
Donald Penn: You know, the pad thing, you know I don’t think it’s a big thing. But I think definitely what [Raheem] did in the Monday meeting [after the Texans loss], putting everybody up on the board in front of the whole team, showing those mistakes. You definitely don’t want to be called out. That’s what good players do and a good team do. We responded. We’re going to keep responding and keep building. You know Green Bay’s a great team. We played them very hard. A couple of breaks would have went our way it would have been a different story.
It’s an interesting take from Penn. Was this the first time this year Raheem called out players on video in front of everyone? Probably not. Hopefully not.
Penn went on to talk about the confidence Greg Olson showed in the O-line, putting new runs in the gameplan for Green Bay and using them.
He also talked about how Josh Freeman will learn from his first interception in Green Bay when he could have pulled the ball down and run and set the Bucs up for a field goal. Penn said fans don’t realize Freeman is typically at One Buc Palace at 6:30 a.m. working with coaches and constantly studying his play.
November 23rd, 2011 at 12:40 pm
Nobody crediblr I know questions freemans work ethic or the quality of our O Line – they are very good. I agree with Penn on the benefit of in-season padded practices, there is a split on whether they are helpful or hurtful – but everyone (except clueless rah) agrees that it is impossible to know for sure if it helps.
The core problem is lack of discipline, penalties, and a horrible defense.
November 23rd, 2011 at 12:57 pm
I still believe the defense is going to be the force behind this team once it all comes together. I actually thought the defense played very well against Green Bay. The difference was that they scored touchdowns and we scored a combination of TD’s and FG’s. If a few of the calls that went against us don’t get called…we win that game. A few of them were just bad calls and a few of them were stupid mistakes but that’s football. Sometimes you get the breaks and sometimes you don’t.
November 23rd, 2011 at 1:10 pm
Defensive rankings of Dungy’s bucs teams first three years. Year before he took over from Sam -27th.
All the fuzzy feel good Rah fluff posts in the world don’t mask his total failure as DC since taking over.
November 23rd, 2011 at 1:49 pm
Agree with 2.2 and Eric here. At a bare minimum we need a new DC this offseason. One who has complete, or nearly complete, autonomy from Raheem’s influence.
I would add, though, that if we don’t also find a new LB coach we’ll continue to struggle in that area. Yes, Black & Hayes are disappointments but I believe their potential is higher than what they’ve attained. That comes down at least in part to coaching.
New DC, new LB coach, another good draft and 2-3 key free agents added on each side of the ball and this team could potentially go somewhere.
November 23rd, 2011 at 1:56 pm
24, 13, 4
First three years defensive ranking of the expansion team John Mckay run Bucs. (then 1st in 79).
I gues they were more talented than we are too.
November 23rd, 2011 at 2:10 pm
Eric Says:
November 23rd, 2011 at 1:56 pm
24, 13, 4
First three years defensive ranking of the expansion team John Mckay run Bucs. (then 1st in 79).
I gues they were more talented than we are too.
You KNOW something’s gone terribly wrong when we start longing for the 0-26 teams! Yah, But Raheem a great coach! LMAO!!!!
November 23rd, 2011 at 2:13 pm
Raheem’s a great coach! Yup! Somehow I don’t see his name up in the ring of honor anytime soon…..
November 23rd, 2011 at 3:02 pm
yeah , we should just change coaches every 3 or 4 years to keep hope alive…… lol seriously the youngest team in nfl and some of you want a championship instantly…it takes time to jell .
November 23rd, 2011 at 4:37 pm
From the sound of Penn it was the first time players have been called out. What a novel idea, players playing like poo and nobody called out until one of the most embarrassing games in Buccaneer history. Calling out should have been going on all year long with this bunch. Raheem please stop tip toeing around bad play, lack of effort and stupid penaties. The woodshed needs to be in full use!!!!!
November 23rd, 2011 at 4:40 pm
Bobby are you serious??? We are on pace to set an NFL record for yards allowed per play. 31st in defense in a 32 team league! Are you kidding me? Driving force??? Maybe if the Bucs are driving off a cliff.
November 23rd, 2011 at 5:13 pm
Eric, Thomas, ( who are playing dumb), and the rest of the whiners( who, in all likelihood, are Dumb)
Do you remember the 26 game losing streak? Three years of getting the top draft picks will fix what ails you quick. This team hasn’t had that luxury. We had one 3-13 season- where we drafted the bulwarks of our D-line for the next 10 years!- and then we are drafting in the twenties again. We also haven’t had the luxury of your new heroes-the Niners. They have sucked forever. Even with some bad drafting, they’ve still had YEARS of high draft picks to stockpile talent
All drafts under Gruden were absolute garbage. Total, absolute Garbage. Davin Joseph is about it. I know some uneducated tool is gonna start singing Talib’s praises- DON’T! He sucks. Don’t even bother
Sooo, we’ve had Three drafts to rebuild a team devoid of talent. We had no one even remotely close to a pro bowler.
We have had two drafts, picking near the end. One draft picking 3rd.
To make a team outta that scrap is pretty good. I think Raheem obviously knows how to coach. But I also agree we need a Defensive co-ordinator. I think he will be promoted internally. Millard or Lake.
I know some of you are disappointed we aren’t going to the SuperBowl every year. Gotta grow up a bit. We won one, not too long ago.
And the owners that guided us to that one, are doing so again. It just tajes a little time, Patience, and intelligence to know that.
Eric and Thomas are like a couple of fat Snakes. They hide under a rock, until something bad happens. Then they appear, twisting just enough facts to convince normally intelligent posters that the sky is falling.
It isn’t. Just a few more things remain on the rebuild table. It’s going to be alright.
November 23rd, 2011 at 5:45 pm
“I know some of you are disappointed we aren’t going to the SuperBowl every year”
No one’s expecting a Super Bowl, give me a break. No one said that. We just want to see a team that has a chance at a playoff spot. A team that’s showing some real hope and real signs of improving. We haven’t even seen that this year. Not everyone is a 1st or second year player you know. While I think Raheem hasn’t been given any help really, he still hasn’t done a good job.
Third straight year of no playoffs under Raheem and Dominick. No one should be smiling right now.
November 23rd, 2011 at 8:44 pm
3 WHOLE YEARS- my God! How you’ve suffered. You poor lil thing
Come on- GROW UP!
Tell me, How long Since the 49ers or Lions have been to the playoffs?? You would have wilted and died, poor flower!
How long Since they won A SuperBowl?
Again, you’d be dead.
I’m not trying to be mean. I’m just pointing out how ridiculous all this B.S. Whining sounds. How many teams have gone to the playoffs 3 or more years in a row? Pretty slim pickings, huh.
The Team is rebuilding. It’s progressing. But like all young things, it can be frustrating some times.
You’re a good guy. I know you are disappointed the team regressed in sone areas. it happens with young things- all the time.
We are doing it right. Needs a few more tweaks, but we are gonna be OK.
Don’t fall in with the haters. Believe me, their agenda of hatred has nothing to do with this teams success or failure. They want Raheem out, and don’t care if he wins 5 SuperBowls in row. They would want him gone anyway. And if they can trick anyone into listening, then it just helps their cause