Bucs Broiled On NFL.com
November 16th, 2011
"Olie, you can still be your best self and dial up a first quarter touchdown."
Joe’s fascinated by new media and all it’s done for sports coverage. Especially the way leagues like the NFL allow biting commentary on their official websites. That’s fun stuff.
Though Joe wonders how much fun the folks at One Buc Palace are having with former NFL executive Mike Lombardi’s latest blast on NFL.com. Lombardi also doubles as a frequent analyst on NFL Network. He penned an I-told-you-so piece on the Bucs today, essentially saying his fears after the Bucs were torched in the preseason by the Patriots have led to the sad state of the Bucs today.
Here’s a snippet:
My premise this summer was that the Bucs were a young team that could be molded the right way. They were like a college team that craved leadership and needed to learn how to be a pro, and Morris had their full attention. But Morris chose not to put the hammer on them and made excuses for their poor play. Now, Morris has been making excuses for them all season. The Bucs are young as babies, but Morris does not have to baby them. He should lead them.
When the Bucs came from behind at Minnesota to win their first game in Week 2 and followed it up with a home victory against the Falcons, everything seemed fine — the young Bucs were getting it. But then they got blown out in San Francisco — no problem, just a bad day, because the next week they beat the Saints. These inconsistent patterns are typical of a young team.
But that way of thinking is very dangerous. Being inconsistent shouldn’t be blamed on youth. There is an old saying in football, “You are either coaching it, or allowing it to happen.” Being inconsistent happens. It happens because there is not a high level of competition at practice, bad practices are tolerated and there is no attention to detail. And all this occurs because no one is accountable.
You can click above to read the entire column.
Man, the heat is cranking up under Raheem Morris. And as Joe has written numerous times, that’s where the heat belongs, versus being directed at the front office. Joe might feel differently if the coaching staff was getting the most out of its roster, but that’s nowhere near the case.
November 16th, 2011 at 5:02 pm
He was getting the most out of his rookies last year…that’s why he [should have been] Coach of the Year. Somehow, they need to get that “us against the world” mentality back.
November 16th, 2011 at 5:09 pm
Hey Lombardi, what the hell have done lately? and before that?
Not a damn thing! That’s what I thought. Jerk!~
November 16th, 2011 at 5:09 pm
Coaching + Front Office + Ownership
Lets see, we replaced component one and two, but were still bad?
I believe I have isolated the faulty component.
November 16th, 2011 at 5:15 pm
It’s about time Rah started getting some heat! If this were Philly or New York the local media would’ve been blasting him by now. He wouldn’t be able to go out in public without a disguise. I don’t see how he can turn this around. He’s let these guys slide by for so long and Lombardi hit the nail on the head with his article. The key word was ACCOUNTABILITY. Up to this point NO ONE has been held accountable. Rah’s simply been living off the youth factor as an excuse. It’s gotten old and now the hole he’s dig is just too deep. If he can get this team turned around, MORE POWER TO HIM. But I’m not seeing it from what we’ve seen the past 4 weeks!
November 16th, 2011 at 5:22 pm
It’s Gruden’s Fault!!!!!
November 16th, 2011 at 5:23 pm
it’s about time. everyone’s always jumping on your bandwagon joe! you got an open bar or what? keep up the good work guys!
November 16th, 2011 at 5:25 pm
We will make the playoffs!!! Yeah u heard me
November 16th, 2011 at 5:26 pm
Rah is finally exposed. i said he was a con-man a long time ago. somehow he fooled the glazers into hiring him. then he rode the youth movement for an excuse for as long as he could. He simply has no business being a head coach.
November 16th, 2011 at 5:26 pm
Lombardi is absolutely dead on. That lack of passion we saw last weekend was due to lack of leadership.
November 16th, 2011 at 5:28 pm
And Mike Lombardi has seen exactly how much practice?
November 16th, 2011 at 5:30 pm
I’m pretty sure that one stung Morris quite a bit.
November 16th, 2011 at 5:31 pm
Great post Joe!
November 16th, 2011 at 5:40 pm
(1) I love Bucs fans. People rag on us because of our output at games – thats fine. But the ones I observe on JoeBucsFan and other forums are mostly well informed and passionate. Proud to be among you.
(2) I’ve always been wishy-washy on Morris. Excellent players coach, but has never appeared to be a details guy. Does anybody remember Ronde’s interview during 2009, the one where he said that Morris’s early season gameplans were suspect, and that Morris repeatedly emphasized cliche terms like “hard work” and “fundamentals” to the team, without really articulated a specific gameplan?
Someone said this the other day, but it demands reemphasizing: Morris does little more than preach those cliches in media interviews (ex: Sunday’s postgame and Monday’s). I’m beginning to question whether Morris’s over-reliance on those terms has created a situation where the players no longer respond to them, or worse yet, no longer understand their meaning.
A return to fundaments (tackling, positioning on defense, route running for the wide receivers) seems like it would go a long way towards correcting the mistakes of late, but I can’t help but question whether Raheem is capable of getting that done.
November 16th, 2011 at 5:54 pm
WOW this guy is national medai and actually watches the Bucs. So used to dribble from someone who does not have a clue. This guy takes the words right out of my mouth. All year Raheem makes excuses for his teams poor play and now it comes back to haunt him. You have to mold young players and Raheem just doesn’t have the experience to do that. He wants to be their buddy, their friend which might save your job in if they had a mind to perform to expectations but once things go south your done. GREAT POST JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 16th, 2011 at 6:00 pm
The fact that Joe continues to try to give his man-crush Dummynik a free pass is laughable.
Dummynik’s “plan” has not worked. We have zero depth , zero veteran leadership , and below average talent at too many positions to count.
You cant put this all on coaching.
November 16th, 2011 at 6:02 pm
If Rah turns it around this season, this question would be irrelevant:
However, let me throw it out there in case the horrific play continues.
Will Dom throw Rah under the bus to save himself? My magic eightball says in a heartbeat.
November 16th, 2011 at 6:27 pm
I think Morris will be a good coach eventually, but he needs to learn some leadership lessons:
– You can’t be their buddy and their boss. This approach never works and only confuses youngsters when times are tough.
– If the boss AKA the Coach violates NFL rules (re phonegate), there is no reason to expect the players will abide by the rules. They will follow the example they have been provided.
– If there is are no repercussions for poor performance, they will repeat it as it has now been sanctioned.
November 16th, 2011 at 6:52 pm
I think Lombardi is an A-Hole but this article seems pretty accurate.
I have backed Morris but watching last weeks game was depressing and somethig is terribly wrong here. Many more games like that and someone needs to be fired.
Im sure this name will begin to circle like Cowhers did 2 years ago. Jeff Fisher. He is a Good Coach that has yet to win a superbowl. The guy has played the Cover 2 and likes to run the ball. But time will tell if this team needs a new HC or needs to replace the OC.
November 16th, 2011 at 7:17 pm
This is the first time I have ever heard Joe hold Morris responsible for anything! What gives Joe?
November 16th, 2011 at 7:17 pm
Lombardi is a respected nfl analyst. It is rare that someone of this stature will blast a current head coach – he must feel strongly.
Any of you holdouts should pay attention to this bc it carries more objectivity than – say that of an anonymous blogger.
Rah is a nice energetic young guy but he is little more qualified and capable to a nfl head coach than you or I. The coach buddy stuff doesnt win.
November 16th, 2011 at 7:23 pm
I will straight up trade, right now, Rah for Tony Soprano, I mean Sparano; or hell – How about for Rod Marinelli?
November 16th, 2011 at 7:44 pm
Rah for Tony Sprano? You mean the coach who’s got a 2 win football team? Really Thomas? You and your stupid comments never cease to amaze me.
November 16th, 2011 at 7:46 pm
I just read the whole article. Everybody should read it.This really stands out;
“They head to Green Bay this week with the worst defense in the NFL in yards allowed per play, the worst yards after the catch allowed and second-worst in sacking the quarterback.”
This is Rah’s defense folks.
November 16th, 2011 at 7:47 pm
We are panicking much to soon and some of us have unreasonable expectations for the total rebuild of a 2yr old team. A historical perspective might help. Did you know that those mighty Texans that embarrassed us last week has been in the NFL since 2002 and they have never, thats right never, even been to the playoffs? You know what their record was last year? 6 and 10. The coach has not been fired and their fans have not committed suicide. What they did was hire a senior DC, Wade Phillips, got a couple of good FAs, like Jonathan Joseph, CB who is playing at a pro bowl level, and you witnessed the results last week. Just to be sure you’re getting my point, those illustrious Green Bay Packers, (the ones that are going to B-slap us this week), had a great year in 2007, Farve’s last year, going 13-3 as the Bucs had a great year in 2010 going 10-6. But the very next year 2008 ( Rodgers first start/his 4th year in the league), the wheels fell off, as is happening to the Bucs this year, and they went 6-10. They did not fire the HC and the fans did not revolt. They did what good organizations do – they fixed the problem. They fired 8 assistant coaches including Bob Sanders DC, and hired Dom Capers the present DC and the rest is history! Look fellows I don’t like losing either, but this is hard stuff and you don’t solve the problem by killing the HC and GM (that can come later. lol) at the first sign of a problem.You may make Thomas happy, but thats about it! You fix the problem by identifying the organizational weaknesses and player deficiencies and moving swiftly to correct them!
November 16th, 2011 at 7:49 pm
I went down the rabbit hole. I clicked the link and read lombardi’s article, then clicked the link in his, for a video clip of a speach by an air force general, about how leadership is a gift.
It was the most inspirational thing i’ve ever seen in my life. I think the bucs lack this sense of self-motivation, self-reliability and accountability to each other.
Brooks, Sapp and Lynch were the guys to police that back in the day, not Ronde. We also had Dungy and numerous future head coaches on the defensive staff. We had leadership.
Where is leadership now? Freeman earned it as a leader last year, but certainly isn’t earning it by his performance this year. As for the rest of the team, I’m at a loss for anyone who is earning the right to be a leader based off of their performance, player or coach.
Until the mentality of this football team changes, the results will stay the same.
November 16th, 2011 at 8:00 pm
The substantial difference between the Texans and Packers:
Kubiak and McCarthy are experienced and proven NFL commodities. Further, the Texans have been very good offensively for years they just had injury issues and a bad D – but it was clear Kubiak’s offense is not the problem. Rah’s defense (3years in) is on pace to be one of the worst in HISTORY.
November 16th, 2011 at 8:07 pm
Thomas, there are opinions and there are informed opinions but facts are stubborn things. Every word I said in my previous post is a provable fact. Now whether you would be happy if Rah Rah is fired is pure conjecture!
November 16th, 2011 at 8:20 pm
It must be the coaching, Tampa can win, and has beaten good teams.
I think we did better with the OLD – O and D Line Coaches we had last year.
November 16th, 2011 at 8:29 pm
Some stupid stuff on here day in and day out. You people really do need to get a clue. Lombardi said inconsistency is expected in a young team. Then he turns right around and says it’s coached into a team. Huh???? A young team is inconsistent because it’s…..duh…YOUNG. Not just young…the youngest team in the NFL with the toughest schedule over the last 5 games and Sunday will make it 6. Now I’m not excusing the pathetic lack of effort we saw Sunday against the Texans but that’s the first I’ve seen of that this year and I expect it will be the last. I wasn’t one who thought they were going to the playoffs this year and if you did….your just plain stupid. I’m sorry, there’s no other way to put it. They have the potential sure, but things would have to go absolutely perfectly throughout the entire season for that to happen. One rookie and two second year players on your defensive line, a rookie MLB, two second year players as starting receivers, a second year running back and, for all practical purposes, a second year QB. Yeah…that’s a recipe for the playoffs. What do you geniuses expect from the team at this point in time??? They’re two drafts away kids. Two drafts = 2 yrs for those of you slow at football AND math. Develop some patience before your little microcephalic heads explode.
November 16th, 2011 at 8:34 pm
I want to see a different team for the last 7 games this season. And if we don’t make the playoffs AGAIN for the 4TH STRAIGHT year, I better at least see a team that’s trying and that’s showing signs of hope and improvement. A team that can be in the playoffs next year! Or else I won’t care if Raheem and Dom are gone after this year. And really, they should feel blessed if their jobs are secure for another season. Three straight years of no playoffs is unacceptable.
November 16th, 2011 at 8:46 pm
Dear Greg Olson,
A real OC adjusts his offense to the players’ strengths.
November 16th, 2011 at 8:52 pm
The Buc’s catch the Packers napping this week and pull off the upset. Good post. Raheem will respond. Damn I hope I’m right.
November 16th, 2011 at 9:00 pm
@Bobby – Keep making EXCUSESeam Glazer loves “fans” like you.
One Word Bobby: DUNCE!
November 16th, 2011 at 9:02 pm
Further, rah has already scapegoated 8 assistant coaches in just 2 years: bates, jags, mangurian, stretz, biasaccia etc – and the same problems persist. The common denominatior – our terrible coach. Even proven NFL people agree.
November 16th, 2011 at 9:03 pm
Get a Real OC…get a real HC…Raheem could/should be the DC.
Until DISCIPLINE is restored on this team the players will do what they want, make excuses and LOSE!
November 16th, 2011 at 9:43 pm
look at raheems resume hes qualified to be a high school gym teacher PUTZ!!
November 16th, 2011 at 9:46 pm
C’mon, Thomas you have the right to your opinions, but at least be fair and responsible. Stretz? Did I miss a news bulletin? Biasaccia quit to further his own career and you know that Mangurian was a Greg Olsen/Mark Dominik ploy. Am I going to hear next that Rah Rah engineered the firing of Gruden so he could take a 5mil/yr job for 900k? Oh Please!!!
November 16th, 2011 at 11:35 pm
Why would anyone rag on the Lombardi story? He’s 100 percent right. The players learned after their first quit job against N.E. during the preseason that there are no consequences to abysmal coaching and playing. Now after game 9 there is talk of accountability and being taken to the woodshed. You’re way late coach. The discipline and attention to detail was never instilled in this team and it won’t happen overnight. These comparisons with other teams that went 6-10 seasons past fails to realize improvement was occurring and they weren’t getting blown out or quitting. Clean house and show players what happens when they fail to give their all and play stupid. I don’t expect a win in GB but just once, keep it close into the 3rd quarter.
November 17th, 2011 at 12:26 am
Could we bring Joe Maddon in just to handle the personnel.
now before anyone gets their panties in a twist, its tongue and cheek.
November 17th, 2011 at 9:19 am
Are people such Homers they can’t objectively evaluate thier own team? Rah as D-coordinator is responsible for building one of the worst Defenses in history. And before you tell me they are the youngest team BS, take a look at our biggest issues. Effort, Penaltys, Gameplan, Accountability. That’s all on Rah. Oh….how is the third youngest team in the NFL playing this year? Guess we will see on Sunday….
November 17th, 2011 at 9:51 am
All this is fine and may be true but it does not change a thing: Raheem will get a couple more years to grow and rebuild. It would be idiotic to jump off now and start over. Thankfully, MOST owners have more patience than fans and understand that things take time… definately more than 2 years.
One thing I do not understand is people saying Morris makes excuses. I have never heard him make an excuse other than saying something along the lines of “we are young and there is a learning curve”
BUT that is usually followed by him saying whatever the transgression was is not acceptable, regardless of youth.
That to me is not an excuse, it is a fact.
Maybe he should lay off the “youth” talk and not build that into their
thinking because then it can become an accepted excuse
Regardless, the building blocks are on the team already, they are a couple of players on each side of the ball away.
In 2 years they will be a SB contender
November 17th, 2011 at 11:30 am
@Dave…finally a voice of reason.
November 17th, 2011 at 12:04 pm
It’s not so much the excuses as it is the over use of generalizations and cliche’s. The first qtr this Sunday will be very telling. Its clear Rah had to light a fire under some ass’s in practice, let’s see if he is the motivator everyone says he is. If we put up less than 7 points in the first half, and we see the same sloppy play, penalties and lack of effort then we will have allot of wuestions answered. This is the week to prove the doubters wrong. He doesn’t need a win, he needs to show growth and improvement.