Jaws Likes Insider Look At Freeman
September 29th, 2011
"Jaws, don't be loving this Freeman kid more than I do. If he were on my team, we would have won throwing 50 times in the Meadowlands."
Chucky and his Monday Night Football broadcasting brethren are in the midst of their deep research for their next game on the Bucs’ home turf.
Well, maybe Chucky isn’t, since he loves everybody no matter what he sees on film.
But Joe has a little more respect for Ron Jaworski’s assessments of players, especially quarterbacks. And Jaws, as he’s known, talked about Freeman today on The Fabulous Sports Babe Show on 1040 AM.
Jaws explained that he was spending his day at NFL Films headquarters watching tape of Freeman and listening to a wired-for-sound Freeman during a 2010 game that just happened to a be a magical fourth quarter comeback win for the Bucs.
Jaws called it “unique preview’ of Freeman that left him amazed by his “command in the huddle” and “command at the line of scrimmage.”
“Hearing him wired in the huddle [in the fourth quarter], you would have thought it was the first quarter,” Jaws said.
Now for those that think Jaws is just pumping up Freeman to hype the broadcast, Joe reminds you that this is not Chucky.
Here’s what Jaws had to say about Curtis Painter, the Colts’ starter on Monday.
“I don’t see the full skill set that would lead me to believe he’ll be successful in the NFL,” Jaws said.
Just another reminder that it’s great to have Freeman playing for the good guys, and that it’s going to be quite a suckup fest for Freeman on Monday. Considering how much of that gushing would have fallen on Peyton Manning, this broadcast is really going to be a blessing for the Bucs’ national image.
September 29th, 2011 at 2:59 pm
Feeling good, people! Hopefully our sell-out crowd will get hooked on the fun and start buying tickets to each game.
September 29th, 2011 at 3:11 pm
@Joe, I said the same thing in another post, with a sell out and a win over the Colts the avg/casual fan will see this as a win over Peyton Manning and the Colts as most casual fans can’t separate the two. I do believe a BIG WIN will go a long way in filling CITS weekly.
September 29th, 2011 at 3:29 pm
Let’s hope that Freeman puts on a good show this week :o)
September 29th, 2011 at 3:39 pm
Honest question: How many people will miss the Bucs game for the Rays playoff game Monday night?
September 29th, 2011 at 3:42 pm
Also appears the Ponies have lost Gary Brackett(LB) and Melvin Bullitt( Safety) for the game. Indy is just not having a good Year. Hopefully we can help them to get that first draft pick. Andrew Luck might re- energize them. So blowing them out Monday would be an act of kindness’
September 29th, 2011 at 3:46 pm
WHAT????????? The Rays schedule has them playing at home monday night???
What a bunch of S***.
I will be at home with both on then.
Although, one of the coolest things ever was a few thousand fans sticking around after the Bucs beat Seattle and watching a Rays playoff game on the big screens with Price on the mound beating the Red Sox.
Hmmmmmmmmmm IPAD with the Rays game playing (or Bucs game playing depending on which game you are at)
September 29th, 2011 at 4:19 pm
How many people will miss the Bucs game for the Rays playoff game Monday night?
I really don’t know, it’s Texas and an early start (5:07 PM East) which helps, you probably won’t miss to many, great thing is the early start, that should get people out of the Trop by 10 pm at the latest and either to a bar or home to watch the resurgent Bucs, which hopefully will bring them to the CITS for the next home game which is a biggie against the Saints a division foe who we hate. I would expect that to be a sellout too, especially if we win the Colts game and then go on to beat SF on the road which thankfully will be the late game here which always garners a larger audience. This Monday night game is going to work in favor of the Bucs filling up the stadium like they used to. Winning cures all ills.