Bucs Defense Came To Play
September 26th, 2011
Gerald McCoy and the Bucs defense putting heat on Matty Ice was a big reason the Bucs finally snapped the Dixie Chicks win streak.
Joe was as giddy as the next guy that the Bucs took down the Dixie Chicks, finally, Sunday night. The reason is simple: defense.
To read the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the crying has consumed Atlanta (combined with the Braves swallowing the tailpipe as well). It’s not bad enough that the Dixie Chicks lost. It’s not bad enough that Matty Ice got beaten to a pulp . It’s that these actions came at the hands of the Bucs, documents Mark Bradley.
The Falcons spent three quarters letting an OK Tampa Bay team get ahead and stay there, and it wasn’t as if the Bucs seized every moment. They netted three points from two sacks-and-recovered-fumbles inside the Falcons’ 20. They had a chance to pull ahead by three scores but threw an interception on the first play of the fourth quarter, whereupon a mystery guest appeared.
Yet is is this same “OK” Bucs team that had the Dixie Chicks on the ropes at the GeorgiaDome last year but couldn’t convert a fourth-and-one for a first down inside the five in the waning minutes of the game. Yet it’s this same “OK” Tampa Bay squad which forgot how to tackle against the Dixie Chicks on a kickoff, thereby letting them back in the game.
So which is is? Are the Bucs better than OK? Or is it simply that the Dixie Chicks aren’t Super Bowl-ready?
September 26th, 2011 at 11:07 pm
think about this, last year we lost games playing incredibly well, look for example both atlanta, or baaltimore, we were complaining about winning, this season has been different, cuz we are not a good football team yet but we won 2 and were nearly of the third one.
look, im not saying we dont need fixes, but, at least we are winning, what about when we play amazing and still winning???
whatchout NFL world, cuz the bucs are making their own path to another superbowl
September 26th, 2011 at 11:12 pm
I’m sure the writer of this article watched the game and didn’t finish his Miller draft and wings after the “OK” 4&1 offsides penalty…
September 26th, 2011 at 11:15 pm
From the article:
“On the one hand, the Falcons seem careless. (Three turnovers and five penalties in this first half.) On the other hand, they seem scared to cut loose until circumstances render cutting loose a last resort. Former Falcons punter Michael Koenen, now a Buc, told the Tampa Tribune: “Up there, it’s a lot tighter. There’s a lot more nervous energy.”
Now, I’m sure the Doubting Thomases and Erics of the world will never admit this, but that’s all a credit to Rah…
September 26th, 2011 at 11:37 pm
Haha what a hack!
September 27th, 2011 at 12:00 am
The Falcon’s are what they are. Studs inbetween the 20’s, but that doesn’t win you ballgames let alone championships. They’re what you would call “paper champions”. We should have exposed them years ago for who they really are. Well, better now than never.
September 27th, 2011 at 12:05 am
The Chicks are definitely not Super Bowl ready. You don’t let your quarterback get pummeled every week like is happening to Atlanta and expect to go to the big show.
September 27th, 2011 at 12:16 am
As a proud member of Bucs Nation, i can attest that sports in Atlanta are going down the crapper right now. and fans are just looking for excuses at this point to justify why their glorified Falcons have yet to bing home the big one. and the Braves September collapse (similar to that of the 08 bucs) has all but spiraled all but sent the city into utter depression. There are no Thrashers anymore, there are no Hawks right now, there are about to be no Braves, and fans are just wrapping their heads around the bitter realization that the Falcons maybe nothing close to what they though they were. It also stung fans a bit to see Gary Sheffield, a former Atlanta Brave, standing on our sideline rocking his bucs gear. its just all crap up here at this point. and my number 5 jersey isnt going away any time soon. GO BUCS!!!!
September 27th, 2011 at 6:05 am
“Are the Bucs better than OK? Or is it simply that the Dixie Chicks aren’t Super Bowl-ready?”
September 27th, 2011 at 9:30 am
Did you guys see the caption on that article? “Even the Bucs are mocking the Dirty Bird now.” What???? I live in Atlanta and I hate this town. People bash Tampa’s fan base but this one is just as bad. The GA Dome isn’t even full on gamedays.
And “even the Bucs” have a Super Bowl title and a HOF in their history that’s 10 years shorter than Atlanta’s.