BSPN Looks At Bucs-Vikings

September 18th, 2011

Alex Loeb and Cris Carter break down the Bucs win over the Vikings in this BSPN video.

17 Responses to “BSPN Looks At Bucs-Vikings”

  1. big007hed Says:

    Glad to see that was ALL about the vikings, the Bucs were mentioned for a total of 3 seconds… Amazing ESPN fails again


    what do you expect fom Chris the former Viking Carter and the Facists at BSPN?

  3. lovethepewter Says:

    Yep all about the Vikings loss and not the Bucs win. Yawn.

  4. CannuckBuc Says:

    just more BSpn CRAP !!!

  5. BonesMahoney Says:

    Does Cris Carter sound drunk to anyone else?

  6. Garv Says:

    LOL Yeah, ALL about the Vikings falling apart, not a freaking word about the Buccaneers battling back.

    Fine, still under the radar of the phony ass “experts!”

    What a GAME!!!

  7. nick Says:

    Mason Foster 10 tackles, 7 solo 1 TFL 1 QB hit

  8. nick Says:

    And a Sack

  9. Jorge Says:

    That was f^cking useless…I hate those bastards…

  10. blackmagic00 Says:

    So if we beat the chickens does that mean they’re not a good football team?

  11. Timbucsfan Says:

    Chris Carter you are a certified douche…
    WTF… BSPN give our Bucs at least a little bit of credit… the vikes didn’t play conservative at all in the second half, they just flat out got owned with the exception of redzone pick. Our D-FENCE deserves crazy props for stopping the vikes and AP over and over again in the second half. Imagine when this team learn how to get it rolling from the start!! BUCS WIN, BUCS WIN, BUCCANEERS WIN!!!!

  12. Stevek Says:

    Big win for the Bucs.

    Now, can we feed Blount for 13 carries in the first half next week, please?

    If we are going to compete against the dirty birds next week, then we will need to give it to Blount and get him rolling.

    Also, the Mike Williams catch was sick! Too bad we had an illegal formation.

  13. Jorge Says:

    The dirty birds are getting slaughtered…game shouldn’t be close…so when they come in limping its either going to be = we took them down when they were hurting or if they win look at their resiliency bspn is useless ( except for college football

  14. Jorge Says:

    dirty birds weather the onslaught…can’t wait to the showdown next sunday GO BUCS

  15. tony2cents Says:

    If this game showed anytihng, its that Blount has got to get his toughes. Let the man run wild!

  16. Jonny Says:

    WTF is with you guys begging for credit from Cris Carter and BSPN? ESPN sucks, their experts suck, and most importantly Cris Carter effing sucks with his analysis and all. If you ever watched NFL pregame shows where Carter never has an interesting observation, but just throws hissy fits when someone disagrees with what he says, you would care less what he has to say about an unimpressive Bucs win.

  17. BecklesHeartsRuud Says:

    Have much viking bias Cris Carter?