Tyrone McKenzie: Foster Named Starting MLB
August 16th, 2011
Tyrone McKenzie claims he has lost the race for the starting middle linebacker gig to rookie Mason Foster. Coach Raheem Morris pushes the notion this is nonsense.
Well now, it seems the Bucs may have their first controversy of the season.
Per Anwar Richardson of the Tampa Tribune, middle linebacker Tyrone McKenzie, who is alleged to be in a competition with rookie Mason Foster for the starting middle linebacker position, told Richardson there is no longer a competition. That Raheem Morris already has made up his mind.
Your 2011 starting middle linebacker for the Bucs will be Foster, so says McKenzie, via Richardson.
Naturally, Morris disputed this when asked by Richardson for his reaction.
“You have to earn the right to start,” Morris said. “You’re not given anything around here. You have to earn that in practice. You have to go out there and show me something that makes me start you.
“You can have the ability to do that every day with your work and how you maintain your defense and how you handle your business, so I’m not prepared to answer that question yet on how he handles being second (string) because he’s not second yet.”
McKenzie previously asked New England to release him when he believed the Patriots would not allow him to fight for a starting position, but he has no intentions of asking Tampa Bay to do the same.
This interests Joe in a number of ways. Of course, Joe would suspect if all things were equal, Foster would get the nod because the Bucs have a lot invested in the young man.
Although it’s a totally different situation, this reminds Joe of the incident last year when Sabby the Goat reacted angrily when he learned he would not start and lashed out at Morris publicly claiming his competition with Sean Jones for a starting safety gig was a set up, later referred to as “a sham competition.”
Joe must publicly apologize to both Foster and McKenzie. Any comparison of the two to Sabby the Goat is purely coincidental.
August 16th, 2011 at 8:12 am
Anwar is a bald faced liar who is wrong more than right.
August 16th, 2011 at 8:39 am
IF McKenzie said that, we may have a problem. (Big if.)
We may have a problem because McKenzie may be a bit headstrong. Given that he asked for his release from the Patriots and now is publicly in disagreement with his coach…it’s a little unsettling.
Part of me wonders if he’ll actually be motivated as the backup MLB or whether his head will get in his way.
August 16th, 2011 at 8:48 am
The best thing the Bucs have going for it with this young team is chemistry. I know Morris knows this. This should be a good situation for the Bucs to have 2 motivated players vying for a key position on the team. The locker room will know, the coaches will know, and the players themselves will know who has loegitimately earned the role of starter – a designation IMO that should be a game time decision instead of a fixed title. Controversy sells newspapers – competition wins games. It serves no useful purpose on thus team and should be publicly dispelled.
August 16th, 2011 at 8:53 am
Most of what comes out of one buc these days is a sham. Just like rah rah screwed ruud, he has done the same to t mack. It is now about the best player it is about making the decision makers look competent. Which is why okam will outplay gmc at 3 technique but never given a fair chance to start there.
August 16th, 2011 at 9:41 am
I hope Rah starts the best player. He will lose the lockeroom if he doesn’t. We should get a much better idea on thu who is better. The chiefs were simply pathetic and Haley showed he isn’t an elite coach by his approach.
Now Belicheat on the other hand, will surely test our D. Both Mason and Tyrone will have their chances to make plays.
August 16th, 2011 at 9:43 am
Of course it is not fair, and no team will ever have it be fair. Coaches and teams want their guys that they draft in the first few rounds to win the spots. They are not objective from the start. Just like a big name free agent is getting the nod over someone else who might outplay them all year.
Either way, from what I have read and heard and seen: McKenzie and Foster were playing about equal. The difference is McKenize was proble slightly ahead in play calling. They removed those duties and gave them to Black… so now it is even so they will go with their guy.
I have no problem with it.
The real problem is that McKenize AND Foster seem like they should BOTH be on the field. Hayes or Black should be the guy getting benched and one of them should be moved to the outside. I don’t know if McKenzie can play OLB or not, I know Foster can.
It appears they are all in with Foster and Black… hope Black finally steps up and becomes the playmaker he seems capable of being.
That leaves Hayes. If he is not consistent… again…. does McKenzie get a shot on the outside?
August 16th, 2011 at 9:46 am
@Dave: I doubt it. McKenzie seems like more of a natural fit on the inside. I’d imagine Watson would get a crack at WLB before him.
August 16th, 2011 at 10:19 am
Its so funny how this one troll just disagrees with every personnel move just to hate. lets settle this once and for all. Tyrone Mckenzie was released from the Patriots practice squad for a reason. You don’t demote a 3rd round pick to practice squad and then release him that quickly after you drafted him unless your convinced you have nothing incredibly special on your hands. This is what Belichek did to McKenzie and Belichek seems to know just a little bit about what he is doing. NO ONE starts guys they just recently picked up off of someone else’s practice squad over their own high draft picks. Mckenzie would have had to blow Foster totally out of the water to get the starting nod and he DOES NOT have the talent to do that. Like Joe said, even if their play has been similar in camp its automatic that the teams draft pick will get the benefit of the doubt in that situation.
August 16th, 2011 at 10:28 am
The only thing I wanna know is was McKenzie notified via text message, like the Goat was last year?
August 16th, 2011 at 10:35 am
Mckenzie played outside linebacker in college,and why wouldnt he play the best player?
August 16th, 2011 at 10:37 am
Hey Beckles, thats just not the best example. I can think of plenty of players from practice squads who are impressive or even Dominant.
Off the top of my head.
Donald Penn
Legarrette Blount
James Harrison
Ted Larsen
McKenzie is impressive. Foster is Impressive. The Bucs drafted Foster. He will get the Nod unless he gaffes big time. Look for McKenzie to have packages be made for him much like Watson and compete at WLB.
August 16th, 2011 at 10:43 am
Morris having Black calling the plays is proof enough that the position is for Foster to lose.
I have no idea who is better or who practices better but that right there says it all.
August 16th, 2011 at 10:49 am
Mean D:
Joe’s got to stick up for Anwar here. That’s a pretty outrageous allegation to write about a reporter without bringing some evidence to the table.
Now Joe understands that you may disagree with stories Anwar has but to call him a bald-faced liar is over the top.
Anwar has been with the Tribune for at least 13 years. Guys who you suggest are fiction writers are generally exposed in a matter of weeks if not months. If Anwar was up to unethical practices as you suggest, Joe’s pretty confident Anwar would have been launched a long time ago rather than being promoted (and Joe knows of one guy who really was a fiction writer with the Tribune and was ousted after a few weeks).
August 16th, 2011 at 10:55 am
jvato24- none of the guys you listed had to beat out guys who were highly drafted by the org in the previous draft. Im not saying you cant get a good player off a practice squad.
August 16th, 2011 at 10:58 am
jvato- To further my point. Do you really think that Ted Larsen would be starting at left guard this season of the Bucs had drafted an offensive guard in the 1st round instead of Clayborn? Not likely unless the rookie just sucked in camp.
August 16th, 2011 at 11:02 am
I am a big McKenzie fan, mostly because he was a bull and played great for them. If they are playing close to the same level it may be that the coaches see more upside in Foster. Regardless, they played the best players last year, why would anyone think they will not this year…other then the little boy Thomas. He simply has an agenda to bash Morris and GMC. If they are trying to make the decisions makers look good, mission accomplished. Also the only way that works is by putting the best players in. So, pleaae Thomas, keep your illojical ideas to yourself, or share them with other Falcons fans.
August 16th, 2011 at 11:03 am
Ah, illogical. anyway, your hate is old and unfounded. Go post on TBO, with the rest of your kind.
August 16th, 2011 at 11:19 am
Am i the only one that thought Foster played better than McKenzie in the Cheifs game? To me he seemed a slot quicker where Kenzie seemed bulky and sluggish.
To thomas, we havn’t seen gmc in a game since his injury. Okam looked damn good, but we haven’t seen any compeition yet. I’m all for playing devils advocate, but you have to have something based in reality to advocate in order to play.
August 16th, 2011 at 11:24 am
Jrock…I thought Foster looked better as well, but I also liked what I saw from McKenzie.
Thomas has an agenda, and you will never get him to tell you what it is. Infact, even if you ask for proof or offer proof to appose his view, he will not reply 9 out of 10 times.
August 16th, 2011 at 11:47 am
I agree calling the gum-smacking Anwar a bald face liar is over the top, but if you listen to Morris’ PC yesterday, there is definitely a misinterpretation on someone’s part here or a twisting of words going on IMO.
If you listen to yesterdays PC, a reporter asks verbatim:
“Coach we all know that Tyron Mckenzie was hopeful and optimistic that he could win that starting position and now that it seems like thats not going to happen, how do you think he’s handled playing that secondary role for you guys?”
and then Raheem responds by saying;
“If he feels like it’s not going to happen already, then I can guarantee you it won’t, that thing is wide open”
When you dissect it, I don’t see any controversy in the above statements, nor does it infer anywhere that Tyrone said from his own mouth that he has already lost it. I think it may be implied, especially if Foster continues to do what he is doing and with the high draft pick invested in him, but the implication is different than the actual truth. If you remember after they drafted Foster, Raheem said he was getting scared that Foster would be off the board before they could draft him, implying they probably had thoughts of even drafting him higher than they did.
Maybe there is more to it, but from the question and answer at the PC, I’m not seeing the controversy in it. Either someone misinterpreted the question, somebody is twisting words or this situation is becoming very confusing and I want some clarification. Maybe an interview with Mckenzie would be in the offing?
August 16th, 2011 at 11:55 am
Raheem hasn’t made up his mind, but Mark Dominik did back in April
August 16th, 2011 at 12:04 pm
4 fingers…McKenzie said that the comp was over, Morris just did not confirm what McKenzie said. McKenzie also said he loves being a Buc, and will play whatever role asked. He hopes to get another opportunity and take advantage of it as well. Not a direct quote but pretty close.
August 16th, 2011 at 12:05 pm
In my opinion. The Bucs owe it to the draft system to play Foster “IF” the competition is relatively close. You cannot focus on the draft and not play your investment. McKenzie is not an investment he was a waiver pick up that the team is high on. There is little monetary obligation there. Foster on the other hand actually was paid more and will be given every opportunity to succeed because he was drafted to replace little bo peep. I can tell you that its Raheem and Dom’S JOB to play the best and trust me they did last year so who are we to argue. It’s mighty funny how some people like Thomas act as if Raheem is wronging someone but the truth is outside of the Bucs fanbase who knows McKenzie? TMac should keep a good attitude and backup the rookie and when he gets in there just shine. That will make things easy and also he don’t want to be labeled as a cancer, which is easy to do. The Bucs have a right to name Foster the MLB who played well
August 16th, 2011 at 12:23 pm
Four Fingered Fish:
Click the link above. Anwar interviewed McKenzie.
August 16th, 2011 at 12:31 pm
Thanks for the clarification, I only caught the PC version of the situation and was not aware of Mckenzie’s comments. I was very confused as to the controversy in all this. Thanks for the info, much obliged!
August 16th, 2011 at 12:40 pm
No worries, I hope they find a way to put them both on the field at the same time.
August 16th, 2011 at 12:41 pm
It’s the same on every NFL team. Draft picks will always get the nod over a waiver pick if the competition is close.
August 16th, 2011 at 12:44 pm
Thanks Joe, missed that link upon first read…hopefully we don’t have a Sabby 0.5 in the making. I say 0.5 because I don’t know if anyone can parallel The Goat. I’m almost certain he’s not, but sadly it does make you think of Sabby and The Sham.
August 16th, 2011 at 2:09 pm
We know only too well from last season that the backups are only one play away from taking over as starters. Hopefully McKenzie will keep that in mind and work to be prepared if the call comes. That’s assuming that he’s capable of taking over in the team’s eyes – hope we’re not developing a Sabby replay here.
I wish people would just ignore Thomas – he’s derailed more good discussions on this site than I can count. And that seems to be the sum total of what he’s trying to do. (On a related note: I was alarmed a couple of weeks ago when Tampa2 and Justin surfaced on the site – I’m assuming they’re the same individuals that post racist rants on TBO.com.)
August 16th, 2011 at 2:47 pm
Ravelston…They are. They join us here every year, mostly before the season starts and after a loss. Typical trolls. At least Thomas is a year round troll.
August 16th, 2011 at 2:55 pm
Exactly, leave Thomas with his thoughts to himself. It didn’t take me that long to figure that one out.
August 16th, 2011 at 3:13 pm
My agenda: is to tell you sheep the truth, to open your minds, and to provide an objective analysis to balance the otherwise exclusively fanatical comments of the sheep.
My point is to make the team better, to make the org better, to fill the stadium, to avoid blackouts and to make the playoffs. Since I do not work for the team I find it productive to identify inadequacies. We don’t need another “all things are rosy” commenter, we have hawaiian, bigmac etc for that. All of their comments are the same flavor.
We all agree free and williams appear excellent. Blount might be, ronde was, grimm, Olson and Dom deserve accolades. I don’t need to state the obvious.
August 16th, 2011 at 3:15 pm
An opposing perspective does not equal “derailing good discussions.” unless of course you believe that a good discussion can only be had with people who have identical opinions. That would make for a horribly boring blog, some call it Pewter Report (sorry Joe just my opinion).
August 16th, 2011 at 3:23 pm
Thomas, except you just spew the same crap over and over, and rarely come back and defend your stance. You do not bring an objective view at all. Even when you make a statement that is possitive you follow it up with a bunch of Rha or Glazer bashing. In the same post, and you may throw some GMC bashing in just for good measure. How on earth are you objective. At least you tried to state an agenda, but it is a BS one.
August 16th, 2011 at 3:26 pm
And I shall state it again…if anyone that sees the direction of the Bucs as a good thing is a “sheep”, than I must refer to someone like you that spouts the same negative stubborn BS over and over a “jack ass”. Stubborn till the end, with know clue about this team.
If you are so right, why are you, Eric, and Tampa2 the only people that can be found stating the same jack ass crap as you? Why do you hate Morris so much? Why did you blame 2009 on Morris, but say the 2010 success was not his? You can not have it both ways. What is your true agenda?
August 16th, 2011 at 3:33 pm
@ Thomas
Learn the meaning of the word “stasis” and add some balance to your own thoughts and the information you share.
August 16th, 2011 at 4:04 pm
Careful Thomas! Does the term “stalking horse” have any meaning to you? OR a less endearing term “straw man”? Can you allay my suspicions?
August 16th, 2011 at 5:13 pm
Cool, stalking horse! We used to hunt quail that way in Georgia, although bird dogs are better! Seeing as your talking about Thomass, I guess your meaning is the political expression?
August 16th, 2011 at 6:24 pm
That’s my question to you Thomas, why don’t you ever provide support for you opinion. I think we all are curious…I don’t have a problem with you having an objectional or agenda driven stance but as a fan on this public forum please have the decency to be credible.
August 16th, 2011 at 7:51 pm
This is a great site, and it is a good thing it isn’t my site. Joe has his rules and reasons for banning. I think one is that he doesn’t allow hate from posters that are not Buc Fans. I think Thomas falls into this category daily. It is time for him to go. It’s not an opinion, it’s just Buc Hate. As was said above, any personnel move they make now, Thomas will hate it, bash it, and call or head coach names. I’m sick of it.
Thomas, if you would like to meet for a cup of coffee and discuss this, I’ll be in Tampa Thursday night.
August 17th, 2011 at 8:25 am
you are correct, unless a person fully agrees with whatever kool-aid drinker says, then they aren’t Buc fans. Unfortunately, we all do not look through the same eyes. Take McCoy, he is a bust already. But because he gets press time he is somehow ingrained as a great player to the kool-aid crowd. I’ve never seen so many adopt the propaganda as is on here. Has it ever occured to any of you that if we didn’t care about the team we wouldn’t bother to read the stories, follow the players, or to be bothered when the Glazer boys ruin our team? And if the Glazers thought Morris was such a professional coach, why does the record show only that, With Incentives, Morris “could” make 3.5 mil in his contract? Wouldn’t you put that around 1 mil, and so much if he makes the play-offs, and a bigger bonus should the Bucs win the Superbowl? Speculation? Sure! But we all know how incentive laden contracts are. We have a lot of good players now. so lets see how that defense does this year before we annoint Morris to Sainthood. Wea are all entitled to our own opinions. And my opinion is that whichever Glazer “annointed” Morris head coach will come down off that crack he was on and hire a Professional coach when the defense cracks this year even though we have the talent on D to be good.