National Hype Hits FOX News

August 5th, 2011

Joe knows the players at One Bucs Palace crave national attention for the emerging Bucs. They want the buzz and hype that comes with your team playing on a national stage — and the gear and ticket sales, marketing deals and overall popularity that typically follows.

The Bucs have Monday night and Saturday night games this year, but the first national show is a week from tonight.

Hardly sexy, but the Bucs are nationally televised in Kansas City on FOX for their preseason opener. There’s no other national game up against them, and the biggest markets in the country don’t have a home team playing at the same time.

Hoping to catch a glimpse of naughty Margaret Hoover, Joe watched a bit of The O’Reilly Factor last night on FOX News. The show went to a commercial break and up popped a sizzling promo for the Bucs-Chiefs game. Josh Freeman was getting talked up and LeGarrette Blount was airborne.

Hopefully, that helps. The Bucs desperately need to score the bandwagon types that typically jump on a 10-6 young team with dudes like Blount and Freeman — in what’s supposed to be a football town.

With single game tickets going on sale today at 10 a.m., Joe wonders what the response will be.

19 Responses to “National Hype Hits FOX News”

  1. Espo Says:

    “Hopefully, that helps. The Bucs desperately need to score the bandwagon types that typically jump on a 10-6 young team with dudes like Blount and Freeman — in what’s supposed to be a football town.”

    Ummm nope. Don’t want bandwagon fans taking up my air at the stadium.

  2. flmike Says:

    Margaret Hoover? Really? She’s a walking talking point, at least Megyan Kelly has her own opinions, I don’t agree with any of them, but she’s hot & smart and I can watch with the mute button on.

  3. Joe Says:


    Margaret Hoover is way cute. “Other Joe” didn’t get the most flattering picture of her. 🙁

    Joe also likes the way she bounces up and down in her chair when she gets excited. 🙂

  4. TB Rican (Joel Vasquez) Says:

    LOL, when I saw the picture, I started laughing. I’m a fan of the Bucs and I’m on that Blount train to. Great job, Joe.

  5. Brandon Says:

    I do my part. Any time the Bucs play near the DC area (Washington, Carolina) I’m in the enemy stands cheering them on. THere’s always a few Bucs fans when I go, seemingly as many as the ones that weren’t turncoats and showed up for the homegames last season.

  6. nick Says:

    With a name like Hoover…

  7. flmike Says:

    She may be way cute, but her lack of any original thought kinda takes the shine off…the only reason she has a job is her last name, she’s Herbert Hoover’s grand-daughter.

  8. Jampersand Says:

    I just stopped by to see if the comments section had turned into bickering about Fox News yet. Nope, not yet. Carry on.

  9. jvato24 Says:

    Crazy Fact:

    The Tampa Bay Bucs only have 3 Home games after week 6. Chew on that.

  10. BecklesHeartsRuud Says:

    That picture of Blount looks just like what Chris Ivory did to Ruud. The difference is O.J. Atogwe is a DB and can be forgiven for that.

  11. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:

    Jumpersand, let me start:

    Too bad the viewers that will see that ad can’t read

    Why advertise on a station who’s viewers are a bunch of diabetic mall walkers?

    How long until they ask to see Rah’s birth certificate?

    FOXNews viewers would like to go, but they’re too busy protesting government involvement in Medicare

  12. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:

    I wonder how many phone calls they’re getting at One Buc today from people looking to buy gold/food insurance

  13. ARMY BUC Says:

    Ill be at Arrow Head!!!!!!!!!!! section !$@ row 1 seats 1 and 2 GO BUCS!

  14. OAR Says:

    Stepped in it once, but never sat in !$@.

  15. Jrock (mobile) Says:

    Rofl @ BananaHammock!! “diabetic mall walkers”, i’m stealing that one.

    I always say i watch Fox for my comedy and Comedy Central for my news

  16. Mauha Deeb Says:

    @nick haha!

    @CBH “How long until they ask to see Rah’s birth certificate?”


  17. Dan Says:

    maybe we advertised on FOX news because our game will be aired on …. let me see … FOX?… it probably aired on both of the ‘fox’ networks lets not get into an argument on target audiences? really?

  18. McBuc Says:

    Ms. Hoover is a Rep Strategist, not an actual politician, so I am not sure if she needs to create her own ideas on talk shows…unless she has her own show that I do not know about. She was on Bill Mahr last week, and she is very cute like Joe says. I do not agree with much of what she was saying, but some things I did. I do not watch fox news, so I do not know if she has a show. Anyway, Joe is right about her being damn cute.

  19. SkookumSmitty Says:

    LOL, CBH at the ‘birth certificate’ comment.

    You know, Raheem is a Muslin terrist name!