Big Macs Don’t Agree With Adrian Clayborn

July 7th, 2011

Never mind that a month ago Joe detailed a WDAE-AM 620 interview when Adrian Clayborn explained he was losing weight to prepare for training camp, not bulking up. (Memories can be refreshed here.) There are still misguided souls that believe Clayborn looked soft, if not pudgy, at the players-only minicamp last week.

Joe’s not buying that. And Joe didn’t encounter anyone at the camp who voiced those observations. Next to Gerald McCoy, sure, Clayborn hardly looks rocked up, but he’s supposed to be smaller. And McCoy wears tighter clothes and has spent months recently with a renowned football trainer in San Diego.

Regardless, more evidence that Clayborn is on track appeared yesterday in a Tweet from Clayborn himself. Already one of the best Twitterers in professional sports, Clayborn spit out this gem illustrating how he’s focused on his diet:

@AJaClay – Sucks I can’t even eat greasy unhealthy food anymore and enjoy it. #tummyhurt

Joe’s concerned about Clayborn getting enough coaching and absorbing his playbook before opening day. Joe is not concerned about Clayborn’s fitness.

11 Responses to “Big Macs Don’t Agree With Adrian Clayborn”

  1. BillyJoeSyphilus Says:

    I agree with Joe, by all accounts Clayborn looks to be ready both physically and mentally. Maybe not as much as McCoy but he has that motivation now after having a year of ‘oh wow this is the next level’. We need to get Clayborn some help with his technique, this all brings back the sentiment that Jeff Faine (the consummate professional) had about the lockout hurting rookies the most. End this pain already so I can book my tickets to Tampa for October….

  2. Gary Says:

    He is a rookie and they all refine their eating habits after the first year. Hanging out with GMC will ensure he comes back next year ripped up.

    But I agree with him, not being able to eat big macs (l’ve lost 20 lbs so far on my routine) is not fun at all.

  3. Captain Stagger Says:

    Clay just has that unique potato shape….like Sapp. It’s not his body I’m worried about, but his mind. Would have been nice to have Millard in his ear the last few months…

  4. Mauha Deeb Says:

    Thanks for the sucker punch, Joe.

  5. Mauha Deeb Says:

    Not fat. Just pudgy. Even McCoy had to slim up.

    I am not the first person to notice he could stand to tighten up.

  6. gotbbucs Says:

    im not worried about clayborn in the least. most players that come from iowa are pretty pro ready. will he have a few bumps? sure. technique wise though he’s more refined than most college de’s coming out.

  7. Bob Says:

    Came across a website which stated the following:

    One thing that doesn’t get talked about is that Clayborn played through a good stretch of the season with an undisclosed leg/knee injury suffered during the Wisconsin game. It doesn’t excuse his lack of production prior to the injury or even after it, but it does show the guy’s toughness to play through something that was more than a minor ailment

    Anybody know anything about this. It may account for his dropoff from ’09-’10

  8. GenocideD Says:

    Yesterday was AC’s birthday, too. He should enjoy some greasy food!

  9. FLBoyInDallas Says:

    99.9% of the men on this earth would look inconsequential standing next to Gerald McCoy with the way he’s transformed his body this offseason. It’s freakish to weigh nearly 300 lbs and yet be as ripped as he now is. Even the most juiced-up freaks on the bodybuilding circuit don’t weigh anywhere close to what McCoy weighs. He’s done a phenomenal job this offseason and I think most people don’t yet realize the extent to which he has elevated his training and body composition. It’s nothing short of phenomenal.

  10. OAR Says:

    Is this the BS on twitter, you are referring too?

  11. Capt.Tim Says:

    Anyone notice how big Clayborn’s shoulders are? Guys shoulder are huge!