Tired Of “Fix-It-Each-Year Type Of Situation”
June 3rd, 2011
"Who am I? Rodney fuc*n Dangerfield? Jimminy Christmas. Yeah, I had a 'fix-it-each-year type of situation' Glazer because I'm trying to win fuc*n football games. I could have drafted Freeman, too, you know. I love that guy."
Listening to Bryan Glazer’s tone at a fancy sports gala in Tampa last night, broadcast on WDAE-AM 620, Joe sniffed Glazer’s weariness over the final years (five years?) of the Chucky era.
Glazer was asked by emcee Rock Riley about the decision to hire Mark Dominik and Raheem Morris, and Glazer explained that the duo believed in the Dungy-era way Glazer wanted a return to.
“We wanted to get back to that,” Glazer said. “[a team that can] win mulitiple championships.”
Glazer said it was important to make sure the Bucs approach “wasn’t a fix-it-each-year type of situation” any longer.
Poor Chucky. He won games with his veteran, Band-Aid approach, but winning wasn’t enough to save his job.
Team Glazer wanted a legitimate contender with scary young players and thought it was too much to ask of Chucky.
June 3rd, 2011 at 10:13 am
Believe what you will, the Glazers are all about winning! They have ran off some pretty good coaches, who were winning!, for not keeping the “eye on the Prize!”. All the cheap talk and other nonsense should be out the window already. The players we have accumulated now are Young, talented, and soon expensive as hell. Nobody in Mangement cares about that! They think they’ve layer the framework for another SuperBowl winning team!
I think they have too!!
June 3rd, 2011 at 10:21 am
Total agreement with Capt Tim here. Tampa is building a MONSTER of a team. IF I were Tampa, I would lock up Mark Dominick the rest of his life!
Now is an exciting time to be alive, if you are a Buc’s Fan.
I liked Gruden, sometimes, but think Raheem is a better motivator, long term.
June 3rd, 2011 at 10:42 am
Thanks, Apple, and you’re spot on, it’s a great time to be a Bucs Fan ! I’m fired up!
Damn lockout!
June 3rd, 2011 at 10:55 am
im with you guys…the haters can hate ..just win baby..i dont care who we cut or who the coach..as long as we win..i never get tie up in liking a coach or player more than my team..
June 3rd, 2011 at 11:02 am
when your right your right,im on board with you guys too.
June 3rd, 2011 at 12:19 pm
Good point Capt.! This team will have a lot of high priced players within the next few years. Wouldn’t mind to see us dip into FA and grab Nmamdi and a mid-level LB. I like Justin Durant from Jacksonville or D’Qwell Jackson from Cleveland.
June 3rd, 2011 at 1:02 pm
MOBucs- I know I’m in the minority here, but I fully expect the Bucs to sign several top notch free agents. They believe we start our SuperBowl run this year, with our first shot at the playoffs. Sign a few missing pieces, and let them start to gel onto a “lasting contender”
Again- I think they are right.
It’s great to see a bunch of intelligent guys like you agree. Its good times in The Pirate Nation
Damn lockout!
June 3rd, 2011 at 1:03 pm
If the Glazers spend $ on quality FA’s I will credit them. It sounds nice to say that we want a lasting contender, who doesnt?
Before you can say that anything was done correctly, you must compete for a title. This configuration has yet to make the playoffs. Remember – the Glazers, as you guys say dismantled (I dont agree with that bc a lot of the GruAllen squad remains) the 08 team which was 9-7. So you rebuilt a 9-7 team that missed the playoffs into a 10-6 team that missed the playoffs. That isn’t any success.
That is why this year is defining: a step backwards and three years in and no playoffs, no real improvement. All that has been accomplished is the Glazers saved a TON of money by getting rid of the GruAllen salaries.
June 3rd, 2011 at 1:36 pm
you are so right Thomas,they got one more win,saved money,and neither team made the playoffs,sounds like the Glazers got a better team for a cheaper price. Is that what you are complaining about now?
June 3rd, 2011 at 2:06 pm
Washington doesn’t want a lasting contender. The Bills dont seem particularly interested. Detroit may be now, but I think they’d draft some OFFENSIVE lineman to keep Stafford healthy, if they were really serious. The Vikings are on the wrong track. So are the Cardinals. Seattle has list it’s way. Dallas is still delusional. The Texans might be on the right track, but it’s still a terrible choice in nicknames. Worst ever. So who cares. The panthers made a horrible mistake with Cam Newton, that’ll set them back a few years.
Geez, I don’t know. When I look around, we seem to be one of the very fee doing it right. Unfortunately the Falcons and Saints are on that list! Buutt, to be the best, you gotta beat the Best- gotta love those matchups!
So , no, I’m feeling pretty good about being a proud member of the Pirate Nation right now! I think everyone in the organization is committed to winning. Except That damn lil Aqib Talib. I read where he got Love from Rhonde and Biggers today, so maybe I’ll listen to Jarrett, and cut the Lil hooligan some slack. Buuut, I still want them to sign an insurance policy, cause I dont trust him!
June 3rd, 2011 at 2:34 pm
m.wesley…lol..wow..good one..i think so..hes mad we got one more win and save money…
June 3rd, 2011 at 2:42 pm
“All that has been accomplished is the Glazers saved a TON of money by getting rid of the GruAllen salaries.”
That’s funny, because they are still paying Gruden (I don’t know about Allen). So how exactly are they saving money if they are still paying him, plus paying Raheem (and Dominik)? They are paying Gruden for 3 full seasons, just to not have him coach. I’d love to hear the grouchy old man twist around the facts and justify that statement.
So they didn’t gut the team? How about Garcia, Dunn, Hilliard, Galloway, Brooks, June, among many others? If that’s not dismantling a team it, I don’t know what is. We got rid of virtually all of our core players, with only a few exceptions. Success is determined as the team matures. Why is that so difficult for you to understand? Aren’t you a lawyer? You should be fairly intelligent if that is the case. We have our first ever franchise QB, a young, promising defensive line (I know that hurts for you to hear because you are cheering so hard for them to fail), and a great core of young players at other positions. Everyone in America sees where this team is headed, all except you and a couple other idiots. You are not a glass half empty type of guy, you are the type of guy that empties out the cup and smashes it to the ground. But go ahead, tell me about how weak our schedule was, how our defense sucks, how Olsen and Freeman get all the credit, and how we finished third in our division. I can hardly wait.
June 3rd, 2011 at 4:47 pm
I thought Eric was the lawyer? I tell you what, if this jack arse is a lawyer too, I would want to hire a more upbeat lawyer. I could just see them both telling you, I know it looks like you are going to win…but not a chance in hell! The evidence may not look like much, but we had way to easy of a time cross examining the wittnesses. The rookie judge did not help either!
June 3rd, 2011 at 4:48 pm
Oh, and that first round expert wittness was useless!
June 3rd, 2011 at 4:51 pm
Total Buzzkill to start a Friday night.
Always some new BS conditions from Little Lord Fauntleroy.
So if they make the playoffs, well your no good because you didn’t win a Super Bowl. So they win a Superbowl, but you couldn’t win back to back. Mommie this mommie that, blah, blah, blah. Somebody is in dire need of a good ass whoopin.
Nnamdi, Nnamdi, Nnamdi.
June 3rd, 2011 at 7:15 pm
We do appear to have a star qb.
For 2012, they will not be paying gruden 6 mil and will be paying whoever the coach is probably less than 2. The glazers bet that gruden would take another coaching job, he outwitted them, they were prepared for that contingency.
I think there are some good players on offense in addition to free. On defense,i dont know yet if any of those players will pan out, except for Kyle Moore who is actually worse thanGMC.
I dont know why you idiots refuse to agree with my position: if they miss the playoffs again that will be 4 years in a row which is unacceptable and the regime MUST be held accountable. If this team is as talented as you say (and we all agree that they have a top qb) then they should be able to make the playoffs.
I dont think they will. Josh gives them a chance, the defense is horrible and will cost games, we will see what the end result is. I am just trying to ground you fanatics.
Dungy and Gruden frequently make the playoffs during their tenures and you fanatics cry that it isnt enough. Now we miss the playoffs but somehow 10 wins and no playoffs is worthy of a parade. I dont know how we got here.actually i do, the infamous political strategy of lowered expectations. You fanatics fell for it, I give the Glazers credit- when they were selling tickets during the 2009 preseason they would not use the word rebuild (and they cut the vets right after the season tix deposit was due) then they went 0-7 and all of the sudden they were talking rebuild and patience.
That pissed me off.
June 3rd, 2011 at 8:21 pm
Thomas, hold your breath until someone agrees with you,that would be nice.
June 3rd, 2011 at 9:04 pm
dude if we win 11 game and miss the playoffs..like the pats..there is notthing we can do..we won 10 games if we win 10 games every year for the next 10 years and never make the playoffs..well that would blow but its better than 9 wins one year and 5 the next
June 3rd, 2011 at 9:13 pm
You are talking about 2012, and we are not even in 2011 yet?? That’s weak buddy, even for you. Like I said, 3 years of paying him for nothing. That’s 18 million to not be here. How exactly is that saving money? Even a grouchy old man like you can’t convince anyone in their right mind to believe that.
And Gruden was not disliked because he only got us to the playoffs. He was disliked because he put a band-aid team together every year that was never able to win a playoff game. If you read the headline, it says it all. Seriously, why do you constantly refuse to understand that very simple fact???
If we miss the playoffs this year, that will be 3 years (not 4) by this regime. You can’t blame them for not making it in Gruden’s last year. I think they will make it, and obviously I will be very disappointed if we don’t. However, by that reasoning, I guess you feel Detroit should fire Schwartz if they don’t make it, huh? What about Spagnolo in St. Louis? The reason none of those 3 guys would or should be fired (barring a disastrous 2009-ish season) is because their teams are up and coming, but still full of a tremendous amount of youth. The NFC will be just as strong in 2011 as last year, so getting in won’t be easy for anyone. Again, I still think we will get in, but unless we obviously regress, then there’s no reason to blow this whole thing up. I’m sure you are hoping for the worst, just so you can see Raheem get fired. It’s so pathetic that you would hope failure for another man, just because he’s not YOUR choice to lead our team.
June 3rd, 2011 at 9:14 pm
And I do think you should take M. Wesley’s advice. Just sayin’
June 4th, 2011 at 11:26 am
The Bucs would have went 12 dash 4 in Gruden’s last year had the defensive coordinator not quit after the 12th game. I think that record may have qualified for the playoffs. Gruden did have the last laugh, because he got to bank a ton of Glazer’s bucks while moonlighting at the greatest sports network in the world, ESPN. Winning!!!
June 4th, 2011 at 3:55 pm
I agree, the collapse was not Gruden’s fault. Kiffin was the one controlling the defense. I don’t know. Those were the most painful 4 weeks that I can remember as a Bucs fan. Before the collapse, our defense was among the leagues best, even our run defense was decent for some reason. But for some weird reason, Kiffin announcing his departure just took the life out of the defense for some reason. I also felt bad for Kiffin because he was so great in Tampa for so long, and then his tenure had a very bad ending.