“Numbness That Was There For Several Years …”
March 22nd, 2011
"Jimminy Fuc*ing Christmas! You want numbness, Glazer? Fans weren't numb. I was numb trying to win fuc*ing hardware with my defensive coordinator quitting, no running game, Dexter Jackson and a defensive line that couldn't stop a three-legged show pony."
It seems Joel Glazer thinks a cold chill of indifference gripped Bucs fans during the later years of the Chucky era, so he told Gary Shelton of the St. Pete Times yesterday at NFL owners meetings in New Orleans.
In what likely was a very revealing quote, Glazer served up a somewhat bizarre word choice.
“We needed to connect with the fans. We needed to put together a team the fans could grow with. We need a team the fans could fall in love with. I sense that excitement coming back. The numbness that was there for several years is starting to thaw.”
A “numbness that was there for several years?”
Now Joe remembers the intensity and excitement surround the 9-3 Buccaneers as they prepared for a Monday Night Football clash at Carolina back in December 2008. Trust Joe; there was no “numbness” around town. Fans were hot for the Bucs.
Before that, after the 2007 season, Glazer rewarded Chucky and Bruce Allen with fat new contract extensions. The Bucs had made the playoffs, and entering the 2008 season Tampa Bay was the talk of the NFL as Brett Favre was inches from wearing pewter and red.
So when exactly did this “numbness that was there for several years” Glazer refers to take hold?
Strange choice of words, for sure. Clearly, Glazer’s memories of the Chucky era were clouded by something yesterday. Joe can only guess he’s so smitten with the current Bucs that he mis-spoke.
March 22nd, 2011 at 9:02 am
I agree with Glazer. And the numbness after that Carolina loss was off the charts. And spiraled down from there.
March 22nd, 2011 at 9:08 am
Actually, Joe, Glazer is right. The former Bucs message boards were the most active boards in the NFL, and I cannot tell you how much everyone there hated Chucky.
And the same was true in public as well.
For me, I was on the fense, but I KNOW most of Tampa hated the guy. And that created a numbness.
March 22nd, 2011 at 9:45 am
Yeah, I agree with Glazer too. even when the Bucs were 9-3, I felt like we werent “really” 9-3. Felt like we never “really” had a chance. Especially after years of crappy draft picks. I was numb because after about 2007, I never really felt like we would be competetive. Chucky might know offense but he and Allen cant draft for @^#&
March 22nd, 2011 at 10:14 am
I remember hearing on a local talk show from an Oakland Fan saying that it was good riddins that they got rid of Chucky when THEY did. They felt it was a steal to get the draft picks and cash. Losing a coach that brought team to the AFC Conference title, you would think that there would have been outrage in RaiderNation. But that was not the case.
Chucky was merely an illusionist with smoke and mirrors and you never really felt like his teams were a Dynasty. If the Raiders were not his Super Bowl opponent I wonder if the outcome would have been the same. Chucky was all show and no substance. He always won just enough to keep a grasp of the Glazers by their short curly’s. They could not fire him because of his “perceived” success. Look what he left behind, there is your true evaluation of his tenure. That is what is meant by that “numbness”, Expectations never met.
March 22nd, 2011 at 10:16 am
All I know is that I personally have not been this excited about the Bucs in several years.
March 22nd, 2011 at 10:41 am
@Buc Neckid
Consider what they accomplished in the years after he left Oakland.
Of course they thought it was a good deal…they got more first round picks. We got raped in that deal…so bad that the nfl forbid it from ever happening again.
So am I, bro. I hate the thought that this lockout could damage our team. I just want it over with, and for the solution not to cause a raise in ticket prices.
March 22nd, 2011 at 11:04 am
Numbness in 2008? Joe is absolutely right. This fanbase has never been more numb than after 2009. That was the biggest debacle in Buc history, yes even worse than 0-16. The state of the fanbase, apathy etc, is at an all-time high. This town has never been so NUMB to this franchise.
I recall being pumped for the Raiders game knowing that a win got them in. The numbness he is describing came from the players and talk-radio hosts who did not like Chucky’s abrasive ways. Clayton and others were bitching to management about Chucky and the Glazers had enough – fine. But 3-13 is what you got.
Now, if you are honest with yourself – the only real improvement is that Dom added a Franchise QB for the first time. He, alone, has improved this team dramatically. Yes, Williams helps and Blount too, but those players are a dime a dozen. Freeman is not.
If there is a 2011, unless Free carries this entire team on his back to 9 or 10 wins – they will take a step back in the win column to where the should have been last year (6-8 win team). If they miss the playoffs again – the NUMBNESS will be off the charts.
March 22nd, 2011 at 11:49 am
Funny how the only one who agrees with ‘joe’ is thomas the tank engine.
Most fans recognized that there was no real promise in any of the Bucs teams for the later part of Gruden’s tenure. Even the hollow 9-3 record was transparent to the majority of people. Someone who actually had the pulse of the community could recognize there was a “numbness” amongst the fanbase.
March 22nd, 2011 at 11:52 am
…. or was the “intensity and excitement” to intense and exciting for us to be able to sell out a home playoff game without the help of tens of thousands of Giants fans?
March 22nd, 2011 at 12:05 pm
From “numb” to “comatose”, just check the stands.
My question is, when will this “excitement” lead to Division Title?
After all that is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy.
March 22nd, 2011 at 12:23 pm
Raheem and Dom have made this team a solid contender in two short years. Simply amazing considering how extremely young the team is! No numbness anymore! The future is bright!
March 22nd, 2011 at 12:32 pm
Glad to see you guys were such great Bucs fans under Gruden!?
March 22nd, 2011 at 12:37 pm
We would have beat Jets, Steelers, Colts, Browns, Titans from AFC in that Suprebowl! Nice to see you had so much Bucs fan faith in the team. Nice backhanded slap to the defense!
March 22nd, 2011 at 12:39 pm
Numbness in the stands, ISN’T better than no numbness in the stands? Go figure!
March 22nd, 2011 at 12:49 pm
I agree. I haven’t been this excited for Buc football in years. After that Monday night loss to the panthers, I was feeling very numb because reality hit and I new major changes were needed. Sure does feel great to know the Bucs are finally on the rise again.
March 22nd, 2011 at 12:54 pm
Oar….. Being a Buc Fan and watching what Gruden and Allen did with the Bucs are 2 different thing’s.We had many years to analyze Gruden/Allen’s plan,which was an rut of terrable drafting and a bunch of old wornt out Vets & FA’s that only 50% ever even worked out.Not 1 player that was cut by Dom/Ra in 2009 ever did anyhing for another NFL team if they even got to play another game in the NFL.
Thomas……..Dude! your still in denial,maybe after another year or two you will see what’s really happening,which is the building of an elite team that will be around for a long long time,which will be the best Buc’s football that we’ve ever seen……….I find it Exciting!!! GO BUCS!!!
March 22nd, 2011 at 2:05 pm
@NewEra: “After that Monday night loss to the panthers, I was feeling very numb because reality hit and I new major changes were needed.”
The breakdown that night against the Panthers was run defense, it was terrible and on the heels of the Kiffin announcement that he was going with his son.
The Run D is just as bad. No improvement has been made to the run d and the pass rush is worse.
Olson and Freeman improved the O – I concede that – but the flaw exposed by the Panthers has not been improved in more than 2 years.
March 22nd, 2011 at 2:05 pm
Thomas 2.2:
Agree with you on 2009 but there are a lot of fair-weather fans in TB and the prices of the tickets doesn’t help. After the debacle at offensive coordinator to start that season then on the defensive side mid-way through it is understandable why fans didn’t renew their seats.
That being said, I completely disagree with you that the team should have only had 6-8 wins tops last year. We were a very bad offensive pass interference call in the end zone from being a 10 win team last year. We had the Atlanta game in hand (in ATL, not home) and arguably there was a questionable call at the end of that one too. The 9 wins were legitimate IMHO.
March 22nd, 2011 at 2:09 pm
Sounds like to me, some didn’t root for us, cause of the blind numbness Gruden supposedly caused! The way some rag on Gruden or the aging FAs, you’d think it must have been horrible for them to have to cheer for the Bucs.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand the firing. Same with Dungy’s firing. I just thinks it’s funny how, the guys that didn’t like Gruden were still Bucs fans, but those that still don’t like Raheem, aren’t Bucs fans?
Just my opinion, carry on.
BTW I’m one that has eaten crow on Freeman and Raheem, besides being excited about team.
March 22nd, 2011 at 2:44 pm
I wasn’t numb nor will I ever be numb about my team. I don’t think very highly of you as Bucs fans (not as people) for admitting to being numb. You are the reason there are empty seats. I know the economy is bad, and the prices are worse, but it comes down to the will to be there.
March 22nd, 2011 at 3:20 pm
I think some have confused Numbness with Dumbness, and their Bumness Gumness is not too Mumness.
March 22nd, 2011 at 5:58 pm
I wasnt numb I was mad !did I miss looking at a game,hell no!I started hating what Gruden and Allen was doing,I hated not be able to find stability at the qb position,I really hated ALLEN and the fact that Chucky brought him in and refused to get rid of him.And Thomas since you brought it up about Clayton thats called losing the locker room
March 22nd, 2011 at 6:00 pm
@LisaBucFan… The Bucs went 10-6 last year!
A win is a win and a loss is a loss. There are a handful of plays in every game that swing the favor to one team or the other. Good teams find ways to win.
March 22nd, 2011 at 6:49 pm
@Oar… I will always admire Gruden for bringing the championship to the Bucs. He and Allen could not draft! When the draft rolled around, it was damn hard for me to get excited. They showed year in and year out that they could not properly identify talent. Talib (who Raheem begged Gruden to draft), Joseph, and arguably Ruud are the only legitimate players that they drafted. That is simply stunning to me. Without the infusion of young talent, this team floundered in mediocrity while aging vets got older. I rooted for them regardless but my excitement level wasn’t very high. I would be lying if I said I was fully behind Rah and Dom when they were hired. They drafted a QB with a poor college resume, purged the aging roster, and then hired two coordinators that didn’t fit. A horrible start. We have learned since then that Dom knows how to draft and Rah knows how to coach young talent. I rooted for the Bucs under Gruden, but have never been so excited about this team before.
March 22nd, 2011 at 7:28 pm
Mobucs, to add to that Rah and Dom isnt afraid to correct a mistake,see Bates, Jags,Stovall and Ward .
March 22nd, 2011 at 8:25 pm
Missing playoffs three straight years is gonna be so fun. And it is surely new.
oh boy!
How exciting!
March 22nd, 2011 at 11:36 pm
Eric I think that is what oar is taiking bout,just be happy with whoever if you are a fan you will be happy if glanville was coach,no matter who is coach just be a fan!I never wish a losing season on any coach for the Bucs
March 22nd, 2011 at 11:39 pm
OAR wrote, “Sounds like to me, some didn’t root for us, cause of the blind numbness Gruden supposedly caused…”
Actually. I loved Gruden and rooted just as hard for the Bucs as I do now. But those four losses in a row in 2008 were numbing.
espo wrote: “I wasn’t numb nor will I ever be numb about my team. I don’t think very highly of you as Bucs fans (not as people) for admitting to being numb. You are the reason there are empty seats. I know the economy is bad, and the prices are worse, but it comes down to the will to be there. ”
LOL. Numb or not, I still went to as many games as I could. And so did a lot of other people. Same thing goes for today. Learn to stop making assumptions.
March 23rd, 2011 at 12:08 am
I know I was numb when I sat in Raymond James and watched the Bucs choke away that last game to of all teams the Raiders. Just had images of Al Davis in the Owners box saying “Take that Chucky.” In any event Jon Grudens demise was the defense giving up after Monte Kiffin stepped down. I still think a potent offense like we have now would have saved him but he loved veterans over young players so I can’t see him coaching last years team.
March 23rd, 2011 at 3:09 am
I blame Lane Kiffin for our demise.
Bucswin, I’m glad u made it to the ballgame. I’m obviously not talking about you.
March 23rd, 2011 at 11:15 am
“Learn to stop making assumptions.” Heck no, where would the fun be in that? Seriously, when there is evidence to what people think in these posts, then I can make assumptions, actually opinions. I’m not making anything up. Just my opinion, on how some of you felt towards the old regime.
I didn’t call out anybody specifically! I didn’t say, “everybody on here”! I said “some”. If that got to you? Well…hmm?
For a prime example; see espo’s response to bucswin.
March 23rd, 2011 at 7:44 pm
No, Thomas, the run Defense is not as bad as that Carolina game. Not in any way, shape, or form. They were rolling off 10-20 yard runs on virtually every single play. I do not blame Gruden for that, but it’s stupid to say it is worse now.
That game was a turning point for me as well. Although I never was hoping to fire Gruden or get rid of a bunch of players, I knew at that moment we were not a championship caliber team, and in order to be one, major changes would have to be made. I still cheered for the team as hard as ever, but I knew it was over.
To say all that has been improved is getting a franchise QB is like saying all Gruden ever did was win a SB. A franchise QB is the key ingredient to building a consistent winner. It simply doesn’t happen without one. And for Blount and Willimas being a dime a dozen, REALLY? You really should be a GM, because you are about the only person I have ever heard that thinks getting a great WR and a running back the size of a truck that runs like a Ferrari is an easy job. You would have this team in the SB in no time. One of these days Thomas you should take a step back and read some of the stupidity you put forth on this site. It is truly and embarrassment to humanity.