Preston Parker On Pins And Needles

September 3rd, 2010

Pretty good performance by the former Florida State/North Alabama product Preston Parker last night.

Now he just hopes he can dodge The Turk.

Good guy Stephen Holder, of the St. Petersburg Times, documented how the next couple of days will not be comfortable for the bubbling wide receiver/returner.

“Whatever opportunity they give you, you have to take advantage of it and practice how you play,” Parker said. “I’ve played special teams all my life. So, if they tell me to get out there, I do it. I just got out there and showed them I can help the team win.”

The next couple days won’t be fun, Parker admits.

“Praying and waiting,” he said. “That’s all you can do. If you get released, you just keep pushing.”

The chances Parker has of remaining with the Bucs hinges on Michael Clayton, Joe believes. If the Bucs cut Clayton — and Bucs general manager Mark Dominik, speaking to John Lynch on the WFLA-TV broadcast last night, did not exactly give Clayton’s chances of returning a ringing endorsement — Joe’s fairly sure Parker will make the squad.

26 Responses to “Preston Parker On Pins And Needles”

  1. bucfanjeff Says:

    I would rather see Parker and develop him than cling to Clayton any longer.
    It’s all about the future, not the past.

  2. Tommy Boy Says:

    Right on bucfanjeff. He won’t stay on our practice squad. Loved this kid since FSU. Had he not gotten into trouble he would have been the greatest FSU receiver since Peter Warrick. Clayton did nothing during the games to make case for a roster spot.

  3. Rob Says:

    Has anyone ever considered turning Clayton into a DB? He’s clearly not one of the best 5,6 or even 7 WRs on this team, but he could definitely be one of the best CBs… it’d be a shame to see him go after he’s worked so hard and so much $$ invested in him… could he be like Rick Ankiel?

  4. bucfanjeff Says:

    Anyone notice Clifton getting a few garbage carries at the end rather than Carlos Brown? Does it spell the end? Me thinks so.

  5. Morgan Says:

    I think a lot of these borderline guys would be pretty good if put in the right offense. I liked when the Bucs opened up things in the 4th quarter. Granted it was against the Texan’s worst players, but I haven’t seen that kind of offense from the Bucs since they beat the Raider in the SB.

  6. Not A Rocket Surgeon Says:

    Parker is catching balls, lays some wood blocking, can return and is taking quality snaps on special teams as a gunner.

    This young man appears to be doing everything he can to make this team and I’m certain the league has noticed.

    He won’t make it through waivers. Team’s got to figure out how (if) they’re going to keep him on the 53.

    I think he’s made their decisions difficult for certain. Good luck Preston.

  7. TrueBlue Says:

    Parker is a player pure and simple. This guy’s going to be special someday. If he’s released I don’t think he will last to get to the practice squad. Someone will grab him up.

  8. bucfanjeff Says:

    Keep Parker on the 53, put Grimm on the practice squad.

  9. Capt.Tim Says:

    Parker has shown talent. He’s also been arrested 3 times. What’s he gonna do if we give him a big contract? Need to ” procede with caution” with this guy til we see if he’s grown up or not. I hope he has, he definitely has skills.

  10. eric Says:


    Where ya been sir?

  11. McBuc Says:

    AHOY! The Capt has returned!

  12. oar Says:

    Did the Capt get his rudder stuck in starboard or port? Making aquatic circles again are we? Those are time consuming and are not to be mistaken with the ever mysterious crop circles.

  13. Night Man Says:

    He has to make this squad

    Joe, do you think there is any chance that Powell unseats Sims or Moore or they just kepp a 5th DT?

    Did you see the play right before Lynch picked off his second INT?

    He was 4 yds in the backfield right after the ball was snapped, beat his man easily and then not only made the runner switch directions, but actually caught him and threw him down hard. I think it was Jeremiah Johnson, he came off gimpy after that.

    I can’t wait to see what Mr. White has to say about this one!

  14. Vince Says:

    Preston looked great last night- reminded me of his sophmore year @ FSU. Good luck Preston!

  15. Dave Says:

    It is sounding more and more like they might cut Clayton AND Reggie brown and keep Spurlock and Parker.

    I don’t see it though. I think Parker goes to the practice squad. I can not imagine they are going to keep 7 WRs. I see 6.

  16. Capt.Tim Says:

    Thanks guys- some unpleasant medical issues:( I missed all of you. Nice to be back!

  17. Joe Says:

    Aw, s(p)it Capt. Tim, hope you are OK?

    Get better dude!

  18. oar Says:

    CaptTim, I had scurvy once too and it sucks! LOL! Seriously hope you are ok!

  19. Capt.Tim Says:

    Thanks all- some job related incidents, plus smoking during my musician years= emphysema. Not good. But posting on JoeBuc is making me feel better!

  20. topdoggie Says:

    Hope you do better Capt. I’ve figured it out over the past two years it sucks being sick. Plus when you find out the hospital you went to isn’t in your health plans coverage area and they give you a $4000.00 bill it make you sicker.

  21. Capt.Tim Says:

    Thanks TD

  22. Will the Beast Says:

    fire dem cannons walk the plank mike clayton

  23. eric Says:


    Welcome back sir and I hope your health improves.

    I had the horrific experience last year to be carted by ambulance twice because my vocal cords contracted my airways till I passed out. Damn near had to trach me in the ambulance.

    Was never so happy to breath in my whole life! And the Doctors are still stumped by it.

  24. Capt.Tim Says:

    Thank you Eric, I missed you. That sounds scary as hell! Glad it hasn’t reoccurred! All of these health issues confirm one thing EVERYONE on Joebuc can agree with- getting old sucks! Lol

  25. Capt.Tim Says:

    And as I also learned recently- of all the things you can lose in your life, you won’t miss anything with the same sense of urgency ,as your breathe !

  26. Mike Says:

    Never mind – I reread the article…..